Wednesday, November 14, 2012

הרב ר' זלמן לייב מייזליש שליט"א אב"ד קהל יראים סי-געיט מיט ראשי האגודה

.און נאך מיט די פינגער אזוי צאמגעלייגט

וואס וועט זיין מיט די התבדלות?  זעהט אויס אז מ'זיצט מיט אזעלכע "רבנים" און "רביס" קען מען שוין אזוי האלטען די פינגער אויך. איין התחברות ברענגט צו אן אנדערען. אמאל האט מען געוואוסט אז די רבנים מבית מייזליש זענען שטארק דבוק אין די שיטה, היינט איז שוין נישט אזוי. לינקס איז הרב משה טוביה ליעף פון פלעטבוש אגודה, דער נאוואמינסקער רבי און ר' יעקב בענדער פון די דרכי תורה ישיבה אין פאר ראקאוויי. די זיצונג/כינוס איז געווען לשם שמים, דוקא, מ'איז זיך צאמגעקומען נתעורר ווערן נאכ'ן שווערן שטורעם, און רבי זלמן לייב איז געקומען אלץ דער רב פון סי-געיט, וועלכע האט געליטן שווערע שאדן פונעם הוריקאן סענדי, אזוי אז ס'איז שווער דן זיין רז"ל פאר'ןזיצן מיט די אגודיסטן, כאטש אז אפילו אין די שווערע צייטן דארף מען זיך שטארקן און נישט זיך בייגן.


  1. this reminds of the our holy master the gaon hador, the rebbi of bobov, who injected in us to love your fello jew with all your heart.

    Rabbi meisels himself a `bobov einikel` & thinks of himself as a takmid and chusid of the bobov rav, does not care or bother to sit next to yakov perlow, they have different thoughts on hashkafa, but that does not mean to walk away from the `bobov derech` of achdus and shulim.

    belz of today has long past history of fighting, it goes way back to the swampy muddy dirt roads of the tiny village of belz. skvere (springvalley) in this case hates lots of people, but he is one con-acter and plays it well.

    it all norrows down to where you got educated, bobov the high peak of all other chassidus is true to its cure value achdus shuklim one yid to another, this was bobov and this is bobov. this one major reason bobov is the most respectable chassidus around the globe.

  2. Dear "Bobov Chusid" (of Wed, Nov 14, 2012 1:06:00 PM)

    please read your 1st line again especially the last half then reread your third paragraph

  3. Bobov Chusid said...
    this reminds of the our holy master the gaon hador, the rebbi of bobov, who injected in us to love your fello jew with all your heart."

    except for a fellow bobover of course who goes to the other rebbe.


  5. A truly surprising picture. I'm sure he didn't sit like that with his fingers together for much longer than it took to snap the photo.

    I'm sure that even rabbi perlow is makpid not to be meshalev yemin and smol like that.


  6. Rabbi z.l. meizels is a multifaceted personality like his father but way less talmid cucim, his SIL is insdorfer ruvs son from Montréal (r.a. physic), they ridded horse together by the new klusher rebbe his mechitan, in israel family wedding just like in the 30's a flare for klusher drama at it's best.

    BTW i remember reb meizels as a savy Insurance Broker in the 50's he was very successful shul salesman convincing newly wed chasidim (in the sheva bruces) to buy Life Insurance! Very clever, I'm sure nebech 90%+ got canceled out long time ago.

    well he sees a buck with a good eye.. Maybe here to, (so what) get them when it's hot. About his finger crossings I seen in a picture once a priest do that, maybe he did it deliberately to remind himself and the photo admirers that he is in conference with hmm (------) fill in the blank.


  7. Here we go again,
    Petraeus & Paula
    Meizels & Sandy.

  8. thank g-d `bobov chusid` does not respond to every post here. i would only like to tell hin, that bobiv is the biggest immature and babyish chassidus out there.

    anyway, intresting to note, that ZL meisels is a mechutin with the new bobov rebbi r` yokav yosef halberstam, his son r` chaim shyia from satmer monseyws daughter.

    ZL meisels is far away when is comes to finger crossing should not be allowed, he is so to the left when it comes to these types of chumres and minhogim, this person is such a layman just with a bekisha and a nice ringing rebbish name.

  9. "ZL meisels is a mechutin with the new bobov rebbi r`yokav yosef halberstam,"

    !ענבי הגפן בענבי הגפן
    opposite attracts!

  10. food eater said... ------

    .אין משיחין בסעודה

  11. food eater said... what?

    טועמיה חיים זכו, וגם האוהבים
    ?דבריה..!, גדולה בחרו

  12. food eater said.: "ZL meisels is a mechutin with the new bobov rebbi r`yokav yosef halberstam."

    The new bobov what? don't choke on this! he wish!

  13. My New Hashkafah of Shidduchim :-)

    My new hashkafah of shidduchim is thanking and praising HASHEM always :-)

    Even when my dating experiences are far from pleasant, I realize that HASHEM is guiding my life with His infinite wisdom and abundant love, and exact precision that only He is capable of :-)

    HASHEM always knows what is truly good for me, even when I do not :-)

    Often what I need most is atonement and humility, so G_d gives me those precious things through unpleasant dating experiences :-)

    I now realize that I must always thank HASHEM for ALL of my dating experiences, because even the worst dates are for my eternal benefit, because they provide me with precious atonement and humility :-)

    Tractate Avot teaches that the reward for a good deed is proportionate to its difficulty; by giving me difficult dating experiences, HASHEM is providing me with greater reward for Olam HaBa, in addition to precious atonement and humility :-)

    G_d loves me even more than I love myself, and He would never give me an unpleasant dating experience unless it was for my eternal benefit in both Olam HaZeh and Olam HaBa :-)


    Thank you for all my dating experiences, whether pleasant or unpleasant or mediocre :-)
    You are always guiding me with endless wisdom and love; You always help me and give me everything I need :-)

    I regret all the times I complained;
    instead of complaining, I should have been busy thanking You.

  14. Καινὴ ΔιαθήκηFriday, November 16, 2012 6:50:00 AM

    Mr. Cohen said...
    My New Hashkafah of Shidduchim :-)

    Is this the new testament Part II ?
    or some kind of a Canonical Gospel.

  15. R' Meisels is a very nice, normal, and accepting person who -- certainly years ago, when I knew him well -- cared about teaching Torah and loving Yidden and didn;t give much of a flip about Satmar shittos.

    He used to give a DAF YOMI shiur!! IN THE AGUDAH of 18th Ave!!

    Then he opened his own shtiebel on 18th Ave, where he gave a daf yomi shiur as well...

  16. is the bobov derech to write `yakov perlow` without adding rabbi as a title, would your rebbi of bobov do the same?

    i know that the novminsker does not come close in learning next to the the bobov gaon hador, but yet, he does know how to learn he also has a yeshiva, so please a little respect.

  17. shas bavli said.: "i know that the novminsker does not come close in learning next to the the bobov gaon hador -- so please a little respect. "

    The Novminsker is an agudist #1 therfore a zionist, The Novminsker is college educated, the bobov'er is none of the above! respect what?


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