Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Yes, I'm still alive. In case any of you wondered...

I'm just finding it difficult to continue with the blog in the current format. Time has beome a real problem. It's just simply in short supply these days. So has interest. I've lost interest in just putting up material and having a slugfest break out, no matter how zaftig it may be. So I'm thinking about what to do, and thinking doesn't alow time foir writing...


  1. Did you read the new book on Reb SN"Z Gurary?

    Its something special, and would give you allot of material to fuss about.

  2. Lazer

    Either you buy me a copy or give a short review of relevant and exciting episodes recounted there!

  3. It cost 35$!

    I did not buy it either, borrowed it from a friend, kept me up a whole night.

    However, it was well worth it, you get the picture of a real Mekushar to the Rebbe, but had chronic schizophrenia.

    What I liked about the book was that they did not skip out any details which would portray him like a mad man.

    Conversely to other books (like the book on Avrahm Mayor, where they skip the whole episode how the Rebbe did not look at him for 25 years!) they try to give a glimpse of a really complicated person with serious issues.

    There are some political aspects to the book (Like what they wrote about the Tzavah of the Rebbe)which I felt they should have omitted.

    Overall its worth your time, and money!

  4. Whats the name of the book?

  5. The name of the book is "bechol biesi ne'emon hu" i heard its a must read, but as far as i know its sold out unfortunately. not one store in crown hieghts has any stock.

  6. Does it include the story of the Maaser and geula for spreading the maayanoth ....

  7. i sew the book and sew you didn't write anything about it i figured you have something againist it but now i see that's not the case i guess tsuva is taking too much of your time

  8. Were you put off by the 55% who told you basically to gay in der erd? If so, gedenk v'al yisbayesh mipnei hamaligim.

    A gmar tov.

  9. Hirshel.

    Did you see the new Heichal Habasht?

    There are some juicy letters about a top secret missionary mission to try and convert the Belzers into Lubabbs...

  10. שנת ת֗ורת בע״ש

  11. It will pass. It's תשרי and that's what I put it down to.

  12. dear r' hershel
    the book "bechol biesi ne'emon hu" is back in stores in crown heights, selling for $35.
    a gmar chasime toivo from down under...

  13. Wow! is it possible that your actually thinking of doing teshuva??!
    Or maybe you dont even know what Im talking about?

  14. "Conversely to other books (like the book on Avrahm Mayor, where they skip the whole episode how the Rebbe did not look at him for 25 years!) they try to give a glimpse of a really complicated person with serious issues."

    Perhaps this is because Avrahm Mayor didn't have serious issues.
    Also, talking about skipping episodes, I read the gurary book and i didnt see any detailed description of the charges brought agaisnt the (36) zalga companies. I also saw a very one sided version of the tzavah affair, they only show the eralier wills, ignoring the details of the later (signed and legal) will.
    So don't make as if this is a totally honest piece of work.
    they all have flaws.
    having said that i wholly recommend everyone buy this book, it is very very interesting and provides juicy details on previously unknown pieces of lubavitch history.

  15. Hirshel, maybe now is the time to do what I advised years ago and start again.

    1) You have a domain and you can archive this whole anti-Tzemach for posterity - or wiping Tzemach's departed posterior for all anyone cares.

    2) You have posted some very interesting history here, and if you got rid of the machloikes aspect, it would really make for interesting reading. You'd also be ridden of some of the trolls who come here and brech out their loserschaft - loz em gyen tzi der Failed One.

    Start again on your domain linked to a new blog, and let me handle the machloikes and narrishkeit over in Creedmoor-land :))). (if I ever find time to get Creedmoor back up to what it could have been had I been a lifeless Failed Shmarya or self-promoting Fried Heshy as opposed to a non-musical and more cynical wannabe Lipa Schmeltzer wanting to have a good time at the expense of the real meshuggeners and reshoim out there:))))

  16. What's the difference between Lubavitch, Ger and Spinka?

    In Lubavitch Chassidim are supposed to have a mashpia.

    In Ger Chassidim are supposed to report to a kommandant.

    In Spinka, the Rebbe has to report to a corrections officer!

  17. Anonymous said...
    What's the difference between Lubavitch, Ger and Spinka?

    and you anon are quite a piece of work to mock a yid like that!


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