Saturday, December 2, 2006

Massacre at Kaunas (Kovno)

Ya gotta love how they link these barbaric acts by the (Goy) Litvaks to "revenge", a somewhat noble act. "Jews they believed to be Communists," Yeah, right. And my name is Lazar Kaganovich.


  1. The rationale (like you pointed out) of 'communist association with the jews' is so big a lie, that there is nothing to really say. The litvaks didnt' need german nazis, they alone barbarically wiped out the jews with picks, shovels, axes,crowbars, bats. They did it willingly, with glee and determination to men women and children. Please, if only for the sake of history, lets get the story right.

  2. It has been reported that the Germans were sickened by the Lithuanians.
    Near Klaipeda (Memel) there's a tree where dozens of Jewish babies were murdered by bashing their heads against the tree.
    In my travels, I experienced more antisemitism in Lithuania then in Poland -though that might just be circumstance as well.

  3. Yes, Mottel, they were quite surprised by the Litvak enthusiasm. What actually caused such hate is the question.

  4. My grandmother's first husband was killed in that June 1941 pogrom. The parents of the man she married after the war (my grandfather) were shot in the forest by more Lithuanians. Y"SH.

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