Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Vote for struggle

It seems to me that the AR, together with him wanting עבודה מכח עצמו also didn't want daily life to be easy, religious life that is. They say in the name of Reb Yekusiel Liepler that he was wont to say;

א מתנגד איז ווי א פארטרעט, ווי היינט ווי נעכטן ווי מארגען
א חסיד איז ווי א ווערימל, קריכט אריין און קריכט ארויס

A Chossid doesn't have it easy, he can't just put it into "auto-pilot" and his live his life for the next 80 years doing the same good thing forever.

That seems to be a fact today, maybe more so now than in previous generations, my question is as follows:

Was there some sort of pre-ordained master plan for Lubavitchers to have it harder in life, and to only reap what to sow? Do their select Neshomos, chosen for Tomchei Tmimim, also come with built-in select Yetzer HoRahs?

I see these Grubbe Baalibatishe people who don't put 5 seconds into their kids' Chinuch, yet they have wonderful, well-behaved children, how come? (This is not a "why do bad things happen to good people" question), yet with Lubavitcher Chassidim it's gotta be all hard work, and even that is never, ever guranteed in today's world, why?

If this was a pre-ordained request of the AR, my question would be; why? Is it to discourage מצות אנשים מלומדה or similar approaches to Yiddishkeit? It seems like the Rabbeyim were of the opinion that MAM is worse than no observance at all (well, not exactly) and that every day needs to be a struggle just to "stay afloat".

There's a lot to add here, hopefully they'll be discussed in the pursuing comments.


  1. xcuse me Billy, but by observing a "baalaboss" for a few minutes, does not tell you anything about that persons strugles triumphs etc.
    If you see he has good childern, most likely HE is part of reason.
    I think your statement שמעקט of chabad uber alles.

  2. Tzibaleh
    I think you shmek of Chabad inferiority complex. I'm speaking of people that I've known for 20-30 years, and that never gave their kids the time of day, but maybe it's Bizchus other things.

  3. I dont see why you mix Chinuch ha'bonim together with MAM

    Children are just to complex to really understand why they grow up diffrent.

    we have to say a copule of varme kapitlich thilim and try our best and add another copule of varme kapitlich thilim

  4. As to your question

    I don’t understand why you think that misnagdim or chagasniks have it any easier.

    Because you know a couple of verter from the chabad rebbies and top it off with pregdigest vort form a chabad chosid that does not make it any easier for the misnagdim.
    True their avadoa might have a diffrent focus

    study their musser and and see if they have any easier

  5. MAM can be mixed with Chinuch HaBonim, because if you're mechanech your kids for the wrong reasons, i.e. because of society, then that's what it is, MAM.

  6. ever see the sumsen of reb yocnon zl of karlin you should wee what he demands from his chasidim

  7. 1)The entire creation is based on "Rotzo Veshuv" - you know what I am referring to - everything works with this rule that you need to constantly balance the perfect and the opposite. Otherwise this lowly world would not come into being in the way it exists; it would be a total spiritual existence. Which brings us to the AR’s approach of understanding this phenomenon and dealing with it in an honest way?

    2) Good kids... has a lot to do with the social aspect of life. Kids are impressionable and thrive on feeling good - "self esteem" as we call it - and that is attained mostly from secure surroundings especially at home. So a Gruber Balaboss could in essence sometimes provide a very strong sense of security dvaka by being "Grub", same goes for "Grube" Roshei Yeshivah, Rebbes, Rabbonim (not chas vesholom implying that any are) they imbue self esteem in their constituents etc. Whereas if your avodas hashem is based on "nisht naren zich" in a world that was created on the pretext of "Emes Omar Al Yivro" it is and will remain a constant struggle.

    3) There is a letter from the FR that addresses the Chabad Syndrome very articulately also mentioning kids etc. ask your "Local Rabbi" for the mare moray - Veda"l

  8. Correction on last line, should read: "Mareh Mokaym"

  9. I guess you don't want to "mach epes fun zich", that's why you write anonymously?

  10. OK call me "H Moose" and then speculate if I am The Rebbetzin CM
    (Hakriah V'hakdusha)
    LOL ;)

  11. There you go again,repeating foolish negative stereotypes about snags.Will you ever learn?


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