Saturday, June 9, 2012


בני אברהם אהוביך     - Geirim in Chassidic Thought  

Review: [For Two Cents Plain] Dov ben Avraham has written a book that is truly a "first," in any language. With this readable, well-organized volume, he has presented a wide range of Chassidic teachings related to converts to Judaism and the conversion process, accompanied by his own insightful explanations of kabbalistic ideas. His work was reviewed by many prominent rabbis, whose letters of approbation appear at the beginning of the book. Plus there are essays relevant to the subject by others, including several well-known Breslov teachers. This should be of great interest to anyone interested in this subject, particularly since much of this material is hard-to-find. It also shows another side of the usually insular Chassidic world: its strong affirmation of those who are "Jewish by choice." For all this, the author deserves our gratitude.


  1. JUst curious any Banshakim meshadech with a Ger or geyerous or is it just talk .
    How about a chashuve rebbe showing us Ahvath gerima nd taking a ger as a son in law and maybe successor.
    Well I have trouble thinking of even one instance when the sheine (aristocratic to use the Hungarian expression) families are meshadech with a ger,a fter all the mechutan may be the plumber.

  2. who is this writer? resides in Monsey?

  3. Rebbetzin Ruth Blau, aishes chover of R' Amnon.

  4. Rav Avrohom Weinfeld of Monsey married a Gyores the second time around.

  5. Reb Zvi Hersh said...
    Rebbetzin Ruth Blau, aishes chover of R' Amnon."

    Horrible example, he was lambasted by everyone for marrying her, and even the Rebbe sent him a msg asking him not to go thru with the marriage. the aida hachareidis was mirachek him totally after the wedding. His reasoning was that since he was a soris it didn't matter. I've heard various explanations how it happened (the soris part) does anyone know the true story?

    1. He was bashed by the police at a havgana... Not really סריס but not allowed to marry a jewess לפי תורה

  6. lozmirup
    "and even the Rebbe sent him a msg asking him not to go thru with the marriage"
    Which Rebbe Satmar? Lubavich?

  7. Which Rebbe Satmar? Lubavich?"

    The Lubavitcher Rebbe and probably the SR as well.

  8. SR z"l tried him first to let go of her, but his response was א"א לבזה אשה אשר קבּלה עליה היהדות בּמלואה, גיורת כשירה Than SR tried with her direct and offered her incentives that she should back out of this מפּני כמה טעמים.., ולא עלתה בו, אף שלא התנגד לזה מצד ההלכה but when the bet din of the eidah came out with a halach based issur against this.. SR respondet מען דארף זיין אַ פּושע"י אזוי צי פּאסקענען


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