Friday, December 9, 2005

Vote for the goat


or this:

The latter is a GENUINE Ukranian goat from Sudilkov, the home of the "Degel Machne Efrayim", the Baal shem Tov's grandson, and was submitted by A Simple Jew.

The former looks better, more noble.


  1. I think it depends on your personality.
    The first one is better for butting horns with the haters ramming in blog-land.
    The second is more spiritual, idyllic, serine and mystical.
    What image are you trying to project?

  2. Of course I will vote for the Sudilkov goat! Your blog is about Chassidus, among other things. How could you not have a goat from the birthplace of Chassidus!? The other goat was posted by a ph.D. student at Oxford....what does he know??

  3. Yes, goat #1 is "noble-looking" indeed, but I think he'd let his notoriety get to his already-big head. Too much head-butting goes with the picture.
    I prefer the Sudlikov goat-- gentle, sweet and pretty passive looking, just like the Sudlikov scenes that ASJ posts on his blog.
    A sense of calm permeates...

  4. Toronto:

    sweet and gentle top you is wimp, pushover, malnourished to me. It's all in the eye of the beholder.

  5. Hands down, it is the second one. It looks like one I have here on Crawford Ranch.

  6. Mr. President, Sir, it's an honor to have you on my blog, sir!

    Can I ask you for a personal favor?

  7. The first one looks a little goyish to me. My vote is for the second one.

  8. Certainly, Mr. Tzig. I read Circus Tent every day in the Oval Office. I have sent 20,000 print-out copies to our troops in Iraq to boost morale. Keep up the good work!

    What favor could you use? Does it deal with the Boro park eruv or the bugs in your lettuce?

  9. The first one is a ram, not a GOAT. My vote is with THE goat (the second one).

  10. Gadya

    what does a "goyishe" goat look like?.............

  11. The goat you had in your profile the last few days. More specifically, goat #1.

    A nice Jewish blog like your's should have a nice shtetl goat.

  12. I love the top goat. The horns are magnificent and I love his dark face. (Sorry, SJ)!

  13. Goat #1, look at those great shofars!

  14. Obviously Stacey and Akiva don't know what they are talking about. I will pardon them before I leave office.

  15. i vote for goat #2. The first one looks like a good job in Adobe photo shop, the body of a cow in the horns of a sheep

  16. ayb s'iz hershel tzig why put the kvetch on the tzig, efsher zol de diuk zayn oif der hersh takeh??

  17. The first one is majestic, but I would say definitely to go with the second one. It's from Sudilkov, after all...

  18. Ich vais fun goats "vie zif fun Freitig"
    I rememeberseeing at least 1 real goat in Kfar Chabad in 1971.
    The Kfar was a shtetel then . I remember the rav Rav Schneur zalman Garelik ZT"l walking with his cane . For a moment I though I was in Vitebsker gebernye. Rav Zalman flew rather than walked.

  19. Definitely the first. It is a much better picture. Just make sure you update your frumhere account


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