Saturday, May 4, 2013

It's nice to see that the Charedi world is standing by shliach Rabbi Yehuda Teichtel of Berlin

There are letters from the בד"צ עדה החרדית ובראשם הגאב"ד הרב ר' טובי' ווייס, the frum newspapers wrote about it, albeit some censored Reb Tovia's letter, and in general, there's much applause from the proponents of דרך ישראל סבא. They have no qualms about supporting a Chabad shliach. Some frum people would rather it just go away, and that's to be understood, it's unsettling to talk about, especially when non-frum people do the talking. If you haven't heard about it, Rabbi Teichtel, a great grandson of the Baal mishnas sochir HY"D, and a long-time shliach in Berlin, is under investigation by German authorities for keeping mitzvas milah as it's been kept over the millenia. A certain Rov in Moscow, affiliated with the "Litvish" camp, didn't help Teichtel when he told a German newspaper that MbP is not required by Halochoh.


  1. Hirshel
    Why dont you call a spade a spade... its the infamous Ish Riv Umoden Rev. Goldschmidt...
    Do you remember his hoax that Chabad wanted to drown him in the Mikveh... he ended up like another Reverend Al Sharpton by the Twana Brawley case.

  2. tell me on what alternative universe do you live in? sucking blood directly out of a bris with the mouth is assur! its not HLM, ela im ken, they would also do it for adult converts-which they don't. Enough of this garbage already.

  3. anon, is oichet mir a poiskek..
    Gedoley oilom also from past geenrations held to be a mitzva and you just nod it off..
    you want to hold like rav tendler and others, gezunterhaeyt, but how are you mezalzel in so many poskim??

  4. Since you probably (hopefully...) want to hear opinions different than you hear at your local farbrengen, here goes.
    Teichtel, did a foolish thing by allowing his bris to be taped.Knowing Chabad, he may have even wanted it, bevchinas "lechatchila ariber"
    But in an Amoleky country, that is just not smart.Even regular people, myself included, don't find the metzizah bepeh very appetizing or halachically compelling, so , kol shekein the Amoleikim in Germany.

    The letter from the Bedatz, is standard cavemen issue.Those bogey men don't see eye to eye with Chabad or any of the other Orthodox on over ninety percent of issues, so being "defended" by them is really an indictment.Additionally Teichtel is a cousin of the Brandsdorders,big Eida Chareidi leaders so the letter is not exactly impartial

  5. Velvel
    "so being "defended" by them is really an indictment."
    what is your logic exactly, I don't get it

  6. Velvel
    "Teichtel, did a foolish thing by allowing his bris to be taped"
    since you are the pro in Pr, should Chabad in Germany hide Shechita too? how about Kaporas?
    I hope you don't charge for your advice

  7. Velvel
    "don't find the metzizah bepeh very appetizing or halachically compelling"
    Did you go thru the whole volume of Sdie Chemed on this subject?
    Did you see all the opinions from the gedolim of all spectrums, Sefardic, Hungarians, Polish,and gedolie Lita, did you refute them all?
    Do you know that the side chemed discusses it?

  8. allowing his bris to be taped? wouldn't YOU want a memory of a special occasion such as this?

  9. This is a nice letter, regardless of the pull he may have in having them come out in such full support of him.

    Just a thought, did his father in law, the Rabbi of Holon have anything to do with securing this letter of support? (Not that it matters, just thought I'd add some info)

  10. To fearer of Amalekites:
    Your kal vichomer that mahduch you, a reader of Tzig, don't like mbp, kal vichomer the amalekites!
    Actually, the part of you that is anti mbp (as well as your fear of goyim in general) is the amalek shebkirbicha.
    And don't tell me that you are being machmir in not unraitzing the goyim, because that is not your motivation, rather it is your justification for your unhealthy golus mentality, i.e, weak faith in the Creator and Master of the Universe.

  11. Serencher,
    Firstly you seem to have an interesting "shprach", Lubavitch logic with Satmar English.Whatever.

    So listen, my friend, my opinion is different than yours.You can hear Lubavitch opinions from today to tomorrow in your local mikveh, you don't need to come to blogs to hear you fellow lubavitchers agreeing with each other and preaching to the choir.
    So, about metziza bepeh davka:It does not say anywhere in the gemureh that it has to be done "befeh", what it says is that a mohel who does not do metzizah should be let go because it is sakono.Nothing about "peh".Today we actually know that metsisah bepeh itself is sakona.
    Feel free to hold your own opinion.
    For some reason lubavitchers are always doing strange things.Spitting in oleini for example.Yeah, I know the Taz bring down such a minhag, but nobody else does it.
    So go ahead do whatever you want, but don't think your opinions are the only torah misinai.

    About the guy whothought that Gurarie from Hulon father in law of Teichtel, may have gotten the letter from the Eida? I really don't believe the Eida has anything to do with him or that he evenhas the mildest sway over them.After all he is a "ruv mtaam", and for them its worse than amulek.So I"m quite sure Teichtel or his dad spoke to the Brandsdorfers, their cousins to get them the letter.

  12. Velvel
    "So, about metziza bepeh davka:It does not say anywhere in the gemureh that it has to be done "befeh", what it says is that a mohel who does not do metzizah should be let go because it is sakono.Nothing about "peh".Today we actually know that metsisah bepeh itself is sakona.
    Feel free to hold your own opinion."
    If you are lazy to learn and just spew your own nonsense... why should I argue...
    where does Lubavich come in to the picture here.....

  13. Teichtal is a cousin of Brandsdorfer.


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