Monday, January 16, 2006

Spodiks, Spodiks everywhere

In no particular order:

Reb Moshe of Stolin, hy"d

Harav AY HaCohen Kook

HaRav Yitzchok Hutner

HaRav Isser Zalman Meltzer of Slutzk-Jerusalem

The Rebbe Rayatz, N"E

the spodik of the Frierdige Rebbe, N"E

The Aruch HaShulchan, RYM Halevi Epstein of Novardek

His brother-in-law, the Netziv of Volozhin

The Netziv's son (בזוו"ר) HaRav Chaim Berlin of Volozhin- Moscow-Jerusalem

The Netziv's son-in-law, Harav Refoel Shapiro of Novo-Alexanderovsk and Volozhin

HaRav Moshe Mordechai Epstein of Slabodka

All the Litvishe Rabbonim learned in Volozhin, so what does that say about the hat?

Did I miss anybody?


  1. In a previous post you had it correct that RYM Epstein wrote the Aruch Hashulchan. His nephew wrote the Torah Temimah.

  2. Thanks BB, it's been since corrected.

    (at least somebody here is paying attention.....)

  3. The fridicker rebbe's spodek has the"yarmulka" onto like the riziner rebbes (boyn, sadi-gur, kapishnitz etc..)

    thought i'd point that out to ya.

    regards from lakewood.....

  4. yw editor

    the difference is that the FR's shtreimel was much higher to begin with, thus the Yarmulke didn't protrude like the Ruzhiner Shtraymel does.

    Thanks for the regards.

  5. who needed Chasidishe Rebbes when the Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshiva looked just as holy?

  6. Misnagedel,
    R' Hutner was a Litvak who wore a Spodik.

    Whats your point?

  7. My point is that for many the whole difference between Chasidim and Misnagdim is the dress. However, if Litvishe Rabbonim also wear the shtraymel, and they have Torah to boot, without all the naarishkeiten, then why bother with Chassidishe Rebbes?

    Rav Hutner wore the regular Peylishe Spodik because he was from Warsaw.

  8. I beleive that the Rayatz wore a spodek after leaving Lubavitch.
    nesiei Chabad would not wear the Shtreimel when out of the town Lubavitch, so while the PR lived in poland he aquited the 'Sputnik' in it's place...

  9. overheard

    see this picture.

    it's pre-Poland.

    also Polish spodiks were black, not brown.

  10. I've seen the photo before, where was it taken?

    I asked an older chassid in 770 yesterday and he said that when the government outlawed shtreimelach in russia, the Rashab stopped wearing it. Although it was later legalized the Rebbeim did't put it back on, instead the kolpek was worn in its place... I dunno

  11. overheard

    the photo of the Frierdige Rebbe? I would say in America.

    The Gezeiras HaLevushim was started before the Rebbe Rashab became Rebbe, so maybe you mean the Rebbe MaHaRash? or the RR before the Nesius?

  12. Tzig

    you forgot about the Chasam Sofer, the Ksav Sofer, Reb Shimon Sofer, Reb AkivEiger, amongst others, or did you?

  13. we know the Aruch Hashulchan had a hadras ponim, but what about the teyre tmime?

  14. HT,
    You said it was pre-Poland! Now you say it's from America??
    You must be confused - this is the one you referred to:

  15. the one in this post is America, the other is pre-Poland.

  16. 1. You missed a certain " rebbe" in BP who wears the spodik.
    2.In fact this hat is called a kolpek not a spodik. The hat Gerer and some other Peylisher wear on Shabbes is a Spodik, this hat is worn by Rebbes on lesser Yamim tovim egpurim etc.There are clear fashion differences in its appearance and construction.
    I spoke to the late Reb Chaim Lieberman about this subject.
    What we call a shtreimel is the kolpek. The rebbes never wore a shtreimel like the Galicianer rebbes.
    In Lubavitch the Rashab wore a kasket of plain material on weekdays and on Shabbes a kolpek. In Russia outside of Lubavitch on Shabbes he wore a silk kasket, in West Europe he wore a hat(fedora) or so I think. The Rayaatz before he was a rebbe wore a kasket on shabbes made of silk too.
    All of this in the name of Reb Chaim Lieberman Z"L
    Again a call for a return to our native dress the kasket. Or do we need to look like buisness amn or Yeshiva MEN or the rich middle class of Boro Park and flatbush. Lets get back to our true origins.

  17. 1. The Tora Tmimmah Reb Baruch was the son not nephew of the Aruch hashulchan.
    The Rizhiner shtreimel is exactly like any other shtreimel except that they chose to wear the kippah extended out rather than in. The Bluzhover rebbe reb Israel also wore it like that , and he was no Rizhiner eynikel. I saw other jews in BP wear it like that too
    It seems that the zmach Zedek may have worn it in that fashion too.

  18. the bluzhever shtreimel is different from the rizhiner. the rishiner comes to a point.


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