Thursday, August 18, 2016

חב"ד סטראשעלע


  1. One of the early Kerem Chabad journals (edited by the late Y. Mundshine) has much on the Strashele. The likut posted here is very nice - but nothing "new."

    For some reason, both the academics (like Elior, Scholem) & the Satmare (both in the US & Israel) are into the Strashele. Go figure...

    [I recall how, in the mid-1980s during the "Satmar-Lubavitch wars," the Satmare dumped like 20 full boxes of the Strasheler's Shaar Hayichud & Shaar Hoavoydeh in 770, inside the front door facing the subway station (where there used to be a public phone). The seforim were newly typesetted & printed. The hokdoshes were for a bunch of Teitelbaums. This was their "response" to Lubavitch giving Tanye shiurim in Williamsburg... The boxes laid there for months & months, ignored by most Lubavitchers: on the one hand, it was not Chasidus that they were going to (allowed to?) learn; on the other hand, they are sifrei koydesh so they cannot be thrown out... Eventually, copies were taken from the boxes when others were not looking, & slowly yet surely the boxes started emptying, though not totally. In fact, this is how I first got my hands on the Strasheler's seforim. So the Satmare "hafotzeh" may have worked indeed...]


    1. nice story with a happy ending.

  2. there's a toldos aharoner עובד (that has his own story) by the name of ר' אברהם משה קרויס that reprinted the strasheler's ספרים. he is also a big קנאי.

    1. they also printed Kapuster seforim I think, because he writes, that in "his time" the derech ha'Bal Shem is already completely forgotten!

    2. "he is also a big קנאי."

      what a tzadig.

  3. chaim zanies gertner, WilliamsburgThursday, August 18, 2016 5:05:00 PM

    Z: "This was their "response" to Lubavitch giving Tanye shiurim in Williamsburg... :

    Right, almost every house in Williamsburg has a tanya, it was re-printed by Satmars many times without the "Kehot additions" with the written blessing of the berech moshe rebbe, who was himself a decent from the Bal Hatanya, chassidim never went to other chasidims territories to instigate disguised as teachers of tanya! but actually doing mimissionary work.

    ps: sanzer chassidim didn't make a presence in sadiger, and vise versus, there is and was invisible bonderies.

  4. anon: "copies were taken from the boxes when others were not looking,"

    Hirshel where you from the takers too? are you being outed here! tell us how you got your copy?

  5. the above comment was not about the booklet posted here

    not that was "dumped" at 770

    1. your answer is self evident, I'm voting for you not trump.

    2. דער אידישער ליכטFriday, August 19, 2016 10:42:00 AM

      hirshel: not that was "dumped" at 770

      מעשה שהיה א יוד איז אמאל אריין צי א יודישען בוכבינדער, דער סדר איז גיווען ווען דער בוכבינדער ענדיגט א ספר צי בונדען גיט ער א 'ווארף' אין די זייט, זעהט דער גאסט וויא ער האלט ביים ענדיגן בונדן א "תניא" אין גיט אוהם א ווארף צי די זייט רופט זיך אנ דער גאסט צום בונדער, ר' יוד וואס מיינט איהר דאס איז עפעס א חומש'ל "ווארפאס 'דאמפט' איהר דאס" ע"כ המעשה.. ליינט וויטער און פארזעצוג

  6. I'm not taking a side; just telling a story as it was. Whether the Tanye shiurim were about Tanye per se or to lure in the Satmare & Pupe youth into Lubavitch -- that is for everyone to decide on their own... (BTW, there were Tanye shiurim in Lakewood, Monsey, & other places -- so Satmar was not being singled out._

    Yes, I have a copy of the Satmare tanye. The late Rebbe criticized the Satmare at a farbrengen in the 1980s for printing that "nishtakcho Toras Habaal Shem Tov" -- without mentioning that the Mogen Ovois printed something very similar in the hakdomeh to his sefer... (Apparently, the Rashab founding Tomchei Temimim was a response to this...)

    The late Rebbe mentions the Strasheler several times, for example about tzimtzum b'derech meruba, that preceded tzimtzum b'derech igul.

    That the Strasheler supposedly criticized the Mitteler Rebbe for "watering down" the words of the Alter Rebbe (as brought down here) always didn't sit well with me, for whoever looks into the Strasheler's seforim sees that he "waters down" the words possibly just as much as the MR -- only in his own unique way (more clearly "rational" & organized, though still quite elaborate).

    In Chabad Chasidus they talk about the difference of Binah & Tevunah (see beginning of the MR's Kuntres Hahispaalus). So yesh Loymar that the Strasheler is the former & the MR the latter, vd"l.


    1. דער האריה"ק זאגט איז "זיע" איז מכפר (מספר) עוונות קשות

  7. Is ר' אברהם משה קרויס the chosid that Prof. Rochel Elior claims would visit her (at Hebrew U.?) to get pshat in the Strasheler's seforim? (I think I read this in an article somewhere, possibly her giving this over.)

    -- ZIY

    1. עמוק עמוק מי ימצאנה, הוא הא דרך הבע"ש

  8. ZIYanon: "BTW, there were Tanye shiurim in Lakewood, Monsey, & other places"

    those are not called a particular chasidic territory, (nice try viznitz) in lakewood more so in monsey lutvaks didn't move when chasidim invaded them, unlike for instance Williamsburg lutvaks fled when chasidim came.

  9. אלטגיזעצענער תושבSunday, August 21, 2016 12:11:00 PM

    yot: "unlike for instance Williamsburg lutvaks fled when chasidim came."

    אימערער האט גיפרעגט דעם חפץ חיים ז"ל וואס ער זאגט אויף חסידים? (נו לשה"ר קען מען דאך נישט רעדן..) האט ער גיענטפערט, זיי האבן מסנ"פ זייערע קינדער זאלן זיין בעסער וויא זיי אליין, און אז אימער זיי באזעצן זיך, אנטלויפן פון דארט די פרייע חברה


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