Monday, June 27, 2005

The Amshinov connection

Prof. Kotsuji (2nd to left) with Rabbi Shlomo Shapira (l) and the Amshinover Rebbe, Reb Shime'le and Rav Moshe Shatzkes, The Lomzher Rav
in Shanghai, China during WWII.
source: Jewish World Review

How did they manage to lure the greatest minds to RIETS?


  1. are you sure your source was JWR?i think otherwise

  2. Sorry, amshinover. the end pic came from there. I'll credit you too. (didn't mean to dis you)

  3. I have read about him before, but this version was particularly moving to read.
    Zechuso yagein aleinu!

  4. (I'm talking about the article on
    Prof. Kotsuji)


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