Thursday, November 17, 2005

If only he stayed.....

כ"ד טבת תשי"ב

l-r: Shlomo Carlebach, Reb Meir Ashkenazi Rov of Shanghai, China, The Rebbe.

The rebbe said a הדרן על הש"ס at the farbrengen.

......שלמה האט קשיות

Audio courtesy of WLCC


  1. Let the finger pointing begin.

  2. score one for Lakewood, Reb Aron was correct in weeping for Shlomo when he left. Look what happened to him.

  3. HT
    why bring up this whole story at all? it's just an invite to the worms to come out of their holes.

  4. What no mention of Rav Shach on his what 3rd yertzite

  5. Amshinover - yasher kayach re mentioning Moreinu HaRav Shach zt"l.

    I note HT's reaction to your post above. I actually experienced the same a while ago when I was visiting a college campus in a small town and a local shliach was giving a class and I passed by when I went to mincha at the Shul. When I said over a relevant and important vort from Maran HaRav Schach (bishmoi) there, he reacted like HT did above - saying who ? who?? as if he didn't know who he was.

    Some of you folks are so insecure you have to pretend you don't know who he is ?? And what kinda derech eretz is it to refer to gedaylim as AK and in that derech ? Would you like if people called the Rebbe MS ?

  6. Nu ? So when are they gonna have a Carlebach kabbolas Shabbos at 770 ??

  7. Es is take nit shein ztu dermanen azelche gedolim on keine titulen. Plus, there is a maamar chaza"l that can be fulfilled at the same time. M'ken doch hoben a emese "zeh neheneh, vezeh lo choser". Here is a new term that will make everyone happy, I think:
    Rabbi E.M.M. Shach shr"i (shin-reish"yud)

  8. The ever pompous Berl.
    Azah farshtoonkeneh ba'al gayveh oon a 'yesh' iz a zeltenheit afeeleh bah dee litvakess.

  9. fortzer, (aka marko, aka milchiker, aka whiny BT),
    “a zeltenheit”? at 2:28 AM to boot?
    staying up at night with an Yiddish dictionary? :)

  10. חברה ס'איז מיר א גרויס כבוד אז מ'שלאגט זיך ביי מיר אין בלאג טיף אינמיטען נאכט

  11. I've usually added the appropriate "R" before mentioning names of Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshivah. At least recently.

  12. they were Rabbis, no?

    even the Minchas Elozor asked that on his Matzeivah they inscribe "HaRav Hamefursom" and no more. "Ich bin a Rov, nisht kan Sheester, In Ich bin Mefirsem, alle kennen mir, לטב ולמוטב


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