Sunday, April 3, 2016

כשראש ישיבת בריסק אמר קדיש על ידידו החב"די ● מיוחד

Reb Meir Soloveitchik zt"l and Reb Aron Mordche Zilbershtrom o"H


  1. one of the most אינערעסאנט ברעקעלע of this piece is: that the Brisker Ruv thought about leaving the Medinah in '48.

    That the ציונים were חשוד על רציחה , that didn't seem to scare him , but the אראבער...

    To France of all places!! Didnt he spend some time in Switzerland later on?

  2. Switzerland was for צרכי רפואה - almost every year, I think, until his passing

  3. ! אבער איך לוי יצחק בן שרה סאשע זאג, יתגדל ויתקדש שמי-ה רבא

  4. In Brisk it is told over that the Rov felt it was a sufficient sofek pikuach nefesh which obligated one to leave the country; not because he was "afraid".[There is famous testimony that the Rov sat calmly in a basement in Warsaw during WWII with bombs falling all around him, and he was not "afraid".] Following in his footsteps, IIRC his SIL r Yankel Schiff shlita went to Switzerland for a while during the Yom Kippur War.

  5. I once saw in a zionist book, maybe r nuria, that the brisker rav sent his sons to hear שירת הים by r harlop. I personally asked rav meir about this...he said it wasn't so.
    Yedid nafshi the admor of radzin, rav moshe leiner honoured rav meir זצ״ל as sandic for one of his sons.

  6. try also

    גמח אמירת קדיש
    תזכו למצוות


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