Friday, March 13, 2009


Reb Chatzkel - 35 years


  1. No comments regarding his opinions of chassidus and RMMS in particular?

  2. As a Thanks for the original links even thought you probably know it see here

  3. Actually, I just saw a sefer in stores based on RYL's insights on the Hagada - or at least relating to Pesach (either new or relatively so).

  4. Maybe A Litvak said...
    No comments regarding his opinions of chassidus and RMMS in particular?

    You really want to go down that path? That would then also involve his opinions re Rav Dessler who preceded him. Better to keep silent and let RCL rest In piece, ukvod Elokim hester dovor, veda"l.

  5. Normally, the comments are relatively predictable. If we hear divrey shvach about an Adom Godel then we can infer that 'er hut gehalten fuhn der Rebbe'. If we here motzey shem rah than we can infer the opposite.

    But neutral comments? What are we supposed to make of that?

    I guess der eyleker R'Chatzkal is mitley tuley untill we know his views on the Berliner Masmid.

  6. In this case we can tell by his relationship with Der Vaboylniker Tzaddik who he was....

  7. What was their relationship?

    Was he an employee of Maran?

    I think Maran looked up to him. At the levayah, he said that R'Chatzkel was an oyved (isn't that a chabad term?- must of stolen it from you guys) and he was even greater in certain regards than the Chofetz Chaim.

  8. Maybe..
    Words by maran didn"t mean much, he was talking out of his cuff at the heat of the moment, thats why the hungarian Roters and Lorencz liked him

  9. Well, so what was his opinion his re Rav Dessler?

  10. "Words by maran didn"t mean much"

    Maran said it by a Livisheh levayah. Be consistent: you don't think our hespedim are on the cuff.
    (The demise is not a surprise to us)
    Lorencz is a secret admirer of Der Berliner Masmid.

  11. Vos is dee kinection to Habad?

  12. Maybe..
    Lorencz is a secret admirer of Der Berliner Masmid.

    U believe in UFO's I don"t

  13. shimon s said...
    Well, so what was his opinion his re Rav Dessler?

    I already said "Better to keep silent and let RCL rest in peace, ukvod Elokim hester dovor, veda"l." RCL is now in olam ho'e,es and knows the truth, so why cause anguish to his soul by repeating his words. Thise who know - know, and those who don't know obviously need not know. We don't want to go the path of those who love to say or spread nasty things about gedole Yisroel.


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