Sunday, May 5, 2013

...למרות שכמה פעמים גיליתי לו ששמעתי ממרן ....... שליט"א

We see that Rav Hutner was quite the independent gadol! He made up his mind and stuck with it. And the reason why וויתור על שטחי א"י is forbidden is quite a novel one; a Slabodker Chiddush, if you will. You might say you'd think the Rebbe and Rav Hutner would have the opposite opinions, with the Hutner opinion more of a Chassidishe derher, and the Rebbe's more of a nigleh'dige one. But it wasn't so on this matter. I just wonder if Lorencz bacsi was so adamant to give land in return for peace because it was the will of Maran, or was it because there was a genuine concern for Jewish life? Or maybe he was just a left-winger? In 1975 it was still relatively quiet, even if the Yom Kippur War was not the greatest of victories. In any case, see for yourself. The relevant shtikkel is in the הערות, if you will. We do applaud Rabbi Lorencz for keeping it in the sefer, even if it does show the schism between the Rabbonim. We thank RYH for giving Lorencz the "רשות להשמיע את דעתי" as well... link


  1. Abi m'ligt in lernen as they say around these parts.

  2. had we listened to mahran and given them the golan heights we would not have these problrms with assad today.

  3. Anon, you are a real lol machine!

  4. If My Bube would have RederSunday, May 05, 2013 9:57:00 PM

    "had we listened to mahran and given them the golan heights we would not have these problrms with assad today"
    Had we listened to Mahran and give them the whole country we would not have the massive decree of Gius Bnie Yeshivahs and Gafni would not be in the opposition, he would deliver bread for Korns Bakery

    1. Lorencz Bacsi was an ingerisher. youre correct but im not sure hed appreciate your highlighting that...

  5. Thank you much for publishing this exchange.I do not think that R. Schach's views- once presented as the emeser daas toran- is followed today by the Litvisher olam.Do others agree with this thesis? R. Schach was a great lover of Israel but was psychologically achored in a Galut mentality and was never at home in an independent Jewish state.

    Teaneck Jew

    Charles Selengut

  6. d" the reason why וויתור על שטחי א"י is forbidden is quite a novel one; a Slabodker Chiddush, if you will."

    Flowery "reyd"

    What is a "Slabodka chidush"

  7. Loreczs bachi is lying thru his teeth, In the Clinton era peace negotiation's, with Arafat on the Wye plantation, there was constantly brought up by Arafat and his team aided by the neturai Karta, talmudical quotes that Israel does not belong to the Jews, and by agreeing you agree to a Ziuf Hatorah...
    He knew it well,

  8. A machlokes in halocho is called a schism? Why is everything politics?

  9. Yankel
    its not politics because of Reb Itche Hutner, he has a nice toradige Chap, but the other person that the Bachi was in cahoots, was pure politics and noting else...

  10. serencher, you are just a moron. also, so is every person in cahoots with you

  11. Dovy in NJ
    the world had 1 Maran, and he is irreplaceable, just look how much the Hapeles goons try to crown a new Maran

  12. Rav Hutner was a huge Chossid of Rav Kook. His Talmidim will tell you he changed his mind in latter life, either that or it wasn't politically wise to continue to show reverence for his Rav HaMuvhak whose picture hung in his Succa for how many years?


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