Sunday, December 3, 2006

Exposes gone wild

What is it about Jewish writers that they feel the need to "expose" large corporations 70 years later? First it was IBM and their record-keeping devices. Now it's GM and their Opel cars and trucks. Jews don't buy Ford and Mercedes, although that may be limited to America. Are we forever to blame CEO's and board members that have long since gone and hold the current companies responsible?

Here's this from the JTA Daily Mail

As the Nazis amassed power,
what did GM know — and when?
By Edwin Black
November 29, 2006

I hate Nazis and such just as much as the next guy, but all this avenging, uncovering, and exposing can't be good for the already tarnished image of the Jew as a lover of Gelt.

Edwin Black is the author of the award-winning “IBM and the Holocaust” and the recently published “Internal Combustion: How Corporations and Governments Addicted the World to Oil and Derailed the Alternatives.” Seems like Edwin's on a Jihad here. Let's see what he comes up with next.


  1. Someone forwarded this to me last week, from the Jewish Journal, and I wrote a long attack on it, too long to reproduce here. Bekitzur, if you read the full article, you will find that it's a string of lies, illogical conclusions, and partisan leftist political positions.

    For instance, one of the author's chief indictments against GM is that it opposed the New Deal and campaigned against FDR's reelection. This is presented as some sort of crime, and as if no reasonable person could possibly have opposed FDR. The author has clearly never heard of democracy. Meanwhile, the author is upset because GM's German subsidiary supported the Nazi party; ignoring the fact that Germany was not a democracy, and supporting the ruling party was the price of doing business, keeping ones assets, staying out of jail, and even of staying alive.

    The author also seems upset that in the 1930s GM did business with a totalitarian country; I very much doubt that he's upset about companies that did business with the USSR, or that still do business with Red China or Cuba. What's the difference?

    He also repeats uncritically Bradley Snell's lies about GM and the National City Line bus company. The story simply isn't true; Snell made it up out of whole cloth.

    I should really blog this at Neo Warmonger, but I haven't got the gedult. That's why I haven't posted anything since August.

  2. Opposing the New Deal and FDR automatically makes you facsist, much like voting Republican makes you a de-facto Anti-Semite, Sexist, Homophobe. This is Political Science 101, people.

  3. Thanks, JJ.

    The question here is whatever happened to זכור ימות עולם בינו שנות דור ודור?

    This is no different than remembering the actual Holocaust, remembering their partners in crime. If GM and IBM and Bayer and Disney and whoever were willful associates of the Nazi regime then they should be made to pay the price, no matter how long it takes.

    But HT, if 70 years is such a long time, then why do we remember Misnagdim of 200 years ago and more? Should we forgive and forget them too?


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