Friday, March 10, 2006

on "חכמים הזהרו בדבריכם"

(oil on canvas?) by Yaacov Kaszemacher


With this quote - of Chachomim Hizharu BiDivreychem - we see the old "krenk" of selective criticism. Are we Chas VeSholom to blame the Rashb"I for authoring the Zohar when the results are that Goyim and Amiratzim and Mechalelei Shabbos are learning Zohar wholesale? Are we to blame Chas Vesholom the Nevi'im for giving Goyim their religion based on faulty learning of Nac"h? Obviously not. Torah was made for Baalei Seychel, and Chachomim were meant to be careful that THEY - the Baalei Seychel - not learn the wrong Pshat in their words. Idiots will learn whatever they want from whomever.


  1. It Don't look like oil on canvas from here...

  2. Tzig
    Honestly now, when was the last time you opened a seifer?
    You rants are becoming sillier and more partisan day by day.
    I understand that you are trying to deflect critiscm of the Rebbe when people realize how strong and widespread the 'yellow fever' aka Meshichisten are, who base their wierd beliefs on the Rebbes public discourses-But, hey, lets stop a sec and think:It's not the Rebbes fault that they are 'twisting' his words, since he thought he was
    speaking to 'ba'alei seichel',AND even so, so many misinterpreted his meaning THAT must mean there are a lot of feeble minded folks in Lubavitch,right?If so why would someone look to 'convert' to a place full of such feeble minded 'nebs'?Veid vhu haikor, what would attract so many feeble minded mekurovim?I never heard that the Rogatchover or R'Chaim Brisker had a problem with such people, since, you see, such feeble minded people were not attracted there.
    Btw mazel tov on the new 'yellov fevernik' Matityahu aka Mathew Miller, who has managed to sneak a Yechi into one of his lovely 'chasidic' songs


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