Sunday, March 15, 2009

די "דריי בחורים אין יאפאן" וכולי

10 from shay cohen on Vimeo.

Pretty damning stuff. Like the old saying goes: "trust nobody, suspect everybody." It's a shame that the old age of innocence is over.


  1. thats why American Lubavitcher s educate their kids.

  2. The OLD age of innocence? Didn't Chabad spew hatred against its enemies from time immemomorial?

  3. what hatred and which enemies?\

    I'm speaking about the fact that we - as a whole - are no longer innocent. Ask anybody today if he'll take a package for you to Israel. That's what I mean.

    Stop putting words in my mouth.

  4. Was the actual drug dealer from Eretz Yisroel (the one who used these bochurim to smuggle drugs) arrested? He is some known figure. How was he dealt with?

  5. "and which enemies?"

    Satmar for starters

  6. Oh, saw the whole video. Looks like the guy got arrested.

  7. You know, it's really hard to feel sympathy for anyone dumb enough to get themselves into this situation. And even harder to believe that these are just a bunch of good chassidishe bochurim from Bnei Brak.

  8. I believe the adage is "Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none."

  9. Hirshel
    Its sad, but Kevar Houo Lelomim I remember 20 years ago, a Guy with a wide brim hat send with someone illegal stuff by the montreal bus and that person was oviously arrested and suffered for years,

  10. yeah, but this is different.

    They traveled halfway across the world especially for this, not the Montreal bus.

  11. Tzig made two statements
    "They traveled halfway across the world especially for this"

    "Ask anybody today if he'll take a package for you to Israel. That's what I mean."

    eyn vort kolp niz mit der anderah

    The case being discussed does not illustrate the second statement you said.

    Maybe b'oyfen nistar, but not in the nigleg

  12. "thats why American Lubavitcher s educate their kids". What does that mean? I know a few chabadniks who ended up going to Touro college and they all had very little prior secular education. My understanding is that there is no secular studies in the chabad yeshivos certainly not in high school - i'm not sure about upper elementary.

  13. depends what school you go to and today more and more parent are demanding a secular education. thats not what i meant though. when you talk to young lubavitch kids they arent as sheltered and trusting. which comes from having a divese friend circle by the parents. so they have to teach them.

    your a douchebag and many other things that would get my comment banned because tzig actually has respect for you fools.

  14. To faker: what is with the totally extraneous insults? Are you so insecure?

  15. absolutly i can even walk out of my house im so insecure.
    what truly gets under my skin is that i would say the same thing to your face but you wouldnt. pansy.

  16. Faker,
    I have no idea what your problem is but you obviously need serious help.

  17. Eh, I see the bar has been set high for this thread.

    Anyway, can anyone explain WHERE WERE THE PARENTS?? Their children travel halfway around the world for a "shlichus" and they either were totally in the dark or no alarm bells went off in their heads? HUH??

  18. get tired off listening to stupidity so i figured i might as well answer with some. how come you guys are the only ones allowed to attack people. so i come after you and you cry whats ur problem you hurt my feelings oh no. go back to which ever hole you crawled out from.

  19. Must agree whole heartedly with bpunbound.
    Going back a long time, I was in a Rov's home in Boro Park in 1971 when a yid offered his son a paid trip to Eretz Yisroel if he would deliver a box "of yalmukes". The Rov was perceptive enough to know that something wasn't kosher about the deal, and politely refused the offer on behalf of his son. In those days - it was more likely diamonds than drugs being smuggled. These boys are lucky it wasn't Singapore or Malaysia where they were caught or jail time would be the least of their worries.

  20. What stupidity did you attack? I stated a fact that chabad does not have secular studies. Who said I dissapproved? I simply stated a fact. If anyone is too sensitive it's you faker.

  21. This Bucherim told thier parents that they are travling to Lizensk to the Rebbe Alimielech's Yahrtziet.

    (answer to the one who asked about thier parents)

  22. i wasnt saying they provide education in secular subjects. i meant they educate them in life in general. chocham.

  23. You're the chocham. I just stated a fact and you clarified what you meant. Sholom al yisroel - why did you start hurling insults?

  24. Is Fakewood a single, cantankerous, bitter, past his prime coreligionist that uses language that even Misnagdim find offensive?

  25. maybe
    i thinks you hit it right on the head there. im 30 unmarried overweigh living at home with my parents. o yeah i was trying to be offensive. DA.

  26. anon
    its not a fact there are plenty of school that offer limudei chol withing lubavitch. is that a good thing probably not and the rebbe was definetly against it as he stated in many sichos. i just cant stand people who start talking from there tuches.

  27. After the madoff saturation on the news this week, I can't believe some of these comments. "Educated" people trusted him with their pensions, trusts, savings based on who he is. Why is a bochur in satmar yeshiva any stupider than Eli Weisel, Steve Spielberg, vechulu. U trust someone u know and in your social circle. If their stupid and ignorant for taking a trip to Japan for someone they knew, what is Eli Weisel, YU, Haddassah, etc for investing their trusts without oversight?


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