Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The gloves are off.

No more Mr. Nice Guy.

I have heard and read enough.

No one is safe.

Stay Tuned, friends.


  1. The suspense is killing me.

  2. This is a very intellectually stimulating post.

  3. Hirsh,
    You should change from The-Anti-Tzemach to the Flip-side-of-Tzemach

  4. Elul,
    I'm pretty sure that they're the same - HT & TA

  5. Tzig: 'Nobody is safe'
    Even your own Chabadsker back yard?
    I think not.Till you have the guts to take on your own nepotistic courtyard don't expect to be taken to seriously on your 'moral crusade'

  6. As explained to me by a dear friend, there are only two types of people who may not criticize Chabad:

    Lubavitchers (because they would then be self hating) and non Lubavitchers, (because they would then be misnagdim.)

    Anyone else is welcome.

  7. Boruch,
    I guess you fall into the former.

  8. the comparison to national politics is just uncanny. The Dems can say what they want when they want, but when the Republicans do it it's "mean-spirited", and mud-slinging.

  9. No avremel, I belong to the third of the two groups.

  10. no, Boruch, I disagree with your premise. You can criticize Chabad if it's done constructively. To do what others do is not meant so that we should improve.

  11. Avremel, give me 5 examples of constructive criticism which is permitted.

  12. You can have all the examples in the world. There is much to criticize about and much to praise, just do it with the purpose of correcting, not tearing down.

  13. You are the one imputing the intent. How about don lekaf zchus?

  14. "I am not. You are!" said the three year old back.


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