Thursday, September 1, 2011

Pleading for Help, 1943

The man in the video, standing next to Rav Lazer Silver and speaking the king's English is Rabbi Zev Gold. Schneur has told us much about Rabbi Gold, how he founded the Yeshiva Torah VoDa'as and named it after the famous Yeshiva that Rav Reines founded in Lida. The idea was that it be like its namesake, a place where Torah and, lehavdil, secular subjects were taught. The Yeshiva may have been that, and it still is, with many of the Touro studenten coming from Yeshiva Torah VoDa'ath, because they allow the bachurim to attend, but I don't think that this is what Rabbi Gold had in mind. Reb Shraga Feivel - whose Yohrtzeit is tomorrow - changed the course, him and R' Binyomin Wilhelm. I guess Rabbi Gold spoke the best English in the crowd, and the monocle he wore sure made an impression. I'm kidding. Visible in the picture preceding the moving picture is R' Avrohom Kalmanovich, Rav of Tiktin and President of the Mirrer Yeshiva in Brooklyn, as well as the Bostoner Rebbe, R' Levi Yitzchok, in row 2, with the very Rabbinic hat. There are more, but I can't think of the names now. Maybe a Levovitz too. The Modzitzer Rebbe was there too. Much was made about the Lubavitcher Rebbe not traveling to that march on Washington, as if to say that he didn't care about the well being of his brothers and sisters in Occupied Europe. עפרא לפומיה of all those who say that. The guy in row 2 that gets annoyed from a hand on his shoulder and some fidgeting behind him obviously didn't realize the importance of the occasion if he could be disturbed by a trivial thing like that...


  1. why afra lepima the labavither bala gava only went to marches where every one saluted THEM as the main attraction, millions of Jews in danger is not important enough to comprise on Their supremacy

  2. Any truth to the rumor that some ostensibly heimishe organizations in EY sat out the war on piles of money and refused pleas to help with rescue work?

  3. Why afra lepuma is obvious: in teh depth of their hearts these dudes (and you seem to be included) know that the dirt they expel through their mouth is not true.

  4. seriously, why didn't the lr go to the march?

  5. I believe there were plenty of other Rebbes and Rabbonim who didn't attend

  6. The Wyman Institute published a letter signed by relatives of rabbis who marched, from which one can infer the names of many of the rabbis.

    There are additional photos and info here:

  7. the Lubavicher Rebbe did not go to the march,
    1)he couldnt go he was in a wheel chair
    2)because he had ruach hakodesh and knew noting will come out of that protest
    3) he was a kanui, and was scared of hisgarus beumoth, Nazis or Roosvelt, u can pick and choose
    Isnt it simple

  8. were the following rabonim there?
    Tzelemer Ruv
    Matersdorfer Ruv
    Reb Moshe Fienstien
    Rav Henkin

  9. The list of the Rabbis is here among tons of other interesting information including newspaper clips regarding the march:

    Rabbi Nissan Mindel & Rabbi S.Z. Gourarie seem to have represented the Frierdiker Rebbe.

  10. the FR did not go to his mother's levaya in 1942 due to his health. There was no way he could have travelled to D.C. The idea is ludicrous. For the Rebbe, IMHO he was working then at the brooklyn navy yard and this was a workday. I noticed SZG and nissan mindel, the FR's secretary were there.

  11. Why don't you reaf the Rayatz's letters? He says why he is against it.
    BTW, the WRB was established because of the march. Raoul Wallenberg was a student in American colleges and was chosen by the WRB to represent them in Hungary. There are about 200,000 lives saved credites to the WRB. The Rabbis march was successful.

  12. Anon
    "Rabbi Nissan Mindel & Rabbi S.Z. Gourarie seem to have represented the Frierdiker Rebbe."
    sorry I could not open the list
    Are they on the list?

  13. Anon
    "the FR did not go to his mother's levaya in 1942 due to his health."
    He was out of town, it was impossible for him to return, the Rebbe was in town and he arranged the Levaye.

  14. In the front row, toward the far right is the Monastriter Rebbe

  15. Anon
    "the FR did not go to his mother's levaya in 1942 due to his health."
    He was out of town, it was impossible for him to return, the Rebbe was in town and he arranged the Levaye.

    The FR was in chicago when his mother passed away. The levaya was on Monday since they waited for him to return to NY. He did not go to the cemetery nor did he follow behind the aron when it left 770, due to his weak condition.

  16. On the first image, first row, the man with a clear hat and no beard is R' Nissan Mindel, who did represent the Rebbe at this march.


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