Wednesday, June 1, 2005

Money and mouth unite

Kudos to Rabbi DM Druckman Chief Rabbi of Kiryat Motzkin, Israel. You may not agree with all his antics but he's consistent and a fighter. The good rabbi has been fighting the "disengagement plan" since its inception, and he's taken it to the next step. According to CHABADNIK Rabbi Druckman is moving to Gush Katif tomorrow and will move his family there after Shavuous. When asked how how he will manage his role as Chief Rabbi, Druckman said "I'm not moving to the dark mountains, I'll be here in Israel." "Mayors and MP's take vacations all the time, I'll be here."


  1. a man of his word. Kol HaKavod

  2. I am curious does the average Lubavitcher bachur in Israel serve the standard term of service in The Israeli army ? or does he do hesder ? or does he do the Charedi non -service or does he do Milluim only. I am not looking for a propoganda answer , just the facts.It seems to me that with the semi official hard line and very public opposition the Chabad community in Israel has to any withdrawals, they should be doing similar service as their Mizrachi brethern .

  3. The average Israeli Chabad Bochur gets a Dichuy or P'tur like everyone else. However, many do serve full time, as reservists, or in Religious capacities. Hesder? I don't think so.

  4. "Everyone else "if every one got a dichui or ptur we would not have a army ???

  5. I meant to say "Chareidi".


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