Monday, June 18, 2012

Did he take credit for the Hey Shvat "Tish"??


This is NOT an attack on Reb Mike Tress, z"l.

 Maybe it's me and my bias, but it sounded like the juxtaposition of the two terms, Agudas Yisroel and Hey Shvat Tish were supposed to tell us that they were somehow related. That the reason survivors could sit down to a Hey Shvat gathering was because they were members of Agudas Yisroel. Nothing to do with the fact that were Gerrer Chassidim... I realize that he was speaking to an Agudah assembly and was trying to speak of the Agudah's activities among survivors, but still, it's a bit of a stretch. Then again, it could be my inherent bias that drives me. It often was and is the case.


  1. Hershel
    I did not listen to the audio yet, but Kedushas Agudas yisroel is not invented by Tress, it was invented by the Gerer Rebbe....the Imrie Emess... read his biography well...

  2. hersh, you are so painfully off course, that i am on the verge of losing my respect for you. where did he say one word that credit is due to AY for this? all he was saying was that am yisroel is eternal. nothing so very wrong with that, imho

  3. I didn't say I was sure of it, so no losing respect, please.

    I'll accept your explanation.

  4. Tzig have you totally lost it? Why all the paranoia? Wow! This is Mike Tress we are talking about, not some third rate askan looking to make a name for himself and his organization. This is a man who gave up everything his money his health for Klal yisroel and for any chug in klal yisroel, so please leave all the negiusin to other lesser men!

  5. As an aside this audio brings back memories of my childhood of this great man who I will never forget as long as I live, thanks for bringing it to my attention.

  6. Hershl,are you losing it?
    what you are doing,in YIDISH it's called

  7. Grobber amaratzishe pishtus.

  8. I just lost my respect for Mike Tress that he cares about the Gerrer Rebbe.
    Am Misnagdim Chai!!!

  9. Hirshel
    did I see women in the audience of some aguda function.... with all the gedolim on the dais....Oi veh...

  10. he is talking about klal yisroel, not aguda.

  11. Living in the southern hemisphere I have heard of Mike Tress but never actually heard him speak. His words were very powerful and poignant!

  12. tznius police :
    "did I see women in the audience of some aguda function.... with all the gedolim on the dais....Oi veh..."

    Amazing when i was thinking you don't know the difference between a woman and a old fashioned pastrami sandwich, here he comes..

  13. Amazing what a disgruntled party will do exploiting their victims alive and dead, by jockeying for a position at the forthcoming table..

    !מעם מזבחי תקחנו

  14. tzig. I think you got this one wrong. I believe he was talking about klal yisroel.

  15. Hirshel writes :
    "it could be my inherent bias that drives me. It often was and is the case".

    CORRECTION its not your inherent bias,
    you were not born to be a filthy Jew hater, your parents are very nice people , its only since your conversion into the Lubavitcher cult you were trained to downgrade anything that's frum and not lubavith,
    and to boast and highlight everything lubavitch

  16. Pardon my ignorance of I suppose basics in extraterrestrial Jewish knowledge, I haven’t noticed any special events mentioned on my dual calendar for the day of Hey Shvat! Can someone enlighten me please?

  17. Aguda was made to represent Klal Yisroel. Although not everybody has joined up yet, their speeches and ethos are not about its members. It is about Klal Yisroel and encouraging people to engage as part of klal Yisroel and to think globally about solutions and ideas. This speech is highly relevant to that.

  18. sucher

    go look up "inherent" in the dictionary and get back to me.

    No need to thank me.

  19. askin: "I think you got this one wrong. I believe he was talking about klal yisroel.'

    Mike Tress head of Aguda, talks at an Aguda party (see sign displayed), on hey shevat implying Agudas forefathers yartzeit, talks about oh wow eminu! not party lines whatsoever c"v! not even subliminal!!!

  20. Sucher
    ", its only since your conversion into the Lubavitcher cult you were trained to downgrade anything that's frum and not lubavith, "
    From world creation till Lubavich in 770 there was no such thing as hate? the possuk Vehoavto leraicho was sain for this generation only...
    are Malkiel Kotler and the Titelbaum brother 3 fuzz balls never hurted a fly on the wall
    You are a pathetic ferd

  21. "inherent" MS Word right click =inborn,

    "inborn" MS Word right click =inherited

    My point is you make it sound that your negativism to everything Frum Not Lubavitch is nebech a defect from birth ,when the truth is quite the opposite,

    Pass it by your parents and get back to me.

    No need to thank me.

  22. inherent may be inborn, but it doesn't mean inherited.

  23. tibi lotzi : "From world creation till Lubavich in 770 there was no such thing as hate?" "You are a pathetic ferd"

    Talking about newly found hate refer to the hate of rav shach and his party to lubab! or the hate of the divrei chatzef to his uncle! (as documented in his cumish rashi shirum) now that's pure hate for hates sake.

    now about that pathetic ferd you're mentioning...

  24. הירשל ציג said...
    inherent may be inborn, but it doesn't mean inherited.

    A tzig with an education!

  25. tibi lotzi!
    I see you are an expert on results of Love vs Hate behavior,

    Can you write in a coherent way what could have transpired if the most energetic person of the last decade R" Menachem Mendel Schneirson, instead of taking a day job at the Brooklyn navy yard, would have teamed up with Mike Tress in 1940,
    They could have save a few million Jews

  26. Rosh Keves
    stay in the freezer we need you for rosh hashans night....

  27. Crock, had you known the first thing about Mike Tress. You would know that he had no party lines. He was best friends with Reb Aron Kotler as well as best friends with Reb Yoel Msatmar. And best friends with Rabbi Teitz. He loved every walk of life.
    Why don't you read up on the man before commenting.

  28. askin : "Why don't you read up on the man before commenting."

    He was respected for his 'hatzalah efforts' unlike the agudah per se who worked on the hatzalah of their own only! like the hatzalah of the gerrer rebbe and itche meire'l, And for that he was respected by SR! and certainly not a 'friend' after all an agudist!

  29. Frozen Keves
    "And for that he was respected by SR!"
    you think the world cares who the SR cared for??? we would be left with nobody to care for....

  30. tibi lotzi "
    "you think the world cares who the SR cared for??? we would be left with nobody to care for.."

    Nebech, you're denying שמש בּצהריים all 'you' care for is what SR said or didn't say, as a matter of fact you're obssesed by it! But don't worry pro or con admmited or not That's what the modt of the world cares for! and according to Moshe
    Shapira of the mizrachi, ben gurion to was inquiring time and again what will SR's! opinion be on this or that, I don't consider even 'you' a bigger tzioni than him.

  31. ראש כבש
    To you arguing with RYT is as if one is fighting with the entire Chasiddushe velt. Consequently, if the KR had a conflict with his uncle it was as if he was a major baal machlokas. In fact it was the SR who fought with everyone way before the KR was even on the scene. Start with the quarrels that the SR had already in the heim. So who was the true baal machlokas?

    All the disputes that the KR had in America were a result of the SR making sure that the KR was reviled. Stop with your lies. No one built a Chassidus on hate as the SR did.

  32. Being a member of agudath yisroel in those times did not mean like it does today it meant being a part of klal yisroel Made u a member of agudath yisroel but as u like to always look for the negative u really missed the boat on this one

  33. tzig,

    sad that you have to post about a person Z"l who was loved by the FR to the SR and everyone in between and on his yartzheit,(he probaly helped your parents etc) remove itin their honor at least

  34. BTW, it is nice to see that virtually every topic on this site ends up being a referendum on the SR. It is even funnier, in the light of that, to see someone write that nobody cares what the SR held of anyone.

  35. Dovid said... "No one built a Chassidus on hate as the SR did."

    and one will argue with a bimbo named dovid either.

  36. Frozen Keves You are wrong. Go ask anyone who lived in Williamsburg at that time. SR considered mike tress a personal friend

  37. askin : "Go ask anyone who lived in Williamsburg at that time. SR considered mike tress a personal friend'

    Tress was a righteous man who gave up his business to rescue yiden and for that satmar rav admired him.

  38. Let me tell you you who Mike Tress was as I knew him personally. He had no agendas other then helping and caring for another Yid. He gave of himself tirelessly, gave away all his money and was beloved by all Jews of every walk of life. We have never seen another Askan like him and doubtfully ever will again.

  39. I like Mike: "He had no agendas other then helping and caring for another Yid"

    Ike likes Mike !זכרונו לברכה

    Unlike the agudah party who pick-and-chose on behalf of whom they would help get rescued, and preferred intervening one of their own polish-galitazner-litvishe party members and there was no need for ungarishe to apply! (for lack of lomdos..., they said) but maybe lack of party affilation.. as others said!

    הנה יום ה' בא, אכזרי ועברה וחרון אף, לשום הארץ לשמה וחטאיה ישמיד ממנה... והשבתי גאון זדים, וגאות עריצים אשפיל

  40. tibi lotzi is a big p....Wednesday, June 27, 2012 9:12:00 AM

    Seeing any Agudah agenda in this small clip shows a real overdose of Kool-Aid, the "gevorener- who- needs to- prove- what- a -mekisher- they are", type.
    But, anyone who knows anything knows why Lubavitcher wannabees don't like the askunim who really did during the holocaust, the ones who really saved lives while others......
    Nu nu...

  41. Not to be believed!

    Honest - I'm shocked at this post. This clip came from a speech he made at Josh Silbermintz's Sheva Brachos and he was speaking about how important the work of Josh S. was and how Klal Yisroel is a nation that lives eternally. THAT was his point. Nothing else. That you can take a few minutes out of a 20 minute clip and even suggest that something sinister was meant here demonstrates how utterly worthless you and your ilk are. Mike Tress is singlehandedly responsible for the existence of thousands of Yidden and yeshivos. No one - No one - No one - did anything remotely close to what he did and he never asked for anything from it all. He lost his money, his health, and his life in order to save yidden from all walks of life.
    Fifty years later, some classless vermin take a snippet of a speech he made and suggest that he was doing something wrong. Feh feh feh. Simply no words.


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