Tuesday, October 17, 2006

CT Links

"Moshe F." is repenting

Tough crowd in Monsey, they don't just forgive

Washington Post explores 770's


  1. I dont know which is worse the letter (allegedly) from the MF or the poster against the MF.
    The poster is outrageous, but the letter made me want to puke in a way unlike i have ever puked before.

  2. Is it bad that I see nothing wrong with the "Monsey's answer to Finkel".

    I think Moshe F's request for forgiveness is pitiful at best.

  3. when off the wall meshichistin start using medrashim to prove their point, you will also get kanoim using medrashim for their purpose.

    soon we'll have terrorism justified by another medrash

  4. He doesn't have money to give to the people of Monsey, but he does have money for shoychad to the gedolei yisroel (not that I expect any to accept it from him)

  5. Why don't they just ask this R' Neuwirth if it's real?

  6. i dont know who "R' Neuwirth" is but im pretty sure this letter is authentic, 1stly the fact that we "could" go and find out who is R' Neuwirth and him, 2ndly the whole monsey got it and 3rdly it came in the envelope with his return address, and why would anyone else write in his name (unless his family?)

  7. Rav Yehoshua Neuwirth is a Talmid Muvhak of Reb Shlomo Z Auerbach and the author of שמירת שבת כהלכתה, I assume Finkel's referring to him.

  8. The 770 shots are funny. But honestly, they tend not to look to hot in their settings (ridiculous actually) and the idea itself is corny to say the least.
    Do you know what the Rebbe's take was on the early duplications of 770?

  9. (That should read: "too hot")

  10. I believe most of the duplications were after 3 Tammuz. The only exception would be the one in Kfar Chabad, where it was built as per the Rebbe's instructions.

  11. What about Cunin's 770 in California?

  12. I think the Kfar Chabad 770 is the only one built to the exact architectural proportions as the original building; right down to the cracks in the windows and the "Schlage" lock on the front door (rumor sez that it uses the same key as the Bklyn address).

    The others are stylized imitations, some extremely campy-cheesy like CGI Quebec.

  13. Melbourne is a very good duplication of the facade, though the inside of the building is quite different.

  14. No way - Cunin has more than one - I'm talking about the first one (UCLA)

  15. Cunin has two of them, the one on 741 Gayley was the first model 770 built in the world with the advise of the Rebbetzin (I don't remember the exact details, but they can be found in sefer on 770 that came out recently)
    The second is the massive girls school which was built only very recently

  16. The Washington Post was duped. Lubavitch is the largest group of ultra-orthodox Hasidic Jews ?
    Give me a break.
    Attention Washington Post-do some fact-checking next time.

  17. Oh grow up will you. Next week they'll write that Satmar is, so what?

  18. Well, largest in that they have the largest "footprint" around the world. Doesn't THAT count for something?

    OTOH, I generally agree that fact-checking in the news media is pretty thin. Makes for good blog-fodder though, dunnit? ;-)>


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