Thursday, November 15, 2012

דברים חוצבים כלהבת אש היוצאים מפי כ"ק אדמו"ר מצאנז-קלויזענבורג זצוק"ל בעת רעוא דרעוין ש"ק פ' בשלח תשי"ד לפ"ק

בתמונה: האדמו"ר - מימין עם קאפעלו"ש - עם האדמו"ר ר' חיים מאיר מוויזשניץ זצ"ל והאדמו"ר ר' הערשלע ספינקער זצ"ל - Audio of the Roov starts about 3 minutes into part I. Sound gets better as it moves along.

Part I: Part II: Part III: Part IV:


  1. The klausenberger rebbe said once about his mechutanim "einar is a butcher un de andara iz a b'heima"

    Posted by the Malach Hamovies !

  2. כלבין דחציפיןFriday, November 16, 2012 7:06:00 AM

    מונקאטשער רב ז"ל האט אמאל גיזאגט די אונגארישע האב'ן גימאכט דעם עגל, איך וועל מוסף זיין אז זיי האב'ן
    .איהר ציבראכ'ן אויכעט

    ישוי לון בנוקביהון, ויטמרון בגו

  3. Tzig: צאנז-קלויזענבורג

    This is factual not true, תשי"ד he was still not called zans, only in his later years עבר עליו רוח־קנאה
    and declared himself rabbi of sanz & klush & union city but for some strange reason he shunned williamsburg, there is even a tape he calls williamsburg an עיר הנדחת wonder why?


  4. The chasidim here are all klush? they look more like mar marosh viznitz-of-amul type.


  5. Not to compare c"v, but he talks in a galietzaner monotone voice something similar to the comidian t'zigan or whomever, I heared his tapes can be very entertaining to.


  6. I started to listen but i got upset of his hate talk especially when he calls yiden שוטה ופתי for some little things like, I'm an old skulyer cusid (from bedford ave in the same year תשי"ד) and my rebbe never called us with such names, omg!

  7. די מדינה "פלאקערט" ס'איז אנ עת צרה גפרית ומלח שריפת כל ארצות הרצל, ס'איז מקויים גיווארן כ'מיין שאבאטינסקי-בעגינ'ס ברכה, די מדינה וועט זיין אנ "אור לגויים" פשוטו כמשמעו! אין איהר אטע דא זענט פארנומען מיט איבער גיווארעמטע
    !?רביש'ע פאלע שטיק

  8. There is a lot of rebbes in the news lately, from the old rebbes who passed they nultiplied b"h, thanks for the net (I heard not all yiden are net surfers, I guess that's ok for them, whatever), i can follow them with convienence, today i was inspired by the munkatcher rebbes bakitshe it was just right, I always had a flair for design and image, so does the munkatcher, that's great.

    ps: Why can't we have a rebbe who talks in english by the tish, we already have some who talk in hebrew I guess, I heard some chasidim think hebrew is much worse than english! oh well, my cat is acting up, bye.

  9. Stop with all the narishkaiten. We are in a ais tzoro. Please - say Tehilim for acheinu bnei yisroel. I'm out of here. Good Shabbos.

  10. הגר"ע יוסף: לקרוא פרק תהילים ולהגיד אבינו מלכנו
    הגר"ע יצא בקריאה להוסיף תפילה מיוחדת במהלך השבוע הקרוב לרגל מבצע 'עמוד ענן' הגר"ש עמאר יוזם: תפילה מיוחדת ברחבת הכותל ביום ראשון הקרוב

    Some (like the sanz-klausinburger) say you should be more cautious bdin mayim achronim and negel wasser, well yeah, atleast nobody is starting to cry and panic! with the 3 oats (i don't mean grape nuts)s and hisgarus beimos! masse! all is quiet on the front!

    shucks, I just remember by the 6 day war or yom kipur war (I'm old my memory is weak) The sanz-klausinburger didn't let his buchirim leave the danger But he left the last minute, I know you can't htink bad on a rebbe, So I'm sorry for bringing up, good shabous now.

  11. he saw bobov as a threat to his very exsistance, the bobov rebbi was to powerfull for him, in torah, avodah, midos, gemulas chesed. thersfoe he would never dare to open a torah conversation with the bobov rebbi.

    bobov was the real pillar of sanz after the war, the name klausenberg he got from his uncle the satmer rebbi reb yoel. his father the ridnick rav who just another sanzer einickel, among hundreds of others.

    the klausenburg rebbi his first few years in america, he went around giving speeches, he cursed the daylight of whoever did not want to give him money. angery, & upset on the bobov rebbi, who was like a thorn in his eyes, all galizyia yiiden went to bobov and not to him. al hungerians dropped him like a esrog after suckas and went to satmer.

    no wonder he used words like no other rebbi, he had no class. please no name calling. just few years after the war?

    skver was also banned from williamsburf and had to flee, belz of today just did not fly.

    bobov stayed on top, and shines like the son, while klausenburg made a 360 degree turn, nor did it stay the same, and the little light is also out.

  12. Can't listen on a mobile browser.

  13. Moshe

    I listened on a mobile browser. It works fine. The default browser on an Android device, it was.

  14. Tzig Tzag
    "Not to compare c"v, but he talks in a galietzaner monotone voice something similar to the comidian t'zigan"
    so we have 3 people talking the same accent, the Chozeh,The Divrie chaim, and Tzigan

  15. bobover chusid
    "he saw bobov as a threat to his very exsistance, the bobov rebbi was to powerfull for him, in torah, avodah, midos, gemulas chesed. thersfoe he would never dare to open a torah conversation with the bobov rebbi. "
    Now I see that you are no Bobover Chusid, you just have a deep cynical way of ridiculing Bobov

  16. Kevorkian
    "ps: Why can't we have a rebbe who talks in english by the tish"
    the Milwaukee Rebbe and the Bostoner make the tish in english.

  17. the Rebbe with the flat hat on the other side of the Imrie chaim is reb Hershele Spinker,
    And if If I am not mistaking, the chosen is Reb Fishel Sendrovitz, who was a fiery Visnitzer chosid, Klausenburger talmid, and old friend of Reb Hershele Spinker.

  18. Anonymous said.: "The klausenberger rebbe said once about his mechutanim "einar is a butcher un de andara iz a b'heima"

    He should of add and one is a "shocet" although his chalev is pugim.

  19. srueli from teaneck said...

    shucks, I just remember by the 6 day war or yom kipur war (I'm old my memory is weak) The sanz-klausinburger didn't let his buchirim leave the danger But he left the last minute, I know you can't htink bad on a rebbe, So I'm sorry for bringing up, good shabous now."

    Shavuos 5727 (1967, just after the war ended) someone brought this up in the Rebbe's presence. The Rebbe vehemently defended the klausenberger's leaving to the USA. One point the Rebbe made was u can't have tainos on someone who lost 11 children in the holocaust leaving a potential war zone.

  20. lozmirup said: " The Rebbe vehemently defended the klausenberger's"

    Which rebbe are you referring to?
    so if he lost rc"l 11 kids, why would he not let someone elses kids leave, when he himself left?

  21. Anonymous said...
    "The klausenberger rebbe said once about his mechutanim "einar is a butcher un de andara iz a b'heima"

    Ha ha, funny, but you made this up. You see all these lines could have been said by the Klasenberger, but many of them are not from his mouth.

  22. fife town'er said...
    Tzig: צאנז-קלויזענבורג

    This is factual not true, תשי"ד he was still not called zans, only in his later years עבר עליו רוח־קנאה
    and declared himself rabbi of sanz & klush & union city but for some strange reason he shunned williamsburg, there is even a tape he calls williamsburg an עיר הנדחת wonder why?

    Typical Satmarer hogwash. He called his kiryah, Kiryat Sanz by 1957, and was using the name Sanz even prior to that. He shunned Williamsburg? Or was he chased out of Williamsburg by Satmar?

  23. union city'er-fin-amul said...
    Which rebbe are you referring to?
    so if he lost rc"l 11 kids, why would he not let someone elses kids leave, when he himself left?...

    I was referring to the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The chiddush is that the Rebbe publicly said no one should leave, & the israeli papers printed it. Yet the Rebbe defended the klausenberger's leaving EY.

  24. srueli from teaneck said...
    shucks, I just remember by the 6 "day war or yom kipur war (I'm old my memory is weak) The sanz-klausinburger didn't let his buchirim leave the danger But he left the last minute, I know you can't htink bad on a rebbe, So I'm sorry for bringing up, good shabous now."

    A lot of drivel. It’s simply a lie.
    On the famous recording of the Satmarer rebbe – you know the one where he stated that the Belzer and Gerer Chassidim zalen tzu zetst verin, and that Rav Aharon Kotler hut nist fharstannen dei zach – he was told that the Klausenberger rebbe was running away from Eretz Yisroel. He then made derogatory statements regarding the Klausenberger rebbe. Has he no shame? How ironic, a man who weaseled out of the concentration camp after telling his people not to leave can listen to arguments against a man who lost his entire family and his wife. This is just more evidence to what length he would go in deriding people that he maintained stood in his way to world dominance.

  25. Bobov Chusid --

    Please, the Bobover rebbe felt threatened by the Klausenberger already in the heim (as he left town when the Klausenberger came to Ratzferd). Moreover, to compare these two rebbe’s in learning is comical. Your rebbe was a fly compared to the Klausenberger. There was no Sanzer eynikle in the same league as the Klausenberger rebbe.

    You like many Satmarer are a bunch of kofi tov. Without the Klausenberger rebbe many of the Bobover Chasidim would not be frum today (read Kos Tanchuma). How many sheitlach did he buy for Bobover in the DP camps?

    Lets talk about the Satmarer rebbe’s language, as well. Did you ever hear his private tapes? This entire issue regarding the Klausenberger’s language was promoted by the Satmarer rebbe and Bobover Chasiddim to demote the Klausenberger’s immense askanus with their Chasiddim in the DP camps. Notwithstanding, all the assertions that the Bobover rebbe was such a gentleman, I know for a fact that he had choice words for the Klausenberger rebbe.

    Actually, Bobov did nothing for Sanz. The only thing they did was take 25 years to reprint the Divrei Chaim. Oh, by the way Klausenberg is no smaller than Bobov is today.

    As Tibi Lotzi said so succinctly (I hope)you are no Bobover Chasid.

  26. If I'm not mistaken he was known as Sanzer Ruv already before the war in Klauzenburg. To the people in Klauzenburg today (Cluj) he is known as the Sanzer Ruv.

  27. Cluj Einikel said... "If I'm not mistaken he was known as Sanzer Ruv already before the war in Klauzenburg"

    He was an Einikel of sanz yeah, the son of the Rudniker ruv, the sanzer ruv z"l still had children tzadigim alive! אשר קטנם עבה ממתניו
    what a tipshus?!

    הרוצה לשקר ירחיק עדותו

  28. "On the famous recording of the Satmarer rebbe"

    Thanks god for these tapes!!! If not you lowlifes would of deny to the next generations that SR z"l was against this imposter! it was only a machloka of the chasidim "who chased him away of brooklyn" and other lies you fabricate daily! etc etc etc.

    שיחת חולין של ת״ח צריכין לימוד
    !!!שנא׳ ועליהו לא יבול

    לאו אורחא דמלכא לאשתעי במילין דהדיוטא! לומר יהי אור יהי רקיע. עיי"ש

    ps: this sanzer imposter not only wasn't he ever ruv in sanz! But not even in Cluj! as in the testimony of the Genuine Clujer rav!:

    "Rabbi Akibah Glasner, of Cluj, has complained to me (after he was arrested), for instance, that a new Rabbi has come there, a Spagnol, and is slaughtering kosher for a much lower fee than the Jewish Community, because he is not paying any taxes! for the upkeep of the Jewish Community !!! institutions. (very typical)

  29. Clujer Spagnol said...
    "On the famous recording of the Satmarer rebbe"

    Thanks god for these tapes!!! If not you lowlifes would of deny to the next generations that SR z"l was against this imposter! "

    The way i heard it went down was this:
    The atzei chaim was niftar and left a household of kids. the KR was just married and living in sighet. a a group of chareidim broke away from the kehilla because it was going "modern". they asked the SR to send someone. seeing an opportunity to get a parnossah for one of his brother's kids, he sent the KR. He was never the "rav mi'tam" of the city, and his rabbonus was for the breakaway chareidim. so his move on the shchita fits right in.

    There's several versions how the war with his uncle started, v'ain kan hamokom. the irony is that according to this version, his uncle got him started in the rabisteve.

  30. Nudnik'er/Clujer Spagnol or any of your sockpuppets:
    You Satmarer are so wretched. Even if your rebbe comes off sounding like a wild Comanche, you spin his words so that they sound saintly.

    No. These tapes demonstrate your rebbe in his element, and it’s a pity that there aren’t more of these tapes to illuminate the world regarding the man’s true colors. These tapes put to rest the invention that the SR stayed above his frays. In truth, he was a man who hurled invectives against all of his foes.

    There is no doubt to anyone, who lived in Willy in those days, that the SR himself was involved in making sure that the KR was terrorized in order that he leave town. Was he ever moche against those dastardly acts? Of course not. Consequentially, he is culpable. Furthermore, the SR was shown a list of all the atrocities that were inflicted on the KR. Moreover, if he didn’t know what his animals were up to, then he was not so great after all. In any case, there is not one word on the tapes that back up your claim -- that the SR was not apprised of his Chassidism’s action against the KR.

    Oh, unlike your rebbe who sowed fear, in the heim, when he came to town the KR got along just fine with the Glasner’s. You see the entire enterprise of pegging the KR as a baal machlokas is a fabrication of the leading baal machlokas to grace the earth. It was, I must admit, a brilliant move to tar someone else as a baal machlokas in order to scare others away from the KR. The brilliance of the move was to place his liability, which preceded him, of being a major baal machlokas, onto the KR.

    Oh, I would love a list of Sanzer einiklech who were in the league of the KR. You are so blinded by hate that you are incapable of accepting the truth. Then again it’s not your fault you learnt it from the leading soneh Yisroel of our times.

  31. david: ---------------

    I would suggest you should throw him in your list of the eser makos:
    RAK:RZL;RAT;RML;RMD;RSK;RBG;RAB;RYB;RZG. 'וכו and done with him for good.

    ps: Do u have the tape of moshe rabeni what he said on korach! behind the scene "in his element"
    or do u rely on torahs moshe! exposure on it!?

    וירדו חיים שאלה וידעתם כי נאצו האנשים האלה את ד

    צו זעצט זאל'ן זיי (מיט דיר) ווערן

  32. "when he came to town the KR got along just fine with the Glasner’s."

    Rabbi Glasners *testimony:
    "Rabbi Akibah Glasner, of Cluj, has complained to me (after he was arrested), for instance, that a new Rabbi has come there, a Spagnol, and is slaughtering kosher for a much lower fee than the Jewish Community, because he is not paying any taxes! for the upkeep of the Jewish Community !!! institutions."(very typical)

    *on record with the cheif of police in Cluj, the capital of Transylvania when Glasner and 3 others got arrested by mesira of your peaceful korach rebbe!

    !טול מה שבחרת

  33. lozmirup: "his uncle got him started in the rabisteve."

    For starters, go to the Thelogical seminary in NY and look into the old morgan journal papers, an artical when S"R came to NY and your clujer offered him! a rosh yeshivah job! in "his" yeshivah! for starters.

    You may also find in the archives somewhere, many post cards from cluj that he writes time-and-again to his famous uncle he want's to divorce his wife! but still had children after that yearly! perhaps, בני תמורה או בני מריבה at best.

    ps: Bobover ruv was an ish chesed and ohev kol ish yisruel bemes, the oposite of your clujer, sorry rebestive has nothing to do with how many blat gemoro u think u know! atleast if you don't know enough you will be humble and not be a מגלה פנים
    !בתורה שלא כהלכה

  34. :גדי בן סוסי
    I reiterate, you are so blinded by your rebbe’s hate machine that you are not capable of rendering a non-partial opinion. Do you think so little of Moshe Rabbeinu? In any case, the point is, as evident from the tapes; your argument that your holy rebbe never belittled others is a farce. Furthermore, have you no shame? You quote a Glasner when it’s good for you, but your rebbe had a machlokas with the family. Then again, it’s not your fault you learnt these tactics from your rebbe. In any case, it was mentioned previously on this blog that the Glasners got along just fine with the KR. Your stories are simple revisionism. Go back to your redacted newspapers. That was your rebbe’s most brilliant tactical move.

  35. david: "Go back to your redacted newspapers. That was your rebbe’s most brilliant tactical move."

    It's your Reading comprehension stupid, in torah readings as in secular! the testimony below comes as stated before not from a newspaper but in 1931 from the police chief in Cluj available on-line, Kapish.

    once more:
    Rabbi Glasners *testimony:
    "Rabbi Akibah Glasner, of Cluj, has complained to me (after he was arrested), for instance, that a new Rabbi has come there, a Spagnol, and is slaughtering kosher for a much lower fee than the Jewish Community, because he is not paying any taxes! for the upkeep of the Jewish Community !!! institutions." (very typical)

  36. David said: "Do you think so little of Moshe Rabbeinu?"

    !אתפשטותא דמשה בכל דרא ודרא

    הרבי מסאטמאר המהרי"ט זצ"ל הי' הרעיא מהימנא בדורינו, ועליו אין להוסיף או לגרוע, ואחריו לא קם כמוהו! והמהרהר אחריו כאלו מהרהר אחרי השכינה! וד"ב

  37. Bobover and proud! said...
    For starters, go to the Thelogical seminary in NY and look into the old morgan journal papers, an artical when S"R came to NY and your clujer offered him! a rosh yeshivah job! in "his" yeshivah! for starter"

    if u have it plz post it l'toivas haklal. I'm not sure what you're getting at with this RY job offer.

    Look, every fair minded person knows that the KR had a problem getting along with others and was harsh at times. His raiberei with bobov could be put down to 2 galitzianers vos kenen nisht farginen dem tzveiten. The satmar machlokes started during the war and got worse in the DP camps and came full force with the state of israel issue.

  38. lozmirup said.: "if u have it plz post it l'toivas haklal. I'm not sure what you're getting at with this RY job offer."

    Sorry my research dept. is closed! and klal don't need it you will not change anyone with it, שבשתא כיוון דעל - על , SR z"l was physically שבור ורצוץ after the war, living in e.y. for a year he became seriously ill for many months there, עם דליקת הראיה רח"ל והוא היה בסכנה, his SIL as the clusher signed him off..! and had plans of their own, so they tried to appease him.., (his close cousin reb yoel ashkanazi offered him to become a rosh hakollel for 10 kollel yungeleit in e.y. and he will support them) But not his chasidim and "many Gedolim" with them they knew him better, and knew that his physical strenght comes from his spirituality and if he survived! he will only become stronger, which is what really happened! the rest is history.

    קוי ה' יחליפו כח יעלו אבר כנשרים ירצו ולא ייגעו ילכו ולא ייעפו

  39. Bobover your simply a clown. Show me one Chassidus that was built on the fact that the rebbe was an ish cheshed. Don’t you think that the world recognizes that these arguments are an excuse for a very middling person that you call a rebbe.
    If in fact it’s true that the KR offered a job to the SR, I don’t see what was the issue. The SR came to America with just about nothing. In any case, the story is probably fiction perpetuated by the Satmar hate machine that you silly Bobover drank as Kool Aid. Moreover, you naarsher Bobover, don’t you realize that the SR thought very little of you rebbe. Yes, I think that the SR is the one you should look up to. His rap sheet prior to coming to the USA was longer than all other rabbanim combined. So if you are seeking a man of “shalom” you got the man.
    Oh by the way do you know that the KR first wife was hard of hearing? People said that the entire marriage was a mekach toas. But, lets talk about the way the SR got along with his only child. That would be acceptable to you, right? You silly Bobover. Most if not all these stories are simple lies, fed to you by the Satmar hate machine.

  40. חמר גמל: Lets talk about reading comprehension. You state, “this sanzer imposter not only wasn't he ever ruv in sanz! But not even in Cluj! as in the testimony of the Genuine Clujer rav.” Show me from the article that you cite that he was not a rav in Cluj. On the contrary this article proves otherwise. Moreover, this is typical of a Satmarer, on the one hand you claim that your rebbe gave over the rabbanus of Cluj to his nephew, the KR, and on the other hand you argue that he was not even a rav in Cluj. So what was it, make up your mind. In any case, as I mentioned it was with the SR that the Glasners had an issue with, and not with the KR.

  41. The audio quality is extremely clear for Yud Daled, are you sure about the date?

  42. i usualy dont respond, but reading the lies and nasty comments, i must do so.

    klausenburg rebbi was a big time noise maker, and used the gemara and other seforim as props for his carefully staged shows.

    the bobov rebbi z"l was a gaon not only in middus but in shas and achronim as well. he was rav of the city of bobov pre ww2, paskened shalis and din torah on the hardest and most complicated topics as well. he was the number 1 person to who people turned to regarding the Poland shchita ban.

    after the war together with r` meisels the veitzin rav hundreds flocked to him regarding `agunah`, among them was the satmer rebbi who followed the bobov rebbi`s psukim on this matter.

    he himself in the first few years gave a shiur for the bochrom on m`chulin`, kudshim, among other complicated sugyes. he also tested the bochrim. til his late years he would come to the mesivta and talk to the bochurim on the topics they were learning.

    whenever a rav came to farher (test) the bochurim, he would always be present, and sometimes even comment or adding something.

    the pupa rav was overwhelmed by the vast knowledge of the bobov rebbi when it came to hilchus mikvos.

    alot of talmidai chachomim, including r` pinchus hirshprung from canada were taken aback from the bobov rebbi`s big bekiyus.

    the problem was that the bobov rebbi was a private person, and did not make the torah a "kardum lachfor boi", as the klausenburg and satmer rebbi did.

    the bobov rebbi was a gaon and giant in his own right, and does not need anybodys haskama, especialy the commenters post here, who did not even know him, just repeating the same old garbage fabricated by hatred and jelousy.

  43. Maybe what the bobovers are saying about the BR R' Shloime is true, but its strange how nobody else knows about it.

    the outside street thought this much about the various chassidishe courts:

    Satmar - chesed and kanaus
    Chabad - Kiruv and ch"v tuck your shirt in
    Vishnitz - Shmiras einayim
    Toldos Aron - taharas haguf
    Gur - learn all day & to hell with everyone else
    Klausenberg - learn shas
    Bobov - golden glasses and marching bands by mitzva tantz

    nobody took bobov seriously. it was considered a chassidus for comfort and have a big chandelier, and don't forget to leave your curtains open so everyone else can see it.

  44. lozmirup:

    You simply do not know history. Every fair minded person knows that the KR never had a problem until he came to America. What happened? The answer is that the SR was a brilliant tactician and knew that there is no way that he can take over Hungarian Judentum, and steal away the rabbanim, that were close to the KR. So he simply characterized the KR, a Gorlitzer einekle, as a baal machlokas. He succeeded notwithstanding the fact that he was the leading baal machlokas of modern times.
    The machlokas with Bobov was blown out of proportion. It doesn’t take much to realize that after all the KR did for Bobover Chassidim in the DP camps that they would not have returned to the BR if not for some machlokas. Even though the BR was known as a gentleman in the heim he couldn’t stay in town when his illustrious cousin, the KR, came for a Shabbos. There is more to this than meets the eye.
    The Satmar machlokas started after the SR came to America. As a matter of fact the SR sent the KR a Shas in the DP camp in lieu of the money that the SR was supposed to use to save the KR’s son on the Kastner train. The question is why the SR didn’t travel to the DP camps where there were real issues regarding Yiddiskeit. How long was the train ride from Switzerland to the DP camps? If the SR was concerned with Hungarian Judentum the place to have started was in the DP camps and not in America. By the time Yidden came to America (and most definitely by the time the SR came) they were more or less settled.
    The state of Israel does not figure in this matter at all. This is just more Satmar propaganda.

  45. :נץ פרח
    No. The real story is that he couldn’t get along with anyone in Eretz Yisroel and that’s the reason why the SR left town. Don’t get started about the Edah, he simply stole that too.

  46. Bobov Chusid:
    You are nebech delusional. Prove it that your rebbe could say anything more than some meiselech. All your other stories are just that meiselech. As I mentioned, there was no Sanzer einekle that was in the same league as the KR. Your rebbe was envious of him already in the heim. The KR has the seforim to prove it.

  47. חמר גמל:
    Right let’s talk about reading comprehension. You wrote, “this sanzer imposter not only wasn't he ever ruv in sanz! But not even in Cluj! as in the testimony of the Genuine Clujer rav!.” Can you point me to where in this article it says that the KR was not a rav in Cluj? Me thinks that you don’t know the history of Cluj at all. Moreover, make up your mind. On the one hand you Satmerer argue that your rebbe, out of the goodness of his heart, offered the KR his rabbanus in Cluj, but on the other hand you argue now that the KR was not even a rav in Cluj. So make up your mind you rebbe had a good heart or not? As I said previously, notwithstanding this article, the Glasner’s had an issue with the SR, and not with the KR.


  48. זאב עם כבש, ונמר עם גדי ירבץ, ועגל וכפיר ומריא יחדיו, ונער קטן
    as,lozmirup-tibi lotzi-david
    !נוהג בם

    יחדיו ירבצו ילדיהם, ואריה כבקר יאכל תבן

  49. i can only say please re-read my comment carefully before posting.

    the truth does not lie.

  50. Bobover and proud
    You may also find in the archives somewhere, many post cards from cluj that he writes time-and-again to his famous uncle he want's to divorce his wife! but still had children after that yearly! perhaps, בני תמורה או בני מריבה at best"
    You can earn a million bucks if you find such a letter. Its probably in the same file as the chidushim on Buba Kama of Reb Benzion the first and the chidushim on Masechtes Kilayim of Reb Shlomele the 2nd. I heard that by the big fire in JTS all manuscripts perished, just this 2 holy Kisvie Yad survived and are available there to see,the only reason that it is not printed, its because by us in Zhikev we dont talk nigleh(eventough the rebbes of Zhikev did print Nigleh as the Ateres Yehoshua and Imrie Noam but Bobov knows Zhikev better and deeper)

  51. Adios
    הרבי מסאטמאר המהרי"ט זצ"ל הי' הרעיא מהימנא בדורינו, ועליו אין להוסיף או לגרוע, ואחריו לא קם כמוהו! והמהרהר אחריו כאלו מהרהר אחרי השכינה! וד"ב"
    said who???????

  52. If we are opening the can of worms of who and who were the real Ruv in Cluj. I think we should discuss who was the halachic elected rav of Satmar. Please look at the Sefer Sefas emes that the Kehila printed against his election.(its not in the burned files of JTS, its on Hebrewbooks)
    RJT never won the din torah and the Brashouer Ruv who was the rosh of the bies din of the din torah left town the nite before the peask, he was scared to death to give out the pesak against RJT.The holy RJT and his goons just moved in to town and took the Rabunas.
    Just for the record there was no zionisim or agudisim invoved yet ther it was simple a Zulu type turf war.

  53. Tibi Lotzi : "You can earn a million bucks if you find such a letter."

    This clujer klotz, was and still is an enigma for all, he would of be a footnote in history If not for the .שונאי ישראלים, וד"ל
    BTW, SR z"l mentioned the famous "post cards" in a talk (who knows tapes may surface) and he added: there was a man who once said he has ניין טעמים why not to eat meat and איין טעם why he should eat meat, But the איין טעם is stronger the the ניין טעמים! someone asked him how is that? and answered the דער טעם פון פלייש! וד"ל

  54. יונה קרעפל :
    No silly, the KR was accepted as one of the giants of our times notwithstanding the Satmar hate machine trying to minimize what he had done for Yiddiskeit. In Eretz Ysroel where the Satmar hate machine never took hold, the KR was always more respected than the SR, both for his learning and for his askanus. The KR was no enigma at all. He was an ish kodesh, and a gaon olam. By the way your meiselech about the SR just prove that he knew how to spew venom.

  55. david stop being childish and repetitious ok! come up with something original! or I'll let you twist in the wind of babal!

    ps: are you MbP?

  56. prof hichcock:
    Is this all you can come up with? I guess you are running out of lies.

  57. Tzig, I commented here on someone burpin and fartin at the same time! and u didnt post it yet! in light of whats accepted here was that tasteless? is that possible?

  58. David said.: "Is this all you can come up with? I guess you are running out of lies."

    You can only run out of scarce truths never of lies, Hence david!

    !אין קץ לדברי רוח

    ps: are u or not the truth this time david?

  59. Hirshel Tzig - הירשל ציג said...
    at least they're not talking about bowel movements

    Tzig believe me they don't know the difference between bowel's and vowel's

    !מאן דנפח מתוכו נפח

  60. Tzig, how about the comment from תוצרת ישראל there was no bowel movenents in it? I haven't seen it posted either?


  61. Sorry, who know where it landed.

  62. MbP and all the other sockpuppets:
    You are typical of the Satmarer venom machine. We know that you lost when you start with your cursing. You have not answered any of my arguments or Tibi Lotzi’s. You are so blinded by the Satmar propaganda machine that you make grand statements, but in fact קטגור נעשה סנגור. E.g.- Your false claim regarding the KR that he was never a rav in Cluj, but in fact the SR was never officially installed as rav of Sakmer.

  63. "SR was never officially installed as rav of Sakmer."

    Bush never was president
    Obama wasn't born in America
    and you! מדחציף כולי האי ש"מ

    ps: MbP ???

  64. David said... "MbP and all the other sockpuppets"

    Hirshel, הוא אשר דברתי, כי יש דברים בגוי דנן this sock-a-puppet guy had no MbP therefore he is busy with sock-a-puppets, Isn't there an understanding on your blog that all participants must have had MbP ? היתכן at this point he should forward a certificate from the mohel if not the whole guy is in question if he is משלנו!

    הכצעקתה באה אלי! עשו כלה! ואם לא

  65. David said: "MbP and all the other sockpuppets -- the SR was never officially installed as rav of Sakmer"


  66. David said.: " but in fact the SR was never officially installed as rav of Sakmer. "

    Oh what a revelation david, are u from Sakmer? than who was the satmar ruv? please post.

  67. "You have not answered any of my arguments or Tibi Lotzi’s"

    sorry sock-a-puppet's I don't read fiction.

  68. Yoneh Krepel
    "BTW, SR z"l mentioned the famous "post cards" in a talk (who knows tapes may surface) and he added: there was a man who once said he has ניין טעמים why not to eat meat and איין טעם why he should eat meat, But the איין טעם is stronger the the ניין טעמים! someone asked him how is that? and answered the דער טעם פון פלייש! וד"ל"
    If this is true that the Sakmer Rebbe said this vulgar joke it portrays a very ugly picture of which way the( Satmar Proclaimed) Noter Habris of our generation mind was working.... Dont forget Bris Hamoar is Mechuven to Bris Haloshen. It shows that all the big crying(in the few winter weeks) was a show to hit people below their belt...If I would be a Satnar chosid I would claim its a joke of one the Low Rebetzins Menchen

  69. MBP
    "u! מדחציף כולי האי ש"מ"
    you constantly have to be reminded that this Chazal works both ways...

  70. Lazer epstien said.:"If this is true that the Sakmer Rebbe said this vulgar joke it portrays a very ugly picture of which way the(Satmar Proclaimed) Noter Habris of our generation mind was working.... "

    OMG! It's all over now! Gotcha.. rebbele!

  71. Tibi Lotzi said.: מדחציף כולי האי ש"מ" you constantly have to be reminded that this Chazal works both ways...

    Yea I know ask ur mama!!

  72. Chaim Lieberman:
    Your childish asinine comments demonstrate what I mentioned previously. When faced with arguments that lay bare the Satmar PR and hate machine, you become vulgar and juvenile.

  73. Chaim Lieberman
    "OMG! It's all over now! Gotcha.. rebbele"
    its not over yet, Gelbman will save the day, he will get a signed letter from some ropshitzer einikel the this was ropshitz style of talking..

  74. "he will get a signed letter from some ropshitzer einikel.."

    תנו עון על עוונם ואל יבאו בצדקתך ימחו מספר חיים ועם צדיקים אל יכתבו

  75. In earlier years the lubab’s use to say that their rebbe is as big as moshe rabbinu! Than you knew it’s time to move on.. When some sock-a-puppet nitwit here is comparing the S”R z”l to* the clujer joker! or when some yonash batshi is concerned of SR midas yesod! you know it’s time to move-on and let them choke in their vomit.

    lazer pop-teen
    tober lotzi


    להבדיל אלף אלפי הבדלות ורוב רובי רבבות פעמים


  76. SR waited for a long time after the votes and didn't enter city of satmar until all skirmishes was cleared! When he finally entered all parties pro and con from the kehila elders went wholesomly to his Kabulis punim!, one of the The problems was the kehila had an odd voting system and some in the kehila (a belzer) deceived intentionaly his position before the votes and changed his mind afterwards!

  77. M Pupik:
    Keep it up, your proving my point so succinctly. I reiterate, the SR was never accepted as the rav of Sakmar. Th entire episode is illuminated in Sefas Emes (it’s available on Hebrewbooks). So the “joke(r)s” on you. Your so right it’s beyond comprehension how one can compare the KR to the SR. The KR was a towering giant in Torah, Avodah and Gimilas Chasadim (witness what he did in the DP camps). The SR was maybe great in tzadaka.

  78. M P....
    "is comparing the S”R z”l to* the clujer joker!"
    you are correct you can not compare, just glance in the teshuvas Divrie Yatziv vs. Divrie Yoel, it very easy to see who is above and beyong in Chochmas Hatorah and Kedushas Hatorah...

  79. MbP
    ""SR was never officially installed as rav of Sakmer."

    Bush never was president
    Obama wasn't born in America"

    Obama is president in the USA and Bush was president too, as it was cerified by the USA board of Elections, and Satmar Ruv was never ruv in Satmar as was certified by the Board of election of the town of Satmar Akrout (Kehila Bela"z)look in the offical sefer of the Kehila (Sfas emes). they were not Zionist, Agudist, or Mizrachist, they were Yiden Yeriem Ushelmim, but not ready to live under a RJT regime.

  80. matter of fact:

    KR build it up,
    all hungariens left him & went to Satmer rebbi.
    all galitzyia left him & went to bobov rebbi

    KR went mad, pissed & upset, till he was forced to flee & escaped to Israel, where he took money from the zionists.

    fact fact fact

  81. food eater:
    First of all, not all left him. The Chassidus is not any smaller than Bobov, notwithstanding the fact that the KR formed a new Chassidus, since he did not have a Chassidus in the heim.

    The SR was 20 years his senior and a talented calculated manhig. The KR was just not going to lower himself and fight back so ruthlessly. It has little to do with the KR’s personality. No one had an issue with the KR until America. The only reason why America was different was because the SR denigrated the KR in order to take over his Chassidus.

    No Bobover left the KR because of the BR. The BR simply was not a factor that was reckoned with at all. Bobov rode the SR’s coattails, and managed to take most of his Chassidim back. This is just one proof that the “shalom” issue sold by Bobov is a farce. Moreover, it was not so simple to contain people who belonged to a Chassidus in the heim to stay away from it.

    The KR did not flee to Eretz Yisroel, he only fled Williamsburg. I think that you should be proud that your rebbe terrorized a person that lost 11 children and a wife in the war. You’re nebach a product of the hate machine. The KR changed his opinion regarding the Zionist because he followed “Aharon Hakohen.” I know the Satmar spinmeisters will not want to accept this fact, but it’s a fact fact fact.

  82. david the sock-a-puppet and, tober lotzi --- !אח הוא לאיש משחית
    האומר לעץ אבי אתה, ולאבן את ילידתני

    לא יחפוץ כסיל בתבונה, כי אם
    .בהתגלות לבו

    פי': לגלות לכולם את המחשבות שיש בלבו עכשיו

  83. David said.: "First of all, not all left him."

    !דער הינט בילט אין די באן פארט

  84. As I mentioned previously, when a Satmerer is faced with the truth he resorts to the most infantile behavior. By the way, all your quotes are also symptomatic of a Satmarer Chassid. You can try to twist the truth, but the fact that your rebbe controlled all the newspapers, today makes little difference, as there are many ways to spread the word.

  85. S Freund
    "SR waited for a long time after the votes and didn't enter city of satmar until all skirmishes was cleared! When he finally entered all parties pro and con from the kehila elders went wholesomly to his Kabulis punim!,"
    where are you getting your Satmarer history cues? Gelbamn ? Fulop? Bekabola from Chaim Freund the original forger?
    "one of the The problems was the kehila had an odd voting system and some in the kehila (a belzer) deceived intentionaly his position before the votes and changed his mind afterwards"
    this as true as the story of Kastner mothers dream baked and chala genumen by Duved Rosenbergs bakery on Broadway, just for the record Belzer chasidim had noting against Sakmer Ruv then.. so change it to a Visnitzer it looks more true

  86. All Aboard
    "דער הינט בילט אין די באן פארט
    who is the Hunt and who is the Baan?


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