Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mishpacha shows some flashes of greatness...

We had very high hopes for Mishpacha magazine when it first appeared on the newsstands, but we then realized that the masses still make up the majority, and they need to be catered to, not to mention that they get very nervous when any magazine tries to educate them in new ways... So, for the most part, save for an article here and there about Lubavitch or Rabbi Hershel Schachter, The Yeshivisher Oylem's two pet peeves, Mishpacha takes the road most traveled. And that's a good thing! I have young children who read it every week, may they live and be well, בלע"ה, and I need them to at least start off rock-solid! But this here article is good! It asks the questions about the city of מונקאטש that need to be asked, and gives honest answers, all the while giving good historical background to the famous film we've seen many times by now.

In case you have not, here's the You Tube Link to the film As well as a link that will be allowed by your filter...
Munkacs, 1933

See Article Here


  1. I cant tell you that I am as excited as I once was about them, but they are still the only show in town in terms of quality and intelligence, even though they drop the ball occasionally.

    They seem to care about the truth, no an agenda.

  2. Mishpacha tried hard to please the monsters of Benai Berak,but there appetite to shut them down is much larger, they got a fatwa from the previous Manhig haDor Rav Elieshav ( according to his SIL he is no more manhig hador)that it has to be closed down, so far the revolutionary guards are busy fighting their own in begatz, but they will come back to finish them off, so its a matter of time until Mispacha will get their payday for working overtime to please all this evil....

  3. thanks for the kosher link!
    so basically in old munkatch under the M.E. it seems like the little kids sang hatikveh all day and the young adults danced a mixed hora while singing v'al yedei zeh to the tune of "chag Purim, chag Purim." not much different than muinkatch b.p. today under R.M.L.R.

  4. Already read it in the Hebrew (there may be some slight changes here, will check when I have the Hebrew before me).

    Thing is, that Menachem Daum, who released "A Life Apart: Hasidism in America," also claims that he "found" this footage, which made it into his film, released in 1997 - which appears to have been before the Munkatcher eynikel R' Chaim Eliezer got his copy.

    -- ZIY

  5. when i was in cheder in LA we viewed it by the annual dinner, compliments of the one who really found it...


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