Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Thank G-d! We have people like this to show us how G-d's Torah is correct. What would we do without him? We might have ספיקות...

And it make such perfect sense too, right? I mean droves of two and three year olds left Yiddishkeit due to the Haskoloh and Zionism, right? They had a million and a half members of children in those groups, right? I think what's missing in this man's life was a bissel Chassidus. That way he would see that not everything has to make perfect sense to him. And that's what's most important in life is not that HE understand everything according to his שכל. And then he wouldn't say such things and publish them! I guess that's what growing up in America does to you. All that Hershey's chocolate and Entenmann's cakes gets to your head and heart. מטמטם את המוח ואת הלב. Your mind thinks such thoughts and your heart is too farshtopped to stop your heart from thinking such thoughts.


  1. I don't know who wrote this but I have a feeling that the editor's parents or grandparents were big Joe DiMaggio chassidim and waited 3 hours after the Hebrew National franks before drinking Borden milk.

    1. מדת הרחמים עליך תתגלגלו ולפני קונך תפלתך תפיל

  2. בס"ד
    It is sad that there are people out there that "know" חשבונות שמיים, as if they are כביכול בכודו. We can only thank השי"ת, that אשרינו שחסידים אנחנו and we leave these עניינים only to him יתב"ש. BTW מן הסתם he was eating a yodel...

  3. This is where you lose credibility. If you want to criticize this sefer, fine. But when Gedolei Yisroel are mattir something, and make no mistake. Almost every single one, from the Chazon Ish to Rav Henkin, Reb Moshe Feinstein and the Ridvaz and more were mattir something, you have the gall to attack someone for not searching for a chumra, as though these are his problems?! The Hungarian Rabbonim with sticks are not even on the radar in the place of these people.
    The mechaber should do teshuva, but Enteman's donuts are the smallest of his issues.

    P.S. I have never tasted cholov stam, but this krumkeit of fighting for chumros is worse than deinking cholov stam

    1. B: "This is where you lose credibility"

      hirshel first these Berish isn't me! and when he mentions 6 gedolim that you not subordinate to, tell him there were many gedolim not only henkin-finestein types, that he is not listen too, ask him who is his godol that he listens to in all subjects of life, you will see, he is into a cut and paste practices, fitting his gedolim that matches his agenda of the day, the rest don't exist to him, that day, so his projecting himself unto others.

  4. reb Berish

    the Entenmann's isn't the point. You get that, right?

    1. איך פארשטיי דער אמת'ער נקודה. איינער וואס איז נישט קיין 'היימישע' האט נישט קיין רעהו צו א דעה. מ'טאר נאר האבען השפעות פונ'ם רוסישע וואדקא זויפער'ס. אמעריקאנער גוים מוזען שטיל בלייבען.
      און דו אליינס ווייסט נישט וואס איז אזוי געפערליך מיט די מימרא נאר אז ס'איז נישט היימיש.

      און אגב אורחא, ווייס איך נאך נישט ווער איז דער בר פלוגתא פון די אויבענדערמאנטע גדולים ביז מ'פאדערט נאך תשובה צו טוהן אויפ'ן זיך פיהרען אזוי

  5. ! ואנכי הסתר אסתיר פני ביום ההוא

    היטלער ימ"ש רצה להרוג דוקא הילדים קודם. ווייצמן שר"י הפקיר את הזקנים לאבדון רח"ל, ורצה להציל רק "הילדים" הצד השוה שבהם שדרכם לילך ולהזיק

    וייצמאן כותב: תקוותם של 6 מליון יהודים מרוכזת על עליה, מתהומות הטרגדיה, אני רוצה להציל 2 מליון נוער, "הזקנים יאבדו" הם יחכו לגורלם, הם אבק כלכלי ומוסרי בעולם אכזרי. רק ענף הנוער יישאר, הזקנים צריכים לעמוד בכך, ולהשלים עם כך. חיים וייסמאן. שר"י

    ויהי בימי אחז בן יותם, מה צרה היתה "ארם מקדם ופלשתים מאחור וגו'" משל למלך שמסר את בנו לפדגוג והיה הפדגוג שונא אותו אמר אם אני הורג אותו עכשיו נמצאתי מחייב ראשי למלך אלא הריני מושך את יונקתו ממנו והוא מת מאליו כך אמר אחז אם אין גדיים אין תיישים אם אין תיישים אין צאן אם אין צאן אין רועה אם אין רועה אין עולם כך אמר אחז אם אין קטנים אין תלמידים אם אין תלמידים אין חכמים אם אין חכמים אין תורה אם אין תורה אין בתי כנסיות ובתי מדרשות אם אין בתי כנסיות ובתי מדרשות אין הקדוש ברוך הוא משרה שכינתו בעולם מה עשה עמד ונעל בתי כנסיות ובתי מדרשות הדא דכתיב (ישעיה ח, יז): "צור תעודה חתום תורה בלמודי" רב הונא בשם רבי אלעזר אמר למה נקרא שמו אחז שאחז בתי כנסיות ובתי מדרשות ר' יעקב בשם ר' אחא אמר שמעת לה מן הדא "וחכיתי לה' המסתיר פניו וגו'" אין לך שעה קשה כאותה שעה שנאמר בה (דברים לא, יח): "ואנכי הסתר אסתיר פני ביום ההוא" מאותה שעה (יז): "וקויתי לו כי לא תשכח מפי זרעו" ומה הועיל לו (יח): "הנה אנכי והילדים אשר נתן לי ה'" וכי ילדיו היו והלא תלמידיו היו אלא מכאן לתלמידו של אדם שנקרא בנו כיון שראו הכל שאחז בתי כנסיות ובתי מדרשות התחילו הכל צווחין ווי ווי "ויהי בימי אחז. ע"כ. וויי וויי ווייצמאן הרשע

    . פירושים יותרים

  6. מיכאל בער

    ביטע נישט האקען קיין טשייניק און רעדן צו דער זאך


    1. די "זאך" איז אזוי, ווייצמאן האט בגלוי ובמחתרת, ארויפ גיברענגט בעליות הנוער, אלפים ורבבות יונגען און מאדען קיין פאלאסטינע, נאך פאר היטלערס אויפקום, צום ביישפיל אין וויען האבן גיוואינט פאר די מלחמה ארום 150,000 יודען רוב שטודירטע אין פארמעגליך, אבער ביי די טרוריגע קריסטאל נאכט איז שוין גיווען אין וויען נאר ארום 40,000 יודען, אזוי אויך אין אנדערע פארגעשריטענע יוראפא לענדער, ווייצמאן האט גידארפט אין די מדינת ישראל הבא, נאר גישולטע אין "סאלאן פעיק" פאכלייט, אין אויך די בני הנוער אין די "קיבוצים" אויפ צי בויען דאס לאנד זיינע, די עלטערע פארהארטעוועטע גלות יודן מיט א גלות מענטאלעטי, וועט נאר זיין א פראבלעים אין א הינדערינס פינאנציעל און סאציאליסטיש פאר די ציקונפט פון די מדינה האט ער זיי דעריבער גלייכער מפקיר גיווען. היטלער ימ"ש ידע מכל אשר נעשה ווייצמאן שר"י, האט ער צי להכעיס דוקא גיוואלט קודם אימברענגען די בני הנוער רח"ל, והזקנים תלכו "לעבוד" ולאיבוד מעצמם, והם יתמו וימיתו מגודל צרת השיעבוד מעצמם הש"י. דאס איז די זאך! בעוה"ר


  7. Michoel Ber

    תקוותם של 6 מליון יהודים מרוכזת על עליה, מתהומות הטרגדיה, אני רוצה להציל 2 מליון נוער, "הזקנים יאבדו" הם יחכו לגורלם, הם אבק כלכלי ומוסרי בעולם אכזרי. רק ענף הנוער יישאר, הזקנים צריכים לעמוד בכך, ולהשלים עם כך. חיים וייסמאן. שר"י

    source of this quote?

    1. look it up in Perfidy!

      A true classic! History that reads like a mystery novel when villains parade themselves as heroes and the real heroes are targets of evil.

      Review: Perfidy is an indictment, yes. But it is meant to be far more than that. Hecht has tackled an ambitious project- he wishes the reader to see what happens when one excuses all in the name of the ideal, refusing to challenge authority to stand up for what is right. --Curiousjew Blog

  8. the author of this sefer is a hidden Zionist, he is willing to say everything but not the real cause, the 3 oaths took revenge on klal yisroel, killed everyone , (ironically, everyone but the Zionist were saved)

  9. hersh

    forgive me but I am sheltered . who is this author. I can tell the font is the artscroll pre-2002

    1. סאסאן, ריאה בר'אזילWednesday, August 17, 2016 6:58:00 PM

      יונים נקבצו עלי

  10. yes, pre-2002
    not much, though

    do u agree with the author's sentiments?

    1. absolutely not, it's not based in reality or the talmud, just a blurb from a whatever baseless.

  11. HERSH

    only your opinion matters

    who's the author of this paper.


  12. בשטר האירוסין שבין ישראל לאביהם שבשמים, לפי הרה"ק רבי ישראל נגארא זצ"ל מגורי האר"י ז"ל

    חז"ל אמרו שהערב "קבלן" מצד הכלה אצל מתן תורה היינו, צדיקי הדור ו"תינוקת של בית רבן"! רח"ל

  13. Ben

    A true classic! History that reads like a mystery novel
    a novel is a novel and thats it

    1. and purim is for purim shpiles, there are literally 1000's of noted sources in perfidy on his accurate reporting, go read something pumpkin.

  14. pre-2002 is when this was written. It was published in 2015 leMisporom

  15. last i checked, it was young and old dumping yiddishkeit. I cant fathom why he said such a thing.

  16. שמעתי מהרה"ג,מלאנדסבערג ז"ל שאמר בשעת הספד, עה"פ הצדיק אבד ואין איש שם על לב, ופירשו הצדיק אבד, ואין איש,- ווער ס'איז קיין מענטש - שם על לב, - זאגט ער האט גיהאט א הארץ אטאק!

    בעון גדולים מתים קטנים, נורא עלילה על בנ"א

  17. רב פאם, בלומונגבורג נ"יWednesday, August 17, 2016 7:33:00 PM

    עיין בספה"ק ויואל משה, מאמר לשה"ק מביא שמה קבוצה שלימה מדברי חז"ל, ראשונים וגם האחרונים, עם מנהגי רב מדורות הקודמים, האיך לנהג התתי"ם נאה דורש ומקיים היה, כי בנה עיר התורה כלה בכל מקומות מושבותיהם, ומעשה רב הם

  18. What a fool you are we all know who this gadol is his life was מלא פרישות more than any of your rebbes he didnt make a מזונות for 40 years !!!! No cake and lekach etc lets see you do that what an ifiot you are.
    At least you are scarec to say his name for that you might have a zchus

  19. trt: "he didnt make a מזונות for 40 years !!!:

    he wasn't the only one eating without making a mezonos.

  20. Once again OU D is responsible?
    A bisseleh "chsides" The ;Lubob canard, again.
    Tzig you have the bisseleh "chsides" , still dont feel the gitskaiytthe "bob"

  21. Tzig, just love the mention lately in your scotty style blog of the two lubavitcher mitzvos, cholov akum and yaim holedes.
    Now you just need to add a "s'kashres" post and we have the holy lubob trinity.


    the OU is just trying to keep people from eating pure treyf.

    they're not to blame, "the bob"

    so I guess you agree with these pearls of wisdom

  23. The lubavitcher ok laba is also trying to save people with their cholov stam ?

  24. What does כאסידעס have with the government supervision of milk? How is this relevant? Since when does the idea of a 'chassidishe' psak halocho become real?

  25. no, OK is just there to make money

    anybody have anything to say about the actual point of the post?

    1. hirshel the bob and the bon what are they talking about ?

    2. You were the one who did a skverrer shtik by shoving ad hominem attacks and irrelevencaies to your 'point'. Learn how to speak like a mentch, not a party hack.
      Or vote trump

    3. ht: "anybody have anything to say about the actual point of the post?"

      א"ר יונתן אין פורענות באה לעולם אלא בזמן שהרשעים בעולם "ואינה מתחלת אלא מן הצדיקים" תחלה שנאמר כי תצא אש ומצאה קוצים אימתי אש יוצאה בזמן שקוצים מצוין לה ואינה מתחלת אלא מן הצדיקים תחלה שנאמר ונאכל גדיש ואכל גדיש לא נאמר אלא ונאכל גדיש שנאכל גדיש כבר

  26. before WWII their wss haskala, and after the war? only 8% officialy "cheridim" in israel the rest are openly hostiles to datim, and they rule the poor cheridim with contempt, so what's the point?¿

  27. When I thought it was Reb avigdor Miller, I thought the agenda was to annoy people. He wrote his own books and he is responsible for misinterpretations. However this book was not written by rav pinkus and he doesn't have a history of trying to get under people's skin. If you learnt some mussar instead of ploidering about something called chassedess, you wouldn't have had a hard time understanding.
    His point is that the aveira was coming from the youth and the punishment started with the youth. Not that the murdered children were guilty of something. He didn't say someone was personally responsible.

    It is an interesting point that when gedolei yisroel were trying to do anything physically possible to save people from the holocaust, some leaders were adamant that there is a spiritual issue and all we can do is teshuva, essentially blaming the victims. Yet it is his philosophy that would have saved rabbi pinkus from this mistake. Did he also eat Hershey bars?

  28. The point is that you missed his point, just like the MSM always miss the point when a Rav mentions the Holocaust, (like a few yrs ago when ROY said the kedoshim were gilgulim. They all took offense when he was in fact being melameid Zechus that they didn't personally deserve it.)

    B'nosei didan, this man wasn't actually blaming the youth in the sense of schar v'onesh. He was saying there was a kitrug on the young because the dor was failing to transmit the mesora to the next dor. V'DaL.

  29. for us out of the loop , who wrote this passage?

  30. בעריש: און אגב אורחא, ווייס איך נאך נישט ווער איז דער בר פלוגתא פון די אויבענדערמאנטע גדולים

    ס'האט איינער גיזאגט, במקום 'גדולים' על תעמוד, ווייל עס שטונקט

    1. ס'האט אמאל גיפרעגט א יונגעל, טאטע וואס איז דאס דצ"ך עד"ש באח"ב האט דע טאטע גיענפערט, דאס איז נעמען פון מלאכים "גדולים", האט ער ווידער גיפרעגט, און וועלעכער איז גרעסער? האט דער טאטע גיענטפרט צווישן אזאלעכע גרויסע "מלאכים" גדולים! מישט ער זיך נישט אריין וועלעכער איז גרעסער. וד"ל

    2. טאטע'לע בחנם זאגט מען דעמאלט אז די ביסט דער בעסטער פון די צען מכות ? נו

  31. Yerucham said...

    "His point is that the aveira was coming from the youth and the punishment started with the youth. Not that the murdered children were guilty of something. He didn't say someone was personally responsible."
    the point is pointless,
    can he explain why the Germans who brought haskalah and reform to Jewry were saved more then the holy jews of Poland/Galicia/Hungary?
    the German Jews were given a opportunity to run?
    If the zionist were the cause
    then why were the Zionist saved to establish a country on the ashes of the shoah?
    he has a answer???? did it not backfire?
    if he is Yodaeh Dass Elyon
    let them answer
    the holy Belzer ruv said he does not know why , so lets all keep quiet

  32. "too farshtopped to stop your heart from thinking such thoughts."!?


    Estimates range as high as 1.5 million murdered children  during the Holocaust. 

    Josef Mengele and the Nazi doctors tortured men, women and "especially children" and did medical experiments of unspeakable horror during the Holocaust. Victims were put into pressure chambers, tested with drugs, castrated, frozen to death. "Children were exposed to experimental surgeries performed without anesthesia", transfusions of blood from one to another, isolation endurance, reaction to various stimuli. The Nazi doctors made injections with lethal germs, sex change operations, removal of organs and limbs.

    ps: Germany is the 3rd largest pharmaceutical market in the world! and it is "largest in Europe".

  33. how about throwing Jabotinsky's nevius onto the fire?

    My angle is that
    Rebbes/Rabonim/Roshei Yeshiva said not to go to America & Palestine because they were treif - and now those that stayed and died are blamed for being sinners
    while the Millers and Pinkus of the world were saved

    1. קורא אני: ויתהלך "חנוך" את האלקים, ואיננו כי לקח אותו שאבאנטינצקי

  34. can he explain why the Germans who brought haskalah and reform to Jewry were saved more then the holy jews of Poland/Galicia/Hungary?
    the German Jews were given a opportunity to run

    I presume you are asking rhetorically but I'll answer anyway. Rave Michoel Dov Ber Weissmandel said that the extreme Yekke emphasis on honesty is what gave them the zchus to be saved. I don't want to elaborate or give his full answer because I know it will be made fun of.

    1. rashtag: "the extreme Yekke emphasis on honesty"

      you mean, bernard madoff, willam rapfogel, shelly silver, and and their likes¿

  35. P Ruv: "If the zionist were the cause, then why were the Zionist saved"

    pishtaryiner ruv, why if someone steals seeds and plants them in his own backyard and it still grows! and it tastes even better !? מיים גנובים ימתקו

    No one saved the zionists, they planned it, they instigated it, and planned themselves out of it beforehand.

  36. פילאדעלפיע רביSunday, August 21, 2016 9:50:00 AM

    Pishtiyaner Ruv: "the holy Belzer ruv said he does not know why -- if he is Yodaeh Dass elyon let them answer"

    זה מה שכתוב "הרבי הקדוש" מסאטמאר ויואל משה עמוד אלף, וז"ל בא"ד: ועכשיו בדורנו זה אין צריכין לחפש ולבקש במטמונים את העון שהביא עלינו את הצרה הזאת, כי הוא גלוי ומפורש בדברי חז"ל, שהגידו לנו זאת בפירוש שלמדו מקראי שעל ידי העברה על השבועות שלא לעלות בחומה ושלא ידחקו את הקץ ח"ו אני מתיר את בשרכם כצבאות וכאילות השדה, ובעוה"ר כן היה. ע"כ. עיי"ש באריכות

  37. Anonymous foul fool said...

    rashtag: "the extreme Yekke emphasis on honesty"

    you mean, bernard madoff, willam rapfogel, shelly silver, and and their likes

    Which one of those was saved from Nazi Germany?

    But like I said I know that repeating the reasons the Gedoley Torah have given for why the Yidden in Germany were killed at a lower rate than elsewhere will only be made fun here so this is my absolute last comment on this topic.

    For those who have the question there are answers. For those who are looking for them this blog is the wrong place.

    1. "Which one of those was saved from Nazi Germany?"

      It's the same "bride" just a different "dress" Think¡¿

  38. edra haley dayan said...

    "No one saved the zionists, they planned it, they instigated it, and planned themselves out of it beforehand."
    did they drive the trains to Auschwitz too?
    Were one of the drivers named Itche Mier? I bet if you read enough the monroe Zkenecho and listen to Teller, and to the Bendlech
    you will know for a fact, that he was a driver and so were others
    1 drivers name was Chaim Mier, 2nd driver was Mordechai Rokeach, the guys by the oven were Wietzman and Green
    Eichmann and Gobbles are only a coverup.....that the mossad invented

    1. Palachiger Magyar, that says it all.

  39. Chosid of the Reshag
    "I presume you are asking rhetorically but I'll answer anyway. Rave Michoel Dov Ber Weissmandel said that the extreme Yekke emphasis on honesty is what gave them the zchus to be saved. I don't want to elaborate or give his full answer because I know it will be made fun of."
    this maskilim /reform/assimilators were considered goyim/Genytiles by the hugarian orthodox, for a 100 years before the shoah.
    so who cares if a goi is honest??????
    this answer makes no sense, if he ever said it.

  40. Why curse the Zionists if they are goyim?

    Wouldn't that be misgareh bumois?

  41. why is JJ kosher milk products so expensive,isn't that misgareh buimois? the goyish convenience store next door is struggling to make a profit, while the kosher grocery next door sells less and makes much more? that's a real misgareh!!!

  42. Chosid of the RASHAG Friday, August 19, 2016 1:08:00 PM said: "Rave Michoel Dov Ber Weissmandel said that the extreme Yekke emphasis on honesty is what gave them the zchus to be saved."

    So he writes. He was an "oberlander yekke" who's "outgrown egos" stinks of high heaven! which the holocaust humbled him just a bit, he was for the aguda before he was against it too, he wanted to create a "chassidisher- lakewood" version oberlander yeshiva to, students may wear straw hats, neckties and beardless, as long they "appear honest", Rav Yankel Orenstein the rosh yeshivah, demanded openly in a speech that all bucherim must hide their payos!, well that didn't workout! so, RMDBW said so what?

  43. also, the royal property of "yeshiva farm settlement" in Mt. Kisco was donated by a philanthropist who stipulated, that the yeshiva will also be a school for learning trades such as farming and printing etc. (I knew a Bucher who washed 'negel vasser' the cows in the morning there, not kidding), and they printed on their own presses, the best "tikun liel shvuoth" (I still use it) and the sefer "min hamatzer" i think.

  44. So G-d doesn't care

    burd & peyos
    lange reklach
    no secular education
    shaved heads
    vollen talis kuten
    separation of the genders
    did not participate in the General culture

    because he wiped out those who tried to keep the above
    and saved those that

    kurtze reklack
    spoke german
    went to theatre
    no kapelach
    Banned Kol Nidre
    studied Schiller

    that's just the Orthodox

    the other yekkes
    like Einstein

    were also worth saving

    Even G-d hated the Osthjuden

    1. you should be glad he doesn't hate meshuguim, and and imbibing imbeciles.

    2. you should be glad for meshuguim knuckle heads who sees everything in 'trumpetean black and white, if not for them color pixels wouldn't be created.

    3. JJ in your laundry list monologue, you forgot to mention "colov akim" what's up with JJ

    4. J:"Einstein,Preminger,Kollek,Klemperer"

      Who? I traveled from bnei berak to timbaktu, haven't found any of these names on any Jewish congregation roster, is this your version of a Jew? than you need to reboot your value system.

  45. prof bearish laufer, UCLATuesday, August 23, 2016 1:28:00 PM

    What I would like not to say is that, SR asked RMDBW z"l to write a book on zionisim and the Holocaust, he was ill than already, some said SR wanted to give him zucus by the almighty to stay alive, he declined in writing.. this was before SR wrote the VM. RMDBW was verbally and visible awed by the greatness in all aspects of the SR couldn't get enough of him, but he 'personally' only discovered him after WWII, the SR was very found and support of him, but was cautioned by his eulogy not to say any "drush" despite other eulogiests after him, what a loss.. and what a Cutzpah!

    1. he send his bucherim from the yeshiva mt kisco to travel to Williamsburg Saturday evening to absorb SR shovevem torahs! but when he was a Bucher he traveled to Oxford not Satmar.

  46. Anonymous joe shmoe said...

    Who? I traveled from bnei berak to timbaktu, haven't found any of these names on any Jewish congregation roster, is this your version of a Jew? than you need to reboot your value system.

    Chochom - That's the point

    1. Big J's: "the other yekkes like Einstein, Preminger, Klemperer"

      Yekke! Mind your Ps and Qs !

      Otto Ludwig Preminger
      died, 5 December 1905
      Wiznitz, Austria-Hungary

      Another Wiznitz'er peasant! not a yekke!

      Otto Klemperer
      died, 6 July 1973
      Breslau, Province, Germany
      ReligionJudaism (converted to Catholicism, later returned to Judaism)

      Another "confused m'shimad" also not a Yekke!

    2. correction:
      Otto Ludwig Preminger
      died, 23 April 1986
      Wiznitz, Austria-Hungary

    3. "Chochom - That's the point"

      What's your point!

      Einstein came to America in 1933, so did Klemperer, Preminger came in 1935. years before WWII which started in mid 1937, they came for employment reasons. America had than around 5+ million jews, many of the fine Osthjuden!

      50, million people died in WWII, very few % of them where "Osthjuden" even from the six million jews killed, much less Osthjuden% were killed than the assimilated kind. Deal with the facts yekke.

  47. J "Chochom - That's the point"

    Well, they showed you a statue, told you to pray
    They built you a temple and locked you away
    Aw, but they never told you the price that you pay
    For things that you might have done
    Only the good die young
    That's what I said
    Only the good die young
    Only the good die young

  48. Krauss and Heller, forensic accountingFriday, August 26, 2016 9:51:00 AM

    Chosid of the RASHAG Sunday, August 21, 2016 10:23:00 AM

    says: "Gedoley Torah" have given for why the Yidden in Germany were killed at a lower rate than elsewhere will only be made fun here so this is my absolute last comment on this topic.

    For those who have the question there are answers. For those who are looking"


    RashTag Yekke defender, which "gedoley hatorah" the SR ? I do not want to be a bad mouther on the dead but your "godol of the day" was almost homeless and penniless at the time when he received a large prestigious castle and large adjoining property with it, free and clear! from a Jewish Philanthropist, donated for a yeshivah who will educate their students in hebrew studies and "vocational studies", that made the bound agreement between the Philanthropist and the Receiver, this among other "well known" agrrements between them that there were no intenrions ever to abide by them, There was much anger and upheaval by the Philanthropist when that agreement started to frail until he gave up without a fight, realizing the pity of fighting the penny less tzadigim bememt. do I need to say more.

    Well my uncomunicomun and unrepentant Yekka! I rest my case.

    1. "vocational studies"

      correction: vocational trades

  49. חסיד הרש"ג, צי ווייסט איהר אנדערע דיעות און השקפות פון הרחמ"ד ז"ל אויך, וואס האט אייך אזוי אנגעשטעקט, צי נאר די מאמר, ביטע מיטיילן היעקע

  50. JJJ flow: "the other yekkes 
    like Einstein.."

    ! קוב"ה לא עביד ניסא למגנא

    Albert Einstein, on April 17, 1938, in a speech at the Commodore Hotel in New York City, said:

    "I should much rather see reasonable agreement with the Arabs on the basis of living together in peace than the creation of a Jewish state. Apart from practical consideration, my awareness of the essential nature of Judaism resists the idea of a Jewish state with borders, an army, and a measure of temporal power no matter how modest. I am afraid of the inner damage Judaism will sustain -- especially from the development of a narrow nationalism within our own ranks, against which we have already had to fight strongly, even without a Jewish state."

    In January, 1946, in a reply to the question of whether refugee settlement in Palestine demanded a Jewish state, Einstein told the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry,

    "The State idea is not according to my heart. I cannot understand why it is needed. It is connected with narrow-minded and economic obstacles. I believe it is bad. I have always been against it." 

    After the death of the first president of Israel in 1952, the Israeli government offered the post of second president to Einstein. He declined the offer.

    אהה! "אבן" מאסו הבונים היתה לראש לוחמי הציונים

  51. "Einshtein Veinshtein"


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