Friday, September 16, 2005

I did say "some current events"


  1. Sad, but that's how they think.

  2. A Hassidic fellow like yourself posting an improperly dressed woman?!
    You Lubavitchers are so lacking in hergesh chassidi.

  3. Woman, I thought that was Marilyn Manson, or Howard Stern. I guess you checked it out better.

  4. וזאת למודעי
    I have very little patience for people taking potshots at my man, George double U.

    That goes for you too.

  5. heshy, does the end justify the means? your detractors are right..what kind of image is this for you to post..and more, what is the end that even requires such risque cartoonic means?

  6. risque?
    oy vey. Is it really so, N?

    I tried to bring out a point about the Prez's detractors, nothing more.

    Tell you what, no comments on this post, how's that?

  7. hirshel,
    much in life is relative. risque and feh yes for a chasidishe mentch who is the ceo and editor of an internationally accessable blog that is representative of lubavitch and its sophisticates even if it were only for 'insiders' which it is not.

  8. N sounds like an expert in what is risque, non-tzniyus etc. He must have done lots of research! What is he doing on the internet anyway?

  9. chaim meir,
    are you advocating that the internet should be a free for all for us?


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