Sunday, December 4, 2011


מונקאטשער רב שפאצירט אין די מונקאטשער גאסען מיט א איד א נגיד, א יליד מונקאטש, פאריקען חודש ווען ער איז אהין געפארען פראווען א בר מצוה פון אן אייניקל

דער איד, כאטש ער איז דארט אויפגעוואקסן, איז נישט געווען פון א שטוב פון מונקאטשער חסידים, נאר זיי זענען דוקא געווען שטארקע בעלזער חסידים, אזוי אז די איראניע איז גרויס. נישט גרויס, נאר ס'איז איראניש, אבער דאס בילד איז א געשמאקע פון דעסטוועגן. דער רב איז אין זייער א גוטען שטימונג, און מ'זעהט אז דאס אוועקפארען פון די טומל פון די בארא פארקער גאסן, און סתם די ימי שמחה פון אן אייניקל'ס בר מצוה, און צו דערצו נאך ביים הייליגן זיידען אין הויף.


  1. Its a beautiful photo, The family of the Gevir were big Belzer chasidim, his grandfather was a famous baal tzedoka and Machnis Orech in the region.Tzedaka was not a popular mitzva in the alter hiem as it is boruch hashem today. His Ziedes forte was not machlokes, but he got pulled in to it, since he gave his house for the family and entorage of RYD of Belz, and he was thrown out from the Ruvs Koiz,

  2. afra lepimah to say that tzdukeh was'nt popular fartzeins

  3. This gvir gives very generously to several institutions, they are (in no particular order):
    Simon Wisienthal center
    Chabad of the Valley (CA)
    Emek Hebrew Academy (CA)

    the gvir's father was very tight with munkatch and helped get the rabistava going 40 yrs ago when he was a yungerman with a choshive grandfather and not much else.

  4. "afra lepimah"
    in matter of fact the words "afra lepimah" was also not popular in the Alter Hiem, their is a certain sect that are teaching this words a minute after the little boychic licks the honey off the Alef Bies chart

  5. "the gvir's father was very tight with munkatch and helped get the rabistava going 40 yrs ago when he was a yungerman with a choshive grandfather and not much else."

    My dear u have no idea what you are talking about, they had no relationship to Munkacher chasidus in the early days,The Rebisteve was built by Reb Chaim Ber and the Shoproner Ruv Z"l

  6. and all the money came from LA. a shul in LA called "spiegels", at the time was mostly munkatcher survivors with various levels of frumkeit. He tapped into them as being the continuation of his grandfather's chassidus & they helped him get going. His father used to come as well to milk this crowd. sol teichman and his father did not daven in that shul, but they were part of that social circle as well. another munkatcher player was loly ostreicher, related to the ones from queens. as a bochur, he was a hois-bochur by the ME, and totally frei in LA. He threw some serious money to the munkatcher. He once publicly told the munkatcher to have someone call him if he wants him for shaleshidis, and he'll be there if given enough time to catch the flight.

  7. RMLR gedenkt Munkatch pinkt vi Mikh, having left there quite young.

    According to Wikopedia , "During World War Two, Rabinovich's father escaped the Nazis and fled with his entire family to the land of Israel"

    Did they get much sought-after certificates? Were Rav Herzog or any other Rabbonim involved? Any details?

    BaVuste Joke : ME's Rebbetzin says to R' Burekh'l , after he finishes very quick Shmoine Esreh,
    "Endig ven di vilst, nur shtei a pur minit in vart, dernuch trayt ois".
    Zugt ehr tzirik, "Tayere Shvigger, Ven Ich trayt Ois, dus iz shoin nuch dem Varten".

  8. Anon
    Say what you want but Sol and his father were always shomrie shabos, but big zionist

  9. wow, a plain black bekitche!

  10. he wears no gartel..
    its a Munkacher kapieda

  11. To Anon 9:43

    He does wear a gartel by davening etc.

  12. It's a kepedia to not wear a gartel?

  13. hirshel
    did u see the new chanuka video from aish?
    its a masive chilul hakodesh, no question, how can a kiruv organisation fall so low?
    its alot lower and more disgusting than the rosh hashana one!

  14. The munkacher rebbe once told me that he and reb chaim ber where involved in building a mikvah tharah in munkach many years ago, and was discussing the plan with SR z"l there was no money! and no one left in munkach to use it! But SR encouraged them to go on with the plan, telling them “munkach without a mikvah? even no one uses it should have a mikvah!” fine, but why will a cuchem like him go to an ארץ הדמים what does it symbolize?
    ?מה לכהן בבית הקברות

  15. He's trying to reconnect with his zeides and elter zeides in the place where they were rabbonim and Rebbes. He's not there to do a photo-op for the Ukrainian tourism ministry but rather to show his einikl tzur machtzavto.Anything wrong with that?In a sense it's the same reason people visit this blog as opposed to other blogs with a more modern agenda.

  16. What year was that ? its a nice story
    but there was Reb Yakov Chaim Rutner still there for a long time, he had his 2 boys there, there were another few yidelech still there with him, so they needed a mikvah

  17. klainer 9:50 said...
    "He's trying to reconnect with his zeides and elter zeides in the place where they were rabbonim and Rebbes"

    Let him connect better with his chasidum in BP where he is needed..! his zeides will be more satisfied with that! then with 'yes the photo-op' mag pictures rebbe bluff.

  18. Anonymous 11:19 said...
    "What year was that ?"

    IDK but must be a long time ago SR and RCB z"l left us awhile ago no?

  19. Anon
    "Let him connect better with his chasidum in BP where he is needed..! his zeides will be more satisfied with that"
    how do you know the Ziedes machshoves?

  20. anon "how do you know the Ziedes machshoves?"

    I don't just guessing, because that's what they did when alive.

  21. Anon
    "Let him connect better with his chasidum in BP where he is needed..! his zeides will be more satisfied with that"
    "how do you know the Ziedes machshoves?"
    "I don't just guessing, because that's what they did when alive."

    Get your facts straight and don't comment or criticize: The Minchas Elozer was known to travel to the kvarim of may tzadikim many times a year, often leaving his chasidim and yeshiva for extended periiods of time, so

  22. anon:1:53 said: "Get your facts straight"

    michas elozer traveled 1) to kevarim of tzadikim, 2) to his chasidim who wanted him בכליון עינים , 3) to carry his message בכל מקומות מושבותיהם of chardim לדבר השם, 4) לבריתו, I haven’t heard of any traveling for any of the above reasons from the rebbe lately! Sao Paulo and the city of munkachs of today don’t count between בכל מקומות מושבותיהם of chardim today! It should of be a חרם to go there just like in spain for 500 years, yiden all over america, canada, europe and EY would be delighted to see him for a shabous !!! instead he chooses to walk around the cursed city of munkach with a belzer drelyak..

  23. Anon 2:58

    Thats your opinion, and it obviously differs with the opinion of the Munkatcher Rov that these places do still maintain the kedusha and that it is worthwhile to be mispallel at the kivrei tzadikim, even in Europe... I think I'll go with the opinion of the Munkatcher Rov, but it's a free country...

  24. He's not allowed to go el mokom menuchas avoisov hakdoshim? How is he giving aid and comfort to the murderers YMSH?I don't understand the entire discussion.

  25. Speaking as a grandchild of a Belzer Grandmother from Munkatch, I don't really see the irony as much as you. Belz today isn't Belz and Munkatch today is not Munkatch.

    Kind of like the moshol with the two sons in law where one ate only milchigs and one ate only fleishigs.


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