Thursday, November 19, 2015

Good Reading and a picture for your Thursday (and maybe some thoughts on AIC93)

That's Agudath Israel Convention 93...

Rav Moshe Mordche Epstein and Rav AY Kook in NYC, 1924

Chabad's Oldest Outpost Lingers on in Casablanca 
Muslims and their OTD/Radicalization problem
A Pilot and Holocaust Survivors are Reunited in Brooklyn

The link to the WNYC program about Muslims and their radicalization problem was inspired by this year's convention, which seemed to put some emphasis on our OTD problem. After listening to speeches about Achdus and underpaid Rebbis, we heard lots of talk about OTD, which by the way, is now to be known as XO, for X-Orthodox. This according to Eli Fink. Muslims have the opposite OTD problem. Their youth is being radicalized online, and our youth is going the other way, often quite radically, as well. Especially if you saw yesterday's news...So what we need to do is show our presence online. By our presence I mean normal, frum Jews doing everyday stuff, peeling potatoes for kugel and on Chol haMoed trips, raking leaves and making snow malochim. Stuff normal people do. That'll keep our kids from eating from the forbidden fruit.  Seems like this is Agudah's will to be the solution to every problem pertaining to the frum community under the sun. Soon they'll be providing filtered internet and shoes for Pesach. G-d bless them, if they can do it, but it seems like they're stretching themselves way too thin here. Focusing on too many issues depletes manpower and money. Maybe if they focused on getting money for Yeshivos and busing, and little else they would do a better job at it. From the clipping in the Brooklyn Daily Eagle it seems like some things haven't changed. They did the same thing 90+ years at the 1st KG in Vienna. Except that back then there were no solutions, all you could tell them was that the gates of hell awaited them. I imagine they didn't bring Psychologists and mental health professional onto the dais back then, and didn't talk about hugging kids smoking on Shabbos either....

Gotta run...


  1. Ah. Classic HT commentary. I wish we would see more of it. Chaseh yamainu k'kedem.

  2. Hershel- why do you need 93wrtiugsioa (that's 93 word roshei teivos I you gonna spell it out anyways)??

  3. איש בער לא ידע וכסיל לא יבין את זאת אז די אגודה איז דער פראבלעם, אין נישט דער ענטפער צי די אללע איבלונגען

    באזני שמעתי פונם הייליגן דבר"י ז"ל ווען ער גשטורמט אקעגן די גזירה פון חטוטי שכבי, רב טייטץ ביי זיין דרשה דארטן אין מאנהעטן צענטער פראטעסט, האט ערוועינט דעם פסוק לא תתגודדי ולא תשימו קרחה למת, אז ווען עס האנדעלט זיך פון 'קרחה למת' אוז זיך צוזאמגעקומען סאטמאר מיט די אגודה צום פראטעסט.. כ'בין אהיים גיפארן פון דארט אינעם זעלבן אויטא אינאיינעם מיטן רבין, דארט האט ער רעאגירט אין גיזאגט: לא תתגודדו, עס וועט נישט זיין קיין אגודה, דעמאלט לא תתשימו קרחה למת, וועט נישט זיין קיין קרחה למת, זיי זענען אויף אלעמען שולדיג. ע"כ שמעתי ודפח"ח

  4. So who was this ancient mystic at the Agudah convention?

  5. That newspaper is one shtick letzonus. Why do you think it is accceptable to publish such a thing. Meila making fun of the Chofetz Chaim, nu nu, he was a menaged. But the letzonus of the gerrer rebbe?! He was just a peilishe rebbe, not some misnaged scum?

  6. bostoner hasid from bostonMonday, December 14, 2015 10:31:00 AM

    this article shows the strong havdala, their was 'bien yusreal lamim'those days, both ways..


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