Tuesday, June 18, 2019

ITRI "Wikileaks"

We wrote about Rabbi Elefant some ten years ago. 
Check it out. 
Quite the character, it seems.

An Elephant Never Forgets by Hirshel Tzig on Scribd


  1. Anonymous said... close your blog
    Saturday, November 14, 2009 9:37:00 PM

    Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said... just like that? after all these years???
    Saturday, November 14, 2009 9:41:00 PM

    Anonymous said... listen tzig 
    you are really stepping over all moral boundries
    Saturday, November 14, 2009 9:52:00 PM

    Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said... why? what bothered you? tell me where and I may listen to you
    Saturday, November 14, 2009 9:53:00 PM


  2. This screams to be taken with a grain of salt, but this is really great stuff. As always, you're amazing!

    Marc Shapiro has in the past published some excerpts.

  3. Hirshel, what's the connection between this document and RNK? The timing can't be a coincidence.

  4. So what's the story?

    Hirshel: "Rabbi Elefant is another story for another time."

  5. If Pini Dunner writes this rabbi's biography, 8ts gonna be awesome.

  6. How did this emerge recently? I also received that this week, but I heard from others that it was available for years.

    The writings are mainly interesting for someone who knew him. I did, slightly, and I really enjoyed it.

    This won't get published officially, and there is no purpose in officially publishing them. But they are certainly interesting.

  7. Copyright infringement! The copyrights belong to ITRI.

  8. Can someone update us with the history of Itri/Splitri etc.?

  9. ..הביטו וראה

    זכור ואל תשכח את אשר אנחנו הכותבים תגובת פה ואתה עייף ויגע 'בארלויב' ולא הנחת אותם עוד ולטלותם על קרן הצבי

  10. Perhaps the long lost Chaim Berlin Tragedy can fill us in on the relationship between Rav Elephant and Rav Hutner.

  11. Any way to get more? Sounds as if there is a lot more material out there. I would love to see it.

  12. amazing...amazing... the forest gump of yidishkiet!!!

  13. Harav Berel Eichenstein shlita was a Rosh Yeshiva in Yeshivas Itri and then split to make to make Splitri which is also know as Yeshiva Mishkan ha'Torah I am not sure if it still around. His Son the Trisker Rebbe Shlita.


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