Thursday, April 18, 2013

Chassidim and their funny beliefs...

FYI, "אדמו"ר אור ישראל מסטאלין זיע"א" was born in תרכ"ט, which made him all of 5 (!) years old at the time of the story. By the way, Reb Hirsh Margolis was the elter zeide of Dov Eliach, mechaber of ",הגאון" and no fan of Chassidim. Funny how these things work.

Source: HebrewBooks, קובץ ביאו"י


  1. if he was born as you say in 5659... and the story took place in 5634, how do you gather he was 5 years old... he wasnt born yet.

    someones got their dates/math wrong. maybe me.. i dont know.

  2. Oops. it is me! I misread the chof as a nun.

  3. That is what a real chosid is all about.

  4. so stoliner chasidim are not allowed to have funny believes just lubavitcher?

  5. just wonder if only lubavitcher chasidim are allowed to have funny believes stoliner not?

  6. I think that Unknown and jony klutz is the same person, they both say the same thing and misspell 'beliefs'

  7. Not such a funny belief.It's similar to the inyan found in the gemureh of "psoik li psukcha" and using a chaider yingels possuk as a sign min shomayim.
    On the other hand if anyone thinks you are supposed to "listen" to what a 5 year old has to say, based on the 5 year olds intellect, that indeed is a starnge belief, that hopefully the Tzig is not pushing

  8. shmeryl well it's the same person does your comment answer the question?

  9. lubavitch rebbi - as recorded in the "igros hakodesh" - had problems with time frame & names, regarding the "geniza chirsonos" letters, he came up with a very simple explanation "the story must be true yet the writer (hamatik)did not do a good job, espeicialy when he was in a rush".

    intresting to note: the writer only made mistakes when it came to dates...

  10. Talmud Bavli
    "lubavitch rebbi - as recorded in the "igros hakodesh" - had problems with time frame & names, regarding the "geniza chirsonos" letters, he came up with a very simple explanation "the story must be true yet the writer (hamatik)did not do a good job, espeicialy when he was in a rush".

    intresting to note: the writer only made mistakes when it came to dates... "
    why are you bringing it up at this discussion?

  11. Pesikta Rabosi,

    because i aply the rebbi`s response to here,
    don`t you see how?

  12. Talmid Bavli
    I Karlin they have no problem with a Yenuka Rebbe in the crib, so they dont censor,or apply,or trying to be apologetic. This is their Belief system


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