Wednesday, January 18, 2006

דער הייליגער בני יששכר זי"ע

Photo by Roman Vishniac

A heart-warming story פון אן אמאליגע צדיק . From Heichal HaNegina.

I liked the part where he says "He loved the Rebbe and he knew the Rebbe loved him. In fact David was pretty sure the Rebbe loved everyone."

אזוינע אידן איז שוין היינט ניטא


  1. Thanks for the "plug", Hirscheleh, please come & visit often!

    Oich mir: the Makor, as mentioned on my blog, is Yehoshua Rubin. He heard it from Eliezer Shore, who probably got it from Reb Shlomo Carlebach, ZT'L.

    As for "heintigeh Tzaddikim": I've been privileged to have met & known quite a few very special Rebbes, including:

    The Imrei Aish ZTUK'L of Modzitz, and his son, The Rebbe Shlita, who should have a Refua Shelaima b'Karov; Rebbe Shloime Twerski of Hornesteipel-Denver ZTUK'L, and HIS son, Rebbe Motteleh Shlita of Flatbush; the Skulener Rebbe ZTUK'L; today's Tolna Rebbe Shlita is very special; the "Nesivos Shalom" of Slonim, ZTUK'L, v'od. I didn't really know the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZTUK'L, but I know that he was a very special Rebbe. So...Lo alman Yisrael!

  2. R' shloimeh is the "mekor"? ah, never mind.....

  3. Oich mir - That wasn't necessary, be nice!

    Hirshel! Ich veis az a zeig pashet, ubur es zet tzic ais az Eihr pashet in fremde felder?!

  4. And I don't think Eliezer got it from Shlomo, I'll ask him...

  5. ideological

    ever hear of this song?

    כאפט אים אהן
    און ווארפט אים ארויס
    !ער איז נישט פון אונזערע
    !ער פאשעט אין פרעמדע פעלדער

  6. you mean anthem

    and since when is a Chasidishe Mayseh from a Peylishe Tzaddik considered פאשענען אין א פרעמדע פעלד?

  7. I concur that many of Shlomo's stories are suspect. I think he takes stories and embellishes them, makes as if they happened with him, etc. He meant well.

  8. Ah, the 'love' that emanates from the Lubab for all those non Lubab!

    Carlebach stories are no less accurate than Lubab ones.True that that means little historically, but at least they are sweet and uplifting

  9. vml

    I thought RSC was a "Lubab", and they destroyed ths "future Reb Akiva Eiger", no?

  10. VML,
    Do you do anything besides think about Lubavitch all day?

  11. the pink elephants again....

  12. oich mir

    explain, please.

  13. speaking about stories from other Rabeim, in the famous sicha 5744 kom rabo shochtei lerav zayro, when the Rebbe said the story from the Modzitzer Rebbe, people at the farbrangen started pushing to try get closer and hear what the Rebbe was saying.

    The Rebbe said, when i say a story from AR, etc no one is excited, but when i relate a story from the Modzitzer....

    (disclaimer wording is not accuarate transalation of what the Rebbe said but rough recollection)

  14. it's a classic psychological example...
    tell somebody not to think of pink elephants & all he will think of is pink elephants.
    our friend VML seems not to be able to get lubavitch out of his system.

  15. I just hear from Rabbi eliezer Shore. The story came from:

    "The Haggadah of the Chassidic Masters" by
    Artscroll, on p. 158, in the commentary on the Nishmas prayer.

  16. well, now, if it's from ARTSCROLL it must be true....

  17. HT,
    Rabbi Shore did tell me, though, that he doesn't endorse this rendition of the story...

  18. CE

    I can't imagine why not, after all we're not speaking of some sensational Meyfes here.

  19. Speaking about stories from other Rabeim, in the famous sicha 5744 kom rabo shochtei lerav zayro, when the Rebbe said the story from the Modzitzer Rebbe, people at the farbrangen started pushing to try get closer and hear what the Rebbe was saying.

    Shoyn: Which Modzitzer Rebbe, please? Could you tell me where I can find a copy of that Sicha? Which volume of Likkutei Sichos? Much appreciated!

    The Rebbe said, when i say a story from AR, etc no one is excited, but when i relate a story from the Modzitzer....

    is AR = the Alter Rebbe? Perhaps people were just jaded with stories from Chabad Rabbeim, and when the Rebbe ZT"L cited OTHER Rebbes, this piqued their curiosity, since it was so unusual...

    Any more info on this would be most appreciated!

  20. Hirshel, It's takeh not a moyfes but in a way it's a bigger moyfes than a moyfes, given the attitudes then. (R Dovid Sears book re: relations to goyim wasn't printed yet at that time)

  21. More on the B'nei Yisaschar and goyim:

  22. It should be DER not Di the Bnai Yissoscher was a man not a women !


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