Sunday, June 10, 2012

נשא תורה" נוסח פאפא תשע"ב - מ'ציהט צוריק"

Dibros Koidesh - Internet - Nusoy 5772 כ'ווייס נישט צו דאס שטאמט פון וואוינען אזוי נאנט בשכינות צום סאטמערער הויף, אבער די וועלט רעדט אז פאפא קוקט אלע מאהל אויף צוריק צו זעהן צו וואס זיי טוהען שטימט מיט די סאטמארע שיטה, און צו פאר סאטמאר געפעהלט וואס זיי טוהען. דאס רעדט מען סיי אין עניני "קדושה" ווי צב"ש די בגדי נשים, און סיי אין עניני שיטה, ווען עס קומט צו די "השקפה הטהורה." כאטש פאפא רביים זענען שוין דורי דורות בעלזער חסידים, פילען זיי נאך ווי זיי זענען אונטערטעניג צו סאטמאר און מוזען זיי געפעלן. כאטש אין דעם פרט זעהט אויס לכאורה ווי זיי וואלטען יא גוט געשטאנען אין דעם אז זיי האבען זיך באטייליגט אינעם גרויסארטיקן "כינוס כלל ישראל" וויבאלד אז די סאטמורים אנשי רז"ל-ראדני זענען יא געווען אין מאסען, אבער דאך זענען די אנשי מהר"א די שטערקערע צד, און דער עולם נעמט אהן אז די רבי פון קרית יואל שטעלט פאר סאטמאר. ממילא האט מען אין פאפא געשפירט נייטיג אויף צוריק צוהען און זאגען לאחר המעשה אז באמת האט נישט געזאלט גיין - פארוואס? ווייל זיי זענען שוין איינמאל "יוצאי אונגארן" און דארפען די תקנות מיהאלאוויטץ תרכ"ו. מ'דארף האבען מסי"נ אויף נישט זיך באנוצען מיט'ן טריפה'נעם אינטערנעט, זאגט דער פאפא'ער רבי, דאס הייסט אפילו אין ביזנעס, און אפילו געפילטערט.


  1. I don't see whats kvetching you to give reasons why pupa rav is so outspoken against the pitfalls of the internet,

    I read his words and its full of genuine yiras shumeyim,

    Your remarks about pupa being a back wheel to satmer is so outdated, pupa is a free standing kehila with mutual respect and harmony with all kehilos
    Since Both satmer and pups have roots in belz and chasam sofer, its no wonder that their ideologies are somewhat similar,

  2. דער פּאפּער רב זצ"ל איז גיווען א צדיק וגאון, זעה ויחי יוסף על מקוואות, שטאמט פון בּעלזא חסידים אליין גיווען אַ שטיקל בּעלזער, אבּער אלטץ דיין אין סאטמאר האט ער גיוויסט אז דעם דעת קדשו פין סאטמאר רב איז מכריע כידוע, אין ער האט גיט פארשטאנ'ן די עניני השיטה פון התבּדלות, אין פון די נגע הציונות, כּ'האבּ כמה פּעמים דאס גיהערט פון איהם אליין, אזוי אויך זיין זוהן, צי אנערקענ'ן דעם אמת אין מתחרט זיין אויף אַ טעות איז אַ גרויס קייט נישט קיין שוואכקייט, אַ געטליך קייט

    'נחמתי כי עשיתם, ונח מצא חן בעיני ה

  3. נשׂא דא ערשטע אין לענגסטע סדרה נאך קבּה"ת, איז משׁפּיע אלטץ גיטס צי די מיימינים, מיט סמא דחיי, אָהנַא סמא דמיתא ח"ו

  4. Pupener
    "אבּער אלטץ דיין אין סאטמאר האט ער גיוויסט אז דעם דעת קדשו פין סאטמאר רב איז מכריע כידוע,"
    noting stood in the way of belzer ruv... stop with your lies.... he never spoke about the shita....
    Ask the pupa rebbe if his mother can speak Yiddish....what a idiot...

  5. Pupener
    ", שטאמט פון בּעלזא חסידים אליין גיווען אַ שטיקל בּעלזער,"
    Shtikel Belzer... you are not even a shtikel Pupener..

  6. Tzelemer said...
    ", שטאמט פון בּעלזא חסידים אליין גיווען אַ שטיקל בּעלזער,"
    Shtikel Belzer... you are not even a shtikel Pupener..

    You're right puper rebbe z"l was my mohel! here goes my shtikel

  7. Tzelemer said...
    "what a idiot..."

    coming from someone who comments daily on topics he has no clue about, wasn't even bemei imo when it happened just pulled it out from his decomposed garbage collection! it start to look like a complement.

  8. Tzelemer said... "Ask the pupa rebbe if his mother can speak Yiddish....what a idiot..."
    "Shtikel Belzer... you are not even a shtikel Pupener"
    Yes she could and did, btw Did she ever gave a drusha or was she ever asked to give a drusha in לשונות נכרים ??

    "noting stood in the way of belzer ruv... stop with your lies.... he never spoke about the shita.... "

    Accept like 100's of times in PUBLIC! as well as in private.

    "Shtikel Belzer... you are not even a shtikel Pupener" Accept that he was my mohel, and i davened with my father friday nights for years in pupa shul!

    רמבּ"ם: המכזב כמו שהוא מכזב בּפּה, מכזב בּקלמותו

    כ"ש המכזב מאחורי הפּרגוד הבּלי שם'ניק שנפל בּבּור ונלכד בּרשת התחתון

  9. Mr. Fopener(פּאפּא'נער).
    Your minds are nebech twisted so badly that you don't even know that you're lying . Stop trying to brainwash the world.
    'Der Tzelemer' seems to be more Pupener than you. He must be eating the right brand of Matzohs.

  10. AAzik said...
    Mr. Fopener(פּאפּא'נער)

    Oh wow, you can't even pronounce right my name even that it was pinteled it's פּאפּא'נער pupoo with a pintel in the pei! without the pintel it's foponer! to insult a whole kehila shlima of ehrlica yiden as 'fopers' is a calamty which i would suggest avoiding it, for your own benefit in the future!

    btw, I like how you spell your name 'azik' with double AA's what's in a name? a suggestions for you perhaps to check ot AA.

  11. AAzik said...
    "He must be eating the right brand of Matzohs."

    My father baked his own matzos after rosh chodesh adar, and erev pesach, both time in the puper matzo bakery as a child he took me with him to! so don't tell me about puper matzos little nitwit אַזיק־שמאַזיק

  12. yes pupa walked those muddy dirt roads of belz, and so what?

    puppa is puppa after all!!

    well he was in bobov for help (see kedushes tzion. bobov was always on target knew how to approch matter, never had to recall.

  13. bobov chusid said...
    bobov was always on target knew how to approch matter, never had to recall.
    ok I'll respect the bobov kehila and will not 'recall' it shhh.

  14. HT, why do you allow such infantile blabber?

  15. because the "smart" ones just sit there and do nothing...

  16. leo said...
    HT, why do you allow such infantile blabber?
    HT, I agree with Leo about his 'blabber issue'

    "Ask the pupa rebbe if his mother can speak Yiddish....what a idiot..."

    "Shtikel Belzer... you are not even a shtikel Pupener.."

    "Your minds are nebech twisted so badly that you don't even know that you're lying "

    "Mr. Fopener(פּאפּא'נער)"

  17. Tzelemer said...
    noting stood in the way of belzer ruv... stop with your lies.... he never spoke about the shita....

    Here comes another historical revisionist, The profresser of Tzelem! I was present at a satmar organized protest against zionisim! called on the desecration of the death, where the puper ruv z"l gave a speach and recited a chapter in psalam, calling the zionim גויים, וחיתו יער did he learned that in todays modern vote seeking belz? i wish!

  18. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    because the "smart" ones just sit there and do nothing...

    Tzigele Hello! You complain! when in fact my 'smarter' comments are being censored or ignored time and again!

  19. נשׂא את 'ראשׂ' בּנ"י, נוסח גער־בּעלז תשע"ב

    התשלום הציוני להעביר השני החסידות הגדולות להיותם
    ראשים!, להנהגת המרכבת הטמאה הציונת

    The Gerrer Rebbe has amassed a personal fortune worth a cool $90 million.

    The Belzer Rebbe Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokeach. has amassed a personal fortune worth a cool $46 million.

    !הָא הוּא דרך הבעש"ט, שלא נשתכחה

  20. correction!

    אספּר לך מעשׂה שהי' בּזה כמה שנים שנערכה מערכה גדולה בּמאנהט'ן צענטער אשר בּעיר רבּתי ניו יארק, המערכה הי' נקרא למחות קבּל עם נגד הגזירה נוראה בּהמדינה של הציונים, ניתוחי מתים והי' שמה רוב גדולי ישׂראל מהחסידים היראים ומגדולי הליטאים, מהמדבּרים הי' גם הרבּי מפּאפּא!, וגם הרב טייטץ ז"ל, הרב טייטץ בתוך דבריו הדגיש עה"פּ לא תתגדדו ולא תשימו קרחה למת, כשאנו נאספים כאן למחות על המעשי רשע של ניתוחי מתים לא תתגדדו! לא תפריש אנשי האגודה מאנשי היראים אלא כלנו כאחד באים כאן למחות! ע"כּ מת"ד. וכשהלכנו משם הייתי בּצוותא בּעגלה של הרבּ"י מסאטמאר זצ"ל ודרש מאחד לכפּול לו הדברים מהרב הנ"ל וכן עשׂה, ותומ"י הדגיש הרבּ"י: לא תתגדדו ־ אַז ס'וועט נישט זיין קיין אַ אגודה, אָז ־ ולא תשימו קרחה למת ־ וועט נישט זיין קיין קרחה למת, דהיינו ניתוחי מתים! זיי זענען אלעס שולדיג. ע"כּ שמעתי בּעצמי מפּ"ק

  21. Bobov Chosid
    "well he was in bobov for help (see kedushes tzion. bobov "
    who went to bobov for help?
    nobody went to Bobov, besides some balie teshuva, there was no balie aliya going to bobov, for some reason Bobov was the laughing stock in galicia..

  22. Ich bin a Tzelemer: "for some reason Bobov was the laughing stock in galicia.."

    laughing stock by whom? by the דרעליאַקס or by belz-of-today?

    אבן מאסו הבּונים הית' לראש בּארא פּארק

  23. דרך הבעש"ט said: "The Gerrer Rebbe has amassed a personal fortune worth a cool $90 million.

    The Belzer Rebbe Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokeach. has amassed a personal fortune worth a cool $46 million."

    תודה רבּה! איטשא מאיר־שלום פויגעל, להתראות

  24. Nimrod
    "The Belzer Rebbe Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokeach. has amassed a personal fortune worth a cool $46 million."
    I am not defending the derech habesht and I am not defending the Belzer, but I believe by the Belzer, the assets are the real estate of the mosdos buildings... which every rebbe and rosh yeshiva in the US are owning too.Check it out if I am wrong.

  25. "laughing stock by whom? by the דרעליאַקס or by belz-of-today?"
    Belz of today are not different the bobov, and they are not denigrating no other camp... but the דרעליאַקס
    and the Koloshitzer,Zhikever etc.... were worlds apart from bobov

  26. Derech Habesht
    "The Gerrer Rebbe has amassed a personal fortune worth a cool $90 million."
    The gerer rebbes father was a businessman till he became rebbe at 80 years, he bought properties in the early years of Palestine.
    Where does your conspiracy of Zionism and Derech habesht collide... explain..

  27. Check it out if I am wrong.

    Yes, you’re wrong, it is his personal property just like in ger!

    Of course he was a business man! a rebbe with personal business worth millions when his disciples and mosdos are scrambling to survive, these two rebbes got their 'seed money' from where from my שטעטעלע בּעלז? אבּער פון די קבּצן דלות'ניקרס אין ווארשא־קראקע

    This is an arranged payoff for their atrocities להעביר למולך הציונים מסלתה ומשמנה מהיהדות החרדיתwith business favors, deals (and votes) just like politicians do worldwide! OR HUSH MONEY! בּלע"ז

    To say that it is a mockery of the derech הבּעש"ט was meant sarcastically! to say the least..! Which foremost it was built on תשובה־תפילה־וצדקה
    99% of talmidi bal shem, collected money for tzadkas not mass hording for them self’s! even the heliger rizoner wasn't
    נהנה כשוה פּרוטה לעצמו ח"ו כידוע

    reb shayala keresterer was a master fund raiser! ALL FOR OTHERS! some of his off-springs have the same talent ALL FOR THEM SELFS!!! Which pays for their yearly Mediterranean excursions and, even for alimony support הש"י

    When the viznitzer rebbe z"l reb C.M. passed away and left a million in swiss cash! The SR was beside himself and couldn't phantom it!!! how is that possible?! another zionim pusher! (and vote deliverer) Wake-up and smell the coffee Moran!

    No other godol or rebbe who didn't deliver the 'goods' to the zionim come close to these 3 stooges!

  28. "which every rebbe and rosh yeshiva in the US are owning too"

    Yes, and many have much larger mosdos than belz of agrifas! yet didn't made it to the '10 richest rebbes Forbes list' ?!

  29. Speaking of rebbe/robbers, Today's SR of KY, who by any measure is a יורש דאורייתא from the SR z"l so was his father! SR died pennyless But he had personal belongings like בגדים, ספרים, חפצי קודש, חפצי הבית כמו מטה, כסא, שלחון ומנורה הטהורה, מכתבים כתבי קודש כמו הויאל משה ועוד, וכו so did his father, Which by chasidims measures it could be worth 100,000's if not millions! and was litterally robbed from them by אנשי דלא מעלי, פּשוטו וכמשמעו By contrast all of his mosdos belonged to the kehila/klal on his insistence, Yet SR of KY fights to get back his mosdos with tooth and nail! But not 'his' personal belongings which are קוה"ק why not? because a rebbe is a rebbe only if he is a rebbe!!! They fight for כבוד שמים but not for personal gain!

  30. Hu niflois
    "Yes, you’re wrong, it is his personal property just like in ger!"
    I will agree to all you say on the belzer, if you get me proof that it his private money, not assets of the mosdos. proof proof please...

  31. Hu Niflois
    "Of course he was a business man! a rebbe with personal business worth millions when his disciples and mosdos are scrambling to survive,"
    can you calm down and start readoing, the gerer was no rebbe for 80 years of his life.this mosdos were not his mosdos, it was all his brothers....
    What dont you get here... he is no different then Getzel Berger in London he bought properties in war time... Where do the Zionist play a role here???

  32. Hu Niflois
    "When the viznitzer rebbe z"l reb C.M. passed away and left a million in swiss cash! The SR was beside himself and couldn't phantom it!!! how is that possible?! another zionim pusher! (and vote deliverer)"
    Calm down my brother,
    How much was the cost of the mansions of the baal divrie yoel of Satmar in Willi and in KJ?
    the KJ house was forced on the people, Ezriel Gluck had to speak about it in public on the bimah...

  33. Itzikel
    "because a rebbe is a rebbe only if he is a rebbe!!! They fight for כבוד שמים but not for personal gain!"
    I am no Zali, but please don't be a idiot to fight for any of this 2 brothers, they and their families are well fed and have no worries how to pay their mortgage, its their own fight for their own benefit.....

  34. tibi lotzi ----

    I have no stake in this or with you I needn't to proof you anything, your reasonings and comparisons are for first graders, Adios

  35. Tibi Lotzi: " How much was the cost of the mansions of the baal divrie yoel of Satmar in Willi and in KJ? "

    Your tipical innuendo lies lies and morer lies... taken from your decomposed garbage collection! SR z"l never builded or approved the building of either these two homes, and of course they wheren't 'his' ever. Oh! btw, if it matters for you to know he never lived in them at all!!!

    ps:(the willi home he may have 'visited' a few times, after they begged him, to save face of the people who בתם לב builded it)

    ישׂכר פי דוברי שקר, הדוברות על צדיק עתק בגאוה ובוז

  36. the satmar rov couldn't "phantom" it. LOL! i think you mean "fathom".

  37. Belz takes money from rabbi eckstien's freindship fund.

  38. en Pedietzer

    "SR z"l never builded or approved the building of either these two homes"
    Thhen I assume Reb Chaim Mayer did not know about the millions in the swiss bank.... Mai Ulme Hie Mehie...
    your hypocrisity is zoak ad lev hashomaim...

  39. Ben Peditzir
    "the willi home he may have 'visited' a few times, after they begged him, to save face of the people who בתם לב builded it)"
    its a lie, he used that house for all rabinical meetings and yomim tovim, they even built a erev from police line for shabosim....
    The other house he moved in the friday before he passed away.....

  40. Ben Peditzir
    "the willi home he may have 'visited' a few times, after they begged him, to save face of the people who בתם לב builded it)"
    its a lie, he used that house for all rabinical meetings and yomim tovim, they even built a erev from police line for shabosim....
    The other house he moved in the friday before he passed away.....

  41. It doesn't matter if the value is in the moisdos. The Rebbe and the moisdos are one. Only if the have yoirshim, they need personal wealth. Reb Mottele as a prime example. Sakmar didn't have children so why would he need to accumulate wealth. All his needs were provided by the moisod, Food, housing, transportation and so on. All he was interested in was accumulating power and bring the negah of the V'Yoel Moishe on this world.

  42. JJJ & Tibi Lotzi :
    "accumulating power and bring the negah of the V'Yoel Moishe on this world"

    you two ליצים who I don't think you have any חתימת זקן yet, stick to what you know best תורת, הדברי חַציף

    אלף כמותכם יבטל, ואל יבטל אות אַחת מתורתו, תורת הדבר"י

  43. Hu Niflois

    "When the viznitzer rebbe z"l reb C.M. passed away and left a million in swiss cash! The SR was beside himself and couldn't phantom it!!! how is that possible?! "
    old Visnitzers are laughing of this satmar blood libel.... Reb Chaim Mayer left this world with no money, He lived a very humble life. They are shocked that that is all, Satmar ruv had to say after his petirah...

  44. Naftulsha
    "אלף כמותכם יבטל, ואל יבטל אות אַחת מתורתו, תורת הדבר"י"
    good soundbite.... but thats all

  45. tibi lotzi: "good soundbite.... but thats all"

    sorry it's not a sound'bite' but a real bite.

    פּורץ גדר ישכנו נחש ,סייג של חכמים לעבור על דבריהם, ישכנו נחש, מיתה בידי שמים, ח"ו

  46. Tibi Lotzi said...
    "old Visnitzers are laughing of this satmar blood libel.... "

    Must be Forbes magazine list wasn't compiled than, after all the belzer rebbe could of die c"v and we wouldn't of know his true day-time job 'ocupation' as a savvy money manager if not for the Forbes compilation list, and it would of be a בּכי' לדורות !

  47. I realize you are big into wishing death for all that get in touch with you... isthat part of satmar Ahavas Yisroel? Beroir Loi Misa Yofeh?

  48. tibi lotzi said...
    I realize you are big into wishing death for all that get in touch with you... isthat part of satmar Ahavas Yisroel? Beroir Loi Misa Yofeh?

    Can someone sane explain what this moran is talking about?

  49. JJJ said... " and bring the negah of the V'Yoel Moishe on this world."

    The negah was conceived by herzl-nordau, carried by shabotinsky-begin, cradled by mizrachi-aguda, strangled by satmar, on life support, by tibi lotzi et al.. & associates (aka frum zionim)
    all that SR did was trying to isolate negate and eradicate this נגע מקירת הבּית, וקורא עליה בּדד ישב מחוץ למחנה, טמא טמא יקרא,! איז וואס

  50. tomoshaver said...
    I heard that the Zied Yohir Letz Shemoi RAJ of Brisk "

    tibi lotzi said...
    I realize you are big into wishing death for all that get in touch with you...
    Quoting chaza"l on someone who is מתלוצץ על דברי חכמים, בכל עת מצוא is not שׂנאת ישראל

    To call a yiden with a name like זד יהיר לץ שמו just because you don't agree with him is the ultimate !שׂנאת ישראל, טול קורה מבּין עינך

  51. Reb Nochesh
    "To call a yiden with a name like זד יהיר לץ שמו"
    is the person producing a weekly joke on some godal beyisroel??? he is lately more original then the badchan hador yankel miller....

  52. Tibi Lotzi said: "is the person producing a weekly joke on some godal beyisroel??? he is lately more original then the badchan hador yankel miller...."

    You don't call a badchan/joker with a name like זד יהיר לץ שמו, besides who are u calling other people names From SR! to whatever other yid, do you have a name for yourself yet?

  53. Shmulik
    A Badchan is doing a mitzva,he is mesamech chosen vekaleh, Keuli Bonu Echod Mechorvus Yerushaliem and is not talking loshen hora and rechilas on all gedolai yisroel . This gentleman rav AJ is mevazeh everyone with the camoflauge of a chumash rashi shiur for young kids with brains full of mush.... and is holding back the geula with sinas chinum...
    You dont have to be a brisker to see the difference

  54. tibi lotzi: "This gentleman rav AJ is mevazeh everyone with the camoflauge of a chumash rashi shiur for young kids with brains full of mush.... and is holding back the geula with sinas chinum."

    is SR נישט בכלל גדולי ישׂראל that his blood is hefker to all that 'you' can be מבזה, בכל עת מצואor can we call 'you' to זד יהיר לץ

    מאי חזית דדמא דידך סומקא טפי, מדמא דחברך

  55. Mai chozit
    "is SR נישט בכלל גדולי ישׂראל that his blood is hefker to all that 'you' can be מבזה, בכל עת מצואor can we call 'you' to זד יהיר לץ

    מאי חזית דדמא דידך סומקא טפי, מדמא דחברך"
    its ironic that you are fighting the fight for a person that placed 90% of Klal Yisroel in the kofrim camp a few hours after the biggest churban that befell klal yisroel......

  56. tibi lotzi: its ironic that you are fighting the fight for a person that placed 90% of Klal Yisroel in the kofrim camp a few hours after the biggest churban that befell klal yisroel......

    Her he comes again.................................................................................................

  57. tibi lotzi : "its ironic that you are fighting the fight for a person that placed 90% of Klal Yisroel in the kofrim camp a few hours after the biggest churban that befell klal yisroel.."

    Pumpkin head I'll try once more:

    "Did you found yourself in that 90%nebech?"

    and what percent did moshe rabbuni put the yiden right after they got rescued in that catagory?
    במדרש: וחמושים עלו בני ישראל אחד מחמישה. ויש אומרים אחד מחמישים

    and what percent was klal yisruel by the שלש מאות איש המלקקים left?

    and what percent did the chasam sofer and his son put in that catagory?"


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