Wednesday, June 6, 2018

אז מ'האלט ביים באנקראטירן ליידיגט מען אויס דער תירוצים קאסע

קטע מדברי רבי אהרן טייטלבוים אב"ד סאטמאר קרית יואל ביום כ'סיון העעל"ט בענין דעת בעל ה"ויואל משה" בעניני ציונות וכיו"ב ולמה ההלכה כמותו

 ענטפערן פאר יעדען איינעם יא! דער רבי זכרונו לברכה איז געווען א יחיד בדורו, ער איז ניצל געווארען מציפרני  הרשעים מיט'ן צלם אלוקים על פניו, די דיקנא קדישא, דער נזר אלוקיו על ראשו, ס'איז שמן משחת קודש, פון הימל א ראי', סייעתא  דשמיא, לכל דבריו. קיינער האט צו דעם נישט זוכה געוועזן, יהי' מה שיהי', וה' עמו שהלכה כמותו בכל מקום נגד יהי' מי שיהי'. קיינער האט נישט זוכה געווען צו דעם, קיין שום צדיק, קיין שום גדול בעולם. , ס'זאל  זיין נכנס בשלום ויצא בשלום מיט'ן צלם אלוקים על ראשו. ממילא מ'דארף נישט כאפן קיין התפעלות 

נו, גיי דינג זיך, אפילו אויב ס'איז שוין יא אמת. די מדינה שטייט נאך גאנץ פעסט. די ישיבות זענען מלא על גדותיהם. אידישקייט וואקסט פון אלע זייטן. איז טא וואס זאל מען טוהן אז די גאנצע שיטה איז געבויט אויף דאס פארקערטע? איז דא קומט אריין די אמונה פשוטה וואס בכללות זענען די אנשי סאטמאר נישט חשוד אויף אזא סארט עבירה. למשל ביי סיפורי צדיקים אד"ג. בייגעלייגט איז א בילד פון "רבי'ן זכרונו לברכה" אין געטא קלויזענבורג מיט'ן דיקנא קדישא פארדעקט. אלץ קינד האב איך געהערט אז די פאטשיילע איז געווען צו ווייזן אז ער האט כאילו א צאן ווייטאג און מ'זאל אים נישט באדערן. און די רשעים האבען עס געגלייבט און בדרך נס האט קיינער אים נישט געבאדערט. די בילד איז פונעם ספר "שקיעת החמה" וועלכע איז ארויס אין תש"מ און געפינט זיך אינעם אוצר הספרים ביי אונז אין די משפחה


  1. לראש ולא לזנבWednesday, June 06, 2018 12:44:00 PM

    אשריכם ומה טוב חלקיכם ומה נעים גורליכם חסידי הרא"ש שיש לכם רא"ש

  2. א שקר גמור
    געווען נאך וואס זענען ניצול געווארן מיט די גאנצע בארד. די פריערדיקע ליבאוויטשע רבי לדוגמא

    1. בחד קטירא אתקטרנאSunday, June 10, 2018 12:21:00 PM

      דער סאטמאר רב ז"ל האט בייזיך גיהאלטן א חפץ אין לאגער ע"כ צרה שלא תבוא (איך בין נישט בקי בהלכות גילוח הזקן), וואס אויב וועט עס קומען דערצו ער זאל ח"ו מיזן אראפ נעמען זיין בארד, זאל מען עס אראפ נעמען מיט א דבר המיתור. וד"ל

  3. באנקראטירטער: כאילו א צאן ווייטאג

    דער סאטמאר רב איז גיווען רם על כל רמי"ם אבער נישט קיין טיפוש על טיפש כמותך

  4. נתגלה לי בתלומיWednesday, June 06, 2018 1:03:00 PM

    כידוע ליודעים בפעם הראשון שמהרי"ט ז"ל נפגש המר"א ז"ל המהרי"ט שאל המהר"א בתמיה; מה היה הסיבה שסיבה אותו לחתוך זקיניו במצור ובמצוק. ואכמ"ל

    1. Why I am a Chasid of the Belzer Rebbe

      "When the Rebbe finally reached Damascus in 1944 and was about to complete the final leg of the journey, (Rav Herzog was leaving the land to try to save the Jews in Europe). Rav Herzog detoured to Damascus to first greet the Rebbe. The Rebbe, who in order to insure his safety, was clean shaven and wearing non-Chassidic- Western type clothing, allowed as a sign of gratitude, Rav Herzog’s son Chaim to be photographed with him. This was the only time the Rebbe allowed himself to be photographed with a clean shaven face."

    2. The SR once wanted to illustrate the "mazev" in Israel in Herzog’s time he said astonishing: would you belive that "all" the charidi rabunim paid a visit to rav herzog! than. he was asked and Belzer Ruv too? he responded; "all" went.

  5. אין אברהם אבינו האט באהאלטן אין א קאסטן שרה אמינו, וואס זאגטס צידעם? די אלטער נער

  6. דתקיני דיוקנא קדישאWednesday, June 06, 2018 1:25:00 PM

    כ'שמן' הטוב על הרא"ש ירד על הזקן "זקן אהרן" שירד על פי מדותיו. -תהלים קלג

    עיין רש"י ומלבי"ם שם

  7. The Grand Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum had VIP treatment from day one ...
    The Nazis were not stupid in believing that the Rabbi had a toothache for months so that he may cover up his beard ...
    It all costed money lots of money ... constant bribing ... at the end of the day it was Israel Kastner that saved the Holy Rabbi with other 1,500 Jews to Bergen Belsen VIP lounge & eventually to Switzerland ... Show some gratitude & do not be an ingrate ...

    1. Hysterical Historian, don't give up your day job whatever it is.

    2. chusid shota kastner himself testimony states; that although he approved himself the passengers of the train, But he "did not" approve the SR, he was added to list Not by him. The SR was 'stranded in Switzerland' The Zionist in Israel didn't want to grant him the certification needed, and to their חרפה ובושה the
      agudah didn’t want to give him the certifications either.

      Hurav H.P. Moskowitz z"L a great personality, had connection with the English higher ups, he turned to the Queen of England with a special "request" to grant RYT entry permission which he received.

    3. Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky, Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem (1867-1948)

      "they have succeeded in bringing to this country free-thinking people like themselves who blocked the way of immigration to myriads of Orthodox Jews. Only after prolonged and forceful representations supported by the Government of Palestine did they agree to issue small numbers of certificates for immigration also to Orthodox Jews"

  8. can someone ask the baal lev aron
    how come the Imrie emes of Gur the avi avos hatziyonas
    was left with 3 sons Rebbes all ritten zionistz, and the infamous Zionist son in law Itche Mier shem reshoim yirkov with the full "Dikna Kadisha?

    1. CROSs: "..Itche Mier shem reshoim yirkov with the full "Dikna Kadisha?"

      !אין ראיה מהם שאינם ממין הטענה

      תשובה ארוכה להר"ר צבי פנחס מאשקאטוויטש מירושלים: ...ומובן מה שכתבתי לשאול את חכמי ירושלים אין כוונתי ח"ו לשאול לאותם שיש להם אפילו "קצת נטיה למלכות המינות" ר"ל, שזה מסמא את העינים שלא להכיר את האמת בשום ענין שבעולם!, וכוונתי רק על אותן החכמים המאמינים אך בהשי"ת ובתורתו הק' ובישועות משיחו, ולא חלק לבם להשפעות הדור של עחקבא המשיחא אשר עליהם התנבאו חז"ל (סנהדרין צז.) ואמרו יראו ד' ימאסו וסר מרע משתולל, ואתה דע לך. ע"כ שו"ת דברי יואל אה"ע, סי' קי"ח

  9. the Dvirie Yoels casual attitude to the shoah, only using the war to expand his post war, war on 95% of orthodox Jewry by saying we deserved the German onslaught because of some midrash.

    It was all said , because he was never in the real ghettos where u were treated less then a animal, standing every morning butt naked in zero below winters till they made the daily counts, notting was hidden then.
    He was placed in a model ghetto (for the Red cross) with his wife, even had a luxury of a gabai
    Every Friday he went to the bath and put Tisha kabin, obviously scared what will happen tomorrow
    The audacity to use that against klal yisroel is a callous bloody attempt to smear the bnie kiel chie who were for 5 years in inferno of Hell
    Ribono Shel Oilam, how low will this brothers still go for their ambitious turf war...

    1. I have nothing to say anymore.

    2. AM: "he even had a luxury of a gabai". Yes! AM and PM

      ירמיהו הנביא אמר: אני הגבר "ראה" עני בשבט עברתו אותי נהג וילך חשך ולא אור (היה לו גבאי שמה גם כן). הם צערו צער השכינה הקדושה המצערת, קוב"ה אומר; "ראו" בני דשכחת צעריה דיליה ועוסקת בצערי דידי. והמ"י

      ראה ראיתי - יש שתי ראיות


    3. Ani Mashim Wednesday, 2:23:00 PM "the Dvirie Yoels casual attitude to the shoah,"

      "Bogdanor was “extremely shocked” to find that everything pointed towards Kasztner’s having been “a collaborator” with the Nazis"

      “Kasztner’s Crime,” published in October, sets out the case against the Jewish leader in damning detail. Even the most devoted defender might have second thoughts after reading his book."

  10. פי האתון: וואס זאל מען טוהן אז די גאנצע שיטה איז געבויט אויף דאס פארקערטע

    : אזוי גאר? להגיד שבחיו של אהרן

  11. I’m not convinced that this is a photo. It looks like a drawing.


  12. The main theme of our Parsha is obviously the sin of the Meraglim (spies).
    To understand this, we must understand the puzzling sin of the
    Meraglim. The Meraglim were surely “The heads of Bnei Yisra’el”, as
    the Torah says. The people listed here are those distinguished from
    the rest of the nation, because of their special status and standing
    in Torah – two of the most famous among them serving as examples for
    this fact: Kalev ben Y’funeh, and Yehoshua bin Nun.

    It is a collection of great individuals, who we would describe as
    “G’dolei ha’Dor – The Giants of the Generation.” How did it happen
    that those Gedolim made this huge error? Why didn’t those spiritual
    leaders want to enter Eretz Yisrael? After witnessing all of the
    miraculous redemption from Egypt, after Pharaoh, “the king of the
    world”, was defeated, the least that one would expect of those leaders
    would be for them to believe in the power of Hashem and to trust Him
    to fulfill His promise of Eretz Yisrael!?

    The spies were indeed Gedolim. They had very good intentions. They
    were very comfortable with the spiritual life in the desert. Having
    heavenly bread – manna, each and every day, revealing the Shechina
    clearly, following the fire and the cloud pillars, those are benefits,
    which are not easy to give up. The spies were sure that for Am
    Yisrael, which was totally immersed in a spiritual environment at the
    time, entering Eretz Yisrael would be a disaster.

    Surely, they believed that they would defeat the enemies in Eretz
    Yisrael with the help of Hashem, but for that there is a need to
    establish an army. Also, there is a necessity to establish political
    and economical systems, as well as expectations to settle Eretz
    Yisrael – the land that is flowing milk and honey. If Am Yisrael will
    have to deal with all those tasks- who will sit and study Torah? We
    will lose our spiritual level!!! Therefore, the spies decided to do
    Hashem a “favor” – let’s stay here in the Galut where we can serve you
    much better than from Eretz Yisrael – it is for the sake of the

    The root of this sin was the lack of ability to integrate heaven and
    earth. The Torah of Eretz Yisrael is the Torah that provides us with
    the skills to spiritually uplift matters which are mundane. In Eretz
    Yisrael the Avoda (labor) is integral part of Torah fulfillment. The
    letter and the spirit of the Torah cannot be achieved at its optimal
    level without the Avoda component. Hashem prefers for us to elevate
    the bread that comes from the ground – המוציא לחם מן הארץ – to our
    eating heavenly bread – the manna.

    Thus it was so important to receive the new Mitzvot right after the
    sin. Hashem wanted to comfort Bnei Yisrael for losing the heavenly
    virtues, and therefore provided them with substitutes. The Hafrashat
    Chalah enables as to take earthly bread and transform it into a
    heavenly one. The Nesachim are the substitute for the heavenly well,
    and the Tzitzit is the compensation for the heavenly clouds of glory
    (ענני הכבוד). The ultimate way of Avodat Hashem is indeed to live in a
    heavenly manner but while been grounded and attached to earth – by the
    virtue of Eretz Yisrael, the land of Torah V’Avodah.

    As it says in the Torah ...וְכִי-תָבֹאוּ אֶל-הָאָרֶץ, וּנְטַעְתֶּם ...
    when you enter Eretz Yisrael you should immediately plant for a full
    synergy between Gashmiyut & Ruchaniyut.
    That is the quintessence of our mission.

    B'Ahavat HaTorah V'Haaretz

    Shabbat Shalom

    1. The End Wednesday, June 06, 2018 3:52:00 PM

      "I have nothing to say anymore."

      Shabbat Shalom.

    2. bet din cutzef of lakewoodSaturday, June 09, 2018 10:52:00 PM

      Same Kay shame on you, you stole my monologue!

      Rabbi Shmuel Knopfler.

      PS: all the gitten written since lakewood was built (from the days of reb aron kotler zatzal) are posul.

      Rabbi Shmuel Knopfler.

    3. ...וְכִי-תָבֹאוּ אֶל-הָאָרֶץ, וּנְטַעְתֶּם ...

      ולא תקיא הארץ אתכם בטמאכם אותה כאשר קאה את הגוי אשר לפניכם

      אל תטמאו בכל אלה כי בכל אלה נטמאו הגוים ותקיא הארץ את יושביה 

      ותטמא הארץ ואפקוד עונה עליה ותקיא הארץ את יושביה

      ועבדתם מהרה מעל הארץ הטובה
      לא תקיא את הארץ אתכם

      והיתה ארצכם שממה ועריכם יהיו חרבה אז תרצה הארץ את שבתותיה כל ימי השמה וגו

      מהרמ"ח מצות עשה קשורה מאה ושלושים לאר"י שרק בה אפשר לקיימה

      משס"ה מצות ל"ת ישנם מאה ושלושים שאין נזהרים בה אלא בא"י

      האם אף יודעת מה המ"ע והל"ת שכריכים בא"י?. האם את יודעת שחמורה סכנת מאיסורא

      כי גרשוני היום מהסתפח בנחלת ה' לאמר לך עבוד אלהים אחרים

      מצודות דוד, "מהסתפח" - מלהיות מאוסף בארץ ישראל! היות עד הנה חשבתי כאשר ראה המלך שנמסר בידי במערה ולא הרגתיו יחדול עוד מדלוק אחרי אבל "עתה שעם כל זה רודף אחרי" !!! בעל כרחי ארחיק נדוד מארץ ישראל

  13. sami: "The root of this sin was the lack of ability to integrate heaven and earth."

    מגילת העצמאות: בלי אלוהים ובלי

    מגילת העצמאות נעדרת את רעיון “ההבטחה האלוהית”, ותיאור המדינה כ”דמוקרטית” גם הוא נעקר מהטקסט בתוך זמן לא רב

  14. איך האב נישט געוויסט א מחלוקת אין הלכה ווענטציך אין א בארד

    1. welcome to hirshels kitchen, feel free to roam..

    2. Now you know it's not all about the next pastrami fix.

    3. אין הנער נעשה לבר מצוה עד שיהיו לו גם שתי שערות

      תינוקת שהביאה שתי שערות או חולצת או מתיבמת, וחייבת בכל מצוות האמורות בתורה. וכן תינוק שהביא שתי שערות חייב בכל מצוות האמורות בתורה

    4. שמונה עשרה שערותSunday, June 10, 2018 6:13:00 AM

      אמרה ליה: לית לך חיורתא (אין לך שערות לבנות, ואין זה כבוד שכל הזקנים יבואו לפניך). ההוא יומא בר תמני סרי שני הוה, אתרחיש ליה ניסא ואהדרו ליה תמני סרי דרי חיורתא (אותו היום היה בן שמונה עשרה, ונעשה לו נס וצמחו לו שמונה עשרה שורות של שערות לבנות). היינו דקאמר רבי אלעזר בן עזריה: הרי אני כבן שבעים שנה, ולא בן שבעים שנה (ולכן אמר ראב"ע (משנה ברכות א ה) הרי אני כבן שבעים שנה ולא בן שבעים שנה).י

    5. נישט ג': א מחלוקת אין הלכה ווענטציך אין א בארד

      .ר' בארד וויא איז אייער יוד

  15. Kastner train
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Kastner train consisted of 35 cattle trucks that left Budapest on 30 June 1944, during the German occupation of Hungary, carrying over 1,600 Jews to safety in Switzerland.[1]

    The train was named after Rudolf Kastner, a Jewish-Hungarian lawyer and journalist, who was a founding member of the Budapest Aid and Rescue Committee, a group that smuggled Jews out of occupied Europe during the Holocaust. Kastner negotiated with Adolf Eichmann, the German SS officer in charge of deporting Hungary's Jews to Auschwitz in German-occupied Poland, to allow over 1,600 Jews to escape in exchange for gold, diamonds and cash.[2]

    The train was organized during the deportations to Auschwitz in May–July 1944 of 437,000 Hungarian Jews, three-quarters of whom were sent to the gas chambers.[3] Its passengers were chosen from a wide range of social classes and included around 273 children, many of them orphaned.[4]

    The wealthiest 150 passengers paid $1,000 each to cover their own and the others' escape.[5] After a journey of several weeks, including a diversion to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany, 1,670 surviving passengers reached Switzerland in August and December 1944.

    Kastner emigrated to Israel in 1947. He was a spokesman for the Minister of Trade and Industry when his negotiations with Eichmann became the subject of controversy. Kastner had been told in April or May 1944 of the mass murder that was taking place inside Auschwitz. Allegations spread after the war that he had done nothing to warn the wider community, but had focused instead on trying to save a smaller number. The inclusion on the train of his family, as well as 388 people from the ghetto in his home town of Kolozsvár, reinforced the view of his critics that his actions had been self-serving.[6]

    The allegations culminated in Kastner being accused in a newsletter of having been a Nazi collaborator. The government sued for libel on his behalf, and the defendant's lawyer turned the trial into an indictment of the Mapai (Labour) leadership and its alleged failure to help Europe's Jews. The judge found against the government, ruling that Kastner had "sold his soul to the devil" by negotiating with Eichmann and selecting some Jews to be saved while failing to alert others.[7] Kastner was assassinated in Tel Aviv in March 1957.[8] Nine months later the Supreme Court of Israel overturned most of the lower court's ruling, stating in a 4–1 decision that the judge had "erred seriously."[9]

  16. "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"

    Perfidy is a book written by Ben Hecht in 1961. The book describes the events surrounding the 1954–1955 Kastner trial in Jerusalem.

    The book is based on transcripts from the trial and concludes that in 1944 Rudolf Kastner deliberately withheld from the Jews in Hungary, knowledge that the trains the Nazis were putting them on were taking them to death by the gas chamber, not to a fictitious resettlement city as the Nazis claimed and that Kastner then lied about it under oath. One of the supporting facts presented is that, in the Supreme Court appeal of the original verdict implicating Kastner, all five Supreme Court Judges upheld Judge Halevi's initial verdict on the "criminal and perjurious way" in which Kastner after the war had testified on behalf of Nazi war criminal Kurt Becher.[1] Judge Silberg summed up the Supreme Court finding on this point: "[respondent Malchiel] Greenwald has proven beyond any reasonable doubt this grave charge."[2] Most of the judgement was later overturned.[3]

    1. 'Perfidy,' Banned in Israel, Made Available Online FREE!. but now BANNED.

  17. שיטות ליבאוויטשSunday, June 10, 2018 5:36:00 AM

    הרש"ב מליבאוויטש ז"ל התיר את יישוב הארץ רק ליחידי סגולה הרוצים ומסוגלים להקדיש עצמם ללמוד תורה ותפילה‏, וקבע כי לאור החילון הפושה בארץ מוטב לא לקיים את מצוות יישוב הארץ מאשר להחשף לסכנות החילון, ואף התיר ליושבים בה וחוששים מפני החילון לעזוב אותה‏. -אגרת בדבר המוסד הקדוש. רמבה"ן, ה'תרס"ז (1907). הובא ב"ציונות ודת", י

    מכתב של הרב חיים לייב זאקס ז"ל רב בכמה ערי ישראל, ובאחרונה בקליוולאנד, ובכפר חב"ד ליבאוויטש

    בא"ד.. מה נאמר על אלו המינים והכופרים.. עליהם יאמר הם קנאוני בלא אל -- ואני אקניאם בלי עם, שאינם נחשבים כלל לעם. האם לזאת מלכות תקרא, סוף דבר אין מלכות למינים. ואין להם דיני דמלכותא, וכן הורו מורי הוראה הלכה למעשה בתחילת ימי ממשלתם. ע"כ

  18. איש חסיד היהSunday, June 10, 2018 2:53:00 PM

    פי האתון: ביים באנקראטירן ליידיגט מען אויס דער תירוצים קאסע

    ויען אחד מהנערים ויאמר הנה ראיתי בן --- ידע נגן וגבור חיל ואיש מלחמה ונבון דבר ואיש תאר וה' עמו.. -שמואל א צג

    ואמר רב יהודה אמר רב כל הפסוק הזה לא אמרו דואג אלא בלשון הרע יודע נגן שיודע לישאל, גבור שיודע להשיב, איש מלחמה שיודע לישא וליתן במלחמתה של תורה, -איש תואר שמראה פנים בהלכה, ונבון דבר שמבין דבר מתוך דבר, - וה' עמו שהלכה כמותו בכל מקום. (שדבר המלך ודתו מגיע) י

    בכולהו אמר להו יהונתן בני כמוהו, כיון דאמר ליה "וה' עמו" מילתא דבדידיה נמי לא הוה ביה, חלש דעתיה ואיקניא ביה.. ע"כ -סנהדרין צג

    זכה משה שנקרא התורה על שמו! - די סאטמארע שיטה

  19. Sam Kay et al. You're Proselytizing the same BS as KAHANE, KACH JDL DATI LEUMI is preaching, this time its cloaked in a colorful bakitscha.

    "Moshe Feiglin, a former Knesset member and Israeli folk hero cut from the old cloth of Meir Kahane, had written of a “faith-based revolution” bringing into balance “Torah, Temple, Physical and Metaphysical.”

  20. gefährlichen tentakelnTuesday, June 12, 2018 5:08:00 PM


    This book reexamines one of the most intense controversies of the Holocaust: the role of Rezs Kasztner in facilitating the murder of most of Nazi-occupied Hungary’s Jews in 1944. Because he was acting head of the Jewish rescue operation in Hungary, some have hailed him as a savior. Others have charged that he collaborated with the Nazis in the deportations to Auschwitz. What is indisputable is that Adolf Eichmann agreed to spare a special group of 1,684 Jews, who included some of Kasztner’s relatives and friends, while nearly 500,000 Hungarian Jews were sent to their deaths. Why were so many lives lost?

    After World War II, many Holocaust survivors condemned Kasztner for complicity in the deportation of Hungarian Jews. It was alleged that, as a condition of saving a small number of Jewish leaders and select others, he deceived ordinary Jews into boarding the trains to Auschwitz. The ultimate question is whether Kastztner was a Nazi collaborator, as branded by Ben Hecht in his 1961 bookPerfidy, or a hero, as Anna Porter argued in her 2009 book Kasztner’s Train. Opinion remains divided.

    Paul Bogdanor makes an original, compelling case that Kasztner helped the Nazis keep order in Hungary’s ghettos before the Jews were sent to Auschwitz, and sent Nazi disinformation to his Jewish contacts in the free world. Drawing on unpublished documents, and making extensive use of the transcripts of the Kasztner and Eichmann trials in Israel, Kasztner’s Crime is a chilling account of one man’s descent into evil during the genocide of his own people.

  21. gefährlichen tentakelnTuesday, June 12, 2018 5:09:00 PM


    “[A] well-researched book on the contentious Kasztner affair – a controversy that commenced in wartime Hungary and has continued until the present day. . . . Bogdanor demonstrates that Kasztner’s story after 1945 constantly changed, peppered by omissions and contradictions . . . at the back of the reader’s mind, there will still lurk the question of what he or she would have done in Kasztner’s position. A course of action which resides in the grayness of immoral choice – the difference between bad and worse. Bogdanor’s book provides uncomfortable food for thought in this personal arena as well.”

    —Colin Shindler, The Jerusalem Post

    “[S]ets out the case against [Kasztner] in damning detail. Even the most devoted defender might have second thoughts after reading his book.”

    —Jenny Frazer, The Times of Israel

    "Paul Bogdanor studied the image of Kasztner and published his conclusions from the evidence given by Holocaust survivors about the controversial man. In his new book the author shatters the positive myth created around Kasztner, whereby he was a hero who saved many Jews from the clutches of the Nazis."

    —NRG, Israeli news site “Mr Bogdanor, who spent ten painstaking years researching Kasztner's connection with the Nazis, uncovered the terrible truth after examining a number of unequivocal - and until now overlooked - testimonies of Holocaust survivors. He also delved into Kasztner's own post-war report and other documented evidence, much of which has never been translated into English before.”

    —Jennifer Newton, The Daily Mail

    “Rumours and unsubstantiated charges that Kasztner sacrificed the lives of Jews are not new. The claims led to a controversial libel trial in Israel in the 1950s. But it is the first time that he can be shown 'beyond all doubt' to have played a role in the genocide and to have knowingly betrayed his people.”

    —Kirstie McCrum, The Mirror

    “[A]n incredible work of investigative writing that merits full attention . . . In writing Kasztner’s Crime, Bogdanor aims to right a great injustice to the memories of the Holocaust victims by exposing Kasztner for what he was. The intelligent and well-supported case he puts forward is certainly damning, and tallies with the verdict of the Israeli court in 1955, which concluded that Kasztner had ‘sold his soul to the Devil.’"

    — book review

    “I am deeply troubled, almost traumatized by the well-researched answers which Bogdanor gives . . . a must read”

    —Joseph Olmert, Adjunct Professor, University of South Carolina

    "[Paul Bogdanor] gives us a more compelling and convincing overall assessment of Kasztner... well-researched... Bogdanor[’s] book is a must read." – Dr Josef Olmert, Department of Political Science, University of South Carolina

    “[T]he majority of Hungary’s Jews were never warned about their imminent fate [in Nazi death camps], but believed they were being resettled for forced labor ‘in the east.’ . . . [Paul Bogdanor’s] well-researched and incisive indictment. . . is both graphic and convincing. It will undoubtedly cause renewed shockwaves among the descendants of survivors worldwide.”

    —John S. Conway, Professor Emeritus of History, University of British Columbia


    About the Author

    Paul Bogdanor is an independent researcher in Britain. He previously co-edited The Jewish Divide Over Israel: Accusers and Defenders. He has also written for publications in the United States, Britain, and Israel.

  22. Sam kaye.... anon... שקרן...
    כת השקרנים אין לכם חלק בעולם הבא
    .... פני השכינה

    1. On an off note, I was at a family dinner once with Mr.
      elie wiesel in conversation he told me; The SR is the only one he believes in, because he is the only one saying the thruth!, being a sigeter he knew me and wanted me to write 'than' in Der Yid I respectfully declined (and he smiled gesturing with his hsnds, like comeon¿..), but that thought was memorialized and for a moment in front of his wife and son there was a visible conflicted coy on his face, (thinking if if if..).

  23. מורה הנבוכיםFriday, June 15, 2018 11:41:00 AM

    Re:Shmuel Knopfler aka/Sam Kay monologue

    בס' הליקוטים מהאריה"ק פ' ואתחנן עה"כ ויתעבר ד' בי למענכם, מובא: שמשרע"ה הוא שהכניס את הערב רב בתוך כלל ישראל, לכן בכל דור ודור בא נשמת משה אל צדיק הדור שילחום עם הערב רב לתקן דבר זה שהכניסם, שלא יקלקלו אחרים יען שהוא הביאם! עיי"ש

  24. בילקעלעך גבאיSunday, June 17, 2018 5:20:00 PM

    A,Mash: "even had a luxury of a gabai"

    משנה אבות: "והגבאים" מחזירים תדיר. פי' הרע"ב; יסורים ופגעים רעים הבאים על האדם. וד"ל

  25. tête-à-tête monsieurMonday, June 18, 2018 3:53:00 PM

    To whom it may concern;

    When 'real' history will be written a "tape recording" (available) of RJT talking himself will surface, refuting all your hollow blabberings.

    The SR talks of a modern not orthodox man by the name Mr. Fisher who compiled names to add to the 'list' in the "klasunbuger getto", (not Kastztners SIL dr fisher), Mr. Fisher approached the SR asking him 'permission' to add him to the list, the SR at first didn't want to be on the list, saying he does not have any confidence in this plan because if the 'offer' comes from 'them' to rescue 'him' it's impossible that it's in his best interest, another time he told the SR that his real reason he wants the SR on the Train is because he himself doubts the outcome of this project but he thinks that בזכותו הגדולה תלוי כל ההצלחה and he told the SR the story of 'the dream', SR adds I knew his family and ancestors the where all pious jews, so I felt that his words and "feelings are sincere" and something got awoke in him.. therfore he agreed to be added.
    (to rescue zionists¿).

    History documentation will also tell you that the train was doomed several times on its way, and because of the interventions of the outside "chareidi world" in numerous ways.., on behalf of RJT the most notable passenger on the train, the train arrived on time for כ"א כסלו

    1. כ"א כסלו תשכ"ג אני "הק'" הייתי שמה מתחלה עד סוף. בעתו ובזמנו

  26. דרופתקי דאורייתאWednesday, June 20, 2018 1:56:00 PM

    הרא"ש והל"ב אהרן כשמיתחדים נולד הדעת, וימלא אתו רוח א' בחכמה בתבונה ובדעת

    רש"י; "בחכמה" - מה שאדם שומע דברים מאחרים ולמד "ובתבונה" - מבין דבר מלבו מתוך דברים שלמד
    "ובדעת" - (זו) רוח הקדש. ע"כ. דהיינו כשהרא"ש והל"ב מתיחדין נולד
    הדעת זו רוה"ק

  27. Ani MashimW ednesday, June 06, 2018 2:23:00 PM: "the Dvirie Yoels casual attitude to the shoah"

    The SR z"l is on "record" explaining that the "Holocaust" devastation was a much greater curben than the curben bais ha'mikdosh..!, say something if you "know" something, nr. know nothingness.


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