Friday, December 23, 2005


Charcoal on paper by Chasidic artist Refoel Eisenberg ( I know he has a website, I just can't remember the URL.)

Thanks to a reader who wishes to remain anonymous.


  1. His website is out for now.

  2. I know I'm not any sort of expert in art, but he seems to capture the essence of the Rebbe, as much as can be done through art. The eyes look life-like to me.

  3. RE is a very skilled artist, and he can draw/paint as lifelike as you'd like.
    The fact that he likes to paint things his way, does not minimize his abilities. His art can only be considered inferior by people who have no concept of art.

    (Other Tzig,
    It's Shabbos mevorchim again...)

  4. please do not use this blog to send personal messages.

  5. my very sincere apologies. "ylamdeinu rabeinu" what the rules are???

  6. There are no written rules, I make them up as we go along.....

    That just irked me, especially since the subject discussed is, to me, a painful one.

  7. OOps! i'm sorry i just got which part of the issue irks you

  8. ce said...
    "His art can only be considered inferior by people who have no concept of art"

    You sound like your up for a job at Communist Russia's central museum of art.....

    the debate about what actually constitutes art and whether it is good or not is so fundamental...either one likes someone else's expression or not, because ultimately every expression can be argued as actual art, and very educated art enthusiasts can maintain very polar opinions about what is superior or inferior.

  9. Tzig, It's charcoal on paper.

  10. Thanks harotzeh!

    I knew somebody would come through eventually.


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