Friday, December 9, 2005

Snubbed by the Prez

Boo-hoo they cry. Chabad yes, און מיר נישט? How dare he!!!

Read all about it in the Forward

Ya Gotta love Lautenberg's aide's attempt to speak Yiddish, it's a shandige shindig.

That's Rabbi Zelig Rivkin of "Nawlins" with the President.


  1. Learn to read. It was not Lautenberg speaking yiddish, rather 'Alex Formuzis, spokesman for Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), was so upset by the White House dis that he launched into Yiddish, even though he's a Gentile. '

  2. VML

    I was just checking to see if you're on your toes.


  3. What's a Hanukah party two weeks before Hanukah?

  4. 3 weeks! the Prez is gonna be in Crawford for the 25th, which is also the 1st night of Chanukah, lehavdil, soooooo

    זריזין מקדימין


  5. BP

    They did kasher the WHouse kitchen, so I guess they had Latkes too.

  6. it was actually Shor Habar meats that were served


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