Thursday, April 18, 2013

More like Eytan Kobre discovers Kiruv... and doesn't like that Chabad gets credit

 That's just too bad, Eytan. I realize that to get in with the Mishpacha crowd you need to get on the Lubavitch-bashing bandwagon, but you should've sat this one out, Eytan'le. Some things are best left untouched. DATA and the wonderful kiruv work they do, not withstanding.


  1. I realized that the Mishpacha editorial board and staff, are really lite charadie,with a Oir Someach bend, they made some business decision , that in order to keep their Charadie status, they will deliver some punches on Chabad every 2nd month, in that zechus, they will stay on the good side of the misnagdic/yeshevesher velt. they will act as more pope then the USA Yated, since Rav Lipshutz, has left the hate band wagon decades ago. Experience have shown that these policies are short term....

  2. And you care what Eytan says, why?

    Do yourself a favor and stop buying/reading these magazines. They are not worth the paper they are printed on.

  3. Did Ami bite in to the business of Mishpacha, are families buying both? or 1 guys success is on the back of the other guys readership?
    it is a trade secret that we will not know for a while

  4. There is a lot of animosity and infighting between the chabad of dallas and the DATA crowd. Most of it is under the covers. How can you try to attract frei yidden to the light of Torah and beauty of the torah community when the torah community is full of machlokes.

    What the article does not explain is that the chabad in question is made for a specific demographic. Its for young professionals post-college and unmarried.

    It is not like the shluchim are going clubbing at 11PM with the pimps and shikses at the bars. its happy hour which has almost no people there during work/lunch hour.

    and I have on good word that DATA rabbis do the same thing!!

  5. I hope they enjoy. Dont pick it up for a month.

  6. Re Dallas, I heard from a son of one of the shluchim there, that when the Shefa Chaim zt"l of Kloizenberg was there for health reasons, he told/bentched the shluchim: chabad iz nisht dallas (a pun on dalus), chabad iz ashirus!..

  7. Truth be told, Eytan wrote a nice pitch on chabad's minyan in lake george, a while back.

    Also, re "doing it for their market" - R. Leifer of Oz v'hadar had that for a response, as to why there isn't (afaik) any mention of lubavitch seforim in their works. He'd lose his market. A chutzpah - but he can bring from every joe shmoe and every other kreiz (not only litvishe)..!!

  8. Hirshel
    Eytan is quoting some boast of a kolel guy in Dallas, how they grew from zilch to a huge kehila., As a professional journalist, he should of mention, that Texas as a whole and especially its big cities has a big influx from other cities from 100's of Orthodox families working in hi tech and medical fields.Or he knows and ignores it or he is a journalist as my grandma, that yentes for the sake of yentening

  9. notwithstanding is one word

  10. What made Dallas grow into a real community was not DATA, it was the building of the eiruv way before the DATA was around. DATA is a result of the eiruv!!

    know that when rebbes come through they dont stop at DATA but they stop at the modernishe Shaarei Teffila.

  11. I feel your pain.
    my spouse used to buy mishpacha and binah and i won't read it. i gave in and said subscribe it's cheaper.

  12. The pesach issue of mishpacha made mention of Avraham Frieds "chabad style" blue shirt.

    Any specific make and model you can direct me to, or was it just a not so subtle put down?

  13. Ross Perot,

    you are Gringshetzig of your Grandma

  14. If going to clubs and bars to look for yidden is dubious, I wonder what he thinks of R Yitzchok Grossman. (I don't need to wonder what he thinks of the Rebbe Maharash...)

  15. Hirshel,
    You are getting personal, with a guy who prints his name while hiding behind a facade of anonymity.That's nasty
    I know Eitan and he is a good guy.
    I guess if you thing you are defending Chabad it allows you to get down and dirty, farren rebbens veigen.
    Just so you know:Every such "defense" of Chabad makes me see Chabad as more and more of a problem, and you are supposedly not even a meshichist???
    Grow what it takes to publish your blog under your own name, or risk being seen as a nasty,backstabbing kool aider.
    Now you didn't join Chabad to become that kind of person.Or did you?

  16. dear yomtov, take a pill.

    your cognitive faculties are not functioning properly.

  17. Tzeitelbeitel,
    Do you believe that an anonymous blogger has the right to personally attack a real yiddishe person?
    If you do you are probably part of the kool-aid crowd

  18. It seems a little cowardly to so openly point fingers and mention a persons specific name without signing your own name

  19. Yom Tov in Der Vochen
    "I guess if you thing you are defending Chabad it allows you to get down and dirty, farren rebbens veigen.
    Just so you know:Every such "defense" of Chabad makes me see Chabad as more and more of a problem, and you are supposedly not even a meshichist???"
    you write already here for a while and all your comments were not pro chabad, so stop with your hollow nonsense,
    This Mishpacha writer is a idiot,and he was only out to besmirch "farren rebbens veigen." He would never dare to criticize Rav Kanievsky, or Rav Shtienman. and thats why Hirshel is here for, to call a spade a spade...

  20. Belsky,
    Who are to you to use Rav Belskys name??
    What an a**!
    Anyway, you wish you had anything remotely close to Eytan Kobres intellect.
    You are a spineless,gutless nobody, trying to back up an anonymous backstabber.Altz "farren rebbens veigen"
    You disgust me!

  21. so as long as you use your own name you could attack and condemn from your office chair shluchim that are out there doing G-d's work?

  22. Kobre did not condemn anybody.He said that going to singles bars is an unorthodox way of attracting people.
    He actually speaks quite positively about Chabad in the article.

    If one at least uses their name there is a way to dispute and debate the issue, as I"m sure readers will write into Mishpacha.
    It's unfortunate that latter day kool-aiders and their backstabbing defenders are unable to accept critiscm.Any critiscm.

  23. I accept all criticism, and so should Kobre. He should get off his high horse and stop sending his minions to cry for him.

  24. Yom tov in der vochen
    "Anyway, you wish you had anything remotely close to Eytan Kobres intellect."
    who decides on intelect?????

  25. Yom in Der Vochen
    "Kobre did not condemn anybody.He said that going to singles bars is an unorthodox way of attracting people."
    So the super intelect stated facts and not condemn, so Hirshel equally also stated facts and not condemn

  26. Yom tov in der Vochen
    "Anyway, you wish you had anything remotely close to Eytan Kobres intellect."
    I am such a imbecile, that I dont even WISH

  27. Belsky,
    What is the message you are trying to give over usurping Rav Belsky's name?

    What I"m getting is the classic bizuy talmidei chachomim inherent in todays Chabad.Inherent, because putting everyone else down, or giving a pat on the back, ala this ruv is a good fella because "he was mekabel malchus", is a way of making the Rebbe big.
    Kudos to you.Your rebbi in oholei torah must be proud.

  28. Yom tov in der vochen
    "What I"m getting is the classic bizuy talmidei chachomim inherent in todays Chabad.Inherent, "
    My name is Yechiel Chaim Yisroel Belsky, and I live in Eastern Europe,so whats your proble, at the same time did Rabbi Belsky not do Bizoyan Talmid chochem in the Mishpacha agains the Lunbavicher Rebbeor did he not do Bizoyan Talmid chochem and ridiculed Halacha against the Posek Hador Reb Menashe Klien and against the big Tzadik Rav C L Katz when he differed with them on the eiruv in Brooklyn. Get yourself a different godal to fight for his Kovad

  29. Yom tov in der vochen
    "What I"m getting is the classic bizuy talmidei chachomim inherent in todays Chabad.Inherent, "
    My name is Yechiel Chaim Yisroel Belsky, and I live in Eastern Europe,so whats your proble, at the same time did Rabbi Belsky not do Bizoyan Talmid chochem in the Mishpacha agains the Lunbavicher Rebbeor did he not do Bizoyan Talmid chochem and ridiculed Halacha against the Posek Hador Reb Menashe Klien and against the big Tzadik Rav C L Katz when he differed with them on the eiruv in Brooklyn. Get yourself a different godal to fight for his Kovad

  30. "Posek Hador Reb Menashe Klien"
    Whoever you are you are a verifiable idiot.Kvoido shel R'Menashe Klein bimkomo, was not "posek hador" in anyones wildest imagination.But even if so:Rav Belsky never made fun of the psak.Since you are obviously very young, and immature, you probably don't know that R'Menashe Klein years ago argued with R'Moshe Feinstein (considered by many "posek hador"...)over R'Moshes paskening AGAINST an eiruv in Brooklyn.Actually, R'Menashe lost a lot of stature because of that psak, though I personally don't agree that R'Menashe should not have paskened the way he felt, since undoubtedly he was a big posek.
    But anyway, you are probably a young bored ninth grader in oholei torah.
    Go do Rambam yomy, k, kiddo?

  31. Yom Tov in Der Vochen
    "But even if so:Rav Belsky never made fun of the psak."
    I am young,Idiot and immature, but did you ever the tape of Rav belsky against the eiruv????

  32. Yon Tov in Der Vochen
    "you probably don't know that R'Menashe Klein years ago argued with R'Moshe Feinstein (considered by many "posek hador"...)over R'Moshes paskening AGAINST an eiruv in Brooklyn.Actually, R'Menashe lost a lot of stature because of that psak"
    Reb Moshe was no Satmarer bochic that felt that only he can have an opinion and nobody else,, he was very happy to talk in torah with anybody, Reb Menashe was very respectful in his teshuvas to Reb Moshe, and the same was Reb Moshe with him,
    Reb Menashe lost no stature by real Talmidie Chachomim that knew eiruvin,as the Stiepler and Reb Shloma Zalmen. He lost stature by some Bnie torah by name only.....
    you probably never read Reb Moshe hakdoma regarding derech hapesak and his teshuva for a Resident of Benai berak regarding disagreeing with the Chazon accident in middle of learning Rambam yomi, I saw this 2 items of Reb Moshe
    You are a ignorant Rambam no Reb Moshe

  33. Yom Tov In der vochen
    "though I personally don't agree that R'Menashe should not have paskened the way he felt,"
    long time I did not meet such a idiot,
    Rav Klien should off call the ice cream parlor while you enjoy your Razzle, and ask you if to write a certain teshuva..

  34. Belsky, if you at all exist,
    go fly a kite.You are just another incarnation of a lubob fool and apologist in a long line .Such as the Satmar style guy from Willy, who could not write a coherent sentence in English, but after becoming Lubob, "defended" them .Over the 8 years there has been a whole bunch of others.
    Now go back to your beebbing your chitas and Rambam yomi.Make sure you are not late for the ninth grade in Oholei Torah tomorrow

  35. "My name is Yechiel Chaim Yisroel Belsky, and I live in Eastern Europe"

    You sit in a toilet of Oholei Torah or another lubob "yeshiva" and spread your virtual droppings

  36. Yom Tov In Der Vochen
    why are you arguing with little kids, I can see from all your diatribes, you are a super Lamden and Intellectual

  37. dovy
    "You sit in a toilet of Oholei Torah or another lubob "yeshiva" and spread your virtual droppings"
    V e r y C r e a t i v e


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