Wednesday, October 26, 2011

א רוף צו אקשן - דעת בעלי בתים


שוין לאנג נישט געזעהן ווי דאס הארץ ווייטאג פון אחב"י, די א.ג. "עמך אידן", ווערט אזוי גוט אויסגעדרוקט ווי אין די פאר בלעטער. זעהט אויס אז מ'האלט שוין נאנט, זייער נאנט, צו "קריסת המערכת" ווי דאס איז ביז היינט. ווער ווייסט אבער ווי ווייט און ווי טיף דאס וועט גיין ווען די מערכת וועט אונטער גיין, ר"ל. ווייל א מערכת מיט אזעלכע שוואכע יסודות, און מיט לופט אונטער די שוואכע יסודות, קען זינקען גאר, גאר טיף, אזוי ווי מיר זעהן שוין היינט


  1. "אזוי מיר זעהן שוין היינט"

    וואט דיד יוא מין טו סי?

  2. גרונם
    האסט געליינט די אלע בלעטער


  3. I only read what you write, the rest, a cursory glance is sufficient.

  4. Heshel is it just me that i cant read it ???its all farmisht,is it sabotage???

  5. "ויהי בימי שפוט השופטים אוי לדור ששפטו את שופטיהם ואוי לדור ששופטיו צריכין להשפט, שנא' (שופטים ב') וגם אל שופטיהם לא שמעו

    כתב הסמ"ע (חו"מ ג,יג), כי דעת בעלי בתים היא היפך מדעת תורה

    You cant have בעל הבתים who lead, and you dont have leaders who lead right, therfore the answer is...

  6. We're a long way from a collapse of the "maareches."The potentates of Brooklyn and Rockland County rule with an iron fist and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. "Katla Kanya" who is the probable author is very talented but the revolution envisioned in this piece is a long way from being realized.If anything,thousands of new recruits are indoctrinated and inducted into the ranks of the ignorant and the gullible on a regular basis.The real question is how can there be a "Chareidishe" yiddishkeit without the "benefit" of these same "tzaddikim" who are being so thoroughly criticized?Hassidism rests on the corrupting power structure of these royal dynasties.

  7. it's not sabotage

    try refreshing the page, or just wait for it to straighten out

  8. This is a Katle Kanye wannabe. Katle is way better.

  9. I don't think this was written neither by Katle nor by his wannabe. The style and writing techniques are very different.
    I personally think that the article is a masterpiece. One drawback: it is only מגלה טפח ומכסה טפחיים...

  10. Katle Kanye writes for this journal.

  11. שבת בלעטל האט קנאה אויף די דיקע וואכן בלעטלעך, ס"ה מפטירן כדאתמול

  12. Although the real sentiments expressed so cynically are something I can relate to. The writers and propogaters of this piece are following in the derech of rebetzin shpitzle and will soon very unpiously remain without their peyos...

  13. A quick read of the first few pages turned up Satmar, Bobov and New Square ? Am I mistaken ? Any others ?

  14. For does who ever read RYT SR z”l seforim and heard the numerous speeches on tapes are familiar with these issues.., it is recorded by a dinner for the CRC that he said “he doesn’t know of a rav who is willing to give up a cup of coffee in sacrifice to hashem” and he said it in a time when most of the rabbunim in the CRC where old time gedoli rabbunim living on small potatoes! So its only a natural phenomenon how we arrived 50 years later to this situation!
    Said all that the answer to this situation is not in a ‘politicized’ and centralized leadership!!!, or of rabbunim in fringe positions (if in any) making little committees on side issues full of stabs and innuendoes shooting from behind the wall and coming out sideways anonymously! with declarations and web articles LOL! From people who never proofed any leadership skills whatsoever! Just writing articles behind the pale with bombastic declarations which can be concentrated in one sentence of:
    סנדדרין כּ': אפיקורוס כגון מאן, דאמרי מאי אהני לן רבנן מעולם לא
    שרו לן עורבא ולא אסרו לן יונה

  15. anon: "A quick read of the first few pages turned up Satmar, Bobov and New Square ? Am I mistaken ? Any others ?"

    you can only complain on does who 'do something' right?

  16. what right does the writer have to blemish the name of the Skulener rebbe who called this assifa?
    he is not in court, has no fancy house, no grandiose weddings...

  17. Anonymous said...
    what right does the writer have to blemish the name of the Skulener rebbe who called this assifa?

    and where is the outcry of this chtzpah..! from the run-of-the-mill party gedolim being quoted relentlessly on party issues! are they only quouted when they serve and protect the party!?

  18. Anon
    "“he doesn’t know of a rav who is willing to give up a cup of coffee in sacrifice to hashem” and he said it in a time when most of the rabbunim in the CRC where old time gedoli rabbunim living on small potatoes!"
    do you really think he did the right thing by hurling such a wide brush accusation on rabonim,
    this sarcastic Mechutzaf writer, is a byproduct from such accusations.
    Unless you are taking the SR words out of context..

  19. anon: "this sarcastic Mechutzaf writer, is a byproduct from such accusations"

    Oh wow! coming from Mr Anon himself it really hurts Ouch!

    especially when you just fininshed reading (writing) this schmutz trowing article א רוף צו אקשן painting all gedolim with a brush shakespeare himself wouldn't do and you didnt't find any wrong with it to complain except with a devar emes from none other the the SR z"l (btw, available on tape)

  20. Hey
    My friend,I definitely hold that this writer is a hidden Apikores, that has a inner hate for Kol Hakodesh, as I pointed out before that the meeting was called by the skulener, and he has no slight relations to non of his shmutz.
    But Chazal said that Chachomim Hizhari Brdivriechem, and it could could mean the SR too, who I believe that you hold him in the category of a Chochem.

  21. The skulener rebbe shlita has no idea what the Internet is; he does what idiot "askanim" tell him to.
    Although he is be'emes a tzadik, the skulener is not a manhig. He is not aware of what's going on in klal yisroel, nor what his own gabo'im do, collecting millions of dollars for non-existing Mosdos.

  22. I am very disappointed with this piece. For all those who care about the preservation of the Charedi classical lifestyle, this is the writing of a person who has abandoned ship.

    Neither Katla nor all those who joined this new rag will deliver us. They will succeed in encouraging like minded flippers to jump ship quicker. This makes me very sad.

    I am intimately familiar with this asifa. The Sekulener Rebbe did not and does not call asifas. He was used by a slick organization and operatives who are in the process of succeeding in hijacking a good portion of the Haredi establishment.

    Reb Moshe Green spoke at the asifa and told all assembled, that no takones will do the job, only 'varemkeit' in family life and yiddishkeit will save us. Theoretically even the one who wrote this blettel could agree to that.

    Those who us who pine for the good old days of temimesdige normal yidishkeit of our parents are about to be overwhelmed by zealots from one side and the apikorsim on the other.

    Even though I agree with many of the sentiments expressed… ashur lo yoishi'enu...this blettel repulses me.

    Us normal charedim need a yeshua fast, but it wont come from them.

    Yosef 718

  23. whats the scoop, who is behind this asifa, how and why?
    leshitascha yosef 718

  24. Yosef 718, is that the same R' Moshe Green who went to visit in prison a convicted rapist of his own child, alluded to in this article?

    One only has to follow Behadrei Hareidim to realise that the rot is not Hungarian or Polish or Galician or chasidish or litvish or ashkenazi or sefardi or Israeli or American or European. It is everywhere right to the very top and the sooner it collapses the better for all of us. Yes there will be a price to pay but as it is we are paying a horrific price in our good name, in the corruption of our values and the chilul hashem which mushrooms by the day.

  25. שיין און גרינג צו שרייבן און ווילדעווען, בסך הכל טוט דער שרייבערל גענוי וואס ער באשולדיגט אנדערע און האבן געטאן.

    זיצט א פארוויטאגטע איד אין זיין ווינקל און גיסט פעך און שוועבל אויף כל הבא לידו, יא בשייך צו די אסיפה נישט בשייך דערצו.

    דאס אז עס זענען פאראן פון די שופטי דורינו אזאנע וואס פירן זיך נישט כדבעי׳ נעמט זיי נאך נישט אוועק פון די אחריות וואס זייערע פאסטענעס פארלאנגן, און אויב באדארף עפעס שריט גענומען צו ווערן אנטקעגן די אינטערנעט באנוץ איז עס נאר זיי וואס דארפן און קענען דאס טון

    דאס איז חוץ פונעם פאקט אז דער סקולענע רבי מיט ר׳ מתתי׳ סאלאמאן שליט״א זענען גאנץ ווייט פון זיין קארופטירט..

    טול קורה מבין עיניך איז אלץ א גוטע טענה, דאס מאכט אבער נישט געווינען דעם דיסקוסיע. נאכמער, רוב פון די קארופציע און שוואכע פירונגען ביי די מאנכע רעבעס זענען די בעלי בתים טאקע די וואס זענען שולדיג דערין, ביי יעדע קבלה שפאלט איז עס זיי וואס צינדן די פייער און וואס פירן די מערכת קודש. ווען נישט די ״הייליגע בעלי בתים״ וואלט קיינמאל קיין סאטמארע שפליטערונג אין קארט נישט אנגעקומען, נאכמער די הויפט מחותנים צום טיילונג זענען דאך די דרייסטע בעלי בתים און ראשי קהלה הפוסחים על ראשי עם קודש.

    דיני תורה, מחלוקה׳לעך איבער רבנות איז שוין אזוי אלט ווי די וועלט, און יא עס איז אלעמאל ליידער געוועהן א וואפן אין האנט פון די שרייבערלעך. האט זיך אבער יידישקייט ווייטער געבויעט און געהאלטן דוקא אויף די זוילן פון די סלעי המחלוקת און נישט אויף די פאפירענע ארטיקלען.......

  26. grainom said... "whats the scoop, who is behind this asifa, how and why? “
    If I may, belz,klaus,kasu,chasidshe/litvakes, etc. types, all aggrieved fringe sects and individuasl out on a limb who still think they will get the bully pulpit by bullying around with 'some' issues.., leaving out ‘their’ core constituents (if they have any) by pointing their fingers on others and by throwing mud from behind the (transparent) wall !

    Note: the issues are real in some cases.. (but than trowing togheter 50 rabbunim and fishing for defects than meshing it up trying to make all sums to equal ‘each’ as a whole! - to see what sticks, very clever), the paticipants are mostly real, their ideology, organazation, methods, and success are doooooooooooomed!

  27. As much we would all love to stick our heads in the sand and make believe all is well and fine, the truth is that we are in bitere tzuris. This Blettel puts down on paper so eloquently the heart ache of the hamon am, and the painful suffering of a lost generation grasping for something to hold on to.

    Parnuseh is in der erd, and the lack or proper education in the chadurim insure that things will stay this way.

    Botai din, G-d forbid if you have to have any dealings with them, are beyond corrupt as you all know.

    Rabunim even if they are erlich are out of touch and have no clue what life is like for the average yid. Then there are those who will use frimkiet lekanter, to control and punish when and whom they chose. The rebbishe kinder are all very well provided for with homes and bugaboo strollers. Even those who do seem to be non corrupt have machers around them who do their dirty work with blanket amnesty.

    The whole system operates on gneiveh and gzeileh, from sec8, vouchrs fs, etc.. Thousands stood in lines to collect money for damages from hurricane Irene they never had. It's a given that every newlywed couple will quickly apply for every gov program out there. You're even considered a fool for not taking advantage of these gneives.

    These issues are only the tip of the iceberg, and the oilem is realizing more and more each day how lost we are. But even a worse realization that there's no one out there who will address these issues. This sad fact is sinking in and leaving people angry and in despair.

    It is these feelings the blettel captures so well. It speaks the words that have been on the tip of all our tongues.

    The saddest part of all, in discussing this with friends they all agreed, that if you show this blettel to most rabunim they won't get it. They are so far away from knowing the pains of their flock.

    Historians will one day look back at this time and point to this blettel as the warning the leaders of our time failed to heed.

  28. Last Anonymous,
    You hit the nail on the head!
    Very well put.

  29. anon: "The whole system operates on gneiveh and gzeileh, from sec8, vouchrs fs, etc.."
    Before you took the cutzpah to accuse the 'klal' on "gneiveh and gzeileh" c"v, check your facts over 40% of americans have some kind of government support! 50 million! americans receiving FS the cheridim are a minuscule!, BTW just like most americans receiving 'free' public school 'free' lunches and 'free' preventive medical help in their schools because that’s what they are entitled by the law - not to mention all other college subsidies, loan prefrences, recreations, libraries, job preferences! etc. etc. - so are cheridim entitled to receive what the states entitle them!!! Last checked its not against the law to marry early and have a lot of children c”y!!! by all means – those who are entitled - let them go for it!

  30. נתןsaid...

    דיני תורה, מחלוקה׳לעך איבע רבנות איז שוין אזוי אלט ווי די וועלט

    Granted, but a split between to brothers claiming descendents of none other than " SR!z"l " winding in a 'SECULAR court' for years! (not din tora!)com'on HOW LOW CAN YOU GO!

  31. anon: "You're even considered a fool for not taking advantage of these gneives."

    Oh sure.. you forgot to mention SS and medicare those of 'you' who are well off but still taking it!even when you take much more than you have given! Mr Right can you find it in your heart to return the monies which the goverment is in so much need Please...?


    יחזקאל פרק לד
    א ויהי דבר-", אליי לאמור. ב בן-אדם, הינבא על-רועי ישראל; הינבא ואמרת אליהם לרועים כה אמר אדוניי ", הוי רועי-ישראל אשר היו רועים אותם--הלוא הצאן, ירעו הרועים. ג את-החלב תאכלו ואת-הצמר תלבשו, הבריאה תזבחו; הצאן, לא תרעו. ד את-הנחלות לא חיזקתם ואת-החולה לא-ריפאתם, ולנשברת לא חבשתם, ואת-הנידחת לא השבותם, ואת-האובדת לא ביקשתם; ובחוזקה רדיתם אותם, ובפרך. ה ותפוצינה, מבלי רועה; ותהיינה לאוכלה לכל-חית השדה, ותפוצינה. ו ישגו צאני בכל-ההרים, ועל כל-גבעה רמה; ועל כל-פני הארץ נפוצו צאני, ואין דורש ואין מבקש.

    The only news that previously it was said by a נביא אמת and now! by an anon blog writer with an obvious Agenda! (and a foul language) cruising anonymously ברשת התחתון .

    כל היוצא מטמא טמא

  33. sholom
    "Although he is be'emes a tzadik, the skulener is not a manhig. He is not aware of what's going on in klal yisroel, nor what his own gabo'im do, collecting millions of dollars for non-existing Mosdos"
    Give me 1 Manhig that his staff were not acting as the first Mashbak "Gachzie"

  34. Sholom
    "Although he is be'emes a tzadik, the skulener is not a manhig."
    To get the depth of the damage of the effect of Internet, you don't need no great leadership skills.

  35. יחזקאל לד(with a little tranlation)

    פרשת רועי ישראל :1 ויהי דבר-יהוה אלי לאמר. 2 בן-אדם הנבא על-רועי ישראל הנבא ואמרת אליהם לרעים כה אמר אדני יהוה הוי רעי-ישראל אשר היו רעים אותם הלוא הצאן ירעו הרעים. בדורנו הרע הרועים אינם מושלים בעם והצאן מושלים ברועים 3 את-החלב תאכלו ואת-הצמר תלבשו הבריאה תזבחו הצאן לא תרעו. 4 את-הנחלות לא חזקתם ואת-החולה לא-רפאתם ולנשברת לא חבשתם ואת-הנדחת לא השבתם ואת-האבדת לא בקשתם ובחזקה רדיתם אתם ובפרך. תפקיד המנהיג - לעזור לחלשים בלי לפגוע בחזקים 5 ותפוצינה מבלי רעה ותהיינה לאכלה לכל-חית השדה ותפוצינה. 6 ישגו צאני בכל-ההרים ועל כל-גבעה רמה ועל כל-פני הארץ נפצו צאני ואין דורש ואין מבקש. 7 לכן רעים שמעו את-דבר יהוה. 8 חי-אני נאם אדני יהוה אם-לא יען היות-צאני לבז ותהיינה צאני לאכלה לכל-חית השדה מאין רעה ולא-דרשו רעי את-צאני וירעו הרעים אותם ואת-צאני לא רעו. 9 לכן הרעים שמעו דבר-יהוה. 10 כה-אמר אדני יהוה הנני אל-הרעים ודרשתי את-צאני מידם והשבתים מרעות צאן ולא-ירעו עוד הרעים אותם והצלתי צאני מפיהם ולא-תהיין להם לאכלה.

    With words like these! who needs a anon menival with multiple agendas to preach us!

  36. Ende Tzadik
    "is that the same R' Moshe Green who went to visit in prison a convicted rapist of his own child"
    Reb Moshe Green had all the right in the world to visit that prisoner, if he holds that he is inocent. Why is Reb Moshe Green not entitled to his opinion, even if you are correct. But he has the right to disagree,

  37. Anon
    "If I may, belz,klaus,kasu,chasidshe/litvakes, etc. types, all aggrieved fringe sects and individuasl out on a limb who ...."
    I am not getting what you are talking about?
    BTW, who decided who is fringe?

  38. Anon
    "descendents of none other than " SR!z"l " winding in a 'SECULAR court' for years! (not din tora!)com'on HOW LOW CAN YOU GO!"
    didn"t the SR fight in the Zionist courts when he wanted to grab the tolchever house in Tzefat?
    Didnt he fight all his pre war years for his Rabunissen?

  39. anon: "didn"t the SR fight in the Zionist courts when he wanted to grab the tolchever house in Tzefat?"

    He didn't want to 'grab' anything it was HIS according to dina hatorah! but medinas yisrael GRABED it and they don't believe in dina hatorah, you cant go to din torah with someone who doesn't abide with the torah! i would advise you don't comapare this atrocite when 2 cheridem of the othermost frum kehilos are mechlel shem shumiem! when both sides observe and belong to a beth din!

    בקהלם אל תחד כבודו!

  40. anon: "Didnt he fight all his pre war years for his Rabunissen?"

    yea so did esov fight yakov and duvid hamelich fight golyes and so on.. but not in secular court! when both are cheridim yirah hashem!

  41. All gedoli olam where warriors מבית ומבחוץ but it was a war for the torah! and ע"פּ תורה that’s why they where gedolim! And knew how to maneuver בתחבולות תעשה מלחמה

  42. Anon
    "He didn't want to 'grab' anything it was HIS according to dina hatorah"
    by every din torah both sides claim that the torah is on their side and it is solely their possesion.I believe that the other side was a shomer shabos even with 72 minutes, that is very very rare in the Medina Hatemie.

    the 2 holy brothers also claim that al pi torah it belongs to them

  43. Anon
    "yea so did esov fight yakov and duvid hamelich fight golyes and so on.. but not in secular court! when both are cheridim yirah hashem!"
    my friend the other sides were no eisav, and no goliath, the goliath was a gorilla on the other side.

  44. anon: "I believe that the other side was a shomer shabos even with 72 minutes" "other sides were no eisav"
    Does that leaves out korach? (who relied on his wealth)

    a man who fled from america leaving with other peoples money! and claiming other peoples properties! building cities and hospitals for profit, doing masse zimri (with his faul language) and asking rewards like pincus! he should claim for the eiffel tower or why not the kotel! (or wmsb’g like he did) not the little tolchever house in Tzefat? claiming it with false documents given by the medina hatmei! stating that the medina is the previous owner! The issue at stake was with the medina who stole it.. not with this character who was trying to buy stolen property and had no בעלות on it.

    עם עקש תתפתל ועיניים רמות תשפיל אם בין ככבים שימ קנך משם ארדך

    ps: I suggest you let him rest in peace and not open further this can..

  45. anon said: "the 2 holy brothers also claim that al pi torah it belongs to them"

    that's why the case should go to din torah!

  46. anon: "Didnt he fight all his pre war years for his Rabunissen?"

    in court? No he didn't.

  47. All gedoli olam where warriors מבית ומבחוץ but it was a war for the torah! and ע"פּ תורה that’s why they where gedolim! And knew how to maneuver בתחבולות תעשה מלחמה

  48. Anon: R. Moshe Green is as entitled to his opinions as I am to mine. There is just one difference that he is a leader to whom people look for inspiration and guidance. חכמים הזהרו בדבריכם.

    At a time when sexual and violent crimes against children in our communities are uncovered with horrible frequency and almost total silence from our leaders it is sickening to see rabonim and roshei yeshivos publicly defending convicted rapists and paedophiles.

    This particular rapist was convicted in a court of law where he defended himself and cross examined his daughter and victim in a sickening manner. There is a letter from the head of the Satmar girls school in Antwerp no less about this guy's activites long before law enforcment officials became involved.

    R. Moshe Green has admittedly committed no crime. But in paying him a public visit he is a noisein yad laposhim while ignoring the victims. It is incidents like this that make complete asses of our leaders and why our youths and elders are so disillusioned with what we call yiddishkeit in 2011.

  49. ende tsadik said... "This particular rapist was convicted in a court of (secular) law"

    ואלה המשפטים אשר תשים לפניהם', ואומר רש'י לפניהם, ולא לפני עכו'ם, ולא לפני ערכאות שלהם, שהמביא דיני ישראל לפני ארמיים מחלל את השם ומייקר שם עבודת כוכבים להשביחם...

  50. ולדאבוננו המביא בזה"ז דיני ישראל לפני בתי דין ישראל מחלל את השם ומייקר נזקיו והרבה פעמים מכשיל הדיינים לעבור על לא תקח שוחד והטוענים לעבור על לא תשקרו והבעלי דין לעבור על לא תגזול. והני מילי בדיני ממונות אבל בדיני נפשות ואיסורי הרי מקרא כתוב צדק ילין בה ועתה מרצחים... שריך סוררים וחברי גנבים כלו אהב שחד ורדף שלמונים יתום לא ישפוטו וריב אלמנה לא יבא אליהם.

  51. Ende Tsadik said... 'וכו' וכו

  52. Ende Tsadik said... 'וכו' וכו

    Beth din vs. secular courts,
    A) a 'defendant' can choose which of the many ‘courts’ is to his liking, B) he can choose one of the 3 judges he likes to judge him, C) he can have his own knowledgeable טוען to speak for ‘him’ D) bet din will only focus on the issue in front and not on the persons ‘whole character’ with possible dangerous consequences, E) the dini hatorah are fair and just! F) אם יש דין למטה אין דין למעלה! these are all tangible benefits. However, even without them as a yid regrdless you are ‘obligated’ by jewish law to go to jewish court. To suggest otherwise is כפירה and it implies that the secular courts are more fair, less biased, and NOT corrupted! LOL

    (דברים יז, ט) ובאת אל הכהנים הלוים ואל השופט אשר יהיה בימים ההם וכי תעלה על דעתך שאדם הולך אצל הדיין שלא היה בימיו הא אין לך לילך אלא אצל שופט שבימיו, ואפילו אינו כשאר שופטים שהיו לפניו אתה צריך לשמוע לו. אין לך אלא שופט שבימיך
    אין לך אלא כהן שיהיה בימיך, כמות שהוא יפתח בדורו כשמואל בדורו

  53. Ende Tsadik said...
    "הרי מקרא כתוב צדק ילין בה ועתה מרצחים... שריך סוררים וחברי גנבים כלו אהב שחד ורדף שלמונים יתום לא ישפוטו וריב אלמנה לא יבא אליהם"

    The rambam, the shulcuen urech, and all poskim also knew.. of this מקרא כתוב and despite that they פסק'ן that you're obligated to go to the current beth din !!!

    btw, the מקרא כתוב don't tell you who the secular courts and 'judges' are right ?? did they assume you know? it don't look like.. so if they didn't tell you i want either.

  54. Anon
    "R. Moshe Green has admittedly committed no crime. But in paying him a public visit he is a noisein yad laposhim while ignoring the victims."
    he definitely does not agree with the verdict of the court, and is 100% convinced that he is innocent, he has the right to disagree with you, and its about time you should respect people with other opinions even if he would not be a Talmud Chochem muvhak

  55. Where's his evidence? Was he in court throughout the trial? Did he conduct his own investigations?

    This is going round in circles. He should hold his opinions and you hold yours and I'll hold mine. I don't ask anyone to respect my opinions and I shall definitely not respect theirs. Don't however complain when level headed people see them all like a bunch of clowns.

  56. Ende Tzadik

    I do complain when a few laymen have no bittul for a godal beyisroel,and will not give him the benefit of the doubt, there are many people that were put in the slammer by the court system, that were innocent.The WSJ had a column from some Ms.Rabinowitz, that fought a lot of cases, that were mishandled by the judical system. She won many cases thru her influence.

  57. Ende Tsadik said... "He should hold his opinions and you hold yours and I'll hold mine"

    now that's a real - ץ

  58. "a few laymen have no bittul for a godal beyisroel,and will not give him the benefit of the doubt."

    Has he done any Chakira or D'risha on the case? Does he have exculpatory evidence that could overturn the court's verdict? If he does then he must present it becaus of A) Al Sa'amod and B) Obstruction of Justice. Alternatively, if he has done no such investigation and has no revelatory information then he is just opinion-mongering and further cementing the risibility and irrelevance of today's so-called "gedeilim".

  59. Anon
    "Has he done any Chakira or D'risha on the case? "
    I assume that he did research it as far as he can and concluded that he is inocent.Thats all that hashem is asking from him,he does not have to be schooled to become a liscenced detective with the NYPD.

    "Does he have exculpatory evidence that could overturn the court's verdict?"
    Probably yes
    If he does then he must present it becaus of A) Al Sa'amod and B) Obstruction of Justice.
    He probably tried..

  60. anon; "irrelevance of today's so-called "gedeilim""

    How about the opinions of todays (so called) ketanim are they real ketanim or just so called, when they shoot from the hip behind anon walls! and bashing people who are aware of the case, they are truly gedolim by saying what they believe and stating them publicly thats what the torah meant by saying: "לא תגורו מפני איש כי המשפט לאלקים הוא".

  61. This is an excellent post.


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