Saturday, August 30, 2014

RYSE, RYSE and the אמאליגע אמונת חכמים/צדיקים in די ליטא

  This is the Lita that we knew and loved!

It didn't matter who you were, it was each man for himself. Every person REALLY could grow up to be the Gadol haDor and a bigger gadol than all those before him! I just wonder what happened letztens that they deviated fro their old ways and took on the Chassidic approach of Daas Torah, etc.

Source: ישורון" ניסן תשס"ג"


  1. א בקי ווי רב אלישוב דארף מען זיין צו קענען זאגין אזעלכע ביקורת אן ווערן פון דעם א כופר.... וד"ל

  2. the "rabbeinu" here is r' zelig reuvein? what is the name of the sefer

    grada, when rav elyashev was 14 years old, rav bengis saw him learning without a chavrusa a gantz tog & yelled at him. but he took it back after farhering the young rav elyashev & seeing az er ken gut lernen

  3. Oy Reb Fayvel Reb Fayvel
    A yid a emesse tzadik!
    Aza eydelkeyt aza hachnoeh!

  4. I don't agree. Well, if I'm to believe the three books I read about the Lubavitcher rebbe the type of hachno-oh that the chossid had for a Rebbe never existed in Litvishe circles. I've watched videos of the askonim and street visitors who come to livisher Gedolim and they still interrupt and come across with more yeshus than a chossid to a rebbe. That's my 2c

    1. The kind of hachnoah those books write about never existed either. The rebbe was fifed un in his own turf by his closest chsidim for all sorts of excuses.

  5. This ziknei talmidei chachumim story is stolen from oiloimo shel aba on a hungarian ruv, think R' Moshe hersh fuchs.

    Comparison to latter seforim being below standard of prior ones in Mekor baruch attributed to the tzemach tzadik on noide beyehuda...


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