Tuesday, June 5, 2018

if only he'd wait a l-i-t-t-l-e longer....

 In the aftermath of another Belzer wedding production, and after all the praise of taking a chassidus decimated by the holocaust and the loss of the uncle the tzaddik haDor, when people thought that he wouldn't have a minyan the first Rosh Hashonoh of his Rebbisteve, and now look at all the thousands of chassidim...

.... Here's some food for thought: The Belzer Ruv has made one wrong political move after another. He fought the עדה החרדית till it came back to bite him and had to send 10 dayanim to ask mechillah in Kiryas Joel. The Villimsboorger Chassidim at the time of the break off started a fight, their main argument being that he is undermining a beis din that גאוני קדמאי established.  Even old the Pupa Ruv was dragged in to this mess. Now, when 50% of the eidah does not follow the Eidah zali party, and the Zali Rebbe completely ignores the ראב"ד רבי משה שטערנבוך, his people throw pashkevillen against him with the worst names and epithets,  and Rav Sternbuch isn't visiting him or his "payroll Rabbonim," It's not גאוני תקופאי anymore. They can be disregarded and ignored. I recall when the eidah came in 1978 (and 1988) to Williamsburg; what hype they created! Every Joe Shmoe was like in an elated mood! they celebrated non-stop! The whole eidah Rabbinate even came to Pupa to shalash seudos. Besides for Reb Moshe Arye. I think they said then there there were some issues still back from Hunyadi in the old country, involving their 2 fathers.  [the ויגד יעקב was Rov there first, followed by RMA's father...] But the Belzer should have waited until the eidah's prestige dissolves on its own.  He is like the בני אפרים, he chases the geulah prematurely. He wants prestige as a tzadik, like the Belzer Rebbes were considered universally in the past. He wants a legacy of a tzaddik, but that will, unfortunately for him, not happen.


  1. The belzer rebbe obviously made a mistake losing the satmar money I don't think he needs the eideh and being accepted by everyone doesn't make u tzadik hador he has a strong chassidus what else could someone ask

  2. The main reason for the opposition to him in Williamsburg is not his establishment of a competing Beis Din; it is his derogatory remarks about Hungarian Kanoim, made during his "shteiediker Torah" on Simchas Torah 5742. It would take more than the crumbling of the Eida Chareidis for him to be forgiven for that!

  3. I completely disagree. He has made courageous decisions during his entire time as Rebbe. Even in the face of adversity and intense pressure (like his split from the Eida) he did what he felt was right. That is to Be commended.

  4. I completely disagree. He has made courageous decisions during his entire time as Rebbe. Even in the face of adversity and intense pressure (like his split from the Eida) he did what he felt was right. That is to Be commended.

  5. if only: "some food for thought"

    מנין שעשה עצמו אלוה דכתיב (ישעי' יד, יד) אעלה על במתי עב "(אב"ד)" אדמה לעליון! אמר לו הקדוש ברוך הוא (שם, טו) אך אל שאול תורד אל ירכתי בור. בער. -שמות רבה ח ב

  6. I'm no Belzer but I think that he become more prestigious by not going with the flow . Belz is from the few (only?) groups that would be able to take a controversial non mainstream position and somehow still remain a mainstream group

    1. רבי יוסף יצחק מליובאוויטש, 'ספר המאמרים – קונטרסים' חלק ב', ד"ה זכור

      דרכו של עמלק היא להטיל ספק בגדולתם ובקדושתם של עניינים רוחניים על יד שאלות והערות כמו "מי אמר שזה נכון", ובכך לקרר את הלב ולצנן את החמימות וההתלהבות שצריכה להיות בעבודת ה'י

      הקרירות של עמלק "אשר קרך בדרך" (דברים כה, יט) שהוא מקרר בדרך ה', שמקרר את העניין של רוחניות שהלב לא יתפעל על ענין אלוקי. והמקום של פעולת קליפת עמלק הוא בדרך ה' – שכאשר האדם רוצה לצאת מהמצרים וגבולים של גשמיות, בא עמלק ומקרר. דהנה כתיב "כי ה' אלוקיך אש אוכלה הוא" (דברים ד, כד), וכתיב "וירא העם וינועו" (שמות כ, יד), שכל ענין הרוחניות הוא בחמימות והתפעלות. וקליפת עמלק הוא שמקרר לבלי להתפעל על עניין אלוקי

      ואופן פעולת קליפת עמלק הוא בהטלת ספקות. שעושה ספקות ואומר: "מי הוא האומר שהוא כך?". הגם שהוא עצמו יודע שהעניין כן והוא דבר רוחני אלוקי, אבל עמלק בגימטריה 'ספק', שמטיל ספק בכל ענין אלוקי ורוחני

  7. The BR asked מחילה from the wrong צדיק...dayan rav yitzock weiss זצ׳ל was ready to leave jerusalem and go back to manchester because of the unceasing harassment...

    1. yes, but he didn't leave, and lived long enough to witness his exorcism, unfortunately not long enough to when he rendered his mechila.

  8. Only 2 stores in jerusalem sell belzer meat... the ledgendary butcher of בית וגן rosenberger told me if he braught belz into his store, nobody would enter

  9. The Ghost of Machlokes PastFriday, June 08, 2018 3:23:00 PM

    Did the Divrei Joel respect his elders when he was a young buck?

  10. Lol, seems the first edition of Ami magizine has rubbed off already.

  11. I think he will be remembered as the Belzer Rebbetzins husband.

  12. גדול הפורח באוירMonday, June 11, 2018 1:29:00 PM

    יחי אגריפס המלך השלישי! ברחוב אגריפס המלך


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