Tuesday, October 25, 2011

who will be the Rebbetzin Kanievski of our children?

Reb Chaim's Rebbetzin passed away on Shabbos Chol Hamoed Sukkos in her home in Bnei Beraq. She was the daughter of Rav Elyashiv, a meyucheses in her own right. An eynikel of Reb Aryeh Levin. The Leshem! ניט שייכות צו זאגען! what more can you say. [מאמר המוסגר: what's with the "nifteres" shtick? all the "yeshivishe" sites write she was "nifteres" on Shabbos. No more "niftar." Is that even grammatically correct? She is a Nifteres, but she was Nifteres? Am I wrong on this one?] During the subsequent hespedim by the levaya and after YomTov she was dubbed the "mother of Klal Yisroel." I'm not here to bash that. וואס גייט מיר אהן what people say? זאל איר זייער וואויל באקומען. I'm just worried about the future. Who will be the Rebbetzin Kanievski of our children, screams this Circus Tent headline, and I could not have said it better myself. Who will bless Esrog Jelly from now on. Who will say Perek Shira at dawn with the Netz minyan at Lederman? Who will be mafrish challah for the rest of Klal Yisroel that cannot do it? If this what we make of frumme Yiddenes אך און וויי to us. What do we leave for the men? Maybe I'm jealous. Maybe it's because my Bubbe, who was a kaylichdig'e yesomeh at a young age in Hungary, didn't have a zeide like Reb Aryeh, could've very easily been not frum even before the war, was deported to Auschwitz, lost her siblings, nieces and nephews, made bombs for the Nazis in Leipzig - you get my drift. Bah-Bee also davened three times a day with a minyan, (she lived next to a shul) fasted on the Yohrtzeit of her husband, parents, siblings, said tehillim (Perek Shira wasn't a "thing" yet) every spare moment, took care of an Alzheimer's patient many years her junior, and best of all PASSED AWAY ON HER BIRTHDAY!!! She wore a white tichel and shirtzel on R"H and Y"K and cried to Hashem for a Gut Yohr. She cried to him because she loved him and wished only that she have to strength to serve him, not to לעבן א גוטען טאג, chas vesholom. Never have you seen a woman cook and bake with more lofty kavonos. Every poke of the fork into the Kokosh Cake dough was with the loftiest of intentions, no less than a Brisker rolling his rrrrreish during KrishMeh. And I say that in all seriousness. I'll show you her Hungarian צאינה וראינה one day. Halevai my Tanya should one day look like that, or your shas. Or any of our siddurim.

So if my Bubbe would be alive I'd say that she could very easily take the place of the lofty Rebbetzin BatSheva. Despite the fact that her husband was not the Sar Hatorah, nor was her father the Posek HaDor/Urim VeTumim. (He was a musmach of the Pressburger Yeshivah, though) Maybe BECAUSE of that she'd be a very good candidate. She was self-made, after all. (Yea, Yea, צדיק בן צדיק, I know what you'll say.) They say that Reb Chaim appointed his daughter Rabbanit Kuledtzki to replace his wife as mother of Klal Yisroel. I haven't seen her at all, but I saw her husband, and he's no Reb Chaim. Rebbetzin Batsheva had a old time Yerushalayimer charm that you can't just pass on to your children, necessarily. In the pictures Reb Chaim looks very, very distraught. Utterly devastated. May the Eybershter comfort him and his family בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים.

(I would go be menachem avel if I had the means.)


  1. oh gosh! who is this being maspid??!! i cant watch it in hebrew... der levaya nigun just doesnt jive when it aint in yiddish....

    nebach. a gutte neshama avek fun der velt...

    גם אני זכיתי להתברך מפיה

  2. who is this baal maspid?
    total tasteless?
    thank god for the Besht that we got rid of this magidim with crocidile tears.

  3. I am sure you will get a lot of flack for this one, but this TRUE Snag says “right one”. This stupidity and making of Rebbes is just getting out of hand!!!

  4. how do you explain chabad's obsession with the chaya mushka rebbetzin (they even have pictures of her hanging in boy's yeshivos) and now the rmms's mother? how were these 2 any better than the tzig's bobby?

  5. Dovy
    you are correct and Al hoRishonim Uni Mitzarim, but why is it happening in a real misnagdic house?

  6. Tzig,
    It's very probable that your bobbe had more good old-fashioned yiras shamayim than Reb. Kunyevsky. But Reb Kunyevsky was involved in helping literally thousands of Jewish women around-the-clock. That is what the whole tumult is all about.All those women who were helped/comforted etc. by her are greatly distressed.

  7. I saw now a shocking picture of the Rebetzin showing for Reb Chaim a video clip of her father learning geshmak.
    It is a slap in the face for the Kosher cellular movement
    Hirshel, please post that picture.
    They come across as a very harmonious couple on that photo.

  8. you ar spot on about " she was nifteres " - total linguistic nonsense. can you ommagine in yidish - zi iz nifters gevorn" shoimu shomaim!.
    many original yidish speakers would say -olev hasholem" even on a woman

  9. you are 100% right that to say she was nifteres is linguistic nonsense. can you ommagine in yidish - " zi iz nifteres gevorn" shoimu shomaim. in many yidish dialects they would even say 'Olev hasholem " on a woman

  10. The pic of her showing the video is FROM A CAMERA! not a cellphone...wow...the kanoim will stop at nothing

  11. only if god himself would tell me he is for real, would i believe, heck come on, this is phony like i never have seen

  12. The grammatical way to say נפטר in the second person, female, past is נפטרה as in:
    הוא נפטר אתמול, היא נפטרה אתמול.
    As a noun it would be:
    הנפטר שלמה, הנפטרת שושנה


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