Friday, November 5, 2021

Contrary to popular belief, Ger is NOT paying me not to write about Reb Shaul...


They seem to be paying the whole Charedi media in Israel to ignore his visit, and some of the English-language media in the USA, but they lost my number. Oh, well. Forgotten for now amidst the HISTORIC visit, for now, is that day of reckoning that's surely coming for the frum media once RSA returns to Eretz Yisroel and things go back to "normal." We all know that the free press in the free world doesn't necessarily lie. But lying by omission; that's a whole different matter! 

Let's see what Shabbos brings to the corner of 18th Avenue and 52nd Street in Boro Park. If the last few days were telling, it's gonna be like nothing anybody's ever seen. 


  1. It was mind blowing. I haven't felt such energy in a croud of thousands in my life. Very very holy and erenster people in the crowd.

  2. Who's paying you not to write at all?
    Shut down like Shmarya

  3. Hamodiah published anything at all on the visit?

  4. I am in awe of Yankel Alter. Never saw some one so devoted to doing all he can to help his competition!

  5. און טאקע גארנישט געשריבען! יע, דו, גארנישט

  6. ליטוואק פון בודאפעסטWednesday, November 17, 2021 11:31:00 AM

    I guess this means you are not the Charedi media.

    Maybe you should be posting more often


  8. I'm a little late to the comment party but you get the feeling that there was an underlying discomfort and resentment for many years in ger a bubble really ready to burst. But in the last month or so things have quieted down quite a bit at least here in America. It's a fait accompli


    Another Chabad chossid who learned by R' Aron Kotler

  10. Six months later... now you really wouldn’t write about R’ Shaul Alter... that’s for security reasons


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