Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wednesday Morning Links

Seforim Blog Book Review
Live Feed of the Rabbi Gershon Yankelewitz Levaya at 2PM today
RGY obituary on YU News Website
Reb Meir Chaim Greenbaum, the man who corrected the Rebbe


  1. Interesting, that the Rebbe put the family name Schneersohn on his mother's tombstone, upon Mr. Greenberger suggestion, but by his rebetzin he put no family name....

  2. looks like the son of Greenbaum didn't have such ברייטע פלייצעס as to suggest it like his גאליציאנער father...

  3. Hirshel
    you think its true that the Rebbe contacted the Bobover to find a shomer shabos engraver?
    there was some channels running from 770 to Bobov?


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