Monday, March 5, 2018

We find Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin not being honest when it comes to Gedolim and Hespedim in Yeshiva

YRCB is having a hesped to mourn the passing of Rav Shmuel Auerbach. They're bringing all the Mechablim in America, Reb Elya Ber and Reb Malkiel, as well as R' Shmuel Markovitz, the Mechabel from Ponovezh. Which is fine. I'm just a little surprised that they're thumbing their noses at the leadership in Eretz Yisroel, Reb Chaim and Reb Gershon Eidelstein, etc. But that's their problem. The only problem is that just a few weeks ago, after the passing of the leader of עולם התורה Hagaon Reb Aron Leib Shteinman, zt"l, there was no such hesped. Why? because the Rosh Yeshiva at YRCB said despite being "the Rebbe B'Yisroel" he had no influence over the Yeshiva on Coney Island Avenue. Nor over the Rosh Yeshiva. But when RALS came to NY they shlepped him to the Yeshiva to speak, even at 95 years old. I wonder how much influence Reb Shmuel had over them.... Where's the intellectual honesty, folks?

RALS and יבלחט"א RAS upon his visit to YRCB

See this story, when RALS passed away

Reminds me of this gem on the blog, way back when...

Here's Rabbi Schechter: (Yiddish & English)


  1. Typical fake news empty frocks. Bunch of hypocritical nobodys.

  2. About time someone exposed them.

  3. Anti zemach says: "Where's the intellectual honesty, folks? They're bringing all the "Mechablim" in America, Reb Elya Ber and Reb Malkiel.."

    Hirshel, you're calling yeshivah faculty members "terrorists" is this the "intellectual honesty" you're calling for!?

    מחבלים = terrorist
    Oxford dictionary: A person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. synonymous:
    bomber, arsonist, incendiary

  4. Chaim Berlin is not mainstream Yeshivish. They are now Satmar extreme controlled. The head rabbi in his frock along with his two nobody sons are a pathetic joke. Two beards with a frock. Literally zeros.

    It all started as a lo tzayis dina. Fruchtandler and the esteemed Schechter mishpachos had some really good "family" Jerry Springer worthy tzaros recently. One can only imagine what their real punishment will be for what they did to Rav Carlebach years ago, or even worse -- how they ignored the Posek Hador, Rav Moshe Feinstein.

    Apparently they love openly trashing Gedolim. Rav Moshe was first. Then it became Rav Shteinman.

    What a bunch of baalei mechutzafim. They have a real hot place in hell waiting them.

  5. Chaim Berlin === Gaivah Shel Kedusha

  6. So if someone wants to be maspid a gadol they are thumbing their noses at leadership in EY?

    The facts are very simple. There is a machlokes whether to register for the draft or not. Some Gedolim say one way and some the other.

    Doesn't everyone have a right to choose a side in this argument?

    As for RALS coming years ago to CB, two things:

    1. This draft machlokes was not flourishing then
    2. CB did not shlep him to speak there, his entourage requested to have him speak at all the large yeshivos in the area.

    1. Liar.

      CB did Shlep him there. Schecter is on the Moetzes, when the trip was arranged by the Agudah. Stop denying the facts.

      And second, the point is that Shlechter has the audacity to say in PUBLIC in his wannabee Yeshiva, that his Yeshiva and himself never had any hashpa'ah from Rav Shteinman. Aha... so the Shmooze Rav Shteinman delivered in his Yeshiva doesn't count.

      You clearly are a Chaim Berliner. Schechter is a horrible person. This is Chinuch? Showing hundreds of Bochrim how to fight?

  7. It's about time that "the Tzig" gets back on the map!

  8. What do you expect, the ראש הישיבה is a Vizhnitzer.

    אויב מען האט ניט תורה צו פארקויפען, פארקויפט מען קנאות

  9. Hey Hirshel, you should like MYRCB, after all, they host the spiritual leader of a local Lubavitcher shtiebel in their kollel. Or maybe you are not aware of it up north. The spiritual leader of Beis Menachem Mendel of Ave. J.

    Do you think that would have happened in the days of Rav Hutner z"l?

  10. Tzig!
    Good move!
    Bringing back CB.
    The greatest days this blog has ever seen is when you had good CB reyd.... Threads with hundreds of comments, and some really interesting discussions.
    I wonder if CBT and VN will join the fray, we haven't heard from them in years...

  11. the Yeshivah world became so politicized since the regime of the holy Rav Shach
    he came up with the idea of bnie torah without torah. and bulldozed whoever was in his way
    In Willi one of the Maspidem said that reb shmuel was the real manhig that mirrored rav shach
    what a shvach to repeat in a hesped.....

  12. I do not know whether it's just me or if perhaps everybody else experiencing problems
    with your site. It seems like some of the written text within your posts are running off the screen. Can someone
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  13. הרשע הראשון שקרא למקנא קנאת השם בתואר "מחבל"
    קראנו בהפטרה השבת:
    וַיְהִ֛י כִּרְא֥וֹת אַחְאָ֖ב אֶת־אֵלִיָּ֑הוּ וַיֹּ֤אמֶר אַחְאָב֙ אֵלָ֔יו הַאַתָּ֥ה זֶ֖ה עֹכֵ֥ר יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃
    מצודת ציון
    "עוכר" - משחית ומחבל

    ומאז, כל שונאי ישראל מכנים כך את מקנאי קנאת ה' מוסרי הנפש

  14. Great photo of Schechter and the gadol hador.

    Schechter licking up the kavod that rav Shteiman ran away from his entire life until the last breating monent. Just look at his tzavah. Wanted 18 people at his levaya.

    Hamavdil bain kodesh litipish

  15. The comment above about the Jerry Springer material in the Schechter-Fruchthandler relationship is 100% what I was thinking of.

    If you are mevazeh the Torah, you will be done the same to you. Kida kineged midah.

    Hashem is not a shosek on bizuy talmidei chachomim. See the gemara.

    Rav Moshe was mevuyash. Rav Shteinman was Mevuyash. God doesn't take that lightly.

    I'd be worried if I was a Schechter or a Fruchthandler.

  16. ***BREAKING*** Look into what happened on Purim this year...

    The chief Frock publicly humiliated a supporter of the Yeshiva. He recently pledged a few hundred grand and had since pulled his pledge.

    This is 100% true. Check it out.

  17. and you guys are calling the Satmars haters? shame on you talking trash on each other? the hoods in the Barrios have more class.feh.

  18. What a bust. Schechter spoke for 30 seconds then say down.

    Elya Ber never showed up.

    Asher Kalmanowitz utter shtusim about zero.

    Malkiel Kotler ranting and screaming about how RSA was the ONLY one who fought the Tziyonim and Giyus Banos. Not a word about his hasmada for 90 years. Not a word about the 5000 Yesomim he married off.... good job Kotler. Hater.

    And the Mechabel from Bnei Frock talked like the typical shoita. Utter nonsense from Markowitz.

    Good job Chaim Berlin! Once again removed themselves from the mainstream Bnei Torah crowd and into the Neturei Karta camp.

    1. your loss maybe someones gain.. don't pain over it so much, at least don't show it.

  19. OOh Wah!!
    This place id Knocking!
    It almost feels like 2009 all over again...
    Whers Snag and Hyman?

  20. CB

    Was always a bunch of self indulgent babes
    Now they are managing to redevelop their public image
    as armchair kana'im

  21. (Continued)
    But then Chabad
    And CB Had always a lot in common..

    (Even if in disguise.)

  22. Wow 222 comments! Your almost making into the big leagues Tzigelberg!
    You might even reclaim your days of glory!!

  23. For the sake of accuracy, Rav Schechter did not say that there will not be a hesped for RALS because he had no hashpoeh on the Yeshiva. He said that although he had no hashpoeh on the Yeshiva, he did have a hashpoeh on many people, therefore "Yehi zichro boruch". Why did the Yeshiva hold a hesped for RSA and not for RALS? Because RAS held of RSA and didn't hold of RALS.

    1. Meaningless In toto

      Everyone who cares and matters is well aware
      How much RALS carried on his shoulders [the whole world] the past years,relative to how little RSA carried WADR B'mechilas Kovodo
      except to throw a radical monkey wrench into Klal developments
      -unless of course someone suffers a need to shake off ennui and/or has something to prove

      -From someone who was affiliated with HaPeles at it's onset,but switched when grasped the matzav

  24. Leiby,

    For the record, it is clear that RAS does not hold of Reb Ahron Leib; that was the gist of his statement on the attached audio.

    The fact that he had to repeatedly stress same, publically, immediately after the petirah, is "hilchos deyos" at its finest.

    Globally, the fact that the hilchos deyos clan are clearly incapable of appreciating the maylos of Reb Ahron Leib is disturbing as well as "katnus" (in their parlance).

  25. Anonymous,
    My point was that the hypocrisy charge is unjustified, because the reason for hesped/no hesped was not influence/no influence. It is clear that RAS does not like RALS ("the guidance he gave was 'mainly' good) and that is obviously the reason for no hesped.

    1. The charge of hypocrisy is 101%

      This is just their continued means of making an endrun around us

      Especially since they were from the original who pushed in America
      evolved a feel good more 'pragmatic olam hazeh' mode

      The ehrilche had to over the come 'round and adapt to this more or less,
      though with obvious condescension

  26. Leiby. You are right about the no hesped for Rav Steinman. Yet, I suspect that the kovad for Reb Shmuel has political undertones.

    Regardless, my points stand.

    It behooves me that a group can not appreciate a life of prishus, intolerance of sheker, not seeking
    "Kovad" etc., which traditionally have been admired by us.

  27. Some places are so full of hot air
    They should be popped with a needle

    But the same could probably be said for Chabad

  28. Hold on, just a little bit longer, the Chortkover Rebbe is on the way!!!!!!


    HIRSHELE, Please be able to except other opinions besides yours. Rav Averbuch was minimum as big as Rav Shteinman (and in nigle v nistar pashtus he was much more).I did not see too much haspeidim by Rav Shteinman people on Rav Averbuch.

    Another nekuda-word "machbalim" was made up by Shaulson-not a goog rebbe, HIrshele.

    A gitten Shabbes Pure:)))

    1. Whether true or
      False It is totally irrelevant and off the mark

      One Carried Klal Yisroel and world in more ways than most
      even have clue about

      said consistently [there is even a video clip from couple decades back] that he was uninterested in getting involved
      And essentially kept it at arms length ,
      ..except insofar as when some youngsters biryonim who needed to have someone, anyone, later convinced him into allowing them to use his name

    2. Primarily because it gives them plus their backers in NY and NJ
      a raison d'être which they were dearly missing for many years

  30. Good response in return of this query with real arguments and telling all about that.

  31. Chaim Berlin never in history made a hesped for anyone before. Not Rav Shach. Not steipler. Not Rav shlomo zalman. Not Rav elyashiv. Not Rav moshe. Not Rav yaakov. Not Rav ruderman. Not Rav Shmuel Berenbaum. Not Rav schneuer Kotler. Not Rav Elya svei. Not Rav Shteinman. No one. Never.

    Until this.

    What a farce.

    Schechter never met RSA in his life. Never spoke two words for him. And he is making it like he was the manhig of yeshivos. This is a filthy disgusting game of politics that Schechter engaged in.

    The rooster will come home to roost. Bring markowitz into a Yeshiva and the chaim Berlin Bochrim will go down a very slippery slope.

    Schechter should be ashamed of himself. And Fruchtandler right up there with him.

    Great legacy!

    1. So what's he playing at? Acting the biggest armchair kannoi for fun?

    2. mush: "Schechter never met RSA in his life. Never spoke two words for him. And he is making it like he was the manhig of yeshivos." What a farce.

      Did Rav Shach ever meet the SR?הספד_על_הגהק_מסטמר_יום_ג_יב_אלול_תשלט.mp3&ShiurNum=17

  32. האדרת והאמונהSunday, March 11, 2018 3:58:00 AM

    Re: RALS, RAS, & YCRB

    "That can be seen on a blog called "Circus Tent". There one will find an invitation (in Hebrew) to attend a eulogy for Rav Auerbach in Rav Schechter’s Yeshiva. That is not so unusual and indeed should be expected in a Charedi Yeshiva. What was not expected was that apparently there was no such eulogy for Rav Aharon Leib Steinman in his Yeshiva. ( least according to Circus Tent. I will be happy to be proven wrong.) Rav Schechter apparently said very little about it (available in a brief recording there)." -Harry Moraless

    הדעה והדיבור ל'הערי / והירשל - המלוכה והממשלה לחי העולמים

  33. האדרת והאמונהSunday, March 11, 2018 3:59:00 AM

    Re: RALS, RAS, & YCRB

    "That can be seen on a blog called "Circus Tent". There one will find an invitation (in Hebrew) to attend a eulogy for Rav Auerbach in Rav Schechter’s Yeshiva. That is not so unusual and indeed should be expected in a Charedi Yeshiva. What was not expected was that apparently there was no such eulogy for Rav Aharon Leib Steinman in his Yeshiva. ( least according to Circus Tent. I will be happy to be proven wrong.) Rav Schechter apparently said very little about it (available in a brief recording there)." -Harry Moraless

    הדעה והדיבור ל'הערי / והירשל - המלוכה והממשלה לחי העולמים

  34. nice!got mechalelei Shabbos down her..

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Good response in return of this query with real arguments and telling all about that.

    Saturday, March 10, 2018 12:09:00 AM

    Hershi, find him and put tfilin on him

  35. H: "They're bringing all the Mechablim in America"

    are you deft, dumb, and blind?

    ¶ Survey: Only 46% of Next Generation National "Religious" Israelis Keep the Faith. May 16, 2017.

    ¶ 17,000 Israelis have left the ultra-Orthodox world.
    1,300 or 10% (OTD) is now predicted annually.*

    ¶ More women than ever are joining Israeli army combat units. A new mixed battalion is taking shape. But problems remain, with hundreds of sexual assaults reported each year, and some refusing to accept women''s ability to fight alongside men.

  36. Such a chutzpah! Out of respect and mourning for the petirah of RALS zt"l, I delayed my hachtorah as the Chortkover Rebbe. B"H,with the help of the Japanese consulate in the Lita,it will at long last take place this Tuesday in the Dutch colony Curacao.

  37. 'אתה הירשל נמצא בנציב'ין 'ומצודתך
    פרוסה בירושלים. או בפלעטבוש? -פסחים ג ב

  38. It's very sad that the main voice against CB being mevazeh the Mashgiach has himself been arrested on fraud & other charges and remains locked up at Rikers

    Search for Pincus Carlebach

    So the Chaim Berlin Tragedy vert a Greek Tragedy fun der baideh zeiten.


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