Friday, August 29, 2014

דער "משכיל" שמואל חיים פפנהיים פון תולדות אהרן ווייזט אונז אז היינט איז אכשר דרא און אז אמאל האט מען יא געדרוקט בילדער פון ווייבער

Remember when we ran the story about the Di Tzeitung airbrushing Madame Clinton out of their situation room photo back in 2011? Remember what kind of hellstorm that created? And how they had to apologize to the Western world? I even called up publisher Reb Albert Friedman to apologize for all the heartache I caused him! It turns it may have all been for naught, and that Mr. Friedman really didn't have to airbrush Mrs. Clinton in the first place. But it took a so-called "Maskil" like Pappenheim to bring this to light. Pappenheim was up until a few short years ago a major player in the קנאי camp, but it seems like all those interviews and meetings with the more modern and even irreligious elements in Israel took its toll. Today he's not so sure whether the ways of תולדות אהרן וכדומה are just and sane. But what do you expect from a man for whom the blood of German Jews flows? Toldos is but two generations in his family, German Orthodoxy has much stronger roots.


  1. I think his father is a big player in the Eidah, on the kashrus board.

  2. I remember some years ago when Tzippy Livny was a serious contendor for prime minister, I read an article online from one of the Israeli newpapers about the dilemma the haredi press was potentially facing with not being able to publish any pictures featuring the PM.
    The editor of a haredi newspaper (Hamodia probably, but I don't remember for sure) was interviewed. The interviewer asked what did the newspaper do when Golda Meir was PM. The editor admitted that they did print pictures of her. He gave some stupid explanation about how Golda Meir had earned the right to be shown in their paper.

  3. Have you seen these 4 michtavim?:

  4. The Pappenheims & many other Edah moderates were forced out of the Edah during the revolution a couple of years ago by radical supporters of R' Tuvya Weiss & other Sikrikim. Things got so bad recently that Rav Shternbuch was going to resign. It was averted at the last minute when the KJ Satmar Rov managed to convince the Sikrikim to tone things down considerably.

  5. the sikrikim were scared after the retzicha of menachem stern who gave them a sach gelt and - finally - took something as a sign of divine displeasure

  6. menachem stark, not stern

    always mix up stark with the monsey fraudster moses stern who became an fbi rat to get a dozen politicians arrested

  7. Ah, tze nisht geven an emesseh resignation. Within a day or two R' Aron Teitelbaum convinced him to go back

  8. Moses Stern is mamash a lowlife who didn't just entrap goyim. To get leniency for his own crimes he also tried to entrap Republican operative Joe Frager who is a shomer Shabbos Yid! But Joe was clean & refused to do anything illegal.

  9. Moses Stern is a local crooked businessman who was arrested by the FBI for defrauding Citibank. He went undercover with a wire for the Feds to save his own skin. He took town down the Mayor & other politicians in Spring Valley. He took down the entire Republican establishment in Queens and he took down a powerful Democrat State Senator.


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