Friday, December 16, 2011

אזוי ווי דער רעבעזיחרוינעליוורוחע

די זיסע תינוקות של בית רבן שלא טעמו טעם חטא ואינם כורעים לבעל, פון די הייליגע מוסד על טהרת הקודש די סאטמארער תלמוד תורה אין בארא פארק, גייען אויף א ספעציעלע נסיעה אויף א באן אזוי ווי די רבי ז"ל, ווען ער איז געפארען פון בערגען בעלזען קיין שווייץ און איז אנגעקומען אום כ"א כסלו תש"ה. היינטיקע יאר פאלט אויס כ"א כסלו אום שבת קודש איז מען מקדים די נסיעה און מ'פארט א טאג צוויי פאר דעם. מוצש"ק וועלן פארקומען 2 גרויסארטיגע פייערונגען, פאר די 2 סאטמארע פארטייען, איינס אין וויליאמסבורג און איינס הארט לעבן קראון הייטס. חרדי'שע אידן איבער די וועלט ווייסן אז אי לאו האי יומא וואלט קיין אידישקייט אין אמעריקא נישט געוועזן, און אין ארץ ישראל וואלט נאר געווען א קליינעם קומץ פונעם ישוב הישן.


  1. hirshel: אי לאו האי יומא וואלט קיין אידישקייט אין אמעריקא נישט געוועזן - גייען אויף א ספעציעלע נסיעה אויף א באן אזוי ווי די רבי ז"ל, ווען ער איז געפארען פון בערגען בעלזען קיין שווייץ און איז אנגעקומען אום כ"א כסלו תש"ה

    אי לאו האי יומא וואלט קיין אידישקייט אין אמעריקא נישט געוועזן, אבער רביים we would of have on every corner a dime a dozen! also, the train for the children symbolizes just like this train is traveling without kastners help! so did that famous train which was 'hindert' by kastner & co. not helped!

  2. How have the Satmarer educators decided to explain the five and 3/4 million who didn't get a ticket on "the little engine that could?"Do they have a little plastic village with showers and "ovens,"as well?

  3. Who plays the Tziyonim (YM"S) that save them?

  4. Tzig, here in Los Anegles on Yud Tes Kislev to make the girls feel what the Alter Rebbe felt, they get a bus designated for prisoners and all the girls go in it. This has been the done the past years on Yud tes Kislev.
    This year my daughters tell me it was the scariest because they told the girls that prisoners had just used the bus

  5. reminds of the apocryphal Chabadtzker Mayseh.
    In the Finstere days of the USSR, there was a farbrengen , Rayatz having already left, some of the Oilem got on benches and made train noises , pretending Fohr'en tzim Rebbe'n.
    The Mayseh goes that those who got on the imaginary train, later somehow made it out of Yenem Golus,and wound up seeing the Rebbe, and the others never were able to leave

  6. Hirshel: אזוי ווי דער רעבעזיחרוינעליוורוחע

    The SR (unlike the LR) died on כ"ו אב תשל"ט so I assume you respectfully write after his name: זצ"ל זי"ע ועכי"א

  7. SDR 2:14 said... “Who plays the Tziyonim (YM"S) that save them?”:

    That roll to play is waiting for you as the cities: Idiot, blockhead, bonehead, featherbrain, donke, fool, goofbal, ignoramus. klutz,

  8. On that rain from bergen belzen to swiss they kicked off 120 jews (also from bb) to make room for the rebbe and others (that paid SOMEONE if not Kasten). The ones they kicked off were people with large families so that they can be less 'mean' to the other people on that train.
    I know that you never heard this part, but this is from someone who got kicked off as a kid and was part of a family of 6. Do some good research and you'll find out more about this infamous train ride.

  9. Hirshel,
    You post appears to be a cynical swipe at Satmar.I"m not at all comfortable with using young kids to attack your perceived enemies.I guess you are..
    Additionally, I've noticed that you appear to be thin-skinned when anybody attacks,maybe insults or says something truthful about your Chsides (and you know that certain elements in your Chsides do some "interesting" things to say the least)yet you here are doing the same...
    Me'inyan lei'inyan, be'oso iynyan:
    Some time ago a well known publication interviewed a rosh yeshiva who had a critique about Lubavitch.You were the first one to light up an extreme critique of him and even caused some of his talmidim that became Lubavitch to write letters against the said rosh yeshiva.Just recently this rosh yeshivas son in law saved a very important building for Chabad in California and spent millions doing so.This despite Chabad in California being a large an capable organization.Even so they were about to lose a important building to foreclosure, without anybody stepping up to the plate,besides the rosh yeshivas son in law.
    So:Are you only allowed to criticize on your blog because you won't get into "politics"?
    Are you not allowed to be gracious?
    Are you not allowed to make people believe that you are trying to be "holier than the pope" when even Chabad on line, thanked the said individual???
    Bottom line:If you want respect and hakoros hatov, give it unto others!
    Be well

  10. I was very gracious

    The only way I knew who Mr. Rechnitz was is from somebody's comment here. He was very graciously thanked in the comments section. That's even after we all know that his FIL has very little to do with his SIL's business and Tzedokoh dealings.

  11. " That's even after we all know that his FIL has very little to do with his SIL's business and Tzedokoh dealings."

    Hey, this comment is not very gracious of you,is it??

    (and how do you know that his father in law is not involved with his tzedoka dealings.Not that it makes a difference)

    " He was very graciously thanked in the comments section."

    By who? Not by you, right?
    So you take credit for "allowing" a comment praising a generous Jew?

    Listen, don't play tamevat.You know how to go on the attack but you don't know how to be thankful.
    Same thing happened with Pinny L and Satmar and the Lakewood community who have all been on the forefront in raising money for Sholom Mordechai ben Rivka, while "others" (you know who...)have just made noise.Yet you have never graciously acknowledged it (yeah, I know, your blog "is not meant for that".......)
    In this case Chabad sites have been very gracious about acknowledging this,why can't you?

  12. I spoke on Shabbos to someone who was with the Satmar Rebbe in the lager.

    He mentioned that the 25th anniversary of KA Kislev, the seudas hodo'oh was held in this mans fathers apartment in NY. "It wasn't a very big apartment."

  13. Yidel-The menu on this blog includes,Belz,Satmar,Chaim Berlin,R.Avreml Schorr and other fine delicacies.Its house specialty is a succulent FM which it skewers to perfection. These can be had with a full complement of side dishes and dessert.
    Fillet of Lubavitch is only available as take-out in a brown paper bag and should preferably not be eaten on the premises.
    Life is a lot easier when you understand the ground rules.

  14. LS"D

    Is Spinka going to have a chag hageula next year when its Admou"r leaves his present Otisvillean captivity?

  15. Spinka would rather forget about it once it's over..


  16. The Unrevealed Emes
    "to make room for the rebbe and others (that paid SOMEONE if not Kasten). "
    lies lies lies. you are a enemy from Rebinie hakodesh, we all belief that Kastner took the rebbe because of the dream..

  17. Hirshel
    you were caught red handed by the great writer sous chef, he chapped your hidden motives..

  18. Yidel
    What does Rechnitzers giving money have to do with his FIL, Does his FIL serve as his finacial adviser.
    Rav Belsky is a mediocore talmiud chochem (as it was proven in his seforim )with a mouth that carried him away too many times in the last few years.
    There are the audio tapes of him lambasting Rav Klien Z"L and the Serdehaler Ruv and many other gedolim ,in a very vulgar way, only for the reason of being on the other side of him on a pure torah matter. I dont think his Sil great heart have anything to do with that.

  19. Hey Anon,
    You sound like a real nice guy.Not.
    Cut the loshon hora and rechilus, especially as an anonymous poster.Urur make reehi baseiser
    I will not get into any arguments with you, besides being emphatic that Rav B is one of the choshuve poskim in America today.(and that has zero to do with my point,anyway)
    Don't bother to answer because I will not engage you

  20. Is Yidel less annon then annon?
    did u give your full name an address?

  21. " will not get into any arguments with you, besides being emphatic that Rav B is one of the choshuve poskim in America today"
    where in OU world? not in real yeshiveshe

  22. Yidel
    "Don't bother to answer because I will not engage you"
    In my house my rebetzin has the last word, at least on the circus I will have the final say

  23. The Unrevealed Emes
    "to make room for the rebbe and others (that paid SOMEONE if not Kasten). "
    lies lies lies. you are a enemy from Rebinie hakodesh, we all belief that Kastner took the rebbe because of the dream..

    But you admit that you don't know anything about the 120 jews who were kicked off the train in order to let the rebbe and his sidekicks on....
    I'm telling you this as a fact. now research the background.

  24. this is a weird discussion, going from 21 kislev to rechnitz?
    now for my 2 cents

    1. Belsky has zero input on SY Rechnitz's decisions in business, tzedaka, and general life. Belsky show up for family simchas, and SYR gives him the requisite kovod, and that's where it starts and ends.

    2. back to satmar. RYT downplayed the hatzolah part of 21 kislev, and used it more to celebrate satmar's phenomenal growth and as a fundraiser for his moisdos. after his stroke and esp after 5739, the tone changed into a day of celebrating miracles which opened them up to the whole kastner mess. The 2 bros still do the fundraiser part of it, but it seems from RAT's drusha that he's also trying to gently change the tone back to celebration and make it more of a state of union speech.

    It makes sense that this kids train mishugas was put on by the zali crowd who stress more the kano'us. If anyone has more info, please post it.

  25. Anon
    " back to satmar. RYT downplayed the hatzolah part of 21 kislev, and used it more to celebrate satmar's phenomenal growth and as a fundraiser for his moisdos. after his stroke and esp after 5739, the tone changed into a day of celebrating miracles which opened them up to the whole kastner mess"
    I always tought so that the hatzola celebration started in the years after his stroke, but I saw lately a thick sefer from his torah on the 21st of Kislev printedin KJ Kislev 5770 by Yeshivas TOrah Veyirah(aroni faction)there is already toras starting from 1946 a year after the War ended celebration.
    His tone in there is very harsh(the satmar chasidim should forgive me sorry for that word but I couldnt find a better word) he constantly claims that not everyone was saved thru the Sitra Dekedusha alot of Jews survived the holocaust thru Satan to make us Nisyonoth. He goes into the story of Iyav and the chazal on that, that we see the Satan can save people.Obviously if you read between the lines you see that emphasise that he from the Sitra dekedusha, since he is the Anti Zionist(Nisoyan) fighter
    These toras was probably not publicized the first years, when the kedoshim blood wasn"t dry.
    This theory he repeated for a good few years, and then it went to his sefer on the 6 day war Al Hageula..
    The SR had a very unique take on the war, he did not like to give it the label Kedoshim,after the word the war he blamed the Zionists for it.It is very hurtfull for a non satmarer to read this kind of torah.

  26. Anon
    "It makes sense that this kids train mishugas was put on by the zali crowd who stress more the kano'us. If anyone has more info, please post it.

    the fact is it is from Satmar BP, that it is under the Aroni leadership, they have to show constantly their "Kosher Chazer Fissel" by sponsoring Natronoya,Aroni bombastc statements by his events. They have to clean their image to the masses that we are evenmore Anti... then you.
    In the meantime Klal Yisroel will suffer,they are putting in danger the Am Hayoshev Betzion. But what do the 2 holy brothers care, they are in it (as their father was)for the Real estate and jobs for their extended families.

  27. Anon
    "But you admit that you don't know anything about the 120 jews who were kicked off the train in order to let the rebbe and his sidekicks on....
    I'm telling you this as a fact. now research the background."
    I admit my ignorance, but I would appreciate if you produce some facts

  28. Anon 9:30 writes: “Obviously if you read between the lines you see that emphasise that he from the Sitra dekedusha, since he is the Anti Zionist (Nisoyan) fighter”

    I would recommend that you read his ‘lines’ before your un-conscious puts words in your head and in his mouth hence reading ‘between the lines’ in the ‘lines’ he writes many times:

    That if A miracle is from the ‘right’ side than in the end all will be good, and if it’s from the ‘left’ side all will be bad because חז"ל say that: קוב"ה לא עביד ניסא למגנא so with that klal he used to ad humbly in most of his כ"א כסלו תורות having that in mind that he was rescued with miracles that he hopes and prays that his hatzalah was from the right side! And that he will only know it if, at the end there will be a קידוש ד' and a new generation of יודן יראים ושלימים will arouse from his efforts!!! “

  29. Anon
    I don"t disagree with your interpreting his conclusion, that he believed that since he build up a a new generation of יודן יראים ושלימים, he is from the Sitra Dekedusha, and all other Jews that are MO/Aguda/Chabad etc...are saved from the Sitra achra.
    So basically Hitler did not finish his work,he left too many Jews for the satan....Ouch it hurts...
    Maybe he find some chazal to base his convoluted philosophy, but as they say in Satmar "Rav Kook also found midrashim..
    How about the Miracle of Chanuka were all the Jews that were saved on the same page?
    Are we sure there were no Sitra achra Miracles?

  30. I don't know. I'm a simple Jew. i say shema more than twice a day, & i understand "hasem echad" as meaning there is no metzius outside of him.
    will hashem still love me if i believe only he can perform miracle's ?

  31. anon 1:22 writes: "all other Jews that are MO/Aguda/Chabad etc...are saved from the Sitra achra"

    maybe and, "עד יום מותו תחכה להם, אם ישובו מיד תקבלם".

  32. anon 1:22 : "So basically Hitler did not finish his work,he left too many Jews for the satan....Ouch it hurts..."

    How did you arrive to that conclusion was it thru the י"ג מדות שהתורה נדרשת בהם or any קבלה or thru your logical and philosophycal thinking i.e סברות כריסיות

  33. Anon
    "סברות כריסיות"

    Belly Logic(bila"z of the Miezels Rebbe book)

  34. Anon
    "maybe and, "עד יום מותו תחכה להם, אם ישובו מיד תקבלם".
    Maybe, why maybe?

    So many of them died with no teshuvah,

  35. anon 2:42 "So many of them died with no teshuvah,"

    הש"י, אעפ"כּ מיתה מכפרת on a lot!

    Don't ask me or any on the net questions like these (on people who passed), only real gedoli yisruel are privyd to answer it! it's in the catagory of קל משקול דעות who knows who did what when and why.

  36. anon 2:40 "Belly Logic(bila"z of the Miezels Rebbe book)"

    again maybe I havn't read it yet, perhaps maybe some ליקוטי שיחות I havn't read them either.

    Ignorance is Blitz, so have fun.

  37. Anon
    I am asking you after learning the Satmar Ruvs torah,you get it clear who is the kofer? who holds back the geula? who is from the Erev Rav? who is helped by the Sitra achra?
    are his seforim only for Gedolie Yisroel?

  38. anon 3:37 "are his seforim only for Gedolie Yisroel?'

    learn more and you will understand.

    הפך בה הפך בה דכולה בה ומינה לא תזוע, כי רב הדומה למלאך ה"צ הוא

  39. anon 3:37 "after learning the Satmar Ruvs torah,you get it clear who is the kofer? who holds back the geula?"

    According to the ספר התניא we are not even בּינונים and much closer to רשעים c"v I'm sure he is correct, according to the sanzer ruv z"l we are all from the עירוב רב I'm sure he is correct to, still it is not a fait accompli we have a right and a duty to better ourselfs!

  40. the Tanya Roshu/Bininie /Tzadik is not relevant to our discussion.

  41. Only someone who is a recipient of Zionist funding will defame the Satmerer Rebbe with the Sheker that he did not live up to his Ruling “Not to take money from Apikursim ,because the money will have an influence “.
    All of the travelers on this train paid for their own ride which was funded by the passengers, relatives or acquaintances,
    Kastner the Zionist was one of many, who negotiated with the Nazis to advance this rescue train,
    If it weren't for the Kastner Trial this train would have been called the Satmer train.
    It is the same Beneficiaries who change away from the Torah direction to legitimizes the HertzelShtat not to wait for Meshiach,
    The following remark of Shmuel is mentioned in Bavli 3 times: The ONLY UNDISPUTABLE difference that will Transpire with the Coming of Meshiach’s , is that we THEN won't be under the hegemony of non Jewish regimes” and the Rambam brings it down 2 times as a Halacha for us to follow today, that before the coming of Messiach we will be under the hegemony of non Jewish governments, and we are WAITING for Meshiach because only when he comes a HE WILL Establish a Jewish government, Any act or believe to do Meshiachs job before his coming means not waiting for Meshiach and is called an Apikoires
    On all other changes that will transpire with the coming of Meshiach there are some DISAGREEMENTS, and those AMOIRUEM disputers are definitely not Apikoirsem .

  42. anon 6:28 writes: "the Tanya Roshu/Bininie /Tzadik is not relevant to our discussion."

    and why not ?

  43. The waiters said..
    "All of the travelers on this train paid for their own ride which was funded by the passengers, relatives or acquaintances,"
    disclaimer, I never received a penny from the Zionists,Mizrachist,Colonisten,Agudist(all thats listed in Munkacher Ruv long blacks list)?
    does the fact that you paid for your miracle for the apikores change the situation? Didn't the Jews in Israel pay taxes for the Israeli Army that produced 6 day war,Entebbe?

  44. the waiters
    "If it weren't for the Kastner Trial this train would have been called the Satmer train"

    good joke Lekoved Chanika

  45. My Parents were rescued on the Kastner train almost all the money was raised by the Frum Budapest Jews, not by Kastner and the Zionists. Kastner wanted the Zionists and the Joint to pay, but they wouldn't give anything. So it was the Satmarer people who paid for the rescue of Zionists, not the other way around.

  46. "So it was the Satmarer people who paid for the rescue of Zionists, not the other way around."
    where all the yiden in Budapest Satmars?

  47. So it was the Satmarer people who paid for the rescue of some Zionists, not the other way around."

  48. Rescued
    Ein Kietz Leduvri Ruach

  49. How about the money that the Sakmer's nephew gave him to save some members of his family, was that also raised by Sakmerer? You know what RYT did after the war he sent his nephew a Shas as compensation for not using the money for its intended purpose.

    There has never been a group of people who revise history like Satmer.

  50. You know how to rehearse all the phoney stories that the Hertzlisten wrote to defame the satmer rebbe for the sin of publicizing that Jews must wait for meshiach to redeem us from gules
    Can you also tell me why the lubavitcher rebbe wasted his days at a day job at Brooklyn navy yard when klal yisroel was burning ?
    Can you tell me why the lubavither rebbe did not ride over to the Cato residence to apologize for causing a Freak accident? it could have prevented the killing of yankel rosenbaum and stopped the whole riot
    Was he in hatzules nefushes ?
    Or only in promoting Hertzlisim?

  51. BS"D

    FYI the US government paid for Entebbe. At that time the medine could hardly cover its own defense expenses, and it was propped up by US aid. (Today, the aid is a scam loan that keeps the US defense industry busy and the medine from selling weapons to China; without that sham unemployment in the US would go up another per cent or two).

  52. Marshai Tzadik
    "Can you also tell me why the lubavitcher rebbe wasted his days at a day job at Brooklyn navy yard when klal yisroel was burning ? "
    why is working for a living a waste? was the navy yard a evil place to hang out?
    He did not want to be a burden on tzedoka funds all his life, his nature was not to be a public figure.And while he was working in the "navy yard" he published and edited seforim in Kol Hatorah kulo..
    the excuse has to come from the 1000's of hagers,halberstam/twersky etc.. who for some odd reason are wasting klal yisroels money on their charlatan lifestyles.

  53. Marshia Tzadik
    "Can you tell me why the lubavither rebbe did not ride over to the Cato residence to apologize for causing a Freak accident? it could have prevented the killing of yankel rosenbaum and stopped the whole riot"
    So you are blaming the LR in the death of Yankel Rosenbaum???
    You can work for the supremacist organizers, you can be their think tank..

  54. Marshia Tzadik
    "Or only in promoting Hertzlisim?"
    how exactly do you promote Hertzelisim?
    by not going to the cato residence? or by having a "Bent Down" Hat?
    Be a little specific...

  55. To my landsman Der Shygetz:
    China buying up all US bonds does not negate US sovereignty,
    so does any interaction between 2 countries until its conquered by means of aggression,
    To claim that a people are protected only in the context of a sovereign government is simply not true,
    To promote an independent Jewish state even when it appears to protect Jews, rebuts Hashems decree that Jews shall wait for mushiach to recreate a Jewish sovereign government
    and according to the Rambam such a person is called an Apikoires

  56. Anon wrote:
    his nature was not to be a public figure
    You mean:
    his nature was not to figure unless HE led the public
    How else can you explain such an ambitious, creative, organizer,speaker and leader NOT to turn the world over when 6 Million Jews were burned in Gas Chambers
    it almost lets me assume that he held like all the Hertzlites of that time that only a sovereign state can protect the Jews
    and then only when he was paid (via his moisdes that glorified HIM) to promote Hetzlism did hatzules nefushes become such an important issue to go till Damesek
    YES many more jews could have been saved if he would have joined forces al those askunim in the world that WERE active during WW2.
    and yes yankel Rosenbaum would have been alive if would have "Bent Down"and defused the situation HE has indirectly caused .

  57. Marshia tzadik,
    do satmar a big favor, and go back to gottliebs and enjoy your chulent and overnight kigel and stop posting stupidity. you reflect horribly on your rebbes, and we don't want to blame them for your ignorance and lack of rational thinking capability.

    you don't begin to understand the LR's shita about EY, nor do u have the slightest appreciation for a gaon oilam who did not want to mooch off his shver or the oilam and instead went to (warning: 4 letter word coming) work to support himself and in the process contributed to the war effort.
    And about cato, again you're a total ignoramus. yankel rosenbaum was stabbed 2 hours after the accident, so what the LR could have done according to your feeble mind is totally irrelevant.
    But it's ok, you're just following in the footsteps of rewriting history when it fits your program.

  58. Anon
    "do satmar a big favor, and go back to gottliebs and enjoy your chulent and overnight kigel and stop posting stupidity."
    is the cook with the Bald head still there? what was his name?

  59. Marshia tzadik
    "his nature was not to figure unless HE led the public"
    I guess you never heard of Eidelkiet, not be a toveah bepeh,not to fight for 40 years over rabunas shteles in the unterland.
    You are a Tinuk shenishbe,u would never know MR.Eidelkiet if you met him on the street.
    for instance reb Yisocher Dov of Belz was a manhig,fought all the isms in his lifetime but he did not exist in his fathers life.The Ksav Sofer did not exist in his fathers life time.

  60. Anon
    "it almost lets me assume that he held like all the Hertzlites of that time that only a sovereign state can protect the Jews"
    how did you conclude this exactly?

  61. Marshia Tzadik
    "and yes yankel Rosenbaum would have been alive if would have "Bent Down"and defused the situation HE has indirectly caused ."
    Did Lemrik Nelson confess to you?
    or Sharpton?

  62. Marshia Tzadikim
    "YES many more jews could have been saved if he would have joined forces al those askunim in the world that WERE active during WW2."
    Arurim hoReshim Shein Tovoson Shliema you are giving praise for a person for his capacity to stop the trains to Auschwitz, But in a negative way

  63. is the cook with the Bald head still there? what was his name?"

    sorry haven't been there in yrs since i moved out of NY. but the sight of watching taiyere yidden wolfing down cholent and kugel friday afternoon is alive and well.

  64. BS"D

    Waiters, you are my landsman? Di kimst fin Szarkonosvary, in Ingarishe Rumanye?

    Tzig, I think they let the real patients in Creedmoor use the Internet these days, and they all landed on this thread.

    Incidentally, Yankel Rosenbaum HYD died of improper emergency room care in one of the mismanaged local ERs (Kings County or Downstate, I forget which, probably the former). His family received a settlement from the hospital at fault.

    The Rebbe and his driver would have been lynched by the Sharptonite mobs had he capitulated to terror. No one who was rioting cared about the Catos. It was during the height of the crack epidemic and most of them wanted to take advantage of the situation to steal a radio or a pair of sneakers to sell for a few vials of crack.

    The one who had to come to CH and stop the rioting was Dinkins yemach shmo.


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