Friday, September 2, 2011

Does this count for White Russia/Chabad?

These are recently released photos of Harav Kook's (יא"צ ג' אלול) visit to the US and Canada in 1924. He was accompanied by  the Kovner Rov, the Dvar Avrohom, Reb Avrohom DovBer Kahana Shapira, as well as Rav Moshe Mordche Epstein of Slabodka's Knesses Yisroel Yeshiva. RAYHK was already back in the Holy Land since 1919 or so, yet he made the long journey to America to help the Yeshivos in Europe. It's ironic that many of those Yeshivos, including Slabodka, are quite unaware of the great help he was in saving their Yeshiva. I would imagine that none of his seforim and writings can be found in any of the many branches and satellites of Slabodka, both in Israel and abroad. Yet, despite the badmouthing and brainwashing that has been going for generations his writings have enjoyed a tremendous renaissance among many Haredim, who see him as a great visionary whose only crime may have been that he has slightly ahead of his time... His teachings are quoted, at least verbally - we have yet to reach the stage where he'd be quoted in a Haredi sefer - and if you repeat a vort from him you may not even get a "gasp!" from the man listening to you... Rav Kook's Chabad connection is well known; his mother was a Bas Chassidei Lubavitch, and many of his writings are based on Chassidus Chabad, as well as MaHaRaL. His adversaries also knew about it too, as mentioned here many years ago. Despite the differences in opinion that he had with him and even the Agudah, the Frierdige Rebbe visited him - twice, I believe - when he visited Eretz Yisroel in 5689.

with RMM Epstein and an unknown figure of authority. Wiki says that it was the Mayor of NYC that he's pictured with. Yet, According to Wikipedia, John F. Hylan was mayor of NYC at that time, and this is not him. So either I'm confusing the dates of the trip or they got it wrong. click on photos to enlarge!

On the porch of the Yeshiva D'Montreal with the Kovner Rov and RMME listening intently to RK's words.

With the KR and RMME. Note that they wore their top hats while RAYHK wore his Rabbonishe Shtreimel the whole time. I wonder if that was some kind of arrangement that they made between themselves...

A "צאתכם לשלום" poster from his Yeshiva "Mercaz HaRav." 

Closeup of the porch at Yeshiva D'Montreal

with Rav Hirsh Pesach Frank, member of his Rabbinate and later Chief Rabbi of Yerushalayim. This picture is unrelated to the rest and was taken in the Holy Land.

Photos from Here and Wikipedia


  1. Great photos. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when RAYHK was traveling with RMME.

    Regarding Rav Kook's seforim or Torah being taught in a branch/satelite of're probably right. I can email someone who did learn in their B'nai Brak branch in the 1960s.

  2. "... His father, Rav Shlomo Zalman Hacohen Kook, was a talmid of the Volozhiner Yeshiva, while his maternal zaida was a member of the Kapuster chassidus."


  3. ....His father, Rav Shlomo Zalman Hacohen Kook, was a talmid of the Volozhiner Yeshiva, while his maternal zaida was a member of the Kapuster chassidus.


  4. oh not again...

    Let's be real. He was controversial while alive and the long range effect of his decisions and associations tarnished his legacy forever.

  5. in hindsight we know that his shittah that we can work together with the chilonim to build a state is dead wrong. the final nail in this ideology's coffin was gush katif

  6. Many moons ago there was a post about the recently republished book about the minchas elozors trip to EY, pointing out some sharp lines about RMME were censored from the new edition... The desperation of the times was certainly a great force in many of the accolades heaped on R Kook in the letters to him by the gedolei hador, RK held the purse strings.

  7. The trip to NY has halachic reverberations to this day: The three ,b'mosav tlas, assered using hot tap water on Shabbos in the large NY apartment buildings. (There had been some thinking that given the size of the waters heaters, perhaps it wasn't really a psik reisha.)

    R Kook, a tzaddik, a poseik, a Rebbe, a poet, will always remain a "problem" in that his complex hashgacha elyona view of history was perceived as offering rabbinic justification of the phenomenon of apikorsim to have a "deia" in leading Klal Yisroel.

  8. grainom:

    Thanks for repeating the same silly nonsense that ignorant people say.

    Just one question: Did you ever learn Rav Kook's seforim?

    I didn't think so....

  9. Oh and by the way "grainom," it was the imrei emes not the michas elazar. And his letter was published many times in full.

  10. ...amazing that grainom rather believe that all the gedolei hador including the chafetz chaim to the brisker rav to the chazon ish.. were commiting chanifah (cv"s) rather the emes, that they all deeply respected and admired rav kook.

  11. RYYK was a Volohzhiner talmid.

  12. I apologize, sins of omission. I was referring to the quote in the book attributed to the saba kadisha R Shloima Eliezer Alfandri, saying along the lines of "its all about money"...

    No I don't learn R Kooks tora, because of the chazal about torah yevakshu mipihu...

    But thanks for assuming I learn in general...!

  13. Grainom, do you shut off shlomo carlebach when he quotes Rav Kook?

  14. "R Shloima Eliezer Alfandri, saying along the lines of "its all about money"..."

    So you prefer to stick you head in the sand and believe that the biggest gedolei torah were all about money...

    you are a real winner.

  15. Oh and "grainom" you really have to stop parroting your silly coffee room hock:

    מרן קדוש ישראל הגאון הרב שלמה אליעזר אלפנדרי זצוק"ל, על אף התנגדותו החריפה לציונות, במכתב מז' בשבט תרפ"ד אל מרן הגאון הרב יעקב משה חרל"פ זצוק"ל (צילום של המכתב הופיע בעתון "יום השישי" כ"ו בתשרי תשנ"ב) כתב: 'הכהן הגדול מוהרא"י קוק', ובהמשך הביע הרב אלפנדרי את מחאתו החריפה נגד מי שפגע בכבודו של הרב קוק: "הגיע לאזני מפי עדים נאמנים ש... פער פיו מבלי חוק ושחץ עם הרב והתבטא בביטולים כלפי הרבי קוק וגדף מערכות ישראל אלופי ישורון. תאלמנה שפתי שקר הדוברות על צדיק עתק!"

  16. Anon
    "in hindsight we know that his shittah that we can work together with the chilonim to build a state is dead wrong. the final nail in this ideology's coffin was gush katif"
    your Tipshes is not worth a response

  17. The idea was not to "work together with the chilonim to build a state." Thus the countless times that Rav Kook says the religious should unite to create a "Degel Yisrael" party of Torah true Jews to control the eventual medinah. Rav Kook simply wanted to influence the chilonim to the derech hatorah who he knew were there to stay. He felt that it would be impossible to do so without "working with them" instead of ignoring or scorning them. Sort of like Aish does today.

    Rav Kook wrote how much "it pains" him to see the chilonim not follow the Torah, but that "he must work with them to bring them closer to the Torah."

  18. Gust Katif has as much to do with Rav Kook, that it has to so with the Chzon Ish or the Brisker Rav.

  19. "his mother was a Bas Chassidei Lubavitch"

    Her grandfather R' Avrohom was a talmid of the GRA in his youth. Later he became a famous mekubal. His son (her father) R' Refoel, also a kabbalist, became a close chosid of the Tzemach Tzedek.

  20. The rebbe r google reveals in the archives here that rav alfandri was talking about rmme zt"l

  21. Kedushas kadur regel and ki mitziyon tetze toira of hebrew U must have a source in the frierdike doiros and rav kook was just repeating it

  22. מרן קדוש ישראל הגאון הרב שלמה אליעזר אלפנדרי זצוק"ל, על אף התנגדותו החריפה לציונות, במכתב מז' בשבט תרפ"ד אל מרן הגאון הרב יעקב משה חרל"פ זצוק"ל (צילום של המכתב הופיע בעתון "יום השישי" כ"ו בתשרי תשנ"ב) כתב: 'הכהן הגדול מוהרא"י קוק', ובהמשך הביע הרב אלפנדרי את מחאתו החריפה נגד מי שפגע בכבודו של הרב קוק: "הגיע לאזני מפי עדים נאמנים ש... פער פיו מבלי חוק ושחץ עם הרב והתבטא בביטולים כלפי הרבי קוק וגדף מערכות ישראל אלופי ישורון. תאלמנה שפתי שקר הדוברות על צדיק עתק!"

    Source for the above:
    'ליקוטי הראי"ה' חלק ג',
    מאת הרב משה צבי נריה,
    עמ' 159-152

  23. I'm surprised at you Hirschel that you are writing a pro-Rav Kook blog. The Rebbe zt"l in an interview in the book "Nine and a half mystics" criticises Rav Kook's writings.

  24. Kovner:

    Perhaps you should see this page:

  25. Of course, in many ways, Rav Kook's greatest all-round talmid muvhak was Rav Yitzchok Hutner (RYH). They came to know each other well when RYH was with the talmidei Slabodka of the 1920s that moved to Chevron and while in EY, RYH sought out RAYHK and the two became extremely close.

    They developed a close personal and Torahdikke affinity. The older RAYHK was the perfect role model for the aspiring young and brash RYH who while he was a product of the Alter of Slabodka and RMME as well, yet on the mystical/emotional plain it was RAYHK who filled that gap for RYH, no two ways about it.

    RYH took on the whole nine yards of RAYHK's derech hamachshava and derech hakabbalah (both RAYHK and RYH are regarded as genuine mekubbalim by many who know this field) as well as a derech hamanhigus (of diverse Jews), not to mention his practice of a special kind of global ahavas Yisroel and an a respect for limudei chol.

    Reliable sources report that it was RAYK who helped RYH coin the name "Hilchos Deios VeChovos HaLevavos" for what was later to be called the Hutnerian "Pachad Yitzchok" classics and that both RYH and Rav YB Soloveitchik made a conscious effort to copy and improve upon RAYHK's usage of literary Ivrit/Loshen HaKodesh in their subsequent writing, not to mention in their love of Tzion and unbounded love of the reborn modern-day Eretz Yisroel, political and religious.

    As one famous CBer has stated that RYH told him "ich bin geven azoy noint mit rav kook, vi unter zein tallis kotton" but sadly and tragically, all that changed as even RYH caved in to Agudist political correctness and even though he kept up personal connections with Rav Kook's son Rav Tzvi Yehuda, RYH started pulling back from overt public connections with RAYHK, a policy that has been carried to the bitterest of extremes by CB heads RAS and RAF.

  26. CBT a giten ksiva vachasima tova! Welcome back.

  27. ולא תתורו אחרי לבבכם (נאך ענקער הרצל) ואחרי עיניכם (נאך ענקער קוק)

  28. Grainom, efsher an apology?

  29. ולא תתורו אחרי לבבכם (נאך ענקער הרצל) ואחרי עיניכם (נאך ענקער קוק)

  30. Rav alfandry said it all the money about rmme, what's to apologize for?

    The ridvaz writes in his teshuvos that r kook was matir the heter mechira because as r kook cryingly told him he was lacking food....

  31. To the pathetic silly posters who don't read, but just parrot motzei shem rah:

    The Chofetz Chaim, The Chazon Ish, The Ridbaz, Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer, Rav Shmuel Salant, Rav Chaim Berlin, Rav Moshe Mordechai Epstein, Rav Pinchos Epstein,Rav Baruch Ber Lebowitz, Rav Chaim Ozer Gradizinsky, Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel (The Alter), Rav Zelig Bengis, Rav Chatzkel Abramsky,Rav Avraham Ber Shapiro, The Imrei Emes, Rav Yitzchak Arieli, Rav Sholom Elyashiv (the Leshem), The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rav Areah Levin, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Rav Tzvi Pesach Frank, Rav Hutner, Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky, Rav Moshe Feinstein...

    All reffered to Rav Kook as a emesdika "tzadik" and "gaon."

  32. grainom aims, fires, and his dead wrong once again! (round of applause)

    The Ridbaz wrote a long letter rebuking (in extremely harsh words) those "paskevil hangers" who spoke out against Rav Kook.

  33. Letter of Ridbaz written in support and defense of Rav Kook:

  34. Sunday, September 04, 2011 1:45:00 PM said:
    "All reffered to Rav Kook as a emesdika "tzadik" and "gaon." "

    except does who didn't

  35. aon: "All reffered to Rav Kook as a emesdika "tzadik" and "gaon.""

    wow how one imposter can fool so many! to there credit most stop calling him names like 'tzadig' when they became aware of his shtik, and many others when outright against him (like the gerrer rebbe ..

  36. yep you know better than all the gedolei see the reshaim today say "we have no gedolim-oh if only we had the gedolim from one, two or three generations ago!"
    you take it a step further, you have no problem saying that all the gedolim of the previous three generations were fools r"l.

    And yes, you fool, the Imrei Emes also was part of that group of Gedolei Torah who wrote that everything Rav Kook did was "lishmah" and he was a true "tzadik" and "gadol b'torah." Would you like a link to the letter?

    I don't mind that you are such an am haaretz, but to attack gedolei torah is disgusting. shame on you.

  37. You really are a pathetic disgusting ingrate if you really think you know better than The Chofetz Chaim, The Chazon Ish, The Ridbaz, Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer, Rav Shmuel Salant, Rav Chaim Berlin, Rav Moshe Mordechai Epstein, Rav Pinchos Epstein,Rav Baruch Ber Lebowitz, Rav Chaim Ozer Gradizinsky, Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel (The Alter), Rav Zelig Bengis, Rav Chatzkel Abramsky,Rav Avraham Ber Shapiro, The Imrei Emes, Rav Yitzchak Arieli, Rav Sholom Elyashiv (the Leshem), The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rav Areah Levin, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Rav Tzvi Pesach Frank, Rav Hutner, Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky, Rav Moshe Feinstein.

    You are less than a katan.

  38. Who quotes Rav Kook? I have never heard it ever.

    Seriously, HT, why does giving money have to do with kashering his shitos? [Unless this is a Chabad thing, which outsiders can not understand]

  39. first you say that my tipshes is not worthy of a response and then you respond to it! wow you really don't desrve my response!

  40. Tragedy, will come back! Please tell us if the true CBers admit that a large chelek of what's printed in PY is a spin off Reb Tzadok (primarily), somewhat SF"E, with a large influence by R. Kook (especially in the writing style)? There is much plagerism in PY, the most notorious one is in Kuntruz Yerech Eisanim, he takes credit for coining the phrase, "Avrum iz geven dde ershter gevurener" etc.; at least he gave the impression that it was a self-made phrase.

    Anyways, who (outside of CB) verified that RYH was a world class Kabalist?


    read the words of the ridvaz carefully.

  42. Uhh grainom, you do realize that Rav Kook and the Ridbaz had multiple letters back and forth on this topic? And the maskanah was that they did not agree (although perhaps you do not know that Rav Kook was not matir the kulah across the board it was for CERTAIN people in CERTAIN conditions. He wrote publicly that he was not soimech on the heter for himself).
    However, after the machlokes ended, some troublemakers decided that there was no problem fighting with Rav Kook, to which the Ridbaz release a public letter telling them off and expressing how pathetic they are next to a gadol and tzadik like Rav Kook.

    So I'm not sure what you are getting at..that they had a machlokes in halacha? Is that more notable than the Kovener Rav's, Rav Yitzchak Elchonon's, shittah on sheveis or any other machlokes between the gedolei haposkim?

    The Ridbaz had the greatest respect for Rav Kook, evethough they did not see eye to eye on the heter mechirah shayalah. Do you have that same respect as someone that can't touch the Ridbaz or Rav Kook's ankle?

  43. Are you aware that Rav Kook was niftar without any money because he used to give away any money that he earned to tzedakah? That his Rebbetzin began receiving the pay check since she knew that Rav Kook would give it away as soon as a poor person would knock on the door.

    Did you ever read his tzavah that was published that even forgave those who insulted him?

    Do you realize the gravity to the absolute lie of claiming that Rav Kook did anything for "money"?

    How do you answer for yourself?

  44. look on kook's talmidim.., find me a kook sefer in any mainstream shul or yeshivah, even does who thought of him good (hence the letters) changed their minds when they found out what he is all about, rav hutner his supposodley close talmid abandoned him and his teachings! stop falsafying history, he went down לחרפּה ולדראון עולם

  45. I’m not commenting on his personality, his character or his learning angel, just his construed philosophies and obscure writings, his heresy teachings and his imprint and legacy on furthering yidishkeit as a leader! In that he was a total failure and an enigma on klal yisruel! so believed by 1000's of cheridim here and in eretz yisuel including generations of eda leaders and SR z"l

  46. y'all didnt read what the ridvaz wrote . . .

    he started cuz he was hungry and then continued...


    here is the beef

  48. You are pathetic. You sound like you have Arafat and Hitler's talent: "repeat a lie enough times and people will begin believing it to be true."

    There a countless pages b'ksav yad of the Gedolei Hador Zt"l writing that Rav Kook Zt"l was a gadol and tzadik.

    You can't produce one page of a gadol saying anything else. You just spew your venom based on lies and more lies, all built on third and fourth hand myths that your daddy told you before you were put to sleep.

    If you need to ask Gedolim alive today, call Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rav Dovid Feinstein, Rav Elyashiv, or Rav Shmuel Auerbach they will tell you Rav Kook was "a gaon and tzadik gamur.

  49. It is simple why you small children attack Rav Kook Zt"l.

    He was the epitome of ahavas yisroel. And you are the epitome of sinas chinam.

  50. oh and btw i guess you didn't take not of the original kol koreh b'ksav yad by the entire bdatz eidah chareidis in support and defense of rav kook zt"l.

    so you have kisvei yad of about 25 of the biggest gedolim in the last 150 years writing in support of rav kook zt"l and attacking those who speak against him.

    what kisvei yad do you have on the other side? that right zero. you know why? because it was a small group of zeros who attacked him, people who were and are unknowns in the torah world.

    lets go i proved my case. now you prove yours. so any KISVEI YAD of gedolim against rav kook.

    you have nothing but a bag of hot air and venom.

  51. oh and btw i guess you didn't take not of the original kol koreh b'ksav yad by the entire bdatz eidah chareidis in support and defense of rav kook zt"l.

    link please


    The english version could be found at:

  53. Silly, check the date on it...

  54. I'm not sure why Grainom comes across as a single issue person attempting to besmirch R' Kook at every opportunity, but whatever it is, I pray that his vision will become clear and he doesn't simply suck the satmar line for the rest of his life.

  55. Anyone who ever attended Rav Yitzchok Hutner's (RYH) maamorim over any length of time knows that his shita was not to spoil the flow of his delivery by stopping to quote his sources.

    It is what made him such an attractive teacher because with the absolute trust that his talmidim/listners placed in him as a a kol bo of kol haTorah kula benistar and beniglah that they were mishtokek to his words and could care less where he derived them from.

    As far as the CB anash of those times were and are concerned, when RYH spoke it was as close as mipi Hashchina as one could get and who would dare question the Shechina what her sources were? As far as they were concerned RYH may as well been the conduit for a bas kol all the time. (Yes, like any true Chasidishe Rebbe is believed and listened to!)

    It was only in the course of informal discussions, chats, name-dropping and personal guidance RYH would give to some talmidim that he would perhaps hint at or admit to his own sources, but that was secondary and almost irrelevant because the talmidei RYH believed that he was greater than those sources in any case, and maybe he was, who knows?

    Note also that while the actual maamorim of Rav Hutner were all delivered in the most beautiful and melodious perfect classical Poilish-Litvish Yiddish reflecting RYH's own parental roots of a Litvish father and Poilisher mother, or the Varshiver Illui who went to Slabodka, and it was accompanied by great and lengthy nigunnim, and sometimes much shnaps (he liked "abtei") and dancing, the atmosphere was not "technical" -- but when the sifrei Pachad Yitzchok were put into writing by RYH they were written in great classical loshen Hakodesh and almost academic Hebrew in the the style of RAYHK. Even with that, RYH did not include marei mekomos and sources, he just wrote in a kind of mental and intellectual "trance" until his pens ran out of ink from his own notes with supreme self-confidence.

    The marei mekomos sources in the PY was placed in by others, mainly Rabbi Professor Israel Meir Kirzner of NYU (a professional economist who writes text books in that field) who inserted only sources from uncontroversial nigleh and ignored the deeper and truer sources such as from Zohar, Midrashim and all seforim and areas of Kabbalah. This is one of the most intellectually dishonest and tragic attempts and cover-ups the one of the world's greatest seforim on machshava and kabbalah equally.

  56. For us ignoramusises, can we please get some meat & potatoes re his views on evolution, age of universe etc?
    We are not interested in his ahvas yisroel problem.

  57. 1) I think some of the quotes attributed to Rav Kook by chilonim are spurious. Those quotes make him sound like a Carlebach love-every-rosho type at best or a koifer at worst.

    2) He was an odom godol who made a great mistake. Unlike the Satmarer Rov, he was not roieh es hanoilad. He did not see the shmad in the maabarot and the total mismanagement of EY that came about because the state is as kosher as a piece of chozzer fleisch and has no brochos.

    Unlike the Lubavitcher Rebbe, he could not engage with the Jews in EY without trying to be metaher a sheretz. That sheretz of a state was given nissim geluyim in 1967 and its misleaders did not do what needed to be done - remove the Arabs from any feeling of ownership of the land and take the mosque under state control.

  58. My point is that even rav kooks erstwhile defenders eventually felt the need to distance themselves from him and his shitos... The nice quotes and letters from gedolei yisroel if put in perspective will mostly be obviously due to his access to funds and secular influence etc...
    Rav zvi pesach Frank and that joined his original besdin did so due to starvation rampant in yerushalayim in those times, not because of ideology. Point in case, as times improved 2 of his chavrei besdin rejoined the eida, and the eida continually made overtures to bring back rtpf...

  59. The official biography of R Kook has many quotes that were attributed to him that were ridicules at best such as "ki mitziyon tetze tora" said by the Hebrew University and several quotes about the kedusha of soccer and its players, none of which his biographer, Simcha roz denies he said. Aderaba he puts them in to show was his detractors complained about.... Read the book as I did.

  60. Polish Yiddish and Litvish Yiddish are two different dialects. They are mutually exclusive.It's one or the other.Reb Shaul Alter speaks Polish Yiddish. Reb Yoel Kahan speaks Littvishe Yiddish. Quite different.So what did RYH speak?

  61. Both the quote about hebrew U and soccer are total lies and fabrications as Rav Kook wrote numerous times. One hugarian pamphlet made it up in the 1920's and you are still repeating the pathetic motzei shem rah.

  62. Both the quote about hebrew U and soccer are total lies and fabrications as Rav Kook wrote numerous times

    please link to letter. simcha roz didnt deny he said it, amongst a whole laundry list of other original thoughts..

  63. Read Rav Kooks letter to Rav Messas and The Aderes. You claim to be well read, but you are amazingly ignorant of the facts. You just ignore what the Gedolim and Rav Kook wrote and repeat some myth that has no source other than evil motzei shem rah.

  64. anon: "That sheretz of a state was given nissim geluyim in 1967"

    speaking of nissim!
    ניסים ניסים ניסים , האבּ איך אליין גיזען- אריין איז ער אין וואסער- ארויס איז ער א נאסער

  65. the ancient way in kial yisroel is that when a rav does a new or daring responce he conditions it that that others agree with r yitzock elhanan..lhavdil rav alyasiv ...not so r kook ,goren , or rav o yosef(oslo accords)...

  66. the thinking of rav kook is the holy land will transform the wicked to tzaddikim... According to the new biography from rozner , when alozorav was shot RAYK REALIZED HE WAS WRONG AND FELL SICK...

  67. Anon
    "Kedushas kadur regel"
    can u explain me why his theory that it is birur hanetzitzos is intolerable,
    He believed that the big kugels of the Friday night tables by Rebbes are intolerable too, he does not believe that Sruel Hager by his kugel and BZ halberstam by his liver,are capable of birur hannitzotzois.
    . They are are just enjoying a good piece of Tavas Olem Hazeh, and so are the Chalutzim, enjoying themselves by ball playing while getting their body stronger for building the Yishuv which is a mitzva according to the Ramban.Not all poskim pasken that it is prohibited to play ball on Shabos.
    It is a dvar horeshus done for the purpose of a mitzvah as the liver and the kugel

  68. Chaim Berlin T
    "Rav YB Soloveitchik made a conscious effort to copy and improve upon RAYHK's usage of literary Ivrit/Loshen HaKodesh in their subsequent writing"
    there is noting in Rav Soloviechig's Torah and style that you can relay to Rav Kook, I am a avid reader of his, I remember that he quotes Rav Kook once,
    If Soloviechig quotes kabala it is 99% the Alter Rebbe in Likutie torah.
    Your Rebbe was a confused soul(as all Iluim are) all his life, Kook,Chabad, Gra, Chazon Ish etc,,

  69. Tziki Kedaria
    "the ancient way in kial yisroel is that when a rav does a new or daring responce he conditions it that that others agree with him"
    not in my Yiddishkiet,
    The Noda Beyehudah has some daring teshuvahs, as shaving Chol Hamoad,Umbrella on Shabos....The Yavetz, and so the Chasam Sofer and so on and on..

  70. Grainom
    "Rav zvi pesach Frank and that joined his original besdin did so due to starvation rampant in yerushalayim in those times, not because of ideology"
    I heard this lie too many times,
    who has the proof?

  71. See Rav Kook on soccer:

    Rav Kook on Hebrew U:

  72. Grainom,

    That's why Rav Tzvi Pesach Frank Zt"l reffers to Rav Kook Zt"l whith countless titles including "Rebbi U'Mori," years after Rav Kook was niftar.

  73. Grainom,

    How many lies do you have to be caught in before you admit that you have made a terrible mistake?

  74. Der Shagetz
    "2) He was an odom godol who made a great mistake. Unlike the Satmarer Rov, he was not roieh es hanoilad. He did not see the shmad in the maabarot and the total mismanagement of EY that came about because the state is as kosher as a piece of chozzer fleisch and has no brochos. "
    You are correct that he did not see the future, the same can be said on all Gedolie Yisroel that did not see the future on the spiritual front, by not creating girls schools early enough, not making professional chadorim with a little secular as we have today in 99.9% of Klal Yisroel, not in the physical danger in Europe..
    But in the last 2 decades all of Klal Yisroel are doing going on the path of Rav Kook by giving a open hand to the chilonim to return to Yiddishkiet, it is in a diluted version but the path is his path 70 years earlier.Even Rebbes like Reb Duvid of Toldois Aron is following lite Rav Kook

  75. Rav Kook was attacked for being the first Gadol striving to me mikarev the masses of chilonim to the derech hatorah. It was something that took a tzadik in yerushalayim with endless ahavas yisroel to realize it was needed. Now every gadol realizes and supports it.

  76. The irony is that just about every gadol alive at that time supported it also. It was a miut m'miut that attacked the idea. But they yelled the loudest to this day.

  77. anon said: "But they yelled the loudest to this day."

    I'm glad you can hear them!

  78. And there were those who probably did not see that now Eretz Yisroel would have more Torah being learned and built in it since before the churban.

  79. The yelling is based on lies and myths. The yelling destroys and degrades. The yelling fuels sinas chinam. The yelling is with a stench of pure motzei shem rah. The yelling is the opposite of what any of the gedolei torah stood for.

    It is not a compliment to be the one yelling.

    Please stop, and focus on being rodef shalom and avhavas yisroel. Like Rav Kook was.

  80. after ww1 when there was a major yeride in yiddishkeit the communists bundists and equally the zionists were oiker hundreds of years of horovanye and when thousands of yiddeshe yinglech were ripped out from the influence of their parents to become chalutzim ,the rebbes were helpless ,the only option they had was by their toireh zugen and by shalshides tzi hakken of der tzionim some of them louder like the minches eluzer and some more in a shmuess like the kedushas zion ,once u become posul by these rebbes there is no turning back even after 200 years this is not democrats vs republicans this is kviyye ve'kayme

  81. anon said: "yelling yelling yelling.."


  82. Why did the Rashab, Rayatz and The Rebbe have so many nice things to say about rav kook and his derech?

    Other than the visits of the rayatz is there anything positive?

  83. Why did the Rashab, Rayatz and The Rebbe have so many nice things to say about rav kook and his derech?

    Other than the visits of the rayatz is there anything positive?

  84. anon: "more Torah being learned and built in it since before the churban"

    are you predicting a 3rd churban ?

  85. Letters for someone who was straight and then was "nis'aveis" is no raya of history without checking the dates of the letters very carefully.

    Leib tropper

  86. "maple avenue":

    You sound like a total idiot. It's amazing that you are willing to spread motzei shema rah about a gadol when you clearly have no clue what was really written.

    The Gedolim wrote letters in support and praise of Rav Kook when he was young, when he was old, and after he was niftar.

  87. Classic tactic of baalei lashon harah. when they are proven to be frauds and phonies they begin making up theories based on nothing to try to stay afloat. Such reshaim.

  88. absolutly no room for comparison to tropper! (other than that letters mean nothing unless read very carefully. the letter from r shmuel salants beisdin was in rav kooks defense when a fellow went to yaffo and called himself rav. agav r chaim sonnenfeld was supportive of rk activities, IN YAFFO. he didnt want him doing it in yerushalayim... he refered to him as yaffo ruv...

    secondly, i would not accuse r kook about lying, if he denied saying ki mitziyon teze tora at hebrew u, so be it. can you pleas explain the holiness of soccor playing? there are many more bizarre statements, will get to them with time.

  89. During Rav Yitzchok Hutner's (RYH) delivery of maamorim, mainly during chol hamoed, aseres yemei teshuva, Shabbosim, Chanuka, Purim, all Yomim Tovim, his goal was to influence the hearts mind and souls of his talmidim.

    He did make very careful and calculated references in those maamorim to select recurring sources primarily the RAMBAN, the MAHARAL of Prague, the GRA of Vilna, and to a lesser extent RAMCHAL, Rav Yisroel Salanter, and reference to points in Shas or in Rishonim that he used as "hooks" or "foundations" around which to build major points that in no way anyone could ever conceive could come from those sources but RYH managed to present it convincingly that it was THE "chiddush" of that Chazal, Rishon or Posuk.

    There were special code words that RYH used during saying his maamorim to signal and hint that he was basing himself on sifrei Kabbalah and even sifrei Chasidus, such as "Kadmonim" and "Kedoshei Elyon" or some similar shprach that the closely initiated instantly understood and kept it hidden between themselves.

    This whole sea of machshava and kabbalah was strongly influenced by RAYHK's writings and the lasting impression and influence he had on the young RYH. RYH did not learn this stuff from the Alter of Slabodka altho he did intimate many times that the Alter was a tightly controlled mekubal who knew all the inner workings of nistar al pi the derech of the baalei mussar going all the way back to Rav Yisroel Salanter and the RAMCHAL and much more. RYH was a strong admirer of the kisvei RAMCHAL and correctly viewed them as a pathway into kabbalah in their own right.

    But the supreme figure that stood out after one had spent time listening to RYH was the MAHARAL of Prague whose abundant sefarim RYH popularized and he is rightly considered to be, as it has been put, as the one who opened up and popularized the MAHARAL in modern times.

    RYH would love to throw in words such as a chidush that was learned in "bais midrasho shel haGRA" and reveal a novel interpretation for a subject based on a diyuk in an obscure statement of the GRA.

    One on one, it is well-known that RYH was familiar with every last sefer in Chasidus. He knew Tanya, Sefas Emes and Rav Tzodek HaKohen and much more and would instruct select talmidim to learn these seforim and sometimes even taught it to them himself privately. But tragically none of this is taught or revealed to CB talmidim in the 31 years since RYH's passing, instead the CB head RAS teaches PY as if it was the Communist Party Manifesto killing the love of and the beauty and literary life-force of everything that RYH did as a living Litvisher Rosh Yeshiva and unofficial Rebbe. Chalk and Cheese.

  90. Ok, I threw out the bait but no one bit. I know for a fact that he doesn't see the age of the universe being billions of years old as a problem. I just don't know the source

  91. Grainom,

    Didn't you ever read pinocchio? Your nose is just getting longer.

    To start with:

    1)Did you read the letters from the Chofetz Chaim in support of Rav Kook (and rebuking those who speak against him)? The letter is from the Yerushalayim tekufah not Yaffo.

    2)Did you read the letters from Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzinski reffering to Rav Kook as "our friend, the gaon, our master and teacher, Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Kook, shlita"? It is written when Rav Kook was already in Yerushalayim.

    3)Did you read the letters from Rav Boruch Ber Leibowitz reffering to Rav Kook as "the true gaon, the beauty and glory of the generation, the tzaddik, his holiness, Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak, may his light shine, may he live for length of good days and years amen, the righteous cohen, head of the beis din [court] in Jerusalem, the holy city, may it soon be built and established."? It is written when Rav Kook was already in Yerushalayim.

    4)Did you read the letters from Rav Chatzkel Abramsky reffering to Rav Kook as "My wishes for great peace and health to the honored man, beloved of Hashem and his nation, the rabbi, the gaon, great and well-known, with breadth of
    knowledge, the glory of the generation, etc., etc., our master Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Hacohen Kook, shlita, Chief Rabbi of the Land of Israel and the head of the Beis Din in the holy city of Jerusalem"? It is written when Rav Kook was already in Yerushalayim.

    5)Did you read the letters from Rav Yitzchak Hutner reffering to Rav Kook as "To the glorious honor of our master, our teacher and rabbi, the great gaon, the crown and sanctity of Israel, Maran [our master] Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak Hacohen Kook, shlita!"? It is written when Rav Kook was already in Yerushalayim.

    6)Did you read the letters from Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer and Rav Moshe Mordechai Epstein reffering to Rav Kook as "To our honored friend, the great gaon and glory of the generation, our master and teacher, Avraham Yitzchak Hacohen, shlita"? It is written when Rav Kook was already in Yerushalayim.

    How dare you Grainom fabricate history and be mivazeh a gadol and tzadik ztvk"l!

  92. Grainom,

    You have proven to everyone that you were mikabel motzei shem rah on Rav Kook. Every story you repeated has been proven to be lies, built on lies.

    Now admit you were wrong and ask Rav Kook mechilah.

  93. Forget arguing with grainom. He is stuck in an infinite loop. Eventually there might be a stack overflow.

    Most importantly for Lubavitchers, you simply cannot discount the Rayatz's visits to Rav Kook. This is most significant. A Rebbe from Chabad doesn't just go visiting for a cup of tea. End of Story.


    these are the words of the ridvaz. please explain why he wrote that rav kook came to him crying that he got forced into being matir the heter mechira? read until the end where the ridvas writes that "לאט לאט התחיל להטעות את עצמו"

    "slowly he began to fool himself."

    wh ywould the ridvas write such a thing?...

    because when a talmid chochom of note slides off the tracks its a very difficult thing to deal with and thats why some here would rather pretend that it didnt happen. r chaim oizer said to make kehilos nifrados and to leave kneses yisroel wich was swallowed by the vaad haleumi, why didnt he just tell rycs to accept rav kook as rov?




  98. You can't produce one authentic letter bksav yad from the gedolim saying a word negative about rav kook.

    No one said that there were no chilukei hadeos amongst the gedolei and poskei hador, as there has been in every dor. That does not mean they don't respect each other. They still respect each other as talmidei chachaim and tzadikim.

    We have seen dozens upon dozens of kisvei yad written by the gedolei torah from the time rav kook lived in europe, until when he arrived in eretz yisroel, until after he was niftar, in support of rav kook- expressing there love and admiration towards him as a tzadik and gaon b'torah.

    Do the math.

  99. Grainom
    "these are the words of the ridvaz. please explain why he wrote that rav kook came to him crying that he got forced into being matir the heter mechira? read until the end where the ridvas writes that "לאט לאט התחיל להטעות את עצמו"

    "slowly he began to fool himself."
    sorry to tell you that Reb shloma zalman in his forword to his sefer on Zeroim has all the facts different then the Ridvaz likes to portray it,
    The Ridvaz was a odom godal but a heavy polemic, I would rather go with RSZ Auerbachs version.
    Besides it is as chazal say
    Gavra Agavra Koromis...

  100. Your calling the ridvas a liar?!

  101. Do you think if I spoke admiringly of Rav Kook Z"L I'd still be able to have my picture in the Lakewood "High Society" section of the "HOLY PEG?"Even a washed-out black and white shot of me dancing with my $300 Borsalino would be too good for me.Maybe they'd let me stand next to the K-9 Police Seargent- "Sparky,der frumer kelev."It would serve me right!

  102. Dude your totally missing the point. Regardless if the Ridbaz was given accurate information during his machlokes with Rav Kook regarding inyanei shevies, or not, he certainly wrote a letter b'ksav yad AFTER THE MACHLOKES warmly praising Rav Kook, and sharply rebuking anyone who says a word against Rav Kook.

  103. Anon
    "Your calling the ridvas a liar?!"
    But are you calling the Yavetz a liar? in his fight on Reb Yonasan?

  104. Why did Torah jewry accept the machlokes R Yonasan and the Yavetz as a machlokes lsheim shomayim and learn their torah. Whereas in this case, ones is and ones isn't. ? Think

    Dort vi s'iz du gelt mit koved zet alles os andresh.....

  105. "grainoms fan":

    Do you know how many years passed before the yiden who opposed the Rambam (going so far as even burning his seforim)realized that they made a horrible mistake? And those were gedolei torah. unlike the little children who try to attack rav kook. Rav Kook received the respect and support of the gedolei torah in eretz yisroel and in europe. They looked up at him as a tzadik and gaon. As could be seen by the dozens upon dozens of letters written to him.

  106. don't you get it grainom? You are a "daas" yochid against the biggest gedolim in the last 100 years.

    It's the word of "Grainom"


    The words of The Chofetz Chaim, The Chazon Ish, The Ridbaz, Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer, Rav Shmuel Salant, Rav Chaim Berlin, Rav Moshe Mordechai Epstein, Rav Pinchos Epstein,Rav Baruch Ber Lebowitz, Rav Chaim Ozer Gradizinsky, Rav Nosson Tzvi Finkel (The Alter), Rav Zelig Bengis, Rav Chatzkel Abramsky,Rav Avraham Ber Shapiro, The Imrei Emes, Rav Yitzchak Arieli, Rav Sholom Elyashiv (the Leshem), The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rav Areah Levin, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Rav Tzvi Pesach Frank, Rav Avraham Yitzchok Bloch, Rav Shlomo Heiman, Rav Aaron Kotler, Rav Lazer Silver, Rav Yitzchak Ruderman, Rav Hutner, Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky, Rav Moshe Feinstein

    Wow Grainom you really are getting into the Elul spirit...

  107. Along the mileposts and signposts of Rav Yitzchok Hutner's (RYH) life is stamped the personality and person of what can only be termed his earliest and truest rebbe muvhak Rav Kook (RAYHK):

    From histories and biographies of the doings in Torah Jewry in the Eretz Yisroel of the 1920s and the early 1930s where RYH was a virtual ben bayis by RAYK and knew the family well.

    From the wording of the famous bakasha biksav of RYH to RAYHK requesting a haskama for RYH's early Talmudic classic the Toras HaNazir sefer that was proudly published in all the original copies. It is telling the lengths to which the chief CB honcho RAF will go that if he becomes aware of any original copy of RYH's Toras HaNazir with RAYHK's haskoma in it, RAF will offer any sum to get it back and then personally rip out RAYHK's haskoma, as if history can be turned back by such silly and futile behavior.

    There must have been hundreds upon hundreds of copious profound letters between RYH and RAYHK, who knows what has happened to them.

    Then, the many years that RYH lived in Brooklyn, certainly up until the marriage of RYH's only daughter Bruria to Rav Yonoson David (RYD), there was a large portrait of RAYHK in RYH's home prominently displayed and next to which RYD and his young kallah proudly posed on their wedding day as if RAYHK was part of the family reception on their happiest day. A copy of this wedding album was for many years viewable at Trainers Studio in Boro Park and you could see it for yourself. They were all in love with RAYHK.

    RYH's connection with RAYHK ran deep and was known in EY long after he left. So much so that it is reliably reported that upon the passing of RAYHK's successor as Rav Harashi, the post was offered to RYH but he turned it down. They knew that RYH had a grounding and orientation, as well as the capabilities, that were known and recognized from RAYHK's days yet.

    In rare instances when old-time talmidim of RYH will be honest they will tell over direct reports about what RYH told them about his connections with RAYHK and about RAYHK's "derhoibener kook" and that "zein kop is geven in himmel"!

    One such reliable report is told about Rav Shlomo Freifeld (RSF) who was a talmid muvhak of RYH who obviously knew of RYH's closeness with RAYHK. Talking to Rav Freifeld, RYH points to the portrait of RAYHK and says: "Dein shoresh haneshama is zein shoresh haneshama" to which Rav Friefeld says to RYH: "Meint der rosh yeshiva tzu zoggen az mein (RSF's) shoresh haneshama is der rosh yeshiva's (RYH'S) shoresh haneshama?" And RYH's affirmed it by saying: "O! Dos hob ich gemeint!"

    Even appearance-wise RYH over the years began to look more and more like RAYHK. Right up until the end when RYH donned a spodik for Shabbos and holy times and said it was "malbush Yerushalayim" and much more, just look at photos of the two men later in life and you could be looking at almost the same face. Two brothers!! Tragically all this is denied and almost unknown in modern day CB.

  108. anon: "don't you get it grainom? You are a "daas" yochid against the biggest gedolim in the last 100years"

    first) you can't be a witness on a mans characther just after he dies הן בּקדושׁיו לא יאמין second) many of the letters was refuted by their authors themself in writting and verbally, third) Gronim'l dont worry you're not a daas yucid many held so including the 'daas yucid' of SR z"l

  109. There are even multiple letters that have been published written by Rav Hutner to Rav Kook's son Rav Zvi Yehuda. Clearly the connection was not lost even after the petirah of his Rebbi.

  110. "first) you can't be a witness on a mans characther just after he dies הן בּקדושׁיו לא יאמין second) many of the letters was refuted by their authors themself in writting and verbally, third) Gronim'l dont worry you're not a daas yucid many held so including the 'daas yucid' of SR z"l"

    You sound like a two year old- you lost the argument but can't bring yourself to admit it. You were mikabel information which is proven to motzei shem rah. Stop making up more lies.

    To list a few of the Gedolei Torah who made clear years after Rav Kook's pertitrah- their deep respect towards Rav Kook as a Tzadik and Gaon: Rav Chatzkel Abramsky, Rav Yitzchak Arieli, The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Rav Tzvi Pesach Frank, Rav Yitzchak Hutner, Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky, Rav Moshe Feinstein.

    To list a few of the Gedolei Torah alive today who publicly state their knowledge that Rav Kook was a Gadol b'torah and Tzadik: Rav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv, Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, Rav Simcha Kook (Chief Rabbi of Rechovot), Rav Ovadia Yosef, Rav Shmuel Auerbach, Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rav Dovid Feinstein.

    Yep grainom you are a daas yochid against the majority of the Gedolei Hador of the past 100 years.

    Do you really want to take such a position? You realize you are playing with fire.


  112. Anon
    "The Lubavitcher Rebbe,"
    proof plz

  113. Is it the same poster who only looks at titles written to rav kook rather than the actual content of the letters as proof of his being "held of" that claimed yerushalayim is being "rebuilt" , ???!!!

    Most of the letters written to him after he settled in jslm were requests, as I wrote earlier, he held access to aliya certificates and funding... Don't tell me the brisker rov held of him because he wrote a letter. Derech eretz requires u call someone by their preferred title. . .

  114. Besides that, the specific points I raised weren't answered....

  115. 116 comments on a post without a single one from the bal hablog weighing in, wow!

  116. Interesting how people try to relate rabbi Hutner to Rav Kuk.
    Let me note 3 nekudos here:
    1. The rebbetzin of Reb Zvi Yehuda was a cousin of Rabbi Hutner , she was a sister of the late editor of the ET.
    They had no children.
    2.I heard from my rebbe ZT"L that rav Hutner was very excited about the prospect of a Jewish state when he came from Palestine. In Berlin he met Dr. Noson Birnbaum who by this time was alienated from Zionism and the Aguda and was into Eylim , RYH told NB the Zionists are building a Jewish medina in EY, Birnabum responded they are building it and they will also destroy it.R"L
    3. Finally one of Rav Kuk's closest students was rabbi (can I say the gaon about the rosh yeshiva of Kfar Horoeh who also created the network of Bnai Akiva yeshivos wghere many of the gedolim of today studied in their youth)) Moshe Z. Neriyah (Menkin)In of his many books abiout the RAYAH he notes that he RMZN met Rabbi Hutner in the uS many years later and spoke to him about RAIK and it was clear to him(RMZN) that he RYH did not understand the spiritual flights and ascents of rav Kuk.If any reader wants the citation , I will happily give it to them. Neriyah was a honest straight shooter and spent his life s tudying RAIK so I would tkae this very seriously.
    I am upset that a charge was leveled against rav Kuk about money. Hew as as far from amterialism as anyone can be. Why don't you read the letter written on the ship to Poland from the Imre Emeth about rav Kuk's spirituality.
    As Chazal tell us an olam hafuch peopel sititng in the schlalz topp of the US eating kol Tov and living in beautiful homes attacking rav Kuk for amterialism. Take a look at the beth Horav in jslm , it is still there. Did the son R. Zvi Yehuda own more than his surdut and hat?

  117. "איש צר ואויב לדת תורתינו הקדושה ולעיקרי האמונה דרך קשתו כאויב להפר ברית עולם, הנקוב בשם אברהם יצחק קוק, הוא הגבר אשר הרחיב גבול הטומאה ר"ל, היא העדה הרעה המכנים עצמם בשם ציונים, אשר הן המה בעתים הללו האבני נגף לבית ישראל ומחריבים ארה"ק וכל הארצות בכלל, האומרים ערו ערו עד היסוד בה הוא קיום תוה"ק והאמונה המסורה לנו, שהוא היסוד לקיום כל ישראל בכלל ובפרט, ומבלעדי זאת הוסיף פשעים על פשעים, להדפיס בספריו הטמאים, גלויים וידועים, דברי מינות וכפירה, בעזות מצח וחוצפה יתירה, את ה' הוא מגדף ביד רמה, אשר לא נראה ולא נשמע כזאת מימים ימימה..." (שו"ת דברי יואל חו"מ סי' קל"א - קל"ב).

  118. Garinom:

    1) You are a michutzef who is mivazeh a talmid chacham b'rabim. Read what the CHOFETZ CHAIM zt"l wrote about people who speak against Rav Kook Zt"l ("Ain lo chelek..."). Reb Yaakov Zt"l quoted the Gemara Shabbos (119) ("Kol Shemevazeh...").

    2)You refuse to listen to the answers given to you, you simply want to remain with a question based on nothing.

    Does the fact that Reb Yaakov Zt"l and before him the Chofetz Chaim Zt"l publicly stated the onesh for one who speaks against Rav Kook concern you at all?

  119. As said many times..the Satmar Rav was the only one who wrote against Rav Kook. EVERY OTHER GADOL wrote that he was a Gadol and Tzadik (even if they argued on certain inyanim).

    So, most Gedolim (including the Chofetz Chaim and Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky) say if you speak against Rav Kook: "ein lo chelek lolam habah" and "ain refuah l'makaso".

    And one Gadol took it on his shoulders to write things against him in his sefer.

    How big a fool could you be? At least keep your mouth shut!

  120. It's Elul don't be a fool....

  121. anon: "How big a fool could you be? At least keep your mouth shut!"

    well I would if you practice what you preach! but S"R z"l thats another story, the truth most be told and he z"l said it! in:
    (שו"ת דברי יואל חו"מ סי' קל"א - קל"ב).

  122. Anon
    I hope You realize that you don't add prestige to Satmar Ruv by publicizing his hateful letter

  123. anon: "Does the fact that Reb Yaakov Zt"l and before him the Chofetz Chaim Zt"l publicly stated the onesh for one who speaks against Rav Kook concern you at all?"

    absolutely not they said what they said with the knowledge they had at the time, although many of them refuted themselfs later on, also it's absurd and maive of you to say there is such a think as an הסכמה on a person הן בּקדושׁיו לא יאמין
    you can give an הסכמה on a sefer that whats in it is good but on a person? even true that they knew all about him is still is not qualified הן בּקדושׁיו לא יאמין

  124. anon: "2)You refuse to listen to the answers given to you, you simply want to remain with a question based on nothing"

    I refuse to answer your none question because it was already answered before you asked it see:
    (שו"ת דברי יואל חו"מ סי' קל"א - קל"ב).

  125. BTW is their any הסכמה on kooks books? from any of the above mentioned gedolim? if not why not? if it wasn't read by them than how can they give an הסכמה on 'him', and if was read than why not give an הסכמה!(which is more customary than giving an haskuma on the person) !אתמהה

  126. anon: "I hope You realize that you don't add prestige to Satmar Ruv by publicizing his hateful letter"

    are you concerned for SR prestige really?

  127. Saturday, September 03, 2011 11:22:00 PM said: Source for the above:
    'ליקוטי הראי"ה' חלק ג',
    מאת הרב משה צבי נריה,
    עמ' 159-152

    I'll wait for חלק ד

  128. Anon
    "BTW is their any הסכמה on kooks books? from any of the above mentioned gedolim?"
    Which c(k)ook book are you talking about, please learn to spell cook with a C
    Since when does a cook book need a haskuma?
    Does the Nitra Hiemishe cookbook have a haskuma?

  129. Anon
    "BTW is their any הסכמה on kooks book"
    Does the Vayoel have a haskama?

  130. Anon
    "absolutely not they said what they said with the knowledge they had at the time, although many of them refuted themselfs later on,"
    did Reb Yakov refute?
    Did the CC refute?

  131. You just can't stop lying could you?

    The Satmar Rav wrote that negative letter YEARS BEFORE Gedolim including Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky, Rav Moshe Feinstein spoke about Rav Kook's gadlus and tzidkus.

    And as was pointed out, the GEDOLIM ALIVE TODAY (k"h) such as Rav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv, Rav Shmuel Auerbach, Rav Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rav Dovid Feinstein STILL speak of Rav Kook's gadlus and tzidkus TODAY!

    You are are living in a hating venom filled dream world.

    To spew such lies and hate dureing chodesh elul! How dare you?

    You can't stand the fact that the Gedolei Hador have always verified that Rav Kook was a tzadik and gadol b'torah, so you try to be mivazeh him? You see praise and you go and attack with your sinas chinam? How low are you?

  132. And as far as haskamos on Rav Kook's seforim (which you clearly have never opened. Just another proof that you are as full of sinah and sheker that you will just make things up to attempt to be mivazeh and mivatel), Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer Zt"l wrote a glowing haskamah (years after the Satmar Rav wrote that letter that you love quoting).

  133. And as far as haskamos on Rav Kook's seforim (which you clearly have never opened. Just another proof that you are as full of sinah and sheker that you will just make things up to attempt to be mivazeh and mivatel), Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer Zt"l wrote a glowing haskamah (years after the Satmar Rav wrote that letter that you love quoting).

  134. Did Rav Isser Zalman refute? Did Rav Tzvi Pesach Frank refute? Did Rav Moshe Mordechai Epstein refute? Did Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach refute? Did Rav Yitzchak Arieli refute? Did Rav Elyashiv refute?

  135. Silly me, you clearly have no respect for any gedolei torah except for the satmar rav. everyone else you feel free to be mivazeh. Do you read the gemara that says kol shmivazeh talmid chacham ain refuah l'makaso- to mean only the satmar rav? or how about kol shmivazeh talmid chacham ein lo chelek l'olam haboh- was it only talking about the satmar rebbe? Well the Chofetz Chaim and Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky said clearly those gemaras were reffering to being mivazeh someone such as rav kook.

    but of course you know better.

  136. החפץ חיים עזב את הכינוס הראשון של אגודת ישראל ("הכנסייה הגדולה הראשונה") בתרפ"ג בווינה בטריקת דלת, לאחר שבישיבת הפתיחה השמיע הרב שור מבוקרשט דברי פגיעה ברב קוק, ואז זעק החפץ חיים: "פגעו במרא דארעא דישראל! מען דורף קורע זיין (תרגום מיידיש: יש לקרוע קריעה)!" הוא חזר בכעס לאכסנייתו וסירב לחזור להמשך הכינוס, וכן סירב ללחוץ את ידיהם של בני המשלחת הירושלמית ואמר להם: "לאלה שעושים מחלוקת נגד רבה של ירושלים איני נותן שלום!" והוסיף: "דעו לכם כי הוא קדוש וטהור, וכל הנוגע בו לא יינקה!".

  137. מרן גאון הקבלה הרב שלמה אליישיב זצוק"ל, שהרב קוק היה תלמיד-חבר שלו בקבלה, אמר לגאון הרב אריה לוין זצ"ל (שבתו נישאה לנכדו של הגר"ש אליישיב, מרן פוסק הדור הגאון הרב יוסף שלום אליישיב שליט"א, בן הגאון הרב אברהם אליישיב זצ"ל, חתן הגר"ש): "רבי אברהם יצחק הוא כליל השלמות: שלמות בגאונות, שלמות בצדקות, שלמות במחשבה ושלמות בהנהגה!" ועל גדולותו של הרב קוק בתורת הנסתר אמר הגר"ש שהרב קוק בקי בכל שיטות הקבלה "ועליו ניתן לאמר כל רז לא אניס ליה!"
    פעם הרשה לעצמו אחד מגדולי הקנאים בירושלים להשמיע בפני ה'לשם' דברי קטרוג על הראי"ה, הפסיקו ה'לשם' ואמר: "לי לא תספרו מי זה הראי"ה ומה טיבו. מה אתם יודעים מי הוא? הלא לילות ישבנו יחד!"

  138. הגאון הרב נתן צבי פינקל זצוק"ל, "הסבא מסלבודקה", כתב לרב קוק מחברון שאליה הגיע בתרפ"ה עם ישיבת "כנסת ישראל" (שנקראה גם ישיבת סלבודקה המוכרת מאז מעברה לירושלים לאחר פרעות תרפ"ט כ"ישיבת חברון" ושמה הרשמי הוא "כנסת ישראל - חברון", כשיש לציין שיש לה סניף הנקרא "ישיבת סלבודקה"): 'הגאון הגדול המפורסם בקצוי ארץ בגאון תורתו, חכמתו וצדקתו ובנועם מידותיו העמוקות והנשגבות באור תורה אוהב עם ישראל במסירת נפש כו' כקש"ת הגרא"י הכהן שליט"א, אב"ד ור"מ דירושלים עיה"ק'.
    וכן אמר לתלמידו הגר"י הוטנר זצ"ל (ראה בפסקה הבאה דבריו על הרב קוק): "הוא אמנם לא למד בישיבות המוסר, אבל 'ער איז די צורה פון מוסר!' ('הוא הצורה של המוסר!')"

  139. הגאון הרב איסר זלמן מלצר זצוק"ל אמר לרב גרודז'ינסקי בביקור אצלו בהתייחסו לרב קוק: "אנו גדולים עד בריח הדלת שלו!"
    אמר על רב אחד שדיבר בגנותו של הרב קוק: "קודם שיתפלל תפילת נעילה כפי שהרב קוק מתפלל מנחה רגילה ואז יוכל לדבר עליו!"
    ובהספד על הרב קוק אמר ר' איסר זלמן: "יחיד הדור בגאונות, יחיד הדור בצדקות, יחיד הדור בחסידות!" ו"עם מותו של הרב נפגע חוט השדרה של עם ישראל!"
    הגרש"ז אוירבך שהיה תלמידו בשיחה בינו לבין הרב נריה, דיברו על כך שהגרא"ז כינה את הרב קוק "שר התורה" אמר לרב נריה שהגרא"ז היה חסיד של הרב.

  140. הגאון הרב אליעזר יהודה פינקל זצ"ל בדברי תנחומיו כתב: "... ומה נורא השבר לכל בית ישראל בהיעדר מנהיגו וקברניטו הדגול, אשר הקריב תמיד את נפשו לטובת האומה, וברוחב לבבו ואהבת ישראל הטהורה, בגדלותו, בצדקתו וברוחו הכביר היה לסמל השלום...!"

  141. הגאון ר' יוסף יצחק שניאורסון מלובביץ' זצוק"ל שהיה מתנגד תקיף לציונות, כתב בי"ז באייר תרצ"ה ("אגרות קודש" כרך ג', איגרת תשע"ב): 'כבוד הרה"ג הנודע ומפורסם לשם תהלה ותפארת בתוככי גאוני יעקב בכל מרחבי תבל וקצוי ארץ עה"י פה"ח (=עמוד הימיני פטיש החזק) רב פעלים כש"ת מוהר"ר אברהם יצחק הכהן שליט"א' (וכן ראה כרך ב' איגרת תנ"ב מכ"א באלול תרפ"ט וכרך י"ג איגרת ד'תשכ"ט מב' בסיוון תרצ"ב).

  142. הגאון הרב שלמה-זלמן אויירבך זצ"ל, שנולד ונפטר בירושלים והיה בן 25 כשנפטר הרב קוק, אמר על הרב קוק: "הרב היה גדול בכל, איש האשכולות. מאיזה צד שהיית מתבונן בו, היית רואה את גדולתו, את יחידותו. גאון ששלט בכל מכמני התורה, בנגלה ובנסתר, צדיק בכל דרכיו ובכל מעשיו, בדקדוקי מצוות ובמעלות המידות, בשקידת הלימוד ובמעשי החסד." בהזדמנות אחרת אמר: "הרב היה גאון מופלא וקדוש עליון!". ועוד אמר על הרב קוק: "לא היו גדולים כמוהו בדורו. זו הייתה גדלות מיוחדת. הרב היה גדול לא רק בדורו אלא בדורות!" כשאמר "הרב" בלי להוסיף שם כוונתו היית לרב קוק, וכן במכתב תורה לרב נריה על קבלת 'שיחות הראי"ה' כינה הגרש"ז את הרב קוק 'רבנו זצ"ל'. וכן אמר שהרב קוק היה היחיד שידע ללמוד את חכמת הקבלה ואת חכמת ההגדה לעומקה של הלכה. סיפר הגאון הרב יוסף בוקסבוים זצ"ל, שהיה מנהל 'מכון ירושלים' ותלמידו של מרן הגרש"ז אויערבך זצ"ל: 'עד סוף ימיו של מו"ר הגאון ר' שלמה זלמן אויערבך, כשהוא היה אומר "דער רב", "הרב", זה היה הרב קוק.' יש לציין שאמר לבעל אחייניתו, הגאון הרב יחיאל מיכל שטרן שליט"א, שדעתו כדעת הרב קוק בענייני השקפה.
    וכן יש לציין שבספר "מאורי אש" על חשמל בשבת שהוא ספרו הראשון שיצא לאור בתרצ"ה, בין ההסכמות נמצאים הסכמותיהם של מרן הגאון הראי"ה קוק זצוק"ל ושל מרן הגאון אבא יעקב הכהן בורוכוב זצוק"ל שהיה מהרבנים הראשונים שהצטרפו ל"מזרחי", בנוסף להסכמותיהם של מרן הגרא"ז מלצר זצוק"ל, מרן הגרח"ע גרודזינסקי זצוק"ל ואביו, הגרחי"ל אויירבך זצוק"ל.
    סיפר בחור שלמד בישיבה לצעירים של "מרכז הרב" שפעם התלבט בדרכו, ופנה אל הגרש"ז זצ"ל ושאלו, שמא כיוון שרוב הגדולים אינם הולכים בדרכו של הרב קוק, גם הוא צריך ללכת בדרכם של הרוב. ענה לו הרב אוירבך: "מה אתה מדבר? בזמן הרב קוק רוב ככל גדולי ישראל היו בטלים אצלו!"

  143. הגאון הרב יוסף שלום אליישיב שליט"א - נולד בהומל לגאון הרב אברהם אליישיב זצ"ל (שם משפחתו המקורי היה לוינסון), חתנו של עמוד הקבלה בדורו, הגר"ש אליישיב, ועלה לירושלים עם אביו (שינה שמו לאליישיב בהמלצת ה"חפץ חיים" לקבלת אישור עלייה משפחתי אחיד), וסבו (הגר"ש פנה לרב קוק להפעיל את קשריו כדי לעזור להם בעלייה והרב קוק הזדרז לעשות זאת), והיה בן 24 בפטירת הרב קוק. מעריץ ביותר את גדולתו של הרב קוק. סיפר הגר"י בוקסבוים (בהמשך לדבריו לעיל לגבי קשר רבו הגרש"ז לרב קוק): "ופעם אחת היה עורך אחד במכון שלנו שמצא קטע שהרב קוק הוציא והדפיס בקובץ תורני. לאחר שהכניס אותו לאוצר מפרשי התלמוד, עורך פלוני הוציא אותו. אחד מהעובדים התלונן על כך. קראתי לעורך ואמרתי לו: "אני רוצה שאתה תלמד איתי את הקטע. אם יש לך קושיה ודבריו של הרב צריכים עיון אז בבקשה". הוא ענה לי: "בכלל לא נכנסתי לעניינים. אני חושב שקטע מכתבי הרב קוק לא מתאים לאוצר מפרשי התלמוד". אמרתי לו: "מרגע זה אתה מפוטר". הוא לא קיבל את הדברים, והלכנו לדין תורה אצל הרב אלישיב. הרב אלישיב היה מזועזע. הוא אמר לאותו עורך: "אתה הכרת את הרב קוק? דע לך שהוא היה קדוש. הוא לא היה שייך לתקופה שלנו, ולא הבינו אותו טוב. בוודאי שר' יוסף רשאי לפטר אותך. אני הייתי עושה אותו דבר".
    מקרה נוסף בו מחה הגרי"ש אלישיב כנגד אותם קנאים היה בתשס"ו כשיצא הספר החשוב 'עיניים למשפט' של הגאון הרב יצחק אריאלי זצ"ל (ובו ביאורים מהגמרא עד להלכה) בהוצאה מחודשת, תוך השמטת הדברים שכתב הרב המחבר (המופיעים במהדורה המקורית) על הרב קוק זצ"ל. הגר"י אריאלי היה מתלמידיו המובהקים של מרן הרב קוק זצ"ל, ואף שימש כאחד מראשי ישיבת "מרכז הרב", ואעפ"כ מלאם ליבם של המדפיסים להשמיט את דבריו על אודות רבו המובהק. וכך כתב שם בהקדמתו הגר"י אריאלי: 'וכמה מהחידושים נאמרו לפני גדולי ישיבתנו הקדושה "מרכז הרב", היא הישיבה החופף עליה הוד רוחה של מחוללה, גאון ישראל וקדושו מרנא ורבנא רבי אברהם יצחק הכהן קוק זצ"ל, אשר גידלה וטיפחה בלימודים במסלולם הישר והאמיתי היא ההלכה, באהבת השי"ת, תורתנו הקדושה, עם הקודש וארץ הקודש. וברוב חסדי ה' הייתי מהזוכים לייסד ולהקים את הישיבה הקדושה בעבודה מאומצת, בהשקעת כוחות רוחניים וגופניים, ומאת מרן הרב זצ"ל הוטל עליי הנהלת הישיבה בתפקידיה השונים, והנני מנושאי הארון במשך כל זמן קיומה'. בעקבות השמטה מכוערת זו, הושמעה ביקורת חריפה על האחראי על מהדורה זו, והוא הלך לשאול את הגרי"ש אלישיב שליט"א האם עשו המהדירים כשורה כשהשמיטו את דמותו של הרב קוק. כמובן, הרב אלישיב שלל את מעשיהם לחלוטין. בעקבות זאת הוחזרו הספרים לכריכיה, הגיליון הראשון הודפס מחדש, והכניסוהו במקום הגיליון המוטעה, וכך הספר נמכר היום.
    פעם אחת כתב הגרי"ש פסק הלכה בעניין מסוים, וכשסיים לכותבו, הראה לו אחד הנוכחים את דברי הראי"ה באותו עניין, ובהם פסק הלכה שונה. מייד קרע הגרי"ש את פסקו שלו, וביטל דעתו כלפי דעת מרן הראי"ה.
    כשיצא לפני כמה שנים ספר חדש ובו סיפורים על הראי"ה, שמח הגרי"ש לקבלו, והביע התעניינות בתוכנו.
    העיתון 'יתד נאמן' פרסם סילופי דברים נוראיים על מרן הראי"ה, בקשר לנאומו בפתיחת האוניברסיטה העברית בירושלים, ומייד לאחר הוצאת העיתון התברר שהדברים שנכתבו היו שקריים ומגמתיים, וגדולי ישראל (בינהם הגר"נ קרליץ שליט"א) ביקשו והתחננו למערכת העיתון שתפרסם התנצלות, אך היא התחמקה. כשהגיעו עורכי העיתון לביתו של מרן הגרי"ש אלישיב שליט"א, הוא מחה בחריפות על השקרים הנ"ל, ואמר מתוך כאב: מדוע לא בדקתם את הדברים לפני שפרסמתם אותם? וכמובן שהורה להם לפרסם התנצלות מיידית, אך הם לא שמעו בקולו [עיין בחוברת 'לכבודה של תורה' בעניין פרשה זו, ובעניין התעלמות עתונאים מדעת תורה].
    בפעם אחרת, כשעשו כתבה בעיתון הנ"ל על איזה עניין, והוזכר בדרך אגב מרן הראי"ה, הם כתבו: "הראי"ה" ללא תואר נוסף. כשראה זאת הגרי"ש, מחה על כך, וציווה לגנוז את כל העותקים שהודפסו, ולעשות עותק חדש של העיתון שבו יהיה כתוב: 'הראי"ה קוק, גאב"ד ירושלים'.

  144. הגאון ר' אברהם מרדכי אלתר מגור זצוק"ל, מיד לאחר פגישתו הראשונה עם מרן הרב, בשנת תרפ"א, יצא ואמר: "סבור הייתי שאני בא לבקר רב, ולבסוף מצאתי כאן רבי" (במובן צדיקות וחסידות שהרי הרב קוק לא היה רבי חסידי). עוד אמר בהתפעלות: "הוא לא רק יודע ללמוד, הוא שקוע בלימוד" (תרגום מאידיש - ליקוטי הראי"ה ח"ב לרב נריה ע' 133). סיפר בנו האדמו"ר רבי פנחס מנחם אלתר לרב נריה: "אחרי הפגישה הראשונה של אבא עם הרב, הוא הורה מיד לאנשי פמלייתו שיקנו בשר רק מהשחיטה העומדת תחת פיקוחו של הרב", ולא מהשחיטה שבפיקוח העדה הפורשת (ליקוטי ראיה ח"ב ע' 136). גם הרב ברומברג כותב בספר "הרבי מגור" בסדרת "מגדולי התורה והחסידות", כרך כ"ד, כי הרבי הקפיד תמיד לבקר תחילה את הרב קוק, ורק אח"כ את רבני העדה החרדית, למרות שהיו מבוגרים מהרב קוק ואף היו קשורים ל'אגודת ישראל' שהוא היה ממנהיגיה הבולטים. וכך נהג גם לאחר מכן, בשנת ת"ש, שהקפיד לבקר תחילה את הרב הראשי הרצוג, ורק אח"כ את הרב דושינסקי מהעדה החרדית. עוד אמר הרבי אחר פגישתו עם מרן הרב: "בעל מוח כזה לא היה במאה השנים האחרונות". וגם כשהזכירו לפניו את גאוני הדור שלפניו לא שינה את דעתו. ויש לדעת כי הרבי הכיר רבים מגאוני הדור: אביו הלא היה בעל ה'שפת אמת', סבו הגדול הוא בעל חידושי הרי"ם, גם הכיר את בעל ה'אבני נזר'. ואע"פ כן אמר משפט חריף שכזה.
    כשביקר מרן הרב קוק במקום אכסנייתו של הרבי, סיפר לו הרבי שעתה הוא עומד להפריש תרומות ומעשרות בפעם הראשונה. אמר לו הרב קוק, אם כן תזכה גם בברכת 'שהחיינו', כדברי רש"י (מנחות עה, ב) ביחס לכהן המקריב בפעם הראשונה, וכפסק הרמ"א ביורה דעה כח. הרבי הקשה, הרי הש"ך מערער על פסק הרמ"א, וכן דעת הפר"ח. אולם מרן הרב חזר וביסס את דעתו, תוך כדי בירור שיטות החולקים ביסודיות ובהרחבה כדרכו. ואף הוסיף לומר לרבי, כי שמחת בואו לארץ ישראל אף היא מצטרפת לשמחת קיום המצווה בפעם הראשונה, והרי הוא יכול לברך בלא חשש. אחרי ששמע הרבי את דבריו המקיפים של הרב, קם ואמר: "אם מרא דאתרא, רבה של ירושלים, פוסק שיש לברך, מקבל אני את דעתו". וברך 'שהחיינו' בשמחה.

  145. הרב קוק הציע לרבי לשבת בכורסה. אולם הרבי סירב, ואמר שגם בביתו אינו יושב אלא על כסא רגיל. אבל הרב שרצה לכבדו אמר לו: "כל מה שבעל הבית אומר לך עשה חוץ מצא" (דרך ארץ פ"ז). השיב הרבי, אבי מורי מפרש "חוץ מצא" - חוץ מן הדברים המוציאים את האדם מן העולם, והרי אחד מהם הוא 'כבוד'. נענה הרב, אמנם פירוש נאה הוא, אבל הוא נגד התוס' בפסחים פו, ב, שם מפורש שאע"פ שיש בכך כבוד, יש לשמוע בקול בעל הבית. הרבי, שהיה בעצמו גאון מופלג, וכבר זכה להכיר רבים מגאוני הזמן, התפעל מאוד מהערתו של מרן הרב שנאמרה כלאחר יד, והצביעה על זיכרון וחריפות שאין דוגמתם. אע"פ כן לא ויתר הרבי על מנהגו ולא ישב על הכורסה (הרב ברומברג).
    במכתבו המפורסם מהאונייה לאחר ביקורו הראשון בארץ כתב הרבי מגור: "והרב הגאון רבי אברהם קוק שיחיה הוא איש האשכולות בתורה ומדות תרומיות. גם רבים אומרים כי הוא שונא בצע. אולם אהבתו לציון עוברת כל גבול, ואומר על טמא טהור ומראה לו פנים, כאותו שאמרו חז"ל בפרק קמא דעירובין על מי שלא היה בדורו כמותו ומטעם זה לא נקבע הלכה כמותו, ומזה באו הדברים הזרים שבחיבוריו...". שאלוהו מה ראה לכנות את הרב קוק "איש אשכולות", השיב שהתשובה ברש"י. כוונתו לרש"י על דברי הגמרא בסוטה: "מאי אשכולות? אמר רב יהודה אמר שמואל: 'איש שהכול בו' ", ופירש רש"י: " 'איש שהכל בו' - תורה לאמתה, אין דופי שכחה ומחלוקת". וכן שאלוהו, והרי אמרו במשנה (סוטה ט, י), שבטלו אנשי אשכולות, והשיב: עיינו בתוספות בבא מציעא כט, ב', וכוונתו היתה שאע"פ שבטלו, מעת לעת עדיין ייתכן שיופיעו אנשי אשכולות. גם מהמשפט הביקורתי ניתן לראות את הערצת הרבי לגדולתו של הרב קוק שרואה את הרב קוק כמי שאין כמותו בדורו, אף שלא פוסקים כמותו כמו המקרא בגמרא. בנוסף כתב במכתב: "והנה מדברי הרב הגאון רבי אברהם קוק שיחיה הנ"ל תכירו מידותיו - כי הגם שרוב מאנשי עיר הקדושה והרבה מהרבנים עומדים על צידו, עם כל זה חולק כבוד להרבנים הזקנים". כאן רואים עדות מפורשת מפורש שרוב הקהילה היהודית והרבנים בירושלים תמכו ברב קוק וראו בו את רבם ולא ברב זוננפלד.
    בעת ביקורו השני של הרבי בירושלים, בשנת תרפ"ד, ביקש אחד מחסידיו לכבד את הרבי בסנדקאות, ורק אחר שהתברר לרבי שהרב קוק לא ייפגע מזה, הסכים. הרב קוק כובד בברכות, ושלא כמנהג הרווח, לאחר שגמר את ברכת 'כורת הברית', שתה מן היין, ורק אח"כ המשיך "אלוקינו ואלוקי אבותינו קיים את הילד הזה" וכו'. כשקם הרבי מכסא סנדקאותו, שאל את הרב מדוע נהג כך. השיב לו הרב: "כורת הברית" זה סוף הברכה, ואילו ההמשך הוא תוספת בקשה. תשובתו של הרב נראתה מאוד בעיני הרבי, והוא כתב אח"כ לאחיו והודיע לו שאע"פ שמקודם נהג לשתות בסוף הבקשה, הרי מכאן ואילך גם הוא ינהג כך. ואמנם כך נוהגים בניו אחריו
    בתרפ"ג-תרפ"ד שהה מו"ר הרב צבי יהודה הכהן קוק בוורשה לרגל נישואיו, וכדי לעשות תעמולה למען עליית יהודים יראי שמיים ובעלי הון, כדי לבנות את הארץ ולהשפיע על אופייה של החברה המתגבשת בה. לאחר ביקורו השני של הרבי בארץ, נכנס אליו הרצי"ה לשאול בשלום אביו, אמר לו הרבי בהתרגשות: "מה כבודו שואל על אבא? הלא הוא מלא קדושה!" אח"כ הוסיף: "כבוד מעלת אביו הוא איש אמת וכל מעשיו לשם שמים!" ('לקוטי הראי"ה' ח"ב, עמ' 136)

  146. בביקור השלישי של ה'אמרי אמת' בארץ, בשנת תרפ"ז, התלווה אליו גיסו הגאון הרב צבי חנוך הכהן לוין זצ"ל, רבה של בנדין, שנודע כגדול בנגלה ונסתר, והיה עוסק רבות בסדר קודשים, ואף חיבר כמה ספרים. סיפר הרב אהרון טייטלבום על ביקורם של הרבי וגיסו אצל הרב קוק: "הייתי נוכח אז בבית הרב. לאחר חילופי דברים בין הרב לרבי, התחיל הרב מבנדין שואל את הרב על דברים בהלכה שהוקשו לו בלימודו במקומות שונים, והרב השיב על כל שאלה ושאלה, מתרץ קושיות, מיישר תמיהות ומגלה עמוקות. והנה שמתי לב שעם כל תשובה שהרב משיב, מפנה הרבי מגור את ראשו אל הרב מבענדין, בתוספת של הנהון, שמשמעותו היא "אתה רואה!" כיוון שהדבר התמיה אותי, הרשיתי לעצמי לפנות אחר תום הביקור אל הרב מבענדין ולשאול אותו לפשר הדבר. הסביר לי האורח החשוב: כשנסעתי עם הרבי באוניה, נשאנו ונתנו בהלכות שונות. היו דברים שהרבי השיב עליהם, והיו דברים שעליהם אמר: כשנבוא ירושלימה וניפגש עם הרב קוק תשאל אותו והוא כבר ישיב לך. כפי שראית, השיב לי הרב על כל שאלותיי, ותנועותיו של הרבי באו לומר שאכן צדק כשהיה בטוח שהרב ישיב לי על הכול" ('ליקוטי הראי"ה' ח"ב עמ' 149). הרב מבנדין עוד הספיק לשאול את הרב שאלות בענייני קודשים וענייני קבלה, וכולו היה מלא הערצה כלפיו. לאחר שחזר לפולין, סיפרו שהרב מבנדין היה מספר בשבחו של מרן הרב, ואמר: "העולם אינו יודע את הגדלות של הרב קוק! בירושלים מכהן רב בעל השגות מופלאות ביותר!
    באחד מביקוריו כשנלוו אליו גיסו, הרב מבנדין והאדמו"ר הגאון ר' יצחק זליג מורגנשטרן מסוקולוב, ולאחר ביקור הרב קוק במעונו של הרבי מגור שבו התווכחו על דברי הרב בעניין ההתעמלות של צעירי ישראל, מיהר האדמו"ר מגור ללכת לבית הרב כדי להחזיר ביקור, וסירב לנסוע בעגלה. הוא רצה לכבד את הרב קוק בביקור ברגליו וצעד מאכסנייתו בעיר העתיקה עד ביתו של הרב קוק.
    בסיום סעודת נישואי בן אחיו של הרבי, שאליה הוזמן גם הרב קוק, כיבד האדמו"ר את הרב קוק גם בזימון לברכת המזון וגם בשבע ברכות. וכן אחרי הקידוש בשבת "שבע ברכות" ערבב הרבי את השיריים מכוס הקידוש שלו וכוס הקידוש של הרב ונתן לחסידים לשתות.
    כששמע הרבי על מחלתו של הרב, פקד במכתב על בנו רבי שמחה בונים אלתר (שלימים היה האדמו"ר) לבקר את הרב ולמסור לו את איחוליו בכתב ידו: "הנני לברך את כבוד תורתו ברפואה שלמה. המקום יהיה בעזרו שישלח לו רפואה שלמה בקרוב, לשמחת לב אוהביו". סיפר האדמו"ר ר' פינחס מנחם, שבהיות הרבי באנייה בדרכו לארץ ישראל, באלול תרצ"ה, שמע על פטירתו של הרב, וגעה בבכייה בלתי רגילה. זה היה דבר נדיר מאוד אצל הרבי, שכמעט ולא בכה. אין זאת אלא כי ידע את גדולתו של מרן הרב קוק זצ"ל. וכן בביקורו הזה אמר לגרי"צ דושינסקי זצ"ל, ראב"ד העדה החרדית (כשהרב בנגיס שימש בהמשך כראב"ד לצדו) שלא השתתף בלוויית הרב קוק, שאם הוא היה בירושלים בזמן הלוויה הוא היה צועד ברגל אחר מיטתו של הרב קוק עד הר הזיתים.

  147. anon: "Does the Vayoel have a haskama?"

    None, but you miss the point neither does 'he' have one! (on like kook his books doesn't but he does! curious the least)

    BTW to I have nevered heared anyone small or big to accuse SR of being an apik.! and to compare the 2 IDK what name to call you on it

  148. anon: "Does the Nitra Hiemishe cookbook have a haskuma?"

    no but atleast its good all the rebishe kugels come from it, but the other 'kook book' IDK it be said כל באיה לא ישׁובון- ר"ת ביכ"ל

  149. anon: "Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer Zt"l wrote a glowing haskamah (years after the Satmar Rav wrote that letter that you love quoting)."

    if not falsafied, poor rav I'm sure in gan eden he had a rude awakening! ז"ל

  150. anon: "did Reb Yakov refute?
    Did the CC refute?"

    they had other things on the agenda, besides the gemurah in סנהדרין אביי אומר "האומר מותר" אנוס הוא

  151. Sorry to all of you faint hearts I do not accept any comments as facts from party rabbunim even in hallacha בּעלמא כ"ש on political and party issues, BTW there is a written (in print) a lenghty teshva on an issue of marrying a שביה לכהן to ר' פנחס הערש מאשקאוויטש ז"ל from the edah! where SR z"l states: that rabbunim tainted with zionisim are not competent to answer on any halacha whatsoever! וכדי לסמוך עליו

  152. anon: "מרן פוסק הדור הגאון הרב יוסף שלום אליישיב שליט"א"

    is that the eliyashev from haichel shlomo which 'brisker rav z"l' had an issur to step into and fought against it !!! he became posek hadar! no wonder!

  153. I like all these buba masies they look better in hebrew letters than in english ones, even when they are quoted against a handwritten thshivah of toras emes written by goan vegodal z"l but sorry I'm not from your party who you can fool with these bubka stories!

  154. anon: "פעם הרשה לעצמו אחד מגדולי הקנאים בירושלים להשמיע בפני ה'לשם' דברי קטרוג על הראי"ה, הפסיקו ה'לשם' ואמר: "לי לא תספרו מי זה הראי"ה ומה טיבו. מה אתם יודעים מי הוא? הלא לילות ישבנו יחד!"

    מצא מין את מינו?

  155. It seems like the tzig is napping and not seeing or posting many of my comments sent, so I'll leave the podium and let y'all flatter each other (for awhile)

  156. Anon
    "BTW to I have nevered heared anyone small or big to accuse SR of being an apik.! and to compare the 2 IDK what name to call you on it"
    there was nobody on earth that was so ignorant and vile to create a mega hate machine, to delegitimize most of Klal Yisroel based on some agadas chazal.
    Even the Yavetz was at least the bar plugta of reb Yonasan Eibshutz,his Mor Uktziah,Yavetz,Hagoas on whole shas, etc...
    But a rav that is not in the ball park of the gedolie hadoir of his era , as the Avnie Nezer, Chebiner Ruv Reb Moshe,Reb Shloma Zalmen, Reb Isser Zalmen, Divrie Yatziv..
    His torah pales these giants... and he creates some newfound religon.. to label them apikorsim..

  157. Anon
    "is that the eliyashev from haichel shlomo which 'brisker rav z"l' had an issur to step into and fought against it !!!"
    I don't think that Rav Elyashev zol zien gezunt that knows the shulchan orech better then bies brisk, needs any hecsher from a house that disdains the shulchan orech, let them be the best diligent learners of Zevochim and Minochath, but it is still not the Shulchan Orech that Klal Yisroel has to abide to. Its my Belief that the morning that Brisker Ruv added a new Lav to the TGorah. Rav Elieshev checked out his old shulchan orech and did not find that issur, and off to Hiechel Shloma he went to give the Dvar Hashem Zu Halocha to lechol asher beshem yisroel yechuna.

  158. Anon
    "even when they are quoted against a handwritten thshivah of toras emes written by goan vegodal z"l"
    I don't think that a hyped up venomous letter becomes a teshuva even it is printed in a sefer Shut.

  159. anon: “there was nobody on earth that was so ignorant and vile to create a mega hate machine, to delegitimize most of Klal Yisroel” “Divrie Yatziv..”

    and yourself of course... the little pin prick who knows it all! did you ever heard of גדעון
    ויהי מספר המלקקים בידם אל פיהם שלוש מאות וכל יתר העם כרעו על ברכיהם

  160. you sound like such's really amazing how these ignorant satamar web surfers are so defensive..they attack everyone around them instead of simply praising their own you even realize that no one went to attack you? everything told to you is alway just trying to quiet your venom and hateful other rosh hayeshiva/rebbe/chacham is interested in fighting around with a bunch inferiority complexed ignorant chassidim who sincerely believe the satamar rav wanted them to run around being mivazeh gedolei torah...don't you get it? You are the ones being mivazeh..not the other way around...

  161. Anon
    "and yourself of course... the little pin prick who knows it all! did you ever heard of גדעון
    ויהי מספר המלקקים בידם אל פיהם שלוש מאות וכל יתר העם כרעו על ברכיהם"
    So Hitler did not kill enough Jews, he should of leave over only 300


  162. on a different note:
    Heilman's book says the head of Yevsektsye was a Musmach of R' Chaim Oizer.
    Could it be that his motivation to tch'epe the FR was as a Talmid HaGra, rather than a Talmid of Lenin/Stalin/Trotsky?

  163. Does anyone else here find it amazing how the failures from Satmar are the ones who run around being mivazeh all the gedolei hador, claiming reshus from the Satmar Rav? Somethings don't change...why don't you ignorant fools stick to reading your silly blogs rather than talking about gedolei torah?

  164. anon: "Does anyone else here find it amazing how the failures from Satmar are the ones who run around being mivazeh all the gedolei hador"

    the failures from satmar, are the future of the livishe/chasidishe agudistin frumme, so be respectful ok, ask your dad! stop spreading lies on this kook stories so no one will wake you up rudely from your sweet dreams.

  165. anon: "run around being mivazeh all the gedolei hador"

    tell your party gedolim to stick to their shirum and to piskei halachos on the 4 volumes of the shilcun orach, and stop purveying party line smut! and no one will miss their so called daas, which are identical as found in all old newspapers.

  166. "tell your party gedolim to stick to their shirum and to piskei halachos on the 4 volumes of the shilcun orach, and stop purveying party line smut! and no one will miss their so called daas, which are identical as found in all old newspapers."

    Right. So you are admitting that you have no respect or kavod towards Gedolei Torah and Talmidei Chachaim that don't follow the Daas Yochid of the Satamar Rav. Don't you understand? Klal Yisroel has no problem with Satmar chassidim following their Rav's shittos (since he was a Gadol). But klal yisroel does have a problem when you run around being mivazeh the ziknei gedolei hador, or every talmid chacham that did/does not agree with the Satmar Rav's mehalach.

    You think by running around meing mizalzel tamidei chachamim that don't agree with you, that you are bringing kavod to your chassidus?! You simply cutting yourself off from the rest of the yidden.

  167. "the failures from satmar, are the future of the livishe/chasidishe agudistin frumme, so be respectful ok"

    Amazing a pathetic blogger sitting by his computer, and is simply filled with hate (and chooses to direct it at talmidei chachamim who paskin diffrently than his rebbe), thinks that he is "the future" of really should put on some fresh clothing and go outside to get in touch with reality.

  168. anon: "Right. So you are admitting that you have no respect or kavod towards Gedolei Torah and Talmidei Chachaim that don't follow the Daas Yochid of the Satamar Rav"

    i said no such thing! stop channeling your biased opinion on others! SR was not a yuchid most of gedolie hatorah had the same opinion before WWII and 100's after! but they weren't connected to a party who pumped their opinion for personel gains! stop making villains of whom doesn't agree with you.. a product of your party!

  169. anon: "Amazing a pathetic blogger sitting by his computer, and is simply filled with hate (and chooses to direct it at talmidei chachamim who paskin diffrently than his rebbe), thinks that he is "the future" of really should put on some fresh clothing and go outside to get in touch with reality."

    Find yourself a mirror and read your above comment aloud! than say: 'PUTZ who asked you!'

  170. Anon
    "SR was not a yuchid most of gedolie hatorah had the same opinion before WWII and 100's after!"
    Which Godol said that you can not participate in a elections that can change the scale to your benefit begashmius uberuchnius?
    Which Godol said that you can not take money from a government that you pay taxes to?
    Which other Godul said that if a Jew can do the mitzvah of Yishuv Eretz Yisroel and have a positive influence on the country, he should not live there?
    After the war he had no international known ruv on his side, all the rabonim that signed his broadsheets were rabonim on his payroll,

  171. AND PLEASE LET'S BE CLEAR: No one is showing disrespect towards the Satmar Rav. He was a Gadol like the others. Even though they argue directly against his positions. They felt he was wrong regarding how to act towards the medinah. But they never went out to be mizalzel others. And nor did their followers.

    The problem is the Satmar bloggers on this site can't bring themselves to act with the same basic decency.

  172. anon: "After the war he had no international known ruv on his side, all the rabonim that signed his broadsheets were rabonim on his payroll,"

    you're a שקרן and a זייפן BTW the opposite is true all your gedolim members of the agudah or not received party benefits of כבוד וממון

  173. וינוחו בשלום על משכבותיהם ונאמר אמן

  174. Anon
    "you're a שקרן and a זייפן BTW the opposite is true all your gedolim members of the agudah or not received party benefits of "
    besides name calling can you spill some names?
    Did Belzer Ruv get some Koved and money?
    did he start eating more after his signature, since he had more money for food...

  175. anon: "did he start eating more after his signature"

    וינוחו בשלום על משכבותיהם ונאמר אמן

  176. anon: "Did Belzer Ruv get some Koved and money?"

    you mean berele! he support himself and his mosdos from from what??? keren hatzolo maybe?

  177. To all asking why really none of the ‘gedolim’ haven’t answered on the ‘veyoel moshe’ although they wrote responses in length even on minute/little questions that ketanim could of answer, but the most current and most discussed topic they all kept quiet! :

    ויאמר משה אל קרח מי שילך ומדבר עם יוסף אומר לשמעון שמע י"א שהיה מבקש ממנו שיחזור בו ואומר לפניו דברים רכים כיון שראה שלא שמע אמר עד שלא ישתתפו אחרים עמו התחיל לדבר להם שמעו נא בני לוי... כל הדברים האלו פייס משה לקרח ואין את מוצא שהשיבו דבר לפי שהיה פקח ברשעו אמר אם אני משיבו יודע אני בו שהוא חכם גדול ועכשיו יקפחני בדבריו ואני מתרצה לו בעל כרחי מוטב שלא אזקק לו כשראה משה שאין בו תועלת פירש הימנו
    במדבר רבה פרשה יח פסקה ט

  178. The comments are getting more and more bizzare..why would the Gedolim write a refutaion to Vyoel Moshe? Litvishe Gedolim don't run to fight and argue with another Gadol, just because they hold not like him.

    Don't you get it? Gedolim don't tear each other down just because they argue with each other in Halacha. And they made it very clear that they held not like the Satmar Rav when they were asked shaylos.

  179. Call any Litvishe Gadol and most Chassidishe Gedolim alive today in Eretz Yisroel or America, they will tell you that they don't agree that the creation of the medinah was a maysah satan...but they are not interested in lowering themselves by making a public machlokes about it. Can't you even understand that??

  180. nu nu, sums it all up in one sentence.

  181. Anon
    "you mean berele! he support himself and his mosdos from from what??? keren hatzolo maybe?"
    Acting vulgar and writing juvenile does not help your cause.
    You know well I did not mean the current Rebbe,I meant is Uncle.

  182. anon: "You know well I did not mean the current Rebbe,I meant is Uncle."

    Its no use to comment negatively on a צדיק ושוכן עפר I'm sure you get the drift

  183. You nutty neturei kartanics can't hold yourselfs always end up showing your true were thrown out of satmar and are laughed at by everyone else...keep thinking that you guys are right and everyone else is crazies...

  184. annon: "nutty"

    what is your definition of "nutty" ? does it only apply when a few youngsters visit a lunatic like Ahmadinejad but, it's ok when the head of the medina visits the head of state of germany, or the pope or yassir arafat or sadat etc., all of whom where implicated on murederers acts!, or when the head of the medina insults!!! with עזות וחוצפה יתירה the only hand the USA who feeds them and protects them, or insults the whole world jewrey by inslaving the weak the poor and the homeless palestines and the cheredim, or by running a jewish country with חוכת עכו"ם, or by having a jewish population with over 90% מחללי שבת all that is ok? no nuttyness there??? (or maybe just a little?) or is it just SR z"l ש"ס תורה'ס the true chilul hashem (עפ"ל) excuse me MR. ANON! can you pay a 'little' attention' to these questions!and to your own nutty writings?

  185. you are just proving the point. nuts crazy and looney is the understatement of the day...beyond the pale...very very sad...

  186. you were thrown out of satmar and are laughed at by everyone else...keep thinking that you guys are right and everyone else is one with any respect or credible standing in the religous jewish world supports are loony wackos looking for attention at the expense of klal yisroel...pathetic...but hurtful to the many good people you cast in a bad light

  187. anon: “to make matters even worse they then run around are mizalzel all the gedolei torah alive today”

    you’re so full of it (גדולים) is it only your ‘party gedolim’ that counts! But the hundreds of gedolim who hold to the contrary (whom you are mevazah) ok to do so? Or is it that you just like what they say because צד מינות נזרקה בּך

    BTW how come all the gedolim ‘quoted’ are only israeli ‘party gedolim’ how come that diaspora live gedolim are not usually quoted, is it because there is no חוב קדוש voters in the diaspora so our gedolim are irelevent here in the diaspora by the partys, And no gedolim propoganda needed!, So we need no ‘gedolim’, or is there no gedolim like your gedolim?


  188. Anon
    "But the hundreds of gedolim who hold to the contrary (whom you are mevazah) ok to do so"
    who are they?

  189. anon:"who are they?"

    זיל קרי ביה רב

  190. and you continue with the don't have a list of gedolim, you have nothing...the only way to struggle for credibility is to use gedolim who are no longer alive and claim that they would agree with you live in a dream world where everyone is evil and you are pious...the sad thing is you hurt the klal in a horrible way when you spew your nonsence to the public...list which gedolim alive today support your garabage...that's one...

  191. anon:"who are they?"

    זיל קרי ביה

    ראו דברי קדשם: אור לישרים, מכתבי מהרש"ב, תקון עולם, קובץ מאמרים עקבתא דמשיחא,
    מונקאטש ,בעלז מהרי"ד, ר' חיים בּריסקער, ר' אלחנן וואסערמאן, ואחריהם ביד"ץ דעדה החרדית, ובּיד"ץ דהאתחדות הרבנים בראשית המרי"ט, ז"ל ולהבדיל המאות הרבנים הגאונים
    אשר עמנו פה היום עם אלפים תלמידהון כ"י

  192. The greatest rabbis should gather immediately and excommunicate the Zionists. They should exclude them from the Jewish people by forbidding their bread, their wine and intermarriage with them. (Mara D‟ara Yisroel v. 2 p. 43)

    Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch, rabbi of Frankfort, Germany (1808–1888)

    Did you know that NK are Hirschians?

    No shame.

  193. Fed Up In Peoria said... : "Did you know that NK are Hirschians? No shame."

    did you know that the torah say you should worship idols (ח"ו)

    it says: ועבדתם אלהים אחרים

    actually its the rambam who says that, if you quote out of context you can see what you want, so have fun!

  194. round of applause...the quack poster has proved the point he cant find one gadol alive today who supports the crazy antics and harmful destruction that niturei karata causes today in the guise of "tzidkus"....yep, claim that rabbonim who are already niftar and can't put you in cherem today are your supporters....

  195. what a pathetic cant list ONE gadol alive who supports you...go do something productive instead of tearing everyone down...

  196. Anonymous said...
    "what a pathetic cant list ONE gadol alive who supports you...go do something productive instead of tearing everyone down..."

    על תען כסיל בעולתו how right the sages where I'm guilty of answering you 1-2-3 times and you want me to continue? !

  197. for those who want to know:

    הדומה למלאך ה׳ הגה״ק כ״ק אדמו״ר
    רשכבה״ג פאה״ד ומופה״ד ציס״ע לו דומי׳
    תהלה קדוש יאמר לו ה״ה רביגו הקדוש
    והטהור מרן מהר״י ט״ב שליט״א, אב״ד
    ור״מ ואדמו״ד דק״ק סאטמאר, בעמח״ס
    ויואל משה ועוד, ומביא שם בספרו הנ״ל
    מאמר שלש שבועות סימן קי״ג וקי״ד ועיין
    בסוף סי׳ קי״ג דף קכ״ו ע״ב וזלה״ט, ועכ״פ
    חיובא רמיא לזעוק זעקה גדולה ומרה בחוצות
    וברחובות על חלול השם ותורתו הקדושה
    באופן נורא שלא היתה כזאת בישראל מעולם
    עכ״ל הק׳ עיי״ש באריכות, ועכ״פ רוצה
    לומר בזה שחיוב גמור לילך אצל האומות

    ולהב"ח האדמורי"ם ובּית דינם מסאטמאר, הרה"ג ר' יחזקאל ראטה, ר' הלל וויינבערגער, הרב כץ מקהלת וויען


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