Sunday, June 17, 2012

קלויזענבורגער רב זצ"ל איז מחנך א שפיטאל

ניין, נישט לאניאדא שפיטאל אין נתניה, ארה"ק, און נישט דער קלויזענבורגער רב וואס איר קענט, נאר הרב ר' עקיבא גלאזנער, נכד מרן החת"ס, און די יאר איז תרצ"א


  1. הרב גלאזנער אויך זיין טאטע זענ'ן גיווען מזרחיסט'ן, איבּער דעם האט קלָאזש גיהאט אַ קהלה נפרדת מיט אַ אייגענער רב, מענכע האבּן גיזאגט ס'איז גיווען בּבּחינת המחליף פרה בּחמור

  2. קלָאזשער said.. "Tzig, you can post"

    tzig the ober cuchem vd"l fin unterland!

  3. The real Clujer Rav! An apikores to boot according to the Ahavs yisrael people of Satmar. David Glasner!s write up on his grandfather is very illuminating. Maybe you should post a link.
    Why was my comment ignored on the other post?

  4. Klozher
    "הרב גלאזנער אויך זיין טאטע זענ'ן גיווען מזרחיסט'ן,"
    not by everyone it is a liability, by many Jews its a plus....
    The bottom line is,the Mizrochi Rabonim had the Lechtige Oigen they left the blood soaking continent in time, to artzienie hakedoasha

  5. You can always expect the tzig to do the right thing, after he did the wrong one.

  6. ס'איז מערקוירדיג כמדומה דער סאטמאר רב זצ"ל איז דערוועילט גיווארן אלטץ רב אין קלוזש, ער האט זיך אנטזאגט, אין אַהין געשיקט זיין נעפיו (קודם שסרח) אלטץ רב

    נשיא או אב בית דין, שסרח אין מנדין אותו בפרהסיה לעולם, אלא אם כן עשה כירבעם בן נבט וחבריו

  7. they used for the "tauves" (men & woman mixed) the same permit that munkatch used for their wedding & belz used for the funeral of reb Yisucher dov of belz (tiny village located near the big city of lembeg).

    in all history of Bobov such a thing never ever happened. Bobov was on the right track in everything.

  8. Kluzher

    ס'איז מערקוירדיג כמדומה דער סאטמאר רב זצ"ל איז דערוועילט גיווארן אלטץ רב אין קלוזש
    another dimyon in the gelgman lie maze

  9. Bobover chosid
    there is no reason you should hate this hospital, it has no relationship to the Gorlitzer family,
    Btw, I saw this week a old photo on a bobover hachnosas sefer torah in Crown Heights, it looked as the Munkacher chasuna....

  10. tibi Lotzi said (whatever)

    You probably a talmid of the real divrei chatzif of klush can't you defend him better בשעת דחקו than to make yourself a bigger fool than you have to! by saying that a mizrachist is better than belz and munkach! (and lubab mersha"b)

  11. Yoshe Kalb said... (--------)

    A true kalb consumed by negative hate hate and hate of all.., while accusing others of doing the same.

  12. Yoshe Kalb : "I saw this week a old photo on a bobover hachnosas sefer torah in Crown Heights, it looked as the Munkacher chasuna.."

    The bobover "hachnosas sefer torah in Crown Heights" was attended ny lubavichers mostly, and the Munkacher chasuna was attended by all mizrachisten (groom) marrying one of theirs

  13. tibi Lotzi : "another dimyon in the gelgman lie maze"

    Another burp גרעפּעץ, בּלע"ז by tibi lotzi, for every one so called of his lies you state 100+ lies, deal with them.. !קשוט עצמך

  14. rav glazner at a jewish hospital in klush makes sense and a cuidish! But the rav halber. hospital in netanya what's the chidush? why was he building it when the municipalities are there? where was the money coming from? what's the benefits, who benefits?

  15. curious bob said...

    " rav glazner at a jewish hospital in klush makes sense and a cuidish! But the rav halber. hospital in netanya what's the chidush? why was he building it when the municipalities are there? where was the money coming from? what's the benefits, who benefits?"
    1) the halacha says that you should not live in a town with no doctor, there is no question that the closer a hospital is to a emergency patient, the more chances he has to survive.
    2) for charadiem to have a hospital runned professionally and every move is al pi halacha is the biggest kidush hashem on earth.
    3)if women of Kiryath sanz have a good job os no benefit?
    4) where the money is coming from? not from Heshel shriber? Vigder Yakabovih olev hasholem and not from Liebish Lefkowitz olev hasholem, so whats your problem exactly? others then you despise a Kodesh veTohar and a Goan olem..( probably the gretatest Sanzer einikel since sanzer ruv histalkus).... just for surviving Hitler....

  16. Divrie Yatziv
    "Another burp גרעפּעץ, בּלע"ז by tibi lotzi, "
    very creative for a Sands street boy

  17. tibi lotzi et al said...
    Divrie Yatziv
    "Another burp גרעפּעץ, בּלע"ז by tibi lotzi, "
    very creative for a Sands street boy
    you the trash master! It's time that you collect and print your non-sands boy, comments, since you read all others trash.. as facts maybe you will read yours to..

  18. Divrie Yatziv
    "you the trash master! It's time that you collect and print your non-sands boy, comments, since you read all others trash.. as facts maybe you will read yours to.."
    can you p-lease decipher for me what should be done?
    I should collect trash, why? because I read your trash?
    I am the trash master? why Because I answer you?
    sorry for my ignorance...

  19. tibi lotzi: on 1-2-3-4

    1) so he must be even greater tahn the divrei chaim, or all other tzadigim until today who didn't notice this fabricated halach! to build hospitals!

    2)say what? 1000's of shalos daily and shabos being ignored on his name, what a joke.

    3)for jobs let him copy B&H and close shop on shabos and yom tov chol hamoid to.

    4) he wished! he ran from america collecting from 1000's of yiden their saved money yes, many called him to din torah!!! (and many didn't treatining them with a curse of his zeidas (and bubas) to, plus of course the good old medina helped him all-the-way yo the bank! as payoff!

    idiot wake up and smell the coffe

    אין כאן לא קדוש ולא טהור, אבל יש כאן ת"ח שסרח ואכל ודשן, אם מידות מגינות שא"א לפּורטם כי רבּים הם,

  20. tibi lotzi: "sorry for my ignorance...'

    ignorance is bliz, just stay where you are.

    btw, all and i mean all! your comments are re-gargled trash you quest for after, by talking to your kind, or by reading (books) from your kind, you never argue a point from a reliable source i.e. a sefer kodesh, a saying from an erlicher yid (you ur self heard it from) or a mamr chazal pertaining to your argument etc. in fact you have no kabala whatsoever for non of your trashy opinions.

  21. urious bob said...

    tibi lotzi: on 1-2-3-4

    1) so he must be even greater tahn the divrei chaim, or all other tzadigim until today who didn't notice this fabricated halach! to build hospitals!

    2)say what? 1000's of shalos daily and shabos being ignored on his name, what a joke.

    3)for jobs let him copy B&H and close shop on shabos and yom tov chol hamoid to.

    4) he wished! he ran from america collecting from 1000's of yiden their saved money yes, many called him to din torah!!! (and many didn't treatining them with a curse of his zeidas (and bubas) to, plus of course the good old medina helped him all-the-way yo the bank! as payoff!

    idiot wake up and smell the coffe

    אין כאן לא קדוש ולא טהור, אבל יש כאן ת"ח שסרח ואכל ודשן, אם מידות מגינות שא"א לפּורטם כי רבּים הם

    You started out as very curios but you had all the answers with the veyoel commentaries....
    I had my coffee and I know exactly with whom I am dealing
    1) I never said that he is greater then the Divrie Chaim (eventough their is no Issur to be greater then the Divrie chaim, the only person you can not be bigger from, is Moshe Rebinie) you like to construe other peoples word, thats the only way your rsponse will stick, I hope we are clear on that...
    What halacha is fabricated... be specific... because I dont see no fabrication here.
    2) is there chilul shabos in the hospital? yes or no? does it have more chilul shabos then the Hatzolah for instance? Please be specific on your accusations....
    3)to answer your stupidity, he does not want to be over on Hasogas gevil of BH so he opened a different business.
    4)there were no 1000's of yiden bichlal when he was chased by his uncles goons to Israel.Interesting to know about the din torah please update us on it....

  22. Curios Bob
    "אין כאן לא קדוש ולא טהור, אבל יש כאן ת"ח שסרח ואכל ודשן, אם מידות מגינות שא"א לפּורטם כי רבּים הם"
    Hertzachto vegam yorashto...
    It amazing how the mafia claims for mercy....

  23. tibi ltzi: "2) for charadiem to have a hospital runned professionally and every move is al pi halacha is the biggest kidush hashem on earth."

    tibi lotzi kind of "kidush hashem"!that even the klusher's themselfs forgot to mention on their 'heilige website' where they don't forget to mention and picture every greptz their new rebbe made.

  24. Curious Bob
    which year was there 1000's of Jews that gave money? in the 50's? the 60's ... there were no 1000's of jews then... straighten out your lies give it at least some face of truth...

  25. Curious Bob
    where was that din torah? did you see a copy of that hazmona? was he a mesarev ledin? why dont you tell us that gorlitzer is a bigger shagetz then we all know....

  26. Curious Bob
    You start out as if he stole from thousands and he build,the same paragraph ends that the Medina gave him a payoff.. make up your mind...

  27. CuriousBob
    "he ran from america collecting "
    lets get the fact... he ran because of the money, or his Uncles goons were Yored leChayoiv.... for the money that he stole they could call him to din torah in Israel to their bedatz.....or if needed the Uncle could call to the Zionist Begatz when you dont win in din torah( nusach machzor divrie yoel)

  28. Curios Bob
    "say what? 1000's of shalos daily and shabos being ignored on his name, what a joke"
    you really think that there are halachic problems that he ignored?
    He could not solve his halachic problems with out the great Ravad of Willi Reb Sruel Chaim Menashe....
    His hospital is the kidush hashem how chradiem can run a institution in a efficient manner with every dikduk kal derabonan solved. its a light upon all Jews....
    There is one problem that they make no autopsies and the protest hustler can be chas vesholem out a job....

  29. tibi lotzi : "You start out as if he stole from thousands and he build,the same paragraph ends that the Medina gave him a payoff.. "
    "His hospital is the kidush hashem how chradiem can run a institution in a efficient manner with every dikduk kal derabonan solved. its a light upon all Jews..."

    Can it be possible that he stole from 1000's, AND! got medina monies?!

    this great kidush hashem hospital was forgotten to be mentioned in the klush website would you plaese remind them to mention it:

    your daily rant of bs inuendos I'll let you drone in it, have fun.

  30. Bobby
    "in the klush website would you plaese remind them to mention it:"
    the holy divrie yatziv is not Kluzh... he is the real Sanzer Gorlitzer ...Asher Becho Espoair

    Disclaimer, I am no sanzer chosid....

  31. tibi lotzi: he is the real 'McCoy'...Asher Becho Espoair

    You're right he is the real 'McGoy'
    listening to his foul mouted infamous tapes, I would say you're a תלמיד המחכים את רבּו, ולא לחינם הולך הזרזיר אל העורב אלא בגלל שמצא בו את מינו

  32. Bobby
    the only difference between him and his uncle.. he was not oiver on Maka Es Reihi Besaser.....he did not talk differently in home then he was in public...

  33. curious bob/and all your other pseudonyms:

    I suspect that tibi lotzi is hitting a raw nerve and that’s why you keep on coming back. It is obvious that he knows your corrupted system very well indeed. You see your arguments are based on your books/newspapers of fiction that were created to keep narrow-minded people like you in the fold. Moreover, most of your quotations are simply irrelevant.

    Your vicious attack on your rebbes nephew demonstrates your rebbes ability at shaping your puny little mind. You see his nephew was ovier on one aveira only, namely he had the temerity to try and halt the SR’s megalomaniac tendencies. There is not one argument that you made regarding the KR that has any validity.

    As tibi lotzi mentioned the difference between the SR and the KR was that unlike the former the latter was echad b-lev v-echad b-peh. Witness the private tapes of your rebbe which prove my point.

    On the subject of taking money, how about the money your rebbe took from his nephew to save his oldest son (on the Kastner train), but conveniently kept for himself?

  34. tibi lotzi "he did not talk differently in home then he was in public..."

    And what's the difference between a ferd and you?

  35. ) he wished! he ran from america collecting from 1000's of yiden their saved money yes, many called him to din torah!!! (and many didn't treatining them with a curse of his zeidas (and bubas) to, plus of course the good old medina helped him all-the-way yo the bank! as payoff!

    Cmon, links, quotes, hyperpoble won't make the cut for such an accusation

  36. "Cmon, links, quotes, hyperpoble won't make the cut for such an accusation'

    There are hundreds of defrauded people who left him for that reason, many also had din toras with him, some he gave a receipt book to go collect their owned to monies from shuls! When he saw that כלתה אליו הרעה he ran like a rabid... not like a rabbi, most gedolim in America like reb aron kotler, reb mecuel b weismandel, reb yonisun shteif, hated him! literally, for his lack of derech eretz and midos meginos and his personal financial gains as a rebbe, reb MB his brother in law physically kicked him out of his shul with his cane, 90% of his cahsidim in America never visited him again! About his lost child rc"l in the war! why would a father give up his 'own' child why didn't he kept it, and see what would happen! just like he lost rc"l all his other 9 children הש"י but of course he hated his first wife to, their is post cards he used to write before the war time-and-again to SR that he wants to divorce her! ha ha but he kept on having more children!

    All this is true even before he got bitten by the nega of tzionis, btw he never even belonged to the agudah! he just wanted לנגח את דודו הק he becan me a zionist שלא לשמה just to spike his uncle רק לנגח את דודו הק what a crock.

    Have fun with as tibi lotzi says: the "real Sanzer Gorlitzer ...Asher Becho Espoair"

    Btw, their is many sanzer eniklech that are closer to sanz then he was none had the cutzpah to call them selfs sanzer rebbe! When of course he was never rebbe their!

    He abondened his fathers name the rudniker ruv! just to boast a name with whistels and bells.

    You as a master in deceive and a leftie on the left side who never found a rasha u didn't like how appropriate that the only 2 losers you adhering to time and again are klush and kook! Way to go pal!

  37. agudist:

    You are a typical chasid of the master deceiver himself. You were challenged to prove your outrages claims. Instead you just repeat your vicious slander without any substantiation. You are simply a liar. What can we expect from a follower of the greatest hater of all time.

    RAK had no interaction with the KR at all. For your information there was no love lost between RAK and the SR (listen to the private tape of the SR).

    The story of RMBW is also unsubstantiated. Anyway, who cares this fictional story presents RMBW as the one who is ridiculous.

    RYS had no quarrel with the KR. It was the SR who made sure that RYS left the KR. There was typical Satmar terrorism involved. RYS was an important part of the SR’s master plan to overtake Hungarian Yudentum.

    Your harangue regarding the KR’s children just demonstrates that you are smoking something very strong. You simply don’t know what you put on paper. Anyway, lets talk about your rebbes child. What was his excuse?

    The story about the KR’s first wife is fictional as well. This was all perpetuated by the big one himself. How can one stoop so low and vilify an individual who lost all his children to the Holocaust. This can only be upheld by one who did not suffer from the war itself (this is also the reason why he can blame, with abandon, the Zionist for the Holocaust).

    Many Sanzer eniklech that are closer to Sanz? Your consumed by your rebbes all encompassing hate. In any case, he called himself Sanz-Klausenburg. Moreover, not one of the eniklech where involved with Sanzer Torah anywhere near as much as the KR.

  38. dovid: "What can we expect from a follower of the greatest hater of all time."

    Never in history since the times of אברהם אבינו where there a אוהב ישׂראל, ובּעל רודף צדקה וחסד, בּכמות ובאיכות like SR z"l, so will I continue a non discourse with a bimbo named dovid? of course not.

  39. tibi lotzi said:"the holy divrie yatziv is not Kluzh... he is the real Sanzer Gorlitzer ...Asher Becho Espoair" "Disclaimer, I am no sanzer chosid..."

    The divrei chatzif is klush, and klush only! (that's the only city he was an appointed half ruv, Rav Halber.) and of course the half owner of the heilige hospital! He has nothing zilch with calling himself sanzer ruv, as a matter of fact the extreme opposite of sanz, Sanz was all about צדקה וחסד not of hoarding money for himself, as well known by all who knew him! "You are no sanzer chosid!?" that's an understatement to say the least

    מדחַציף כולי האי
    , שמע מיניה

  40. Keep on spewing your venom; you’re a great talmid of your rebbe. As I said no one built a Chasidus on hate as the SR. Maybe we should talk about the cities where the SR was either appointed rav or was trying to take over the rabbanus. In der heim they would say that if the SR was in a vald by himself he would have fought with the beimer. It is laughable that the KR is called the baal machlokas when in fact it was the SR who fought with everything that moved. That was the talent of the SR; he was able to turn the tables on others even on issues that were his own shortcomings.

    It is ironic that the KR who lived simply and personally had little out of money was derided when in fact the Satmar rebbe lived very well in a mansion. All the excuses are besides the fact. All these rumors regarding the KR hording money are baseless and were perpetuated by the big man himself. There is no difference between what the KR left for his kids and what any other rebbe did. As a matter of fact there is one noticeable difference the KR left the bulk of his money for tzadaka, Mifal Hashas – and that’s what a Sanzer’s enikle would do. There is no doubt if the big one had kids he would have left them much more than average.

    You’re a Satmerer what do you know about Sanz? Sanz is synonymous with learning. What does Satmer have to do with learning? You wouldn’t know Sanz if they hit you over the head with it. The KR truly personifies Sanz. This entire issue of the SR and tzadaka is a crock. He simply used it to build his empire.

  41. Nebech,all of this was fodder for the crematorium.

  42. An Ailmesher: "Nebech,all of this was fodder for the crematorium."

    I had never heared, read or seen a bigger hater, Venom-Spewer on any one heilig! more than tibi lotzi et al, turned mush weak hearted.. when they touch his דפק what a nebech!

    אַ בּארשט'ן בּינדער, גיוואר'ן אַ קוימען קערער

  43. Sanzer ruv had no goverment builded kirya, hospital, programs, or schools, not even a talmid torah or yeshivah! all he had was a heart full of !רחמנות־גמ"ח־וצדקה to say otherwise is like saying what you say full of רשעות שׂנאת ישראל וטפּשות המעבירין אותך על דעתך ודעת קונך that you fabricate!!! To compare SR to the klusher is like comparing אותו האיש־ישו לר' יהושע בן פרחיה רבּו, להבדיל

  44. Oh let’s see how many ways the KR was greater than the SR. In Torah there simply was no comparison. In Avodah, there simply was no comparison. We are left with gmilas chasadim, and there is reason to question the SR’s motives. However, even if we were to grant that the SR was the great paragon of this pillar, it is still only one fundament that he owned. On the other hand, the KR was the paradigm for the other pillars of Yiddishkeit.

    Most importantly, the KR had a fight with only one man, the SR, while the SR fought with everyone. The hate emanating out of your corner is despicable. However, the fault is not yours; you have been fed this hate for so many years by your rebbe. Not only has your rebbe not built Yiddishkeit in America he probably is the cause for much of its current undoing.

  45. An Ailmesher: "Nebech,all of this was fodder for the crematorium."

    שמערעל, זיי רואיג ס'איז נישט עק שמערעל, זיי רואיג ס'איז נישט עק וועלט ווען מ'איז מגלה פּני הלוט פונ'ם קלאזשער, שכן אנדרלמוסיה לא באה לעולם ביי די מחלוקת המדפיסי הש"ס ווילנע וסלאוויטע, מחלוקת אנשי הגר"א אם הבעל התניא וסיעתו, מחלוקת סאנז אם סאדיגערע.., אנדערש אבער שכן אנדרלמוסיה 'באה' לעולם ווען מ'איז עובר אויף די הארבע שלוש שבועות כמבואר בגמ' כתובות קי"א: אמר להם הקב"ה לישראל אם אתם מקיימין את השבועה מוטב ואם לאו אני מתיר את בשרכם כצבאות וכאילות השדה. אַזוי וויא דער חזון איש ז"ל האט גיזאגט מ'האט 'עובר גיווען' אין ס'איז רח"ל גישעהן

  46. דברים כדרבונותThursday, June 28, 2012 9:11:00 AM

    הגע עצמך: "אַזוי וויא דער חזון איש ז"ל האט גיזאגט מ'האט 'עובר גיווען' אין ס'איז רח"ל גישעהן "

    ..עד הנה היה הקטרוג ג"כּ גדול בשמים שעברו על הג' שבועות, הלא הרי גזר אומר "ואם לאו אני מתיר" רח"ל, אלא שבאו מלאכי מליצה ומנעו את הגזירה לצאת, כי מליצת סניגורים בפיהם "הלא יש כמה וכמה מעדת היראים שלא עוברים ולא משתייכים בכל העבירה הנ"ל.. ואינם אשמים בזה מה שהחילונים המופקרים עוברים," וע"כּ נתעכב הקטרוג ה"י... עכשיו שאומרים "אסור להחזיר השטחים", שזאת אומרת כאילו הארץ היא עתה שלנו ברשותינו (כאילו בא לנו בנחלה וירושה כאשר בא בימי יהושע ודוד ברצון ה' עפ"י הנביא), ואסור לנו מחמת כן להחזירו, וזהו אשר גרם לגלגל ולעורר רח"ל קטרוג הקודם של ג' שבועות שנאמר ואם לאו אני מתיר את בשרכם וכו', אשר היה נמנע לצאת מכח אל הפועל מחמת הסניגוריא אשר יהודים החרדים אינם רוצים בו בהעברה על הג' שבועות, מה שאין כן עכשיו שבדבריהם הללו מגלים דעתם שארץ ישראל היא כאילו שלנו

    עכ"ל דברי האדמו"ר מתולדות אהרן זצ"ל באגרות דברי אמונה ע' רכ"ה


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ביטע טראכטן פאר'ן קאמענטירן, און שרייבן בכבוד'דיג, ווי עס פאסט פאר אידן יראי השם

ביטע נוצן עפעס א צונאמען כדי דער שמועס זאל קענען אנגיין אויף א נארמאלן שטייגער

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