Thursday, January 19, 2006

גם אנחנו

Orthodox say: "why not us?" to Jewish outreach.

at least somebody still remembers who came up with the whole idea...

They say B'shem Rabbi Hodakov, that חב"ד האט נישט קיין פאטענט אף הפצת היהדות , and we encourage everybody to come and do the same. It's just nice to get some recognition some time, that's all.



  1. the recognition was by the article writer....not he other 'outreach workers/visionaries'

  2. tzig,
    The motivation of the misnagdim is faaaaaar from pure - these programs were started primarily to fight Chabad.
    But, as it says in the big smart book - kinnas seifrim trabeh chochmoh. As a result, Chabad is now also doing something to compete with the 'snags - the new "learning program" (forgot the official name) was started because the 'snags all over the map come to Chabad mekurovim and tell them that "Chabad is nice [insert a pious smile], but we are here for those that are interested in serious Torah learning…”
    So in the end it is all "good for the Jews" (except, of course, for those unfortunate souls the ‘snags are successful in snatching).

  3. oops - tarbech, not trabeh

  4. אמאל קומען זיי צונוץ אייכעט
    whatever it takes to light the fire under shluchim to work harder is fine by me. There's no question that by the Rebbe iz shiurei teyreh bei di shluchim geven gohr a choshuve zach. If we can make Lomdim fun mekurovim iz hakeyl revach.

  5. the article talks about establishing an 'undercover snag house' at columbia university..every campus is a great place to find yidden and new york has more than a few so columbia is perfect choice...but aish is looking at 2 things in pursuing its goals that are quite different than lubavitch!!! and the use of 'scientific formulaic presentations and manners of interaction with yidden to make them more observant (kind of like yushka folks {l'hvdl}who quote chapter and verse to prove their points), with no real mesirus nefesh ... lubavitch will go anywhere a yid maybe...even a state university or community college (no cash) and is looking to connect/reveal (with) another neshoma, no matter what it takes....... Nevertheless, i only see it as a positive that someone else is doing something even though there is something not real about presentation and the ulterior motive of cash that certainly fits into every aish equation...maybe its ok...its nice to pay bills!

  6. N

    I think in the case of Aish they see Lubavitch as their "competition" competing for "market share". Their motives may have been pure, or may not have, but now?

    I just don't see Rabbi Weinberg, the director, a real Lubavitch-hater, as someone who does it for the Mitzvah, he just doesn't seem the type. With Lubavitchers it may not be the case either, at least not naturally, but the Rebbe changed that. He made it the goal of Shluchim to do it for the Mitzvah, with very few exceptions.

  7. Tzig, you are right about Weinberg - he is a real anti-Semite.
    Re motivation: doing something shelo lesheim shomaim is not at all equivalent to being motivated by a desire to undermine someone else's efforts.

  8. 'R'Weinberg is an anti semite'
    Figures, if one is opposed to a group that many of it's adherents espouse their deceased leader as being one of the following:Creator of the world,Moshiach and alive or Moshiach and dead or Nosi Hador(though he died half a dor ago...)
    he must be an anti semite.Yeah, right!
    Typical bombastic comment from a Shaliach wannabee, stuck in Crown Heights.

  9. Tziggy, you don't need to bend over backwards by saying: "With Lubavitchers it may not be the case either, ....the Rebbe changed that' the intentions and the means of lubavitchers is generally real and for the most part pure. A large number of guys in aish yeshiva had some shychis with lubav before they got there...maybe there is a fifth column rising in his yeshiva that weinbergf wants to squash! to say they see lubavitch as competition is to say the hardware store on 16th avenue sees home depot as its competition...aish is not demented...they are looking to spread torah but cash is very intertwined over this the forum to share detailed loshen hora...

  10. If Aish HaTorah is havin huge upsherin parties they ain't really Litvish.That ain't the Litvish way.

  11. Litvish

    who said they wanna be Litvish, R' Noach Weinberg is a Slonimer einikel, no?

    besides, וואס טוט מען ניט פאר א פאר דאלער?


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