Thursday, December 1, 2011

הרב בצלאל נאור on OWS

All this talk about Trotsky (Leibel/Lev Bronshtein) got me thinking about this clip that I had saved for a few weeks now. You may know Rabbi Betzalel Naor from his writings. He's a very unassuming man who makes an appearance at our shul in Monsey every little while, sits in the back, and enjoys the anonymity while learning. He was amused that I knew who he was... RBN, as a talmid of Rav Kook, posthumously, that is, is carrying on RAYHK's tradition of thinking outside the box and being in line with current issues. Here's what he thinks about the "Occupy Wall Street" movement.


  1. Rambling nonsense basically.
    If shechter is a man d'omar in his view, than moichel toivis.

  2. tzig said: " carrying on RAYHK's tradition of thinking outside the box"

    he may be beneficial inside the the 'box'.. sounds and looks a little like a mellow NR!

  3. Maybe this blog isn't the place to discuss it, but Naor is espousing a nice Hegelian telological reading of Kabbalah. Sure, he is a little leftist compared to RAYHK but thats not ground that someone like the Sulam didn't tread already. The truth is that there is a broad teleological tradition among Kabbalists and Hasidim, and we can include R Tzadok, Ishbicza, Ramhal &c. as precursors. How you take that politically is up to you. But reclaiming teleology from "Hashkafah" is not a bad idea in any case.

  4. anon 10:24 said: " we can include R Tzadok, Ishbicza, Ramhal &c. as precursors. How you take that politically is up to you "

    you may qualify for membership with the יושבי קרנות at the 'jewish theological seminary'

  5. The Greece and Egypt ones were better

  6. Anon.10:24 Please expand on what you are referring to. It sounds interesting. There are plenty of intelligent people on the blog although sometimes it doesnt seem so.I'd be very interested in your ideas.

  7. is this meant as satire?
    btw tzig, you are giving away a lot of personal information about yourself (like hiniting at where you daven in momsey). soon people will start figuring out who you are.


  9. anon, Friday, December 02, 2011 2:52:00 PM,
    many of us already figured it out. you dont gotta be cia for that.

  10. Who started wearing that cap first, Tuvya (of Tuvya's bookstore)or R' Naor?

  11. No comment on the krinsky interview in AMI?


    amazing that it is Rav Belsky's eidim who saved the Chabad House.will wonders never cease?

  13. Hi.
    Th riff about where it is going at Z. Park - He should know that it is a left wing project, started by left wing organizers, and anyone there will be used as fodder for the left wing goals.

  14. amazing that it is Rav Belsky's eidim who saved the Chabad House.will wonders never cease?

    Shows what a zero Belsky is. Even his own family do not hold him in any esteem. How the OU retains him is beyond me.

  15. R' Hirshele, here's some more for you (subject "failed messiahs"):

  16. I think that this guy Rechnitzer gave 5 million dollars for Mir Yerushaliem

  17. no. actually it shows that when charedim criticize chabad it is not personal but they are trying to bring them back to the mainstream. when they are in trouble, like rubashkin and l.a., the charedim will be there to help them

  18. Mister anon
    to whom R U talking about?

  19. Jesu is a rachman of bnai rachmanim. Mohammad is a prophet. Heschel and Shlomo are shoftim. Zalman is a friend. Tells me a lot about Naor.

  20. Yes mendel, that's the out of the box "braiteh kook" of the man.

  21. The Rechnitz brothers have always helped Chabad in California. Belsky is a zero. End of story.

  22. Mendel Hirsch 9:24 said... “Mohammad is a prophet -- Tells me a lot about Naor”

    I heard from a godol that mohammad was a חולה נופל epileptic

  23. naor, in your "velt anshaunung" is there a concept in yiddishkeit as certain people being total zeros? as far as yiddishkeit is concerned? for instance schechter, heshel, etc? heh? or maybe the "zeitgeist" doesnt allow such thinking?

    i will stress again, my questionis as far as it relates to Klal Yisroel in yiddishkeit, not their value as individual Jews.


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