Tuesday, May 31, 2005

My first hate mail!

You always know you've hit the "big time" when you tick somebody off. This one comes from an illiterate Bobover who calls himself FICHEUNGER who's upset I gave MD Unger "publicity".
It all started when our brother in blogosphere AlgemeinerJournal
posted a link to our story about Bobov/Ponim Chadoshos. The trouble is that he misunderstood the story and wrote that Unger had some "shaichus" to Chabad, when all I meant to write was that he lived in Crown Heights and had a negative experience with some members of the community. So, I commented that the story is incorrect. The obscenities he sent are posted here for "journalistic accuracy and integrity". He says (in uppercase letters) " GO F*** YURSELF."(sic!) (misspelling his). I'm beginning to think that taking a side on this issue is going to be easier than I thought.
It's good to be recognized.



    Perhaps, if the email were an actual letter, you'd have been able to bronze it! May you go "from strength to strength" (im b'puroniyus, b'midah tovah lo kol sheken)!

  2. don't flatter "yurself" that "yu" hit the "big time", the guy is a juvenile punk. "chochom moh hu oymeir"

  3. Is that long-winded pontification above at all relevant?

  4. I cant believe that some Galicianer with a dirty mouth gets an entire headline on a Chabnick's Blog!
    Talk about making yesh meayin...


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